MAGIC WAVE _ May 2009

MAGIC WAVE _ May 2009

MAGIC WAVE _ May 2009

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MADE TRIP TO NIAS23 maret pagi aku berangkat ke Nias bersama Ado dan Smethy. Ini adalahpengalaman pergi terjauh di Indonesia. setelah transit ke Jakarta dan berlanjutterbang ke Padang, waktu berasa cepet banget. Ngobrol bentar aja tautau uda nyampe Padang dan makan masakan asli Padang, enak banget loh….Dari Padang kami naik pesawat merpati yang kecil. Gila…..pertama kalinya tuh akunaik pesawat kecil banget, Cuma buat 40 orang aja muatannya. Udah gitu pesawatnyabawa jenazah juga!!! jadi ikutan sedih deh, soalnya keluarga jenazah nangis-nangisgitu selama perjalanan. Yang lebih gawatnya, itu pesawat waktu mendarat pake acaramiring-miring segala….busyeeeettt…..mantra keramat udah komat-kamit ajadari mulutku. Tapi akhirnya kami menapakkan kaki dengan selamat di tanahnias, syukurlah.Pertempuran dengan maut itu terbayar dengan keramahan para local Nias (ciiieeeey….berlebihandeh). Tapi sambutan local Nias bikin terharu, hehehehe….apalagi kami juga diajak masuk ke desa dan melihat adat istiadat disana. Rumahadatnya unik, megah dan indah banget dipandang mata. Salah seorang lokal yang bernamaVenus adalah kembaran ku, yah…anggep aja kembar deh (^_^). Dia mengajak ku menjajal ombakNIas yang sangat bagus….amazing swell. Pantes aja Local Nias jago-jago, gimana nggak, sarapan tiappaginya aja Barrel !!!Nggak terasa banget satu minggu di Nias, tiba-tiba aja udah waktunya pulang ke Bali….thanks for allLocal Nias. C u guys….On the morning of 23rd March I left for Nias with Ado andSmethy. This was the furtherest I had travelled in Indonesia.The trip from Jakarta to Padang went fast...we chatted fora while and then arrived in Padang and ate original Padang food…sogood…From Padang we got on a small Merpati plane. It was crazy...the firsttime I had been on such a small plane, it only held 40 people. Theyeven had a dead body on board!!! So it was quite sad because thefamily of the dead person were crying the whole time. More seriouslywhen the plane landed it was on an angle…damnnnnn…I waspraying out loud. Finally we were able to put our feet on the groundat Nias…thank god.The brush with death was repaid in full by the friendliness of theNias locals...their reaction was touching..hehehe…they invited us totheir village to see a traditional ceremony. The traditional houses areunique, very beautiful. One local called Venus looked after me…wewere like twins (^_^). He took me to try the fantastic Nias waves….amazing swell. No wonder the locals are suh champions…whywouldn’t they be with barrels for breakfast every morning!!!!The week flew by and then we had to go home to Bali ….thanks toall the Nias Locals. C u guys….Boat Trip to SumbawaIt’s me, Komang BSP a.k.a. Grandong. At first, I was told by Kopi (MW Crew)about a boat trip from Bali to Lombok and Sumbawa. Kopi himself was contactedby Rocky Wave Huntter couple days before. At that time, Kopi couldn’t gofor it, therefore I got this opportunity. Kopi checked the swell through the internetwhich said that the waves are big. But, it was wrong since I only found small waves,hehe…Ok,let’s start from 8 April. At 7 a.m., I started the trip from Wave office toSerangan. We went from Serangan to Lembongan by Wave Huntter’s ship. In oneday, surfing was done there, but I only enjoyed the beauty of Lembongan and metsome new people.The second day at 3 a.m., we went from Lembongan to Lombok. I woke up at6 a.m. I only saw small waves, but when I looked at the view around me; the hill,mountain, and sea, the disappointment was gone.Finally, we arrived at Blongos, Lombok. The waves are good enough. After taking alittle break, we directly went to YOYOS in Sumbawa. Yoyos has great waves but itwas still in low tide, so I decided to take pictures from the beach. In the afternoon,we stayed in an island which name I didn’t know, haha... The next day we still hadfun in the same place, Yoyos.After Yoyos’ waves were smaller, we continued the trip to Scar Reef Sumbawa. Itturned out that the waves there were also small. Me and the trip group decided tospend a night there.So early in the morning, the ship captain took us to Eka’s in Sumbawa. Eka’s wavesare fantastic. We could find 6-7 feet waves. Me and my friends were so satisfiedto see it, while there were also some people who didn’t dare enough and decidednot to surf.There were no more activities in the seventh day. We went back to L:embongan. Afriend tried to go fishing for the last dinner. They got three big fishes. We made abarbeque party at Lembongan.It’s a wonderful trip for me, since not only I could make friends with those moreor less 13 people I met on the ship, but also I was impressed by the surf points inLombok and Sumbawa. And one thing for sure, I could enjoy thebeautiful view, though I got stoned in the second day. Cheers!!!Thanks to Rocky Wave Huntter for the trip. Can’t wait for thenext trip…18 <strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _<strong>May</strong> <strong>2009</strong>

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