Chapter 9 - Red Hope @ redhope.net

Chapter 9 - Red Hope @ redhope.net

Chapter 9 - Red Hope @ redhope.net


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"My queen," the stratègos started and stopped at the queen's warning look."It makes sense, commander." The queen licked her lips, yet she shoved her nervous feeling away. Shedidn't have time to be even remotely fearful. "I can lure her away from the battle. We can setup a trapand capture her. If Yakut can't free her then... she'll have to be killed."Melosa said nothing and kept reserved. Inwardly she was somewhat impressed that Gabrielle wouldsacrifice herself. Earlier when Gabrielle had asked Melosa to still pose as queen to help hide Gabrielle'sslavery brand, she'd wondered what Gabrielle was thinking or not thinking as it were. Melosa was aheartbeat away from refusing, yet she hadn't done it. She instead accepted and certainly not to helpGabrielle, but Melosa saw an opening to remind Gabrielle that she wasn't meant to be queen. Melosanow just had to play her cards right."We're going to need a Hades of a trap," Iolaus softly murmured.Hercules slotted his eyes and stated, "I think I can restrain her."Gabrielle brushed her bangs back then argued, "She'll be strong, Hercules."Hercules grinned.Iolaus chuckled deeply. "So is Herc. If he can't do it, then nobody can."Gabrielle slowly nodded and gave into the idea. She ran the rough concept through her head, and herhand slipped down to Foalan. She idly petted him while she considered the idea."It may work," the stratègos agreed.The queen could tell that Commander Kaylee wanted to give the plan a try. She had to agree that it maywork, but she wasn't so sure how they could kill an automaton."The river," Melosa softly mentioned. She'd been in her own thoughts, but she focused back on thegroup. "The Axius River... it's perfect."The stratègos had a confused look, yet she quickly caught onto Melosa's brilliant idea. "Melosa is right.If we can't free her then we can shove her over the gorge and into the Axius River. If the river's rushingwaters don't kill her then certainly her own body will do it."Gabrielle now understood what they were thinking. "She's made of steel... she'll sink.""And drown," the stratègos finished.The head councilor had silently listened, but she now asked, "And if we free her. What will become ofher?""I think that's up to her to decide," the queen answered. "We'll deal with that problem if it occurs. Ithink for now we have a better plan than where we were." She watched everybody nod, and shecontinued. "We'll need to..." Her words died when there was a loud banging at the door."My queen!" Vara broke into the meeting room and hastily explained, "I'm sorry, but we have a majorproblem."Commander Kaylee stood up and demanded, "What's happened?""Several young Amazons were out in the woods on a walk." Vara stepped more into the room. "Theywere secretly meeting up with some Centaur kids to play with." She hesitated then revealed, "Draco

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