Wayne H. (“J.R.”) Osborn, Jr. - Georgetown University

Wayne H. (“J.R.”) Osborn, Jr. - Georgetown University

Wayne H. (“J.R.”) Osborn, Jr. - Georgetown University

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Curriculum Vitae<strong>Wayne</strong> H. (“J.R.”) <strong>Osborn</strong>, <strong>Jr</strong>.<strong>Georgetown</strong> <strong>University</strong>Communication, Culture & Technology519 Decatur Street NWWashington, DC 20011Telephone: 202-503-7207E-mail: w.h.osborn@gmail.comEDUCATION2008 Ph.D. in Communication, <strong>University</strong> of California-San Diego (UCSD)Dissertation: “The Type of Calligraphy: Writing, Print, and Technologies of the ArabicAlphabet” (Awarded 2008 Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation in African and MiddleEastern Studies from the UCSD African and African-American Studies ResearchProject)Committee: Carol Padden (Chair), Bennetta Jules-Rosette (Co-Chair), Irene Bierman-McKinney, Gary Fields, Brian Goldfarb, Chandra Mukerji2003 M.A. in Communication, <strong>University</strong> of California-San Diego (UCSD)Study Areas: Communication as a Social Force, Communication and Culture, History ofMedia, Communication and Information ProcessingMedia Production: Certificate in Ethnographic Film1997 B.A. (with Honors) in Religious Studies, Grinnell College, IowaPhi Beta KappaStudy abroad: Pitzer College of External Studies, ZimbabweACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS2010- <strong>Georgetown</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Washington, DCAdjunct Professor, Communication, Culture & Technology2009-10 The American <strong>University</strong> in Dubai, Dubai, United Arab EmiratesAssistant Professor, Department of Visual Communication2008 The Catholic <strong>University</strong> of America, Washington, DCAdjunct Professor, Department of Media Studies2006-07 <strong>University</strong> of California-San Diego, La Jolla, CALecturer, Department of Communication

<strong>Osborn</strong> C.V., page 2RESEARCHInterests:Projects:Media Aesthetics, Semiotics, Graphic Design, History of the Book, New Media, History ofTechnology, Audio/Video/Interactive Practice, Scripts and Writing, Diagrams, Typography,Islamic and African ArtLetters of Light: Arabic Script in Calligraphy, Print and Digital Design – bookcontract with Harvard <strong>University</strong> Press to produce an analysis of the relationship betweenArabic script and media technologies.Digital Unmixing – design and programming of interactive touch-screen applications tosupport viewer interaction with artworks. Collaborations with Smithsonian Institutionmuseums and university art galleries (see list).Glitter Dust: Finding Art in Dubai – Produced and edited feature-length documentaryexploring contemporary art and globalization in the Persian Gulf. Film premiered at 5 th GulfFilm Festival, Dubai UAE (2012) and has screened in 7 film festivals across 5 countries (seelist).Diagrammatica – Online curatorial project classifying and analyzing diagrams as spatialschemas for the conceptual representation.SCHOLARLY ACTIVITY (SUMMARY)∗ Author or co-author of 7 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters, 3 book reviews,and 5 editor reviewed publications (see list)∗ Producer and/or director of 1 feature-length documentary and 4 short films (see list)∗ Programmer and Designer of 6 digital projects and installations (see list)∗ Media technology and design consultant for museums and industry (see list)∗ Mentor to 5 Masters and Doctoral students (see list)TEACHING COMPETENCEFields:Courses:Critical and Cultural Studies – History of Media, Cultural Studies of Media andCommunication, Visual Culture, New Media, Technology Studies, Film Studies,Communication Theory, Graphic Design, Writing Systems, Semiotic Analysis, MiddleEastern and African Art, Art HistoryApplied Media Skills – Multimedia Production, Documentary Film, Web Design, WebAnimation and Interactivity, Graphic DesignIntroductory, Undergraduate, and Graduate level (see list)LANGUAGESProficiency:Familiarity:Arabic, German, TurkishFrench, Ottoman Turkish, Shona

<strong>Osborn</strong> C.V., page 3FELLOWSHIPS AND GRANTS2007 Newberry Library Research Fellowship, Chicago, IL2005 Research Travel GrantInstitute for International and Comparative Area Studies, UCSD2005 Friends of the UCSD International Center Fellowship2004 American Institute of Yemeni Studies Arabic Language Study Grant2001-05 San Diego Graduate FellowshipAWARDS2012 Outstanding Online and Digital Instruction AwardUCSD African and African-American Studies Research Center2011 Outstanding Program Service and Dedication RecognitionAssociation for Africanist Anthropology2009 President’s Award for Outstanding Service (Shared)American <strong>University</strong> in Dubai2008 Graduate Student Essay PrizeAssociation for Africanist Anthropology2008 Outstanding Dissertation Award in African and Middle Eastern StudiesUCSD African and African-American Studies Research Project2008 Nominee for USCD Outstanding Graduate Student Award2005 Flame Award for Teaching, Scholarship and Community DedicationNational <strong>University</strong>2004 Outstanding Video Award in African and Diaspora StudiesUCSD African and African-American Studies Research Project2002 Outstanding Graduate Research AwardUCSD African and African-American Studies Research ProjectPUBLICATIONS2012 “New Jack African Cinema: Hollywood in Action” (with Bennetta Jules-Rosette). InMaryellen Higgins, ed. Hollywood’s Africa After 1994. Columbus, OH: Ohio <strong>University</strong> Press.(book chapter)2012 “Marcelo Lima: Postcards from the Aesthetic Diaspora.” In Marcelo Guimarães Lima,Heterochronia & Vanishing Viewpoints: Art Chronicles and Essays. Kensington VIC, Australia:Metasenta Publications. (foreword)2011 “Review: Helvetica and the New York City Subway System: The True (Maybe) Story.” Design andCulture 3,4: 603-605. (book review)2011 “Review: Enfoldment and Infinity: An Islamic Genealogy of New Media Art.”Design and Culture 3,3: 409-411. (book review)2010 “Tankei Murayama on Modern Japanese Calligraphy” (with Marcelo Guimarães Lima,Tankei Murayama, and T. Kato). Panoptikon Papers: On Contemporary Visual Culture. Dubai,UAE. ISSN 1996-0344. (editor reviewed paper)

<strong>Osborn</strong> C.V., page 42009 “Narratives of Arabic Script: Calligraphic Design and Modern Spaces.” Design and Culture 1,3:289-306. (refereed journal article)2009 “Building Cultural Capital: Contemporary Art in Dubai and the African Art Circuit” (withKaty Chang). Panoptikon Papers: On Contemporary Visual Culture. Dubai, UAE. ISSN 1996-0344. (editor reviewed paper)2009 Basically Human: Conditional Identities | Conditional Spaces. New York, NY: School of VisualArts/ American <strong>University</strong> in Dubai. (art catalog descriptions)2009 “Review: Arabesque: Graphic Design from the Arab World and Persia.”Design and Culture 1,1: 147-148. (book review)2009 “Unmixing the Chaos: African and Diasporic Art on Display in Global Context” (withBennetta Jules-Rosette). Critical Interventions: A Journal of African Art History and Visual Culture1,3: Interrogating African Modernity. (refereed journal article)2007 Newberry Library Holdings related to Arabic Script, the Printing of Arabic Characters, and MiddleEastern Print. Chicago, IL: Newberry Library. (library finding aid)2006 “Islamic Traditions of the Book: Calligraphy, Performance, and Print.” International Journal ofthe Book. 3,3:33-38. (refereed journal article)2005 “Theory-Pictures as Trails: Diagrams and the Visualization of Theoretical Narratives.”Cognitive Science Online, 3,2:15-44. (refereed online journal article)2005 “Spectacular Colleges and Spectacular Rankings: The U.S. News Rankings of American“Best” Colleges.” (with Gordon Chang). Journal of Consumer Culture, 5:3. (refereed journalarticle)2005 “Islamic Calligraphy as Recitation: The Visual Expansion of Divine Words.” Humanities andTechnology Review 24. (refereed journal article)FILM AND MEDIA PRODUCTIONS2012 Cinématon: Behind the Scenes – documentary short (5 minutes)2011 Glitter Dust: Finding Art in Dubai (Directed by Katy Chang) – feature-length documentary film(63 minutes). Producer, Co-Director, and Editor. www.glitterdustfilm.com* Official Gulf Feature Selection, 5 th Gulf Film Festival, Dubai UAE, 2012* Official “Friends and Neighbors” Selection, 29 th Jerusalem International Film Festival,Israel 2012* Official Selection, Carmel Art and Film Festival, Carmel, CA 2012* Official Selection, 21 st Brisbane International Film Festival, Australia 2012* Official Selection, 10 th Red Wasp Film Festival, Bryan, TX, 2012* Official Selection, 5 th Sofia Middle East and North Africa Film Festival, Sofia, Bulgaria,2013* Official Selection, Beloit International Film Festival, Beloit, WI, 20132010 GesturoDubai (Directed by Katy Chang) – 4-minute video tutorial.Producer and Editor.2008 Nanjing Road (Directed by Katy Chang) – 11-minute narrative film.Producer and Editor.

<strong>Osborn</strong> C.V., page 52003 Searching for the Qur’an – documentary short (20 minutes).Producer (with Devon Smith), Director, and Editor.* Outstanding Video Award in African and Diaspora StudiesUCSD African and African-American Studies Research ProjectDIGITAL PROJECTSUnmixing:Touch-screen digital interfaces for educating students and museum patrons about visualcomposition of artworks. Programing and Design.2012 The 18-Cent Washington – postage stamp design2011 Cheik Ledy’s Non Comprendre! – contemporary African painting2010 Osman Waqialla’s Ya-Sin – Arabic calligraphic painting2007 Chéri Samba’s Autoportrait (with Bennetta Jules-Rosette) – contemporary African paintingOther:2006- Diagrammatica – online gallery of social science diagrams2003 “Shanghai Gardens” – interactive interface for photography series of Shanghai neon.Programmer and Designer (with Ge Jin).* Included in Memefest 2003 competition exhibit.SCHOLARLY PRESENTATIONS AND PERFORMANCES2012 Invited Session: “Remixing Rouch: Collaborative Discovery In the Visions and Noise ofEthnographic Media” presented at the 111th Annual Meeting of the American AnthropologicalAssociation, San Francisco, CA, November 16, 2012.2012 “Remixes and Collaboration,” public discussion at the Hillyer Art Space, Washington, DC,July 19, 20122012 Invited Presentation: “Remixing Rouch: Camera and Noise” presented at Mediated Borders:Rouch, Reversal, and Reflections on Ethnographic Film, <strong>University</strong> of California, San Diego, La JollaCA, May 24, 2012.2011 Invited Session: “Unmixing the Trace: A Digital Interaction with African Art” presented atthe 110th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Montreal, Quebec,November 17, 2011.2011 “Unmixing African Art: A Digital and Performative Interaction,” presented at Circuits andConnections: A Symposium on Africa and the African Diaspora, <strong>University</strong> of California, San Diego,La Jolla CA, May 27, 2011.2011 “Calligraphic Typefaces: The New Media of Arabic Typography” presented at Discourse 2.0:Language and New Media, the 2011 <strong>Georgetown</strong> <strong>University</strong> Roundtable on Language andLinguistics, Washington, DC, March 12, 2011.2010 “GesturoDubai” (gestural dance performance piece), with Katy Chang, performed at DubaiCommunity Theatre and Arts Centre, Dubai, UAE, March 14, 2010.2010 Invited Session: “Unmixing Khartoum: Artistic and Global Permutations of SudaneseCalligraphic Art” presented at the 109th Annual Meeting of the American AnthropologicalAssociation, New Orleans, LA, November 19, 2010.

<strong>Osborn</strong> C.V., page 62010 Invited Lecture “Video Before/After Video” (with Marcelo Guimarães Lima) presented atVideo’Appart Paris-Dubai Biennial, Dubai, UAE, March 24, 2010.2009 “Building Cultural Capital: Contemporary Art in Dubai and the Global Art Circuit” (withKaty Chang), presented at Revisiting Modernization, <strong>University</strong> of Ghana, Legon, Ghana, July29, 2009.2008 “Triangulating Arabic Script: The Shape of the Letter Across Three Communities”presented at the 107th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco,CA, November 22, 2008.2008 “Playing with Signs: The Strategy of Digital Unmixing and the Anthropology of Art”presented at the 24th Annual Visual Research Conference of Society for Visual Anthropology, SanFrancisco, CA, November 17, 2008.2007 Invited Session: “Writing From The Margins: Technological Narratives of ArabicTypography” presented at the 106th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association,Washington, D.C., December 1, 2007.2007 “Calligraphic Art as Anthropological Text: Rewriting The Encounter of Islamic Traditionand Contemporary Aesthetics” presented at the 2007 National Communication AssociationAnnual Meetings, Chicago, IL, October 2007.2007 “Unmixing the Chaos: African and Diasporic Art on Display in Global Context” (withBennetta Jules-Rosette) presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association,New York, NY, October 19, 2007.2007 Invited Presenter “Writing From The Margins” presented at Khatt Kufi and Kaffiya: The KhattFoundation Symposium on Visual Arabic Culture, Amsterdam, Netherlands, August 24, 2007.2006 “A Drink at the Bar, A Dream of Afar: The Bar as Liminal Space in African and DiasporicCinema” presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association, San Francisco,CA, November 17, 2006.2006 Invited Session: “Writing the Self in the Painting of Letters: The School of Khartoum AndContemporary Calligraphic Art” presented at the 105th Annual Meeting of the AmericanAnthropological Association, San José, CA, November 16, 2006.2006 “We are Hip-Cap” (PowerPoint performance) performed at Communication in the Wild,<strong>University</strong> of California-San Diego, CA, May 19, 2006.2006 “Factory School: A Modular Platform for Publishing, Data Assembly, and Performance”presented at the <strong>University</strong> of California Digital Arts Research Network (UCDARnet) GraduateResearch Info/Xchge, Los Angeles, CA, April 28, 2006.2006 “The Nature of the Book” (with Bill Marsh) performed at &Now 2006,Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, IL April 7, 2006.2006 “Film as Text: Orientalism, Colonialism, and Ghostwriting,” presented at the Josephine BakerFilm Symposium, <strong>University</strong> of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, February 17, 2006.2005 “Mirroring Africa: Jean Rouch and Collaborative Reversal in Documentary andEthnographic Film,” presented at the 48th Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association,Washington, D.C. November 17, 2005.2005 “Islamic Traditions of the Book: Calligraphy, Performance, and Print,” presented at the ThirdInternational Conference on the Book, Oxford Brookes <strong>University</strong>, Oxford, England, September13, 2005.

<strong>Osborn</strong> C.V., page 72005 “Poetry in Gesturo-Haptic Translation” (with Bill Marsh), presentedat the 2005 Annual Meeting of the Popular Culture Association, San Diego, CA, March 20, 2005.2005 “Identity Construction and Diasporic Transnationalism,” presented at the Dangerous GroundFilm Symposium, <strong>University</strong> of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, February 4, 2005.2004 “Translation Station: Jan Patocka” (gestural dance performance), performed at San DiegoPoetry Guild Showcase San Diego, CA, October 27, 2004.2004 “Islamic Calligraphy as Recitation: The Visual Expansion of Divine Words,” presented at the26th Annual Meeting of the Humanities and Technology Association, York College, York, PA,October 15, 20042004 “What We Do” (gestural dance performance), performed at Communication in the Wild,<strong>University</strong> of California-San Diego, CA, April 16, 2004.2004 Invited Performance “Desperanto and the Use of Kinesthetic Translation in ScholarlyPerformance” (with Bill Marsh), performed at Plasmatica 040404: Unfolding of New Structures inOld Spaces, <strong>University</strong> of California, Berkeley, CA April 4, 2004.2004 “A [Tentative] Outline for Symbol Formation,” presented at San Diego Poetry Guild Showcase,San Diego, CA, January 16, 2004.2004 “The Fluid Meanings of Abstraction: Higher Education and the U.S. News Rankings ofColleges” (with Gordon Chang), presented at the 99th Annual Meeting of the AmericanSociological Association: Public Sociologies, San Francisco, CA, August 17, 2004.2003 “Desperanto” (with Bill Marsh) (poetry-dance performance), performed at AV Text Fest #6,Mexicali, MX, April 11, 2003 and Hotels/Motels Exhibition, San Diego, CA, December,December 20, 2003.2002 “The Shape of Recitation: Qur’anic Calligraphy as Extension of the Letter,” presented at theThirteenth Annual Berkeley Graduate Symposium: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Study of VisualRepresentation, <strong>University</strong> of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, March 16, 2002.COURSES TAUGHT2013 Advanced Documentary Filmmaking (Masters-level seminar and lab),Communication, Culture & Technology, <strong>Georgetown</strong> <strong>University</strong>2010-13 Remix Culture and Remix Methods (Masters-level seminar and lab)Communication, Culture & Technology, <strong>Georgetown</strong> <strong>University</strong>2012 Technology and Museum Practice (Masters-level seminar and workshop)Communication, Culture & Technology, <strong>Georgetown</strong> <strong>University</strong>2011-12 Critical Making: Audio and Video (Masters-level lab)Communication, Culture & Technology, <strong>Georgetown</strong> <strong>University</strong>2012 Digital Media Production (intensive two-week certificate program with cameras,microphones, and multimedia editing)Center for Continuing and Professional Education, <strong>Georgetown</strong> <strong>University</strong>Week 1: Audio and Video DevelopmentWeek 2: Digital Filmmaking2012 Social Media Workshop for The Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) SummerLeadership Program, <strong>Georgetown</strong> <strong>University</strong>

<strong>Osborn</strong> C.V., page 82011-12 Fundamentals of Technology (Masters-level core course, 75+ students)Communication, Culture & Technology, <strong>Georgetown</strong> <strong>University</strong>2011 Graphic Design Studies (Masters-level seminar)Communication, Culture & Technology, <strong>Georgetown</strong> <strong>University</strong>2009-10 History of Graphic Design (Upper-level undergraduate lecture)Department of Visual Communication, The American <strong>University</strong> in Dubai2009-10 History of Art 1 and 2 (Undergraduate introduction)Department of Visual Communication, The American <strong>University</strong> in Dubai2009-10 Islamic Art and Architecture (Upper-level undergraduate lecture)Department of Visual Communication, The American <strong>University</strong> in Dubai2008 Media Rhetoric and Aesthetics (Upper-level undergraduate media lab)Department of Media Studies, The Catholic <strong>University</strong> of America.2006-07 Comics and Sequential Art (Advanced undergraduate seminar)Department of Communication, <strong>University</strong> of California-San Diego2006 Methods of Media Production (Introductory undergraduate lab)Department of Communication, <strong>University</strong> of California-San Diego2006 The Psychology of Filmic Language (Teaching Assistant)Department of Communication, <strong>University</strong> of California-San Diego2005 Ethnographic Film and Media Methods (Lab/Teaching Assistant)Department of Communication, <strong>University</strong> of California-San Diego2004-05 Methods of Media Production, 2004-2005 (Teaching Assistant)Department of Communication, <strong>University</strong> of California-San Diego2004 Communication and Culture (Teaching Assistant)Department of Communication, <strong>University</strong> of California-San Diego2003-04 Introduction to Communication (Teaching Assistant)Department of Communication, <strong>University</strong> of California-San DiegoCONSULTANCIES AND PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY2012 <strong>Georgetown</strong> <strong>University</strong> Digital Media Production Certificate – developed and implementedan intensive hands-on certificate program that raises novices and beginners to anintermediate skill-level in multimedia digital production.2012 Smithsonian Institution Travelling Exhibition Service (SITES) – working group discussionon the interactive strategy of digital unmixing2012 National Postal Museum, Smithsonian Institution: Unmixing the “18-cent Washington” –designed and programmed an interactive interface to teach elements of stamp composition.2011-12 Communication, Culture & Technology Program, <strong>Georgetown</strong> <strong>University</strong> – Developed acore Master’s-level “Fundamentals of Technology” course to present the technical workingsof digital technology for students of media and culture; advised on procurement ofequipment and software for the program’s media and communication lab.2006-12 Association for Africanist Anthropology (AfAA) – website design and maintenance ofonline presence.

<strong>Osborn</strong> C.V., page 102004 Sana’a Institute of Arabic Language, Sana’a, Yemen2003 School of Arabic Language Studies, Middlebury College2006 Seminar in Experimental Critical Theory (SECT): TechnoSphereS - FutureS of Thinking, ledby Anne Balsamo, <strong>University</strong> of California, Humanities Research Institute, Irvine, CAACADEMIC SERVICE AND EVENT ORGANIZATION2006-13 Board Member and Webmaster, Association for Africanist Anthropology2012 Chair, Co-organizer, Invited Session, “Mediated Borders: Rouch, Reversal, and Reflectionson Ethnographic Film” for the 111th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association,San Francisco, CA, November 16, 2012.2012 “Remixes and Collaboration,” public discussion at the Hillyer Art Space, Washington, DC,July 19, 20122012 Convener, Mediated Borders: Rouch, Reversal, and Reflections on Ethnographic Film, <strong>University</strong> ofCalifornia, San Diego, La Jolla CA, May 24, 2012.2011 Exhibit Organizer, Unmixing African Art, Geisel Library, <strong>University</strong> of California, San Diego,May 20112010-11 Technology Lab Organizing Committee,Communication, Culture & Technology (CCT), <strong>Georgetown</strong> <strong>University</strong>2005-08 Designer and Curator, Factory School (www.factoryschool.com)2001-08 Board Member, African and African-American Studies Research Project, <strong>University</strong> ofCalifornia-San Diego2007 Co-Organizer, Invited Session, “Signifiers of Social Inequality and Narratives of Inclusion inComparative Perspective” for the 106th Annual Meeting of the American AnthropologicalAssociation, Washington, DC2004-06 Curator and Organizer, Communication in the Wild (quarterly series of academic media, art andperformance showcases)2006 Co-Organizer, Invited Session, “Representing the Social Self: African Art andAnthropology” panel at the 105th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, SanJosé, CA.2006 Campus Organizer, MadCat Women's International Film Festival (Film screening of tour festivalprogram), May 24, 2006, <strong>University</strong> of California, San Diego.2006 Co-Organizer, Josephine Baker Film Symposium, <strong>University</strong> of California, San Diego, La Jolla,CA, February 17, 2006.2005 Co-Organizer, Dangerous Ground Film Symposium, <strong>University</strong> of California, San Diego, La Jolla,CA, February 4, 2005.2004-05 Graduate Student Representative, Hiring Committee: “Critical Studies in CommunicationTechnology” and “Digital Media Production and Theory,” Department of Communication,<strong>University</strong> of California-San Diego2003-04 Graduate Student Representative, Space and Equipment Committee, Department ofCommunication, <strong>University</strong> of California-San Diego

<strong>Osborn</strong> C.V., page 11STUDENTS2012 Saaret E. Yoseph, “Red, Read, Remix: A Documentary and Cultural Exploration of MetroGraffiti.” M.A. Thesis (with Distinction), <strong>Georgetown</strong> <strong>University</strong>2012 Gloria Sauti, “Anthropology in the Digital Age: An Analysis of Social Interaction onNetworking Sites.” Ph.D. Thesis, <strong>University</strong> of Witwatersrand, RSA2011 Matthew Marco, “The Form of the Web Browser and Its Social Effects.” M.A. Thesis,<strong>Georgetown</strong> <strong>University</strong>.2011 Jack Harrison, “Hearing the Gaze, Feeling the Sound: Directed Listening in Audio RemixCulture.” M.A. Thesis (with Distinction), <strong>Georgetown</strong> <strong>University</strong>.

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