SDS411 Dulux Trade Vinyl Matt 3

SDS411 Dulux Trade Vinyl Matt 3

SDS411 Dulux Trade Vinyl Matt 3


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<strong>SDS411</strong>DULUX TRADE VINYL MATTSAFETY DATA SHEETRevision 06/20091. IDENTIFICATION OF THE PREPARATION AND COMPANYPRODUCT NAME :<strong>Dulux</strong> <strong>Trade</strong> <strong>Vinyl</strong> <strong>Matt</strong>Supplied by : ICI Paints AkzoNobel, Wexham Road, Slough, Berkshire, SL2 5DS, U.K.E-mail address : duluxtrade_advice@ici.comEmergency Telephone : Slough +44 (0) 1753 550000INTENDED USEICI Paints AkzoNobel's decorative products are intended for use in the decoration of buildings surfaces. Refer to product label for details ofareas of use and methods of application.2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONThis product has been assessed under the CHIP Regulations and is classified as follows:Indication(s) of DangerNoneSymbol Letter(s)NoneCategory(ies) of DangerNoneWarning Label PhrasesNoneInformation on Occupational Exposure Limits is given in Section 8.<strong>SDS411</strong> <strong>Dulux</strong> <strong>Trade</strong> <strong>Vinyl</strong> <strong>Matt</strong> Page 1Revision: 06/2009

3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSSubstances presenting a physico-chemical, health or environmental hazard within the meaning of the CHIP Regulations or whichare assigned occupational exposure limits.EC No. CAS No. HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS % CLASSIFICATIONFor Pure Brilliant White265-150-3 64742-48-9 NAPHTHA (PETROLEUM),HYDROTREATED HEAVY1.0-2.5 Xn R10-65-66NO SUBSTANCES REQUIRED TO BE LISTED IN THIS SECTIONNote: The text for R phrase codes shown above (if any) is given in section 16.Note: 'EC Number' if quoted is the EINECS or ELINCS number.4. FIRST-AID MEASURESIn all cases of doubt, or where symptoms persist, seek medical attention. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.INHALATION: Remove to fresh air, keep patient warm and at rest. If breathing is irregular or stopped administer artificial respiration. Givenothing by mouth. If unconscious place in the recovery position. Seek medical advice.EYE CONTACT: Remove contact lenses. Irrigate copiously with clean, fresh water for at least 10 minutes, holding lids apart. Seek medicaladvice.SKIN CONTACT: Remove contaminated clothing, wash skin thoroughly with soap and water, or use a proprietary skin cleanser. Do not usesolvents or thinners. Seek medical advice if symptoms persist.INGESTION: If accidentally swallowed, DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. Keep at rest and obtain medical attention.5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESExtinguishing media: Recommended - alcohol resistant foam, CO2, powders.Not to be used - waterjet.Recommendations : Fire will produce dense black smoke. Exposure to decomposition products may cause a health hazard.Fire fighters should wear self-contained breathing apparatus.Closed containers exposed to fire should be cooled with water. Do not allow run-off from fire-fighting to enter drains or water-courses.6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESExclude non-essential personnel.Exclude sources of ignition and ventilate the area. Avoid breathing vapours. Refer to protective measures listed in section 8. Contain and collectspillage with non-combustible absorbent materials, eg sand, earth, vermiculite or diatomaceous earth, and place in container for disposalaccording to local regulations (see section 13). Do not allow to enter drains or watercourses. Clean preferably with a detergent; avoid use ofsolvents. If the product enters drains or sewers, immediately contact the local water company; in the case of contamination of streams, rivers orlakes, the relevant environment agency.<strong>SDS411</strong> <strong>Dulux</strong> <strong>Trade</strong> <strong>Vinyl</strong> <strong>Matt</strong> Page 2Revision: 06/2009

In onderstaande (Figuur 6) is de invloed vankerfwerking op de vermoeiingssterkteweergegeven. Duidelijk is dat een gepolijstoppervlak een aanzienlijk hogerevermoeiingssterkte heeft dan een gegroefdoppervlak.Met de moderne F.E.M analysemethoden kande grootte van spanningen die in eenconstructie optreden, vrij gedetailleerd wordenaangetoond. Op deze wijze kan door wijzigingvan het ontwerp een te hoge lokale spanningworden verminderd tot een niveau beneden demaximaal toelaatbare spanning.Figuur 6, invloed van het oppervlak op devermoeiingssterkte.Een lasverbinding heeft negatieve gevolgenvoor het dynamisch gedrag van eenonderdeel, doordat de vermoeiingssterkte vanhet gelaste materiaal beduidend lager is dandie van het basismetaal. Daarnaast ontstaatkerfwerking door de start- en stopplaatsenvan de lasnaad, hetgeen hetvermoeiingsgedrag niet ten goede komt. In deconstructie kan hiermee rekening wordengehouden.Legering 1 2 3 4+ toestandEN AW-1050 >100 - - -O/H111EN AW-1050 H14 - 30 40 60EN AW-1050 H18 - 40 50 80EN AW-3005 >100 - - -O/H111EN AW-3005 H14 - 40 50 90EN AW-5754 H14 35 90 100 140EN AW-5754 H18 - 90 100 150EN AW-5083 35 - - -O/H111En AW-5083 H14 - 100 110 140En AW-5083 H18 - 110 120 150EN AW-6060 T6 10 70 70 100EN AW-6063 T6 10 70 70 100EN AW-6082 T6 20 80 80 130Figuur 81= Kerfslagwaarde J/cm22= Wisselbelasting R=-1 13= Wisselbelasting R=-1 24= Zwelbelasting R=±0 3Figuur 7, gelaste verbindingen met links een hoge enrechts een lage vermoeiingssterkte (bron: TALAT).Gedurende de vereiste levensduur van eenconstructie mag vermoeiing niet leiden totbezwijken van het onderdeel. Devermoeiingsberekening kan net als bij staal,worden uitgevoerd op twee manieren:> Bepaling van de vermoeiingsschade D aanhet eind van de levensduur op basis van S-N lijnen (regel van Palmgren/Miner).> Bepaling van de levensduur op basis van descheurgroeisnelheid (wet vanParis/Erdogan).Aluminium CentrumVoorveste 2Postbus 1073990 DC HoutenTel: 030-638 55 66Fax: 030-638 55 67e-mail: info@aluminiumcentrum.nlInternet: www.aluminiumcentrum.nlAlhoewel dit informatieblad met de grootst mogelijke zorg is samengesteld kan hetAluminium Centrum op geen enkele wijze aansprakelijkheid aanvaarden voor deinhoud of juistheid van de verstrekte informatie. Niets uit deze uitgave mag wordenverveelvoudigd of openbaar gemaakt, zonder schriftelijke toestemming van hetAluminium Centrum. ® Copyright Aluminium Centrum,2011.

10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYCONDITIONS TO AVOID: Extremes of temperature.MATERIALS TO AVOID: Keep away from oxidising agents, strongly alkaline and strongly acidic materials in order to avoid exothermicreactions.HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: When exposed to high temperatures may produce hazardous decomposition products such ascarbon monoxide and dioxide, smoke and oxides of nitrogen.11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONThere is no data available on the product itself. The product has been assessed following the conventional method in the CHIP Regulations and isclassified for toxicological hazards accordingly. This takes into account, where known, delayed and immediate effects and also chronic effects ofcomponents from short-term and long-term exposure by oral, inhalation and dermal routes of exposure and eye contact. See Sections 2 and 15 fordetails of the resulting hazard classification.Over-exposures of vapour are irritating to eyes and respiratory system. Excessive concentrations may produce effects on the central nervoussystem including drowsiness. In extreme cases loss of consciousness may result. Long term exposure to vapour concentrations in excess ofquoted OELs may result in adverse health effects. Splashes entering the eye will cause discomfort and possible damage. Prolonged contact withthe skin may have a defatting effect which may lead to skin irritation and in some cases dermatitis.12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONThere is no specific data available on the product itself.The product should not be allowed to enter drains or watercourses or be deposited where it can affect ground or surface waters.The Air Pollution Control requirements of regulations made under the Environmental Protection Act may apply to the use of this product.Products classified as Marine Pollutants are indicated as such under Transport (section 14).Products classified as Dangerous For the Environment are indicated as such in sections 2 and 15.Any substances in the product that are classified as Dangerous for the Environment, present at concentrations above those requiring listing aregiven in section 3.13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSWastes, including emptied containers, should be disposed of in accordance with national regulations.CODES ACCORDING TO THE LIST OF WASTES REGULATIONS:Product as supplied: Assigned as non-hazardous waste code 08 01 12 waste paint and varnish other than those mentioned in 08 01 11.Part-used containers, containing dried residues of the supplied product: Assigned as non-hazardous waste code 08 01 12 waste paint and varnishother than those mentioned in 08 01 11Used containers, rigorously scraped out and containing dried residues of the supplied product: Assigned as non-hazardous waste code 15 01 02plastic packaging OR non-hazardous waste code 15 01 04 metal packaging."Rigorously scraped out" means removing the maximum amount of product from the container by physical or mechanical means (draining orscraping) to leave a residue or contamination that cannot be removed by such means.These codes have been assigned based on the actual composition of the product both as supplied and as dried residues. If mixed with otherwastes, the waste codes quoted may not be applicable.<strong>SDS411</strong> <strong>Dulux</strong> <strong>Trade</strong> <strong>Vinyl</strong> <strong>Matt</strong> Page 5Revision: 06/2009

14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONTransport within user's premises:Always transport in closed containers that are upright and secure. Ensure that persons transporting the product know what to doin the event of an accident or spillage.Transport to be in accordance with ADR for road, IMDG for sea. The transport classifications provided in this section are notvalid for transport by Air. Please call the number in section 1 of this safety data sheet to obtain more information on this productsclassification for Air transport.ADR Classification InformationIMDG Classification InformationUN Number : 0000 UN Number : 0000Proper Shipping Name : NOT APPLICABLE Proper Shipping Name : NOT APPLICABLEHazard Class : EX Hazard Class : EXSub-Hazard Class : Sub-Hazard Class :Packing Group : EX Packing Group : EXTechnical Name (NOS only) : Technical Name (NOS only) :Ltd Qty Code : Ltd Qty Maximum :Packing Instructions : Packing Instructions :Marine Pollutant if indicatedhere:Emergency Schedule No :Flashpoint :NON FLASH<strong>SDS411</strong> <strong>Dulux</strong> <strong>Trade</strong> <strong>Vinyl</strong> <strong>Matt</strong> Page 6Revision: 06/2009

15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONThis product has been assessed under the CHIP Regulations and is classified as follows:NAMED SUBSTANCESContainsNo substances are required to be named in this sectionINDICATION(S) OF DANGERNoneSYMBOLS LETTER(S)NoneWARNING LABEL PHRASES:J38WATER-BASED PAINT.J5Ensure good ventilation during application and drying.J32Do not breathe spray. When spraying inside, wearing a cartridge mask of Assigned ProtectionFactor 40 x OEL for particulates is recommended.S24/25 Avoid contact with skin and eyes.J33When applying it is advisable to wear eye protection.S26In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice.J34After contact with skin, wash immediately with plenty of soap and water or a proprietary skin cleanser. Donot use solvent, thinners or white spirit.S2Keep out of the reach of children.J15Do not use or store by hanging on a hook.J82Do not empty into drains or watercourses.J17Safety data sheet available for professional user on request.J110This includes waste hazard categories.J50Avoid the inhalation of dust. Wear a suitable face mask if dry sanding.J44Special precautions should be taken during surface preparation of pre-1960s paint surfaces over wood andmetal as they may contain harmful lead.J47For further advice contact ICI Paints AkzoNobel.Where 'J'and/or 'P' phrases are denoted, these are ICI Paints AkzoNobel or paint industry reference codes to additional phrases.Label phrase according to the Volatile Organic Compounds in Paints, Varnishes and Vehicle Refinishing Products Regulations:EU limit value for this product (cat. A/a ): 75 g/l (2007)/ 30 g/l (2010).This product contains max. 20 - 30 g/l VOC.<strong>SDS411</strong> <strong>Dulux</strong> <strong>Trade</strong> <strong>Vinyl</strong> <strong>Matt</strong> Page 7Revision: 06/2009

16. OTHER INFORMATIONText for R Phrases shown in section 3 describing each ingredient:R10R65R66Flammable.Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed.Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking.The information in this safety data sheet is required in pursuant to the CHIP Regulations.You should satisfy yourself that your COSHH Assessment is in accordance with the COSHH Regulations and Approved Code of Practice. ICIdoes not accept any responsibility for your COSHH Assessment. Other Reference: The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations(COSHH).The information on this sheet is not a specification: it does not guarantee specific properties. The information is intended to provide generalguidance as to health and safety based upon our knowledge of the handling, storage and use of the product. It is not applicable to unusual or nonstandarduses of the product nor where instructions and recommendations are not followed.We will be pleased to answer any specific enquiries regarding the safe use, storage and handling of our product.Contact: ICI Paints AkzoNobel Technical Group, Wexham Road, Slough, Berks. SL2 5DS. Telephone: 0870 242 1100.Imperial Chemical Industries Limited is part of AkzoNobelRegistered office 26th Floor Portland House Bressenden Place London SW1E 5BG Registered number 218019REVISION 06/2009: CHANGES TO SECTIONS 1,2,3,9,15,16 COMPARED WITH PREVIOUS VERSION DATED 03/2006 WHICH ISNOW SUPERSEDED.<strong>SDS411</strong> <strong>Dulux</strong> <strong>Trade</strong> <strong>Vinyl</strong> <strong>Matt</strong> Page 8Revision: 06/2009

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