MAGIC WAVE _ May 2009

MAGIC WAVE _ May 2009

MAGIC WAVE _ May 2009

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Behind The swellCeritain dong,gimana kamu bisa masuk ke duniagraphic design?Hm…basicnya aku anak lukis, dulu akukuliah di bidang seni lukis gitu. Terusmain-main ke Jogja dan ambil kuliahdesign satu tahun disana, eh…malah tiapmalemnya aku dapet obyekan ngajarinanak-anak SMA design juga.hehe…lumayanlah…Jadi selama sekolah di Jogja kamunyambi jadi guru juga dong?Yah…itu dia lucunya, mau belajar malahdisuruh ngajarin. Tapi kalo ngomonginsampingan, nggak Cuma jadi guru aja sih,aku tattooing juga.Wah, artis tattoo juga nih..?okey, kalaugitu gimana awalnya kamu bisagabung ama surfer girl?Pas aku balik dari jogja, terus apply kesurfer girl, awalnya aku emang jadi juniorgraphic designer. Tapi pelan-pelan sekarangaku pegang di bagian brandnya.Apa yang menarikdari kerja di surfergirl?Wah…yang pasti disiniasyik banget, karena gaksekedar design aja tapiart work kita kepake juga.Jadi eksplorasi seni kerasadihargai banget. Secarasocial officenya juga solidand hommy bangetlahpokoknya.Ngomong-ngomong,kamu kan kerja di surfbrand nih…kamu surfingjuga nggak?Nggak…Lho, kenapa?Bukannya gimana-gimana, tapi aku mau jagakulit, biar besok kalau akhirnya tattooanhasilnya bagus. Hahahahhahahahaha…….Emang kamu belum punya tattoo?katanya artist tattoo, tapi kok nggakpunya tattoo?????Hehehe….karena belum aja. Lagian untukrespect sama tattoo kan nggak harus punyatattoo…kayak kamu gitu, iya kan?!Hehehe….baiklah bro, kalau gitu gimanadong caranya biar orang-orangyakin sama hasil karya mu?Check all my art work at www.buchtattoo.devianart.comWell…last word buat Magic wavedongKeep up for good support for local scene,keep surf and make world better“Art is Everything,Everything is Art”Tell us how you got into the world ofgraphic design?Hm…basically I am an artist, and I went toart school. I went to Jogja for a year andwent to design college there, and everynight I had a side job teaching design tohigh school students…hehe not too bad..So the whole time you were at schoolin Jogja you were also a teacher?Yeah…it’s funny, I wanted to study and insteadI was teaching. I wasn’t just a teacherthough, I also did some tattooing.Wow, a tattoo artist as well..? ok, sohow did you get started at SurferGirl?When I got back from Jogja,I applied at Surfer Girl, andI started as a junior graphicdesigner. Eventually I movedto the brand department.What’s interesting aboutworking at Surfer Girl?It’s great here becauseit’s not just design but we also use ourartwork. So we explore art and feel reallyvalued. The social side is also solid and reallyhomey.You work for a surf brand…do yousurf?No…How come?Only really because I want to look after myskin, so when I get tattoos they will alwayslook good Hahahahhahahahaha…….You really don’t have any tattoos? You’re atattoo artist but you don’t have anytattoos???????Hehehe….Because, just not yet. Youcan respect tattoos without havingthem…same as you right?!Hehehe….right bro, so how canpeople get a look at your art?Check all my art work at www.buchtattoo.devianart.comWell…last word for Magic WaveKeep up the good support for thelocal scene, keep surfing and make theworld betterName : Nyoman Hendra PermanaNick : Dembuch / BuchOccupation : Graphic DesignerInterests : Drawing and Tattooingemail : buch_tattoo@yahoo.comBali surf HistoryBy. I Gde BerataPada Magic Wave disi April, StevePalmer sudah bercerita tentang Sejarahsurfing di Bali. Dan pada edisi inigiliran I Gde Brata selaku PresidenIndonesia Surf Life Saving Associationbercerita tentang sejarah surfingBali. Dan inilah hasil interviewMagic Wave dengan I Gde Brata.Kepedulian terhadap masa depanpariwisata Bali menjadi motivasibagi Presiden IndonesianSurf Life Saving Association ini untukmeningkatkan keamanan di pantai danturut mengembangkan potensi surfingBali. Sembari menikmati suasana malamyang cerah berbintang. Dengan penuhkeramahan, Pak Brata menyambut MWdi kediamannya untuk mengulik-ulikkembali kenangan peradaban surfing diBali.Banyak wisatawan asing pesimis akantumbuh berkembangnya surfing di Bali.Mengingat karekter masyarakat denganreligiusnya yang kental dan kepercayaanterhadaphal-halmistis.Saya ingetbetulbagaimana anggapan orang-orang tentangkeangkeran pantai Kuta. Sebabbanyak sekali orang tenggelam dantak terselamatkan.Namun pada tahun 1966, saya melihatbeberapa bule yang sangat atraktifdi atas ombak menggunakan papanpanjang seolah menaiki motor diatasair. Akhirnya saya berkenalan denganmereka dan berteman sangat baikdengan salah satu dantaranya yaituJohn Michael Boyum dari Hawaii.Dialah yang membuat saya terkagumkagumdengan penyelamatanya terhadap4 orang dari keluarga Sumatera MotorDenpasar, meskipun salah satunya telahtak bernyawa. Dari dia pula untuk pertamakalinya saya mempelajari life saving.Setelah kedatangan John Michael Boyumtersebut, setiap bulannya mulai berdatanganbule-bule dan semakin banyak yang surfingdi Kuta. Dan tahun 1971, para pemuda Kutamulai mempelajari surfing dengan meminjamalat-alat dari wisatawan asing tersebutdan mengikis ketakutan akan mistisnyapantai Kuta. Karena kebiasaan para bule iniyang menitipkan surfboard kepada pemudalocal ketika akan pulang ke negaranya. Peluangitulah yang dimanfaatkan pemuda kutauntuk terus berlatih surfing.Melihat potensi yang muncul dari parapemuda Kuta, Ketua umum KONI Bali danKanwil depdikbud yang menjabat waktu itumengusulkan dibentuknya organisasi yangmengampu kegiatan surfing di Bali. Sehinggapada tahun 1973 lahir The surfing Club ofBali yang resmi berdiri atas persetujuan dannaungan langsung KONI daerah yang ketikaitu diketuai oleh saya sendiri. Pendukungyang merangakap sebagai pelatih asing telahditunjuk yaitu Mr. John Michaek Boyum dariHawaii. Tujuan berdirinya club ini adalahuntuk mempermudah jalinan persahabatandengan internasional dan mempercepatperkembangan surfing bali agar dapat diakuisebagai olah raga nasional yang antinyadapat mewakili bangasa Indonesia ke duniaInternasional.(bersambung…………)In the April edition of Magic Wave weheard about the history of surfing inBali from Steve Palmer. In this editionwe continue the story from theperspective of I Gde Brata, Presidentof the Indonesian Surf Life Saving Association.Concern for the future of tourismin Bali motivated Pak Brata to improvethe safety of the beach andhelp develop the potential for surfing inBali. While enjoying the night atmosphereand the bright stars at his house, PakBrata answered our questions about hismemories of the beginning of the surfingculture in Bali.“Many tourists were pessimistic aboutthe possibility of developing surfing inBali, keeping in mind the strong religiousbasis of the society and its belief in themystical world. I remember well peoples’suspicions about Kuta Beach becausemany people drowned there and couldnot be saved.But in 1966 I saw some tourists lookingreally good on the waves, using a longboard, like riding a bike on the water. Iintroduced myself to them and becamegood friends with them, one of themwas John Michael Boyum from Hawaii.He shocked me by saving 4 people fromthe Sumatera Motor Denpasar family, althoughone of them couldn’t be revived. Itwas from him that I first learned aboutlife saving.After John Michael Boyum came, almostevery month more tourists cameto surf at Kuta. In 1971 the young boysin Kuta started to learn to surf withboards borrowed from the tourists andstarted to lose the fear and suspicionassociated with the beach. Usually thetourists would leave their boards withsome of the locals when they wenthome and that gave the Kuta locals thechance to keep practicing their surfing.Seeing the potential of the young Kutasurfers, the head of KONI Bali (sportdept) and Kanwil Depdikbud (Areaoffice Education and Culture department)suggested that an organizationbe formed to support surfing activitiesin Bali. In 1973 the Surfing Club of Baliwas started with the agreement ofKONI and headed by me. John MichaelBoyum offered support as foreigncoach. The aim of the club was to forminternational relationships and speedup the development of surfing in Baliso that it could be recognized as a nationalsport and later Indonesia couldbe represented at an international level.(To be continued……….)14 <strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _<strong>May</strong> <strong>2009</strong>

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