MAGIC WAVE _ May 2009

MAGIC WAVE _ May 2009

MAGIC WAVE _ May 2009

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<strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _<strong>May</strong> <strong>2009</strong>

<strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _ <strong>May</strong> <strong>2009</strong>

Yang Grudag Grudug>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chief Editor - Piping. Editor - Ebong. Production - Team MW Reporters- Ferry, Bee & Magic Wave Crew. Contributors -Windy, Dedi, Ikha, Dodo,Rizal, Kellie, Angga, donny - Banten, Business Development - Community.Marketing - Wayan Sudiarta Contributing Photographers - Piping,Bali Surf Photography, Edy Black, Komang BSP, Simon Cipper, Kopi BSP, MamatSumbawa, Mick curley, Yayak-Pacitan, gus Andika, Amin - indo image.Designer : On!k, Bentar PKL : Ryan , Joe, Gung ama Distribution - Kopi .Languange Translator: Ariep, Michiko & Diane. Legal: Rizaldy D. WatrutySH & Associates. Published every month or so by PT. Gama Bali Dwipa. Foradvertising & Promotion : magicwave_bali@yahoo.com or friendster: magicwave_bali yahoo.com OR magicwave.org Website WWW.magicwave.orgAddress Kubu Arcade @ Kuta Bungalows Block A3/A6 Jl.Benesari, Legian - Kuta. Ph. 0361 - 767 742 Fax 0361 - 762 672.Cover photos from Komang BSP - Devis @ TemplePoint,Tanah Lot.Magic Wave board of editors would like to apologize to Rusty & allour reader for the flipped picture of Rusty Gromfest Contest in Keramas.We do not do it on purpose.Alamat e-mail crew Magic Waveangga@magicwave.orgbintang@magicwave.orgebong@magicwave.orgedy@magicwave.orgferry@magicwave.orginfo@magicwave.orgkomang@magicwave.orgkopi@magicwave.orgnorman@magicwave.orgonik@magicwave.orgpiping@magicwave.orgwayan@magicwave.orgwindy@magicwave.orgrenibee@magicwave.orgm a g i c ’ s s p e l lTahun <strong>2009</strong> berjalan cepat, tanpa terasa magicwave telah beredar di edisiMei.Banyak yang datang dan pergi bahkan pergi selamanya…Bulan lalu kita telah kehilangan sosok sahabat yang luar biasa, Kim Bradley.Terlalu banyak kenangan tentang beliau bagi para sahabat dan khususnya MagicWave. Kesediaanya untuk berbagi cerita, pengalaman dan himbauan untukmembuat surfing Indonesia lebih baik di kolom Kim’s Corner harus berakhir diedisi bulan lalu…dan bulan Mei yang bertepatan dengan bulan kelahiran KimBradley ini mengguggah Magic Wave dan MSC mempersembahkan kontes perdanaMSC untuk Kim Bradley.Beberapa sahabat MW juga pergi untuk surf trip dan pulang membawacerita untuk magic wave, hehe…thanks buddy. Info trip kali ini bener-benermemuaskan. Okey, selamat membaca tabloid gratisan edisi bulan Mei ini .....Stay Stoked Dude …… !I n f o r m a t i o n5,000 copies of Magic Wave distributed through surf shops, cafesand restaurants, mainly in Bali, Java, and Lombok. Our distributionalso covers main surf spots all over Indonesia from Acehto Rote. Magic Wave PDF file (6 MB) is downloadable throughwww.magicwave.org. App 1,000 hits and 700 downloads recordedmonthly, and keeps on growing. To request our hardcopy for your venue, please email us on info@magicwave.orgAs a free open source publication, Magic Wave welcomes anybodyfrom all kind walks of life to share their passion aboutWaves and Good Times. Email us your story and photos to or just simply stop by our office in Legian.Ohh … by the way … we have a free Wi-fi now to shareat our office…. Tune in … Turn on and Cope out … let it flow.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -5,000 eksemplar Magic Wave setiap bulannya didistribusikan ditoko2 surfing, café dan restoran di Bali, Jawa dan Lombok. Distribusikami juga mencakup daerah daerah yang ada ombak bagusnyanya, dari Aceh sampe Rote ( Papua segera menyusul, laginunggu barteran tiket dari Merpati ). File PDF kita juga bisa didownload lewat www.magicwave.org. Kalo nggak salah inget, bulanJanuari ini, jumlah yang bertamu (visit maksudnya ), mencapai1,000 an orang. Dan yg ngedownload sampe 700 an. Lumayan jugaya. Kalo mau majalah aslinya, bias email ke info@magicwave.orgSebagai media komunitas gratis, Magic Wave terbuka buat segalamacam lapisan masyarakat yang mau gabung untuk bagi bagi ceritatentang ombak dan hura hura. Kalo ada cerita dan foto ygmau dimuat, di email aja ke email diatas ato ke .Kalo kamu di Bali, mampir aja ke kantor kita di Legia.Bisa pake internet gratis lagi..... Nyantai aja dan.. Enjoy !This French guy has visited Bali for 4 times. This time, unfortunatelyhe only got 10 days to enjoy the sunshine in thismesmerizing island. Just during his holiday in Bali, he thinksthat his daily activities are so amusing, starts with wake up early inthe morning to surf some spots day by day. In addition, he likesIndonesia culture, food, friendliness, waves, weather and the girlsas well. He has surfed Australia andIndonesia (Bali and Lombok), and heenjoyed it but he prefers surfingin a quiet spot.Name : Gaby LaurentDOB : 03 / 07 /1981Occupation : LifeguardHobby : Surfing, Boxing,Listening Music,and Reading Books <strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _<strong>May</strong> <strong>2009</strong>

<strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _ <strong>May</strong> <strong>2009</strong>

Remaja kelahiran 31 Maret 1997bernama Lengkap I KomangAngga Bayu Pranata mengakumengenal surfing semenjak ia duduk dibangku kelas tiga Sekolah Dasar (SD).“Nggak ada yang ngajarin aku mainsurfing, mainnya sama temen-temenaja” ungkap siswa SD 2 Lebih GianyarBali.Bisa kenal bayak orang adalah salahsatu motivasi Angga terus menekunidunia surfing. Remaja yang mengidolakanKelly Stater dan Mick Fanningini mengakui pernah mendapat badexperience juga saat main surfing.“Pernah kena karang waktu main diKeramas, waktu cari speed terus adaombak besar..kena deh. Keblender andkaki keparut karang, udah resiko sihkalo jadi surfer”Angga kini duduk di bangku kelas enamSD, hobinya menonton acara TV SiBolang dan Laptop si Unyil ini mengakunggak ikut ekstra kurikuler ( ekskul)di sekolah, soalnya nggak ada ekskulsurfing.Wahhh…bisa jadi masukanyang bagus buat sekolah-sekolah buatngadain ekskul surfing. Menjadi surferterkenal adalah cita-cita Angga surfermuda asal pantai Lebih ini.IKomang Angga Bayu Pranata was bornon 31st March 1997 and he has beensurfing since he was in year 3 at primaryschool. “Nobody taught me to surf, I juststarted surfing with my friends” he said.Angga is motivated to keep surfing so thathe can meet lots of people. He idolizesKelly Stater and Mick Fanning and has hada bad experience while surfing. “I hit thecoral when I was surfing at Keramas, Iwas going fast and the waves were big…I wiped out and my legs were shreddedby the reef, but that’s the risk of being asurfer”Angga is in year 6 now and he likes watchingSi Bolang and Laptop si Unyil on TV buthe doesn’t do extra curricular at schoolbecause they don’t have surfing extra curricular!Wah …some good advice for theschools would be to have extra curricularsurfing. Angga’s ambition is to be a wellknown surfer.Name:I Komang Angga Bayu PranataDate of Birth: 31-03-1997Board size: 5’1Local:Lebih BeachStyle:Regular <strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _<strong>May</strong> <strong>2009</strong>

<strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _ <strong>May</strong> <strong>2009</strong>

Under 18justru main di Medewi, hasilnya wipe outkena karang. Badan ku carut marut.Your favourite spot?MedewiFavorit spot mu dimana?Di MedewiKalo disuruh milih, kamu mautinggal di Negara mana? Knp?Di Indonesia aja yang bahasanya akungerti, hehehe….Sebagai anak muda, hal apayang menurut kamumenarik?olah-raga, di masapertumbuhan olahragayang palingpentingIf you could choose, which countrywould you live in? Why?In Indonesia, it’s the only language I understand,hehehe….As a young boy what did you like doing?Sport, football was the most important.What do you still want to do in surfing?Win a contest and do airial tricksWhat’s your ambition?To be a playboy…hahahhahahahahaLagi sibukapa nih?Nggak lagi sibuk apa-apa, paling surfingsama sekolah aja…Apa keinginankamu yangberhubungandengan surfing yang belumkesampean?juara di kontes dan bisa trickairialTapi sebenernya cita-cita kamuapa sih?Jadi play boy…hahahhahahahahaLast Word buat Magic Wave?Tingkatkan semangat untuk maju!!!Last Word for Magic Wave?Keep enthusiastic for progress!!!名 前 ::I kadek Agus Sudira生 年 月 日 :1992 年 11 月 27 日在 籍 の 学 校 :SMIP Saraswati 3 Tabananボードサイズ:5’8スタイル:Goofyローカル・サーフポイント:Kedunguスポンサー:-何 やってて 忙 しいのかな?忙 しくなんてないよ。サーフィンと 学 校 だけだよ…。サーフィン 以 外 の 趣 味 ってない 訳 ?ん…、 何 だろうなぁ、 彼 女 と 会 ったり、 道 でやってるバイクのレースを 見 たり。サーフィン 以 外 の 趣 味 としては 何 やってるの?音 楽 やってるよ。 僕 はギターを 弾 くんだ。 時 間 があれば 時 々は 学 校 から 帰 って、 友 達 たちと 音 楽 やってる。Emang kamu nggak ada hobilain selain surfing?Ehmmm…ngapain yah, mungkin sibukpacaran sama nonton balapan liar ajaEh…kamu udah punya pacar?!Emangnya apa sih yang bikinpacar kamu suka sama kamu?Apa karena kamu surfer?Dia bilang sih suka aja dan nggakada alas an, tapi kayaknya karena akuganteng deh…hahahhahahaKayak gimana sih tipe cewekideal kamu?Cantik, putih, body sexy yang jelaskayak pacar ku lah…Ya…ya…baiklah, terus certaindong awal mula kamu surfingoh…waktu aku kelas 6 SD akudiajarin ama si dollar tuh, dipinjeminpapan juga sama dia. Setelah 2 bulanaku baru bisa seimbang diatas papan…hahahhahakenapa kamu tertarik surfing?gara-gara temen pada surfing aja, akujadi kepingin deh..Siapa surfer yang jadi inspirasikamuSi Garut, dia top banget. Pingin rasanyabisa kuasai trik arial Garut.Apa aja sih kegiatan kamu sehari– hari ?Bangun tidur, sekolah, makan, tidurlagi. Trus sore sampe malem nongkrongsama temen di pantai gangguinorang pacarah, hehehe…Tapi pernah juga digangguin waktuaku pacaran di pantai, sampe hampirberantem.Dimana biasanya ngabisin waktubuat hang out ?Di pantai, bikin party sendiri samatemen-temenLagi hobby ngapain aja nih selainsurfingMain music, aku mainin gitar. Kadangkalau ada waktu pulang sekolah akumain music sama temenKontes yang paling berkesanbuat kamu dimana ?Di kontes Pererenan Surfing Clubtahun ini karena dapet beer, hehehhePernah dapet pengalaman burukselama surfing?Wah…itu dulu waktu galungan akumalah nggak ke Pura buat berdoaWhat are you up to?Not much just surfing and school?Do you have any other hobbies apartfrom surfing?Ehmmm…what yeah, maybe hanging outwith my girlfriend and watching streetraces.Eh…you already have a girlfriend?!What does she like about you? Is itbecause you’re a surfer?She said she just likes me, no reason, but Ithink it’s because I’m good looking …hahahhahahaWhat’s your ideal girl like?Pretty, white, sexy body, just like my girlfriend…OK…tell us about how you startedsurfingoh…when I was in year 6, Dollar taughtme, he also lent me a board. After about2 months I could balance on the board…hahahhahaWhy were you interested in surfing?My friends were doing it so I wanted to aswell…Which surfer is your inspiration?Garut, he’s great. I want to be able to doair tricks like him.What do you do each day ?Get up, go to school, eat, sleep again. Everyafternoon until dark I hang out at thebeach with my friends and annoy the couplesthere hehehe… But I have also beenannoyed at the beach with my girlfriend,nearly had a fight !Where do you usually hang out ?At the beach, party with my friends.What other hobbies apart from surfing?I play the guitar. Sometimes if I have timeafter school I play music with my friends.Which contest has had the greatestimpression on you?The contest at Pererenan Surfing Club thisyear because I got beer, hehehheHave you had any bad experienceswhile surfing?Wah…at Galungan instead of going to thetemple to pray I went surfing at Medewi,I wiped out and hit the reef. My body wasshredded.えぇっ、もう 彼 女 がいるんだ?! 彼 女 は 君 のどこを 好 きになったのかな?サーファーだから?彼 女 曰 く、 理 由 なしに 好 きなんだって。でもさ、 僕 がイケメンだからみたいだよ…ハハハ。理 想 の 女 性 ってどんな 人 ?かわいくて、 色 白 で、セクシーボディで、 僕 の 彼 女 みたいな 人 だよ…。あぁ、そう…OK、それから、サーフィンを 始 めたきっかけについて 話 してくれる?あぁ… 小 学 6 年 のときにDollarに 誘 われてさ、 奴 にボードも 借 りたんだよ。それから2ヶ 月 してようやくボードの 上 でバランスが 取 れるようになったんだ…ハハハ。どうしてサーフィンに 興 味 を 持 ったのかな?友 達 がみんなサーフィンをやってたせいだよ。だから 僕もやってみたくなったんだ。インスピレーションを 与 えてくれるサーファーって 誰かな?.Garut。 彼 はナンバーワンだからね。Garutの 空 中 トリックができるようになってみたいな。毎 日 何 やってるの?朝 起 きて、 学 校 に 行 って、ご 飯 食 べて、 寝 て。それから、 夕 方 から 夜 まで 友 達 たちとビーチで 集 まって、デートしている 奴 らの 邪 魔 をするんだ。へへへ…。でも 僕 もビーチでデートしてて 邪 魔 されてさ、 喧 嘩 しそうになったことがあるよ。普 段 時 間 潰 しに 行 くのはどこ?ビーチ。 友 達 たちとパーティーやったり。一 番 印 象 に 残 っている 大 会 はどこ?今 年 のPererenan Surfing Club Contestだね。ビールが 飲 めたから、へへへ。サーフィンしてきて 嫌 な 体 験 ってしたことある?あぁ… 前 にさ、Galunganのときにお 寺 にお 祈 りに 行かずにMedwiでサーフィンしたんだ。そしたら、ワイプアウトして、リーフにぶつかっちゃって。 僕 の体 は、メチャメチャ。きなサーフポイントはどこ?Medwiだよ。どこか 外 国 に 住 むとしたらどこの 国 を 選 ぶ?その理 由 は?インドネシアでいいよ。 言 葉 が 分 かるからさ。へへへ…。若 者 としてさ、 何 に 興 味 がある?スポーツ。 成 長 期 にはスポーツが 一 番 大 事 だよ。まだ 成 し 遂 げてないことで、サーフィンに 関 係 したやりたいことって 何 かある?大 会 で 優 勝 して、 空 中 トリックを 決 められるようになりたいね。でもさ、 本 当 の 夢 って 何 なのかな?プレイボーイになること…ハハハハハ。Magic Waveに 最 後 のメッセージを。頑 張 って 前 進 していこう!! <strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _<strong>May</strong> <strong>2009</strong>

<strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _ <strong>May</strong> <strong>2009</strong>

Datang ke kantor MW sambildikawal 2 orang teman kerjanya.Sawang langsung digiringcrew MW untuk di interogasi diwarung belakang kantor MW. Hehehehe.Pemuda yang hobi clubbing dannyaris jomblo ini (??!!) sambil malumaludan terkadang grogi karenadiberondong pertanyaan yang tidakteratur dari crew MW yang siang itutampak lapar.So, let’s check’ our interview……Udah berapa lama surfing?Siapa?Ya masak kita.. kan situ yang diinterview?Hahahahha….udah lama sih sejak SMP,tapi pernah brenti karena cedera dikit,bis itu liat ombak pengen lagiBerapa lama berhenti?Ya paling 2 minggu…..hahaha…Yahh..itu sih bukan berhenti, tapiistirahat..!!!Yahhhhh…ini badan 1 hari aja gak dapetsurfing gak enakBtw, loe udah dapet sponsor?Belum, aku jarang ikut kontes soalnya.Dulu pernah sih dapet juara 2 pas kontes.Tapi abis itu gak pernah ikut lagi.Surfing dimana biasanya?Serangan…ama temen temenOk, coba jelaskan enaknya jadiseorang surfer?Pas dapet tamu, bisa keliling, tour..enakdehGak dapet cewek?Gak, lagi gak punya cewek……Gak punya cewek!!!! percuma donkjadi suferPunya sih(mencoba membela diri)..tapiorang jepang…tapi sekarang udah mauputus..hahahahhaha…Bisa bahasa jepang donk?mmmmm…..(ragu-ragu..hiihihhi)Loh…terus pacaran ngobrolnyapake bahasa apaan??Pake bahasa amuba…hahahah..kan bisasedikit-sedikit….Selain surfing apa hobi loe?Mabuk, minum arak, mancing ikan kecilkecil…..Di kantor MW juga sering loh minumarak..!!Aduh…..!!!Trus…Apa keinginan dan harapanloe ke depan?Pengen jadi pro-surfer ’n dapet sponsorEh..cewek loe yang orang Jepangitu dulu surfer juga?Iya, tapi pake bodyboardKriteria cewek loe kayak apa?Maunya sih orang bali, kalau ama orang luarkan susah pas ada upacara.Emang mau nikah umur brapa sih?(mulai bertanya yang tidak penting)Aduhh…….Masih kecil nikah repot nantiKalo kawin?Tergantung….hahahahhahaTau band hijau daun??Gak tau..kalo kolor ijo baru tau…hahahhahahaha…Baguslah..thanks ya..Hahaha..yapSawang came to the MW officewith 2 of his friends from workand we took him to the warungbehind our office to interrogate him.Hehehehe. He loves clubbing and isnearly single (??!!) and was a bit shy anddazed by the bombardment of randomquestions from the MW crew, not tomention hungry! So, let’s check out ourinterview……How long have you been surfing?Who?Yeah...you’re the one we are interviewing?Hahahahha….a long time, since junior highschool. I stopped for a while because ofinjury but when I saw the waves I wantedto surf again.How long did you stop for?About 2 weeks…..hahaha…Yahh..that’s not stopping, just resting..!!!Yahhhhh…for my body even one day ofnot surfing is not goodBtw, do you already have a sponsor?Not yet, I rarely enter contests. I have beenin a contest and came 2nd but after that Ididn’t go in any more contests.Where do you usually surf?Serangan…with my friendsOk, tell us what’s good about being asurfer?You meet tourists and can take themaround..it’s goodNot to get girls?No I don’t have a girlfriend anymore……You don’t have a girlfriend!!!!What’s the point of being asurfer?I do have one (trying todefend himself) ..but she’sJapanese… but now Iwant to break up with her..hahahahhaha…Can you speak Japanese?mmmmm…..(not really..hiihihhi)So what language do you speak withyour girlfriend?hahahah..I can speak Japanese a little bit….Apart from surfing?Get drunk, drink arak, fishing …..You often drink arak at the MW office..!!OMG…..!!!So…what do you hope for the future?I want to be a pro-surfer ’n get a sponsorEh..was your Japanese girlfriend asurfer too?Yeah, but a bodyboarderWhat type of girls do you like?I want a Balinese girl because if you’rewith a foreigner it’s hard when there’s aceremonySo what age do you want to getmarried? (starting with the unimportantquestions)OMG…….I’m still too young, I’ll thinkabout it laterWhat about sex?It depends….hahahahhahaDo you know the band hijau daun(bad Indonesian band)??No..I only know kolor ijo (Indonesiandevil)…hahahhahahaha…名 前 :I Wayan Nadiyanaニックネーム:Sawangローカル・サーフポイント:Seranganボードサイズ:5’10スタイル:Regular生 年 月 日 :1989 年 9 月 3 日婚 姻 等 について:ほぼ 独 身夢 :クラブを 持 つこと2 人 の 仕 事 仲 間 と 一 緒 にMagic Waveのオフィスに来 てくれた。尋 問 を 受 けるため、SwangはそのままMagicWaveの 裏 手 にある 食 堂 へMagic Waveのクルーに連 れて 行 かれた。へへへ…。ほぼ(・・) 彼 女 なし…でクラビングが 趣 味 の 若 い 彼 は、Magic Waveのクルーからのハチャメチャな 質 問 攻 めに 遭い、 恥 ずかしがりながら 時 には 緊 張 し、お 腹 を 空 かしている 様 子 であった。サーフィンしてどれくらい?誰 のこと?え、 僕 達 ってことはないじゃない…インタビューされてるのは 君 なんだからさ。ハハハ… 中 学 校からだからもう長 いよ。でも、怪 我 して やめたこともあって、でも 波 を 見 てるうちにまたやりたくなってさ。どれくらいやめてたの?せいぜい2 週 間 だな…ハハハ…。それなら、やめてたんじゃなくて 休 んでたってことだよ…!!!そうだね… 一 日 でもサーフィンしなかったら 体 が 気持 ち 悪 いんだよね。ところでさ、スポンサーはもう 付 いてる?まだだよ。 大 会 に 余 り 出 てないからさ。前 に 大 会 で 準 優 勝 したことはあったけど。でも、それ 以 来 は 出 てないんだ。普 段 はどこでサーフィンしてるの?Serangan… 友 達 たちとね。OK、サーファーになっての 利 点 って 何 かな?お 客 さんがいれば、ツアーであちこち 周 れるからいいね。女 の 子 を 手 に 入 れられない?うん、 彼 女 は 今 いないんだ…。彼 女 がいない~!!!!サーファーになっても 損じゃない?いるけどさ( 自 分 をかばおうとしている)… 日 本 人なんだ…でも 今 もう 別 れそうだから…ハハハ。日 本 語 ができるんだよね?んん…( 疑 わしい…ヒヒヒ…)え… 付 き 合 ってて 話 すときは 何 語 な 訳 ??アメーバ 語 …ハハハ…でも、ちょっとはできるからさ…。サーフィンの 他 にやってることは?..酔 っ 払 うこと。アラック 飲 んでさ。あと、 小 魚 を 釣ったり…。Magic Waveのオフィスでもよくアラック 飲 んでるよ…!!ありゃぁ…!!!それから…これからやりたいこととか 望 んでることは 何 かな?プロサーファーになって、スポンサーが 欲 しいな。え…と、 日 本 人 の 彼 女 もサーファーだったの?そう。でも、ボディボードね。どんな 女 の 子 がいいのかな?Bali 人 がいいんだ。 外 の 人 とだと、 儀 式 のときに 困るからね。結 婚 はさ、 何 歳 でしたい?( 重 要 じゃないことを 質問 し 始 める)えぇ… 若 いときに 結 婚 しちゃったら 後 で 面 倒 だからね。じゃKawinは?状 況 次 第 かな…ハハハ。Name:I Wayan NadiyanaNick:SawangLocal:SeranganBoard Size:5’10Style:RegularDOB:3 September 1989Status:nearly singleAmbition:to own a clubMiddle「Hijau daun」っていうバンド、 知 ってる?知 らないな…「Kolor ijo」は 最 近 知 ったばかりだけど…ハハハ。インドネシアの 若 い 人 達 の 間 で「Kawin」はSexするって 意 味 になる。「Hijau Daun」っていうのは、インドネシアのバンドの 名 前 で、 彼 らのやってる 曲 はよくない。「Kolor Ijo」は、 人 に 悪 さをするお 化 けみたいなもので、 数 年 前 に 話 題 になったものだ。Seri yang keberapakah ISCtahun <strong>2009</strong>???Jawaban bisa kirim Via“sms” ke no 08132888205010 <strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _<strong>May</strong> <strong>2009</strong>

One cloudy day at lunchtime the MW crew arrivedat Biku restaurant. It’s a classic room, with manyantiques creating a different atmosphere. Lookingto the front from the entrance, to the right of the bar is astatue of a monk, which is one of the reasons the restaurantis called ‘Biku’.As a little bit of background, inspired by the family’s passionfor tea, Tjok Bagus is a tea expert and his mother had theconcept for a restaurant in the classic style specializing intea. One of the menu items is High Tea and there is a specialMystical High Tea every Sunday afternoon. At Rp.130k/person it includes a tea leaf reading by Ann Sinclair. Therestaurant, located at Jalan Petitenget 888, also has a specialinternational menu and is open from 8am – 11pm every day.Although we didn’t get to have our fortunes told the followingmenu items were reviewed this time:BeveragesBiku Cooler, 20k : a blend of various teas with lemon,lemongrass and mintIced Biku Blend, 20k : Various types of tea blended and garnishedwith belimbing, mint and ginger leaf.FoodCaramelized Chicken Salad, 35kPepes Ikan Laut, 45kDessertPavlova, 30kMemasuki ruang receptionyang minimalismengecohkan MW ketikatiba di SPA DEDARI BALI& SALON. Sampai akhirnyaseorang staff yang ramahmengantarkan kami ke venuebelakang dengan menurunibeberapa anak tangga. Suasanasantai dengan atmosfer yangsengaja di desain alamidengan ornamen balidan bebatuan memberikandaya tarik luxuriousala Spa.Di sebuah ruanganyang bisa dibilang VIP ini, MWdimanjakan dengan pelayananfoot bath sampai balinessemassage. Selama 60 menit spaterapis merelakskan otot-otottegang MW yang seharian inisurfing. Soooo…relaxing….Setelah menikmati massage,MW di jamu dengan ginger teauntuk mengembalikan kebugarantubuh. Tidak hanya bodytreatment, tapi juga menyediakanpelayanan beauty salonhair care dan skin care.Dapetin juga discount 60%di masa promo ini, bukasetiap hari 9am-10pmSPA DEDARI BALI & SALONJl. Darmawangsa-Kampial-NusaDua-Bali-IndonesiaInformasi dan reservasiEmail: spadedaribalisalon@yahoo.comPh : +62 361 771120Fax : +62 361 772020<strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _ <strong>May</strong> <strong>2009</strong> 11

Surf Chick“Kalausatuhari ajagak maen surfing rasanya badankusakit semua”Magic Wave edisi Mei kaliini menampilkan salah satusurf chick dari lokal pacitan.Yeah..!! Baru berusia 16 tahun, gadisyang biasa dipanggil dengan nama“Manis” ini baru 3 bulan main surfing.Tapi badannya pegel kalau seharisaja dia gak main surfing. Gadis yangterdaftar sebagai siswi SMPN 3Pacitan ini, hobi banget makan baksokhas pacitan. Dia juga hobi bergosip,dengerin musik reggae dan pop, jugangemil..??!!Hoi…hoi apa kabar Pacitan??Kabar baik.Hehehe,Tapi…rada KABURsih alias Kabar buruk..soalnya abis ngilanginfin nya temen. Hwahaha….Lagi musim apa di Pacitan?Lagi musim KANKER alias kantong kering.Ceritain dong awal mula kamubelajar surfing ?Ok,gini ceritanya…awalnya saya dansoulmate liat surfing,ternyata setelahsaya liat-liat ,surfing tuh asyik jugayah…o,iya, yang ngajarin saya surfingMister yayak.Emang udah berapa lama mainsurfing?Saya surfing kira-kira hampir 3 bulan.Mana lebih susah belajar surfingatau belajar matematika?Susah Matematika…Because,Matematikapakai rumus bikin kepala pusing tujuhkeliling.Seberapa sering kamu surfing?Setiap hari donk..Because, kalau satu hariaja gak maen surfing rasanya badankusakit semua coy…Kamu gak takut kulitmu jadi hitam?No,!..Saya sangat tidak takut kulit sayahitam,kan saya anak pantai..menurut sayaniy,anak pantai kan harus hitam.Apa pendapatmu tentang iklanpemutih kulit, dimana di iklan itusi cowok meninggalkan si cewekkarena kulitnya gak putih danlembut?Kan itu cuma iklan,emang gw pikirin..gakngefek lah..Sebutkan 3 hal alasan kamu mainsurfing?Tidur, duduk, berdiri, berlari, jatuh danmenunggu ombak.Apa kesibukanmu diluar surfing?Manjatin pohon tetangga he,he…sukadimarahin sih tapi gak ngebuat aku jera.Hehehe.Punya keinginan yang berhubungandengan surfing yang belum tercapai?Pengeeen banget mencoba ombak diBali,apa airnya juga sama-sama asinyahh..??Mmmmm….gimana rasanya maumasuk magic wave? (hehhehe)Yaaaa…jelas seneng lah..kan itu yangudah aku idam-idamkan dari dulu,ya..alhamdulilah sekarang udah tercapai.Hahaha…Ok,adapesen buatcrew MW atau pembacaMW?Pesen saya sih, setiap edisi masukin surferPacitan donk… Ok!Boleh juga tuh sarannya, terus adapesen buat cowok-cowok keren yangakan baca profilmu di MW?Pesen saya buat para cowok keren yang lagibaca profil saya nih, banyak-banyak doainsaya aja biar saya dapetin salah satu diantara mereka. Hehehe…Makasih banyak ya….main-main keBali ya….So pasti banget....“ Even one day without surfing makes my body stiffall over”The <strong>May</strong> edition of Magic Wavefeatures a local Pacitan surf chick.Yeah..!! She’s just 16 years old,known as Manis and has been surfingfor 3 months. Her body gets stiff ifshe misses a day surfing. Manis goes toSMPN3 Junior High school in Pacitanand likes eating Pacitan bakso. She alsolikes gossiping, listening to reggae andpop music and snacking??!!Hi…hi how are you Pacitan??Good. Hehehe, but…also bad news…I justlost my friend’s fin Hwahaha….What season is it in Pacitan?Dry wallet season ha haTell us how you started surfing?Ok, this is the story…in the beginning mysoulmate and I saw people surfing and wethought it looked fantastic..oh yeah MisterYayak taught me to surf.So how long have you been surfing?Almost 3 monthsIs it harder to learn surfing or mathematics?Mathematics…because, Mathematics usesformulas that give you a headache.How often do you surf?Every day..because, my body hurts if I don’tsurf every day…You’re not scared of gettingdark skin?No,!..I am so notworried about havingdark skin, I’ma beach girl and Ithink beach girlshave to be dark.What do youthink aboutthe ad forwhite skinwhere the guyleaves the girlbecause her skinisn’t white andsmooth?It’s just an ad, so itdoesn’t affect me..Give me 3 reasonswhy you surf?Sleep, sit, stand, run, fall and wait for waves.What do you do apart from surfing?Climb my neighbour’s tree he,he…hegets angry but I don’t care Hehehe.What do you still want to do in surfing?I really want to try the wavesin Bali, is the water salty likehere..???Mmmmm….how do you feelabout being in Magic Wave?(hehhehe)Yaaaa…really happy …I have alwayswanted to be in Magic Wave…thankgod it’s happened.Hahaha…Ok, any message forMW crew or readers?Put Pacitan surfers in every edition… Ok!Any message for the cute guys thatwill read your profile in MW?My message for the cute guys who readthis is..pray for me that I will end up withone of them Hehehe…Thanks alot….come to Bali yeahFor sure....名 前 :Anis Marwatiニックネーム:Manis生 年 月 日 :1992 年 12 月 12 日ローカル・サーフポイント:Pacitanボードサイズ:5’6スポンサー:-スタイル:Goofy婚 姻 等 : 独 身 、とてもハッピーよ「 一 日 でもサーフィンしなかったら、 体 中 が 痛む 感 じなの。」Magic Wave5 月 号 では、Pacitanのロコを一 人 を 紹 介 するよ。イェ~!!16 歳 になったばかりの 女 の 子 、普 段 「Manis」と 呼 ばれている彼 女 はサーフィンを 始 めてからまだ3ヶ 月 。でも、 一 日 でもサーフィンしなかったら 体 が 痛 くなるそうだ。Pacitan 第 3 中 学 校 に 通 っている 彼 女 はPacitanの「Bakso」が大 好 きだ。趣 味 は 噂 話 、レゲエやポップス音 楽 を 聴 くこと、お 菓 子 をつまむこと…??!!.ホイ…ホイ、Pacitanは 元 気 かな??元 気 よ。へへへ。でも…ちょっと 元 気 じゃないこともあるわ… 友 達 のフィンを 失 くしちゃったの。ファハハハ…。の 意Ker-今 のPacitanの 季 節 は?KANKER(インドネシア 語 で 癌味 )の 季 節 …すなわちKantonging、 財 布 が 空 っぽってこと。サーフィンを 始 めたきっかけについて 話 してくれる?OK。 最 初 ね、 私 と 私 のソウルメイトとでサーフィンを 見 てたの。 見 てたら、サ ーフィンも 面 白 そうって 思 って…あ、 私 にサーフィンを 教 えてくれたのは、Mr.Yayakよ。サーフィンを 始めてどれくらいになる?大 体 3ヶ 月 くらいサーフィンしてるわ。数 学 とサーフィンではどっちが 難 しい?数 学 の 方 が 難 しいな… 数学 では 公 式 を 使 うから、すごく 頭 が 痛 くなっちゃう。どのくらいの 頻 度 でサーフィンしてるのかな?毎 日 よ~。だって、 一 日 でもサーフィンしなかったら、 体 中 が 痛 む 感 じなの。肌 が 黒 くなってしまうことは 怖 くない?No!… 肌 が 黒 くなるのなんてちっとも 怖 くないわ。だって、 私 はビーチ・ガールなんだから…ビーチ・ガールは 黒 くなきゃね。美 白 のコマーシャルをどう 思 う? 女 の 子 の 肌 が 白 く柔 らかでないからって、その 女 の 子 から 男 の 子 が 去っていくってコマーシャルあったよね。でも、それはコマーシャルよ。 私 が 気 にすると 思う?… 影 響 されないわ。サーフィンをやる 理 由 を3つ 述 べよ。眠 って、 座 って、 立 って、 走 って、 転 んで、そして 波 を 待 つ。サーフィンの 他 にやってることは?近 所 にある 木 に 登 ること、へへへ…よく 怒 られるけど、 懲 りずにやってる。へへへ。まだやってないことで、サーフィンに 関 係 した 何 かやりたいことってある?Baliの 波 をすご~く 試 してみたいな。そっちの 海 水も 同 じようにしょっぱいのよね…??んん…Magic Waveに 載 るって 気 持 ちはどんな 感 じ?(へへへ)そうね… 嬉 しいってことははっきりしてる。 前 から 望 んでたことだから。 今 もう 実 現 したことに 感謝 してる。ハハハ…OK、Magic Waveのクルーや 読 者 へのメッセージはある?私 からのメッセージはね、 毎 号 にPacitanのサーファーを 載 せてね…OK!提 案 としてはいいよ。それから、Magic Waveで 君 のプロフィールを 読 むであろうイケテル 男 の 子 たちへのメッセージはある?私 のプロフィールを 読 んでいるイケテル 男 の 子 たちへのメッセージはね、その 男 の 子 たちのうちの 一 人を 私 が 手 に 入 れられるようにってたくさん 祈 っててね。へへへ…。ありがとうね…Baliに 遊 びに 来 てよね…それは 絶 対 よ…Name:Anis MarwatiNick name:ManisDate of birth:12 December 1992Local:PacitanBoard size:5’6Sponsor: -Style:GoofyStatus:Single ‘n very happy12 <strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _<strong>May</strong> <strong>2009</strong>

Catch of the monthLolak,begitubiasanyaia dipanggil.Surferyang jugarajin mainsk8 ini datangkekantorMW.Mengakutidakpernah pake drugs dan gak pernahpunya cita-cita. Berikut wawancarasingkat MW dengan Lolak.Ceritakan pengalaman pertamakali surfing?Pertama kali surfing di Half Way, sekitar4-5 tahun yang lalu. Belajar sendiri, dikasihpapan ma temen, trus coba sendiri,langsung bisa berdiri.Kamu kan main sk8 n surf, belajaryg mana dulu?Surfing dulu baru main skate, pertamakali nyoba juga lansung bisa.Mana lebih susah?Gimana ya, gak ada susahnya, cuma mainskate jatuhnya..aduh.Pernah jatuh?Pernah kegeser tulang lengan, 2-3 bulangak bisa surfing, dipake paddle sakitbanget.Trus?Udah dibawa ke tukang urut, udah bisa,besoknya lansung main, jatuh lagi.Lebih sering main sk8 ato surf?K’lo pagi surfing, sore pulang kerja klogak ujan main skate.Stylenya?Stylenya mainnya surf regular klo skategoofy.Lho, kok?Soalnya waktu belajar surfing yang ngajarinstylenya regular, pas blajar skate yang ngajaringoofy, jadi keikut yang ngajar.Kegiatan selain surf n sk8?Gak ada, itu aja, heheheheKm kerja sama orang Austria ya?Udah bisa bahasa jerman?Udah bisa dikit2Udah punya pacar orangjerman?Swissterland, tapi udah gakada lagi, malas.Gak ada apa gak mau?HahahahhahahahaKalau seandainya gak jadisurfer n sk8er, kira2 jadi apa?Gak tau ya…jadi apa yaWaktu kecil apaan cita-citanyanya?Gak pernah kepikiran, tiba2aja muncul aja ide..gak adacita2Gak pengen jadicaleg (calonlegislative)?Politik?gakmautau,apalagijadi caleg,males, orangpolitikujung2nya bertengkar.Duit..duit..kalo gakduit ujung2nya bertengkar.Punya tattoo?Gak, takut liat jarumnya?hahahahhaBerarti gak pernah pake heroin donk?Hahahahah…Gak ah, no drugsTar gimana kamu jelasin ke anakmukalo kamu belum pernah coba?Aduhhhhhh..hahahahahhahaLolak, as he is usually called, is asurfer and skater and he paid us avisit at the MW office. He’s nevertaken drugs or had any ambitions…here is our interview with him….Tell us about your first surfing experience?The first time was at Half Way, about 4-5years ago. My friend lent me a board andI tried by myself, I could stand up straightaway.You skate and surf, which didyou do first?Istartedsurfing first thentried skating. I couldskate the first time Itried as well.Which is more difficult?I don’t know, neither are difficultbut it hurts more if you fall whenskating!Have you fallen?I dislocated my shoulder once and couldn’tsurf for 2-3 months, it hurt so much topaddle.And?I went to the massage guy and it was OKand when I surfed the next day I fell again.Do you sk8 or surf more?I surf in the morning and in the afternoonafter work I skate if it’s not raining.Style?Regular for surfing and goofy for skate.How’s that?Because when I was learning to surfI was taught regular style and when Ilearned to skate I was taught goofy so Ijust stayed with the way I was taught.What else do you do apart fromsurf n sk8?Nothing else, that’s it, heheheheYou work with an Austrian right?Do you speak German?I can speak it a bit.Do you have a German girlfriend?Swiss, but that’s finished, I’m lazy.You don’t have or you don’twant?HahahahhahahahaIf you weren’t a surfer andsk8er what would you be?I don’t know…anything..What was your ambition asa child?I never thought about it, sometimesideas just come up …but no real ambitionsYou don’t want to be a politician?Politics? I don’t want to know about it,let alone become a politician, I’m lazy..politicians always end up fighting…money..money…if there’s no moneythey end up fighting.Do you have tattoos?No, I’m scared of needles…hahahahhaSo that means you’ve never usedheroin?Hahahahah…No, no drugsSo how will you explain to yourkids if you’ve never tried it yourself?OMG..hahahahahhaha名 前 :I Made Raditaニックネーム:Lolak出 生 地 & 生 年 月 日 :Tabanan、1981 年 10 月11 日ボードサイズ:6’1ローカル・サーフポイント:Berawa「Lolak」… 普 段 彼 はそう 呼 ばれている。サーファーであり、またスケートボードもよくやっている 彼 がMagic Waveのオフィスを 訪 ねてくれた。ドラッグには 手 を 出 したことはないし、 夢 というのを 持 ったことがない…と 言 っていた。Magic WaveがLolakにしたインタビューは 次 の 通りだ。初 めてサーフィンをしたときのことについて 話 してくれるかな?初 めてサーフィンをしたのは、Half Way。 大 体 4~5 年 前 だね。独 学 でやってさ、ボードを 友 達 からもらってやってみたらすぐ 立 てたんだよ。スケートボードとサーフィンをやってるじゃない?どっちを 先 にやってたのかな。サーフィンを 先 にやってて、それからスケートボードをやったんだ。スケートボードも、 初 めてやってみたらすぐできたね。どっちが 難 しい?うーん…、 難 しいってことはないけど、スケートボードは 転 んだら…おおっ…。転 んだことはある?腕 の 骨 を 捻 挫 したことがあって、 数 ヶ 月 はサーフィンできなかったね。パドリングしたら 凄 く 痛 かった。それから…?マッサージしてくれる 人 のところへ 連 れて 行 かれて、 治 ったんだ。で、 翌 日 にはまたスケートボードをやったらまた 転 んだよ。よくやってるのはスケートボードとサーフィンのどっち?朝 はサーフィン、 夕 方 に 仕 事 から 帰 って 雨 じゃなかったらスケートボードだね。スタイルは?サーフィンはRegular,スケートはGoofy。えっ、 何 で?サーフィンを 教 えてもらったときに、スタイルはRegularで 教 わったんだ。スケートを 教 えてもらったときには、スタイルはGoofyだったんだよ。 教 わったとおりにやってるんだ。サーフィンとスケートボードの 他 にやってることは?それだけで、 他 にはないな。へへへ…。オーストリア 人 と 仕 事 してるんだって?ドイツ 語 はもう 話 せる?少 しは 話 せるよ。ドイツ 人 の 彼 女 はできた?スイス 人 だよ。でも、 今 はもういないんだ。めんどくさいね。彼 女 がいない(・・・)のか… 彼 女 が 欲 しく(・・・)ない(・・)のか…。ハハハ…。サーファーにもスケーターにもならなかったら、 何 になってたと 思 う?分 からないな… 何 になってたかなぁ。小 さい 頃 の 夢 は 何 だったのかな?考 えたことなかったね。 突 然 アイディアが 浮 かんでくるんだ。 夢 ってなかったよ。議 員 に 立 候 補 したくはない?政 治 のこと? 知 りたいと 思 わないよ。まして、 議 員 に立 候 補 なんてさ。 面 倒 だし、 政 治 やってる 人 って 結 局は 喧 嘩 してる。お 金 …お 金 …お 金 のことじゃなかったら、 喧 嘩 だよ。タトゥーはある?ないよ。 針 を 見 ると 怖 いんだ。ハハハ。…ってことは、ヘロインもやったことない?ハハハ…ないよ。No Drugs。やってみたことがなかったらさ、 子 どもに 聞 かれたときにどうやって 説明 する?え~っ…ハハハ…。Name : I Made RaditaDOB :Tabanan 11- October-1981Board size : 6’1Local : Berawa<strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _ <strong>May</strong> <strong>2009</strong> 13

Behind The swellCeritain dong,gimana kamu bisa masuk ke duniagraphic design?Hm…basicnya aku anak lukis, dulu akukuliah di bidang seni lukis gitu. Terusmain-main ke Jogja dan ambil kuliahdesign satu tahun disana, eh…malah tiapmalemnya aku dapet obyekan ngajarinanak-anak SMA design juga.hehe…lumayanlah…Jadi selama sekolah di Jogja kamunyambi jadi guru juga dong?Yah…itu dia lucunya, mau belajar malahdisuruh ngajarin. Tapi kalo ngomonginsampingan, nggak Cuma jadi guru aja sih,aku tattooing juga.Wah, artis tattoo juga nih..?okey, kalaugitu gimana awalnya kamu bisagabung ama surfer girl?Pas aku balik dari jogja, terus apply kesurfer girl, awalnya aku emang jadi juniorgraphic designer. Tapi pelan-pelan sekarangaku pegang di bagian brandnya.Apa yang menarikdari kerja di surfergirl?Wah…yang pasti disiniasyik banget, karena gaksekedar design aja tapiart work kita kepake juga.Jadi eksplorasi seni kerasadihargai banget. Secarasocial officenya juga solidand hommy bangetlahpokoknya.Ngomong-ngomong,kamu kan kerja di surfbrand nih…kamu surfingjuga nggak?Nggak…Lho, kenapa?Bukannya gimana-gimana, tapi aku mau jagakulit, biar besok kalau akhirnya tattooanhasilnya bagus. Hahahahhahahahaha…….Emang kamu belum punya tattoo?katanya artist tattoo, tapi kok nggakpunya tattoo?????Hehehe….karena belum aja. Lagian untukrespect sama tattoo kan nggak harus punyatattoo…kayak kamu gitu, iya kan?!Hehehe….baiklah bro, kalau gitu gimanadong caranya biar orang-orangyakin sama hasil karya mu?Check all my art work at www.buchtattoo.devianart.comWell…last word buat Magic wavedongKeep up for good support for local scene,keep surf and make world better“Art is Everything,Everything is Art”Tell us how you got into the world ofgraphic design?Hm…basically I am an artist, and I went toart school. I went to Jogja for a year andwent to design college there, and everynight I had a side job teaching design tohigh school students…hehe not too bad..So the whole time you were at schoolin Jogja you were also a teacher?Yeah…it’s funny, I wanted to study and insteadI was teaching. I wasn’t just a teacherthough, I also did some tattooing.Wow, a tattoo artist as well..? ok, sohow did you get started at SurferGirl?When I got back from Jogja,I applied at Surfer Girl, andI started as a junior graphicdesigner. Eventually I movedto the brand department.What’s interesting aboutworking at Surfer Girl?It’s great here becauseit’s not just design but we also use ourartwork. So we explore art and feel reallyvalued. The social side is also solid and reallyhomey.You work for a surf brand…do yousurf?No…How come?Only really because I want to look after myskin, so when I get tattoos they will alwayslook good Hahahahhahahahaha…….You really don’t have any tattoos? You’re atattoo artist but you don’t have anytattoos???????Hehehe….Because, just not yet. Youcan respect tattoos without havingthem…same as you right?!Hehehe….right bro, so how canpeople get a look at your art?Check all my art work at www.buchtattoo.devianart.comWell…last word for Magic WaveKeep up the good support for thelocal scene, keep surfing and make theworld betterName : Nyoman Hendra PermanaNick : Dembuch / BuchOccupation : Graphic DesignerInterests : Drawing and Tattooingemail : buch_tattoo@yahoo.comBali surf HistoryBy. I Gde BerataPada Magic Wave disi April, StevePalmer sudah bercerita tentang Sejarahsurfing di Bali. Dan pada edisi inigiliran I Gde Brata selaku PresidenIndonesia Surf Life Saving Associationbercerita tentang sejarah surfingBali. Dan inilah hasil interviewMagic Wave dengan I Gde Brata.Kepedulian terhadap masa depanpariwisata Bali menjadi motivasibagi Presiden IndonesianSurf Life Saving Association ini untukmeningkatkan keamanan di pantai danturut mengembangkan potensi surfingBali. Sembari menikmati suasana malamyang cerah berbintang. Dengan penuhkeramahan, Pak Brata menyambut MWdi kediamannya untuk mengulik-ulikkembali kenangan peradaban surfing diBali.Banyak wisatawan asing pesimis akantumbuh berkembangnya surfing di Bali.Mengingat karekter masyarakat denganreligiusnya yang kental dan kepercayaanterhadaphal-halmistis.Saya ingetbetulbagaimana anggapan orang-orang tentangkeangkeran pantai Kuta. Sebabbanyak sekali orang tenggelam dantak terselamatkan.Namun pada tahun 1966, saya melihatbeberapa bule yang sangat atraktifdi atas ombak menggunakan papanpanjang seolah menaiki motor diatasair. Akhirnya saya berkenalan denganmereka dan berteman sangat baikdengan salah satu dantaranya yaituJohn Michael Boyum dari Hawaii.Dialah yang membuat saya terkagumkagumdengan penyelamatanya terhadap4 orang dari keluarga Sumatera MotorDenpasar, meskipun salah satunya telahtak bernyawa. Dari dia pula untuk pertamakalinya saya mempelajari life saving.Setelah kedatangan John Michael Boyumtersebut, setiap bulannya mulai berdatanganbule-bule dan semakin banyak yang surfingdi Kuta. Dan tahun 1971, para pemuda Kutamulai mempelajari surfing dengan meminjamalat-alat dari wisatawan asing tersebutdan mengikis ketakutan akan mistisnyapantai Kuta. Karena kebiasaan para bule iniyang menitipkan surfboard kepada pemudalocal ketika akan pulang ke negaranya. Peluangitulah yang dimanfaatkan pemuda kutauntuk terus berlatih surfing.Melihat potensi yang muncul dari parapemuda Kuta, Ketua umum KONI Bali danKanwil depdikbud yang menjabat waktu itumengusulkan dibentuknya organisasi yangmengampu kegiatan surfing di Bali. Sehinggapada tahun 1973 lahir The surfing Club ofBali yang resmi berdiri atas persetujuan dannaungan langsung KONI daerah yang ketikaitu diketuai oleh saya sendiri. Pendukungyang merangakap sebagai pelatih asing telahditunjuk yaitu Mr. John Michaek Boyum dariHawaii. Tujuan berdirinya club ini adalahuntuk mempermudah jalinan persahabatandengan internasional dan mempercepatperkembangan surfing bali agar dapat diakuisebagai olah raga nasional yang antinyadapat mewakili bangasa Indonesia ke duniaInternasional.(bersambung…………)In the April edition of Magic Wave weheard about the history of surfing inBali from Steve Palmer. In this editionwe continue the story from theperspective of I Gde Brata, Presidentof the Indonesian Surf Life Saving Association.Concern for the future of tourismin Bali motivated Pak Brata to improvethe safety of the beach andhelp develop the potential for surfing inBali. While enjoying the night atmosphereand the bright stars at his house, PakBrata answered our questions about hismemories of the beginning of the surfingculture in Bali.“Many tourists were pessimistic aboutthe possibility of developing surfing inBali, keeping in mind the strong religiousbasis of the society and its belief in themystical world. I remember well peoples’suspicions about Kuta Beach becausemany people drowned there and couldnot be saved.But in 1966 I saw some tourists lookingreally good on the waves, using a longboard, like riding a bike on the water. Iintroduced myself to them and becamegood friends with them, one of themwas John Michael Boyum from Hawaii.He shocked me by saving 4 people fromthe Sumatera Motor Denpasar family, althoughone of them couldn’t be revived. Itwas from him that I first learned aboutlife saving.After John Michael Boyum came, almostevery month more tourists cameto surf at Kuta. In 1971 the young boysin Kuta started to learn to surf withboards borrowed from the tourists andstarted to lose the fear and suspicionassociated with the beach. Usually thetourists would leave their boards withsome of the locals when they wenthome and that gave the Kuta locals thechance to keep practicing their surfing.Seeing the potential of the young Kutasurfers, the head of KONI Bali (sportdept) and Kanwil Depdikbud (Areaoffice Education and Culture department)suggested that an organizationbe formed to support surfing activitiesin Bali. In 1973 the Surfing Club of Baliwas started with the agreement ofKONI and headed by me. John MichaelBoyum offered support as foreigncoach. The aim of the club was to forminternational relationships and speedup the development of surfing in Baliso that it could be recognized as a nationalsport and later Indonesia couldbe represented at an international level.(To be continued……….)14 <strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _<strong>May</strong> <strong>2009</strong>

Watch out for Dengue Fever!We think it’s time to remind youabout dengue fever… again.The tropics and the rainy season...One unique combination that remindsus of dengue fever. Indonesia is anendemic region of dengue fever. Thisdisease can be found in almost everyregion and anytime of the year, with ahigher incidence during rainy season,which is generally October to April(the highest incidence usually is duringFebruary and March), because it givesa better habitat for the vector, themosquito, to breed. For informationabout the disease, the symptoms andothers, go to our archive. In this articlewe’ll discuss more about mosquito biteprevention.DEET. This remains the gold standardof currently available mosquito and tickrepellents. Comparison studies suggestthat DEET preparations are the mosteffective insect repellants now available.Recommended concentration:•35 % or more for adults who are inhigh risk regions for prolonged periods•20% - 35% for most adults andchildren over 12 years old, providescomplete protection for an average of5 hoursused in billions of applications. Only 50 such toxicreactions have been reported and most of themresolved without any consequences.When applying DEET, the following precautionsshould be taken:•Do not use on the face and apply only enoughto cover exposed skin on other areas.•Do not over apply and do not use under clothing.•Do not apply over any cuts, wounds or irritatedskin.•Parents or an adult should apply repellent toa child and not let the child apply it to him orherself. Parents or an adult should first put DEETon their own hands then apply it to the child.Avoid putting DEET not only near the child’s eyesand mouth, but also on the hands (since childrenfrequently touch their faces).•Wash any treated skin after going back indoors.•If using a spray, apply DEET outdoors--neverindoors. Spray repellents should not be appliedinside or directly on anyone’s face.Other Insect Repellent Products•Soy-based Bite Blocker, is safe for infants andgives protection that averaged over an hour and ahalf.•Citronella - or mixed oil based products, protectsfor an average of 20 minutes or less.avoid using permethrin.Other Preventive Measures. Other preventivemeasures include:•Wearing trousers and long-sleevedshirts, particularly at dusk. One surveysuggested that this measure may significantlyreduce the incidence of mosquitoborndisease.•Sleeping only in screened areas.•Air-conditioning may reduce mosquitoinfiltration. Where air-conditioning is notavailable, fans may be helpful. Mosquitoesappear to be reluctant to fly in windy air.•Don’t wear perfumes.•Minimizing skin exposure after dusk.•Washing hair at least twice a week.•Burning citronella candles reduces thelikelihood of bites. Indeed, burning anycandle helps to some extent, perhapsbecause the generation of carbon dioxidediverts mosquitoes toward the flame.Smoke from burning certain plants, includingginger, beetle nut and coconut husks,have also reduced mosquito infiltration, butthe irritating and toxic effects on the eyesand lungs may be considerable, such as thecitrosa plant. To date, no evidence showsmuch benefit but such methods are notharmful.For people living in Indonesia, thehealth department recommends toprevent mosquito breeding sites.Mosquitoes usually lay their eggs onstill water. It is advised to:•Drain out water from desertcoolers/window air coolers (whennot in use), tanks, barrels, drums,buckets etc.•Remove all objects containingwater (e.g. plant saucers etc.) fromthe house.•Collect and destroy discardedcontainers in which water collectse.g. bottles, plastic bags, tins, usedtyres etc.•In case it is not possible to drainout various water collections or tofully cover them, use temephos, aninsecticide, ( brand name Abate) 1part per million according to the localguidelines to prevent larvae fromdeveloping into adults.Source:•MdConsult•CDC•WHO•10% or less for children ages 2 to 12,but some experts believe that these aresafe even for infants over two monthsold.DEET has been used for more than40 years and is safe for most childrenwhen used as directed.Remember! The effectiveness of DEETvaries from individual to individual anddepends on climate changes. For example,it can be washed off during swimmingor by rain. High temperaturesmake it less effective. DEET, particularlyin very high concentrations, can alsodissolve plastics, including those usedin glasses, watches and some syntheticclothing. DEET then should not be puton clothing.Overexposure to DEET at any age hasproduced toxic effects, including itching,rash and in severe cases, irritability,insomnia, and confusion. It shouldbe noted, however, that it has beenintensively studied for 40 years and•Synthetic insect repellent IR3535, provides protectionfor 20 minutes to an hour.•Repellent containing eucalyptus, offers protectionthat averages 2 hours and is a good alternative,particularly for children.•Bayrepel, a piperidine derivative, mainly used inEurope, may prove to be very protective.•Bath oils, all wristbands (including those thatcontain DEET or emit sound), garlic and vitaminB1, are proved to offer very little protection ornone at all.Permethrin. It is an insect repellent used as aspray for clothing and bed nets, which can repelinsects for weeks when applied correctly. Electricvaporizing mats containing permethrin may bevery helpful. A permethrin solution is also availablefor soaking items, but should never be appliedto the skin. Side effects from direct exposure mayinclude mild burning, stinging, itching and rash, butin general, this agent is very safe and its use mayeven reduce child mortality rates from malaria.Travelers allergic to chrysanthemum flowers orwho are allergic to head-lice scabicides should<strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _ <strong>May</strong> <strong>2009</strong> 15

Pacitan TripIndonesia is a paradise for waves, whereever you go, except north, you got hips ofwonderful spots in such a beautiful landscape,so natural... And it’’s so rich in culture! After our trip last year to the Mentawaiwe where looking for a new adventure asgood as Siberut and we found it on Java.Java is full of unknown spots. Our tripbrought us to Pacitan and we are reallyglad now we were told about this place.Thanks Magic Waves... ahah...Pacitan is an amazing bay, surroundedby beautiful green mountains, and allaround there are small bays, white sandedbeaches, amazing waves, but you have tolike adventure, it’s really difficult to getto some of this spots, some are about anhour from Pacitan center... After a weekthere we were brought to a spot about2 hours from where we stayed, we had towalk down to the beach for an hour againbut “waouh” we were instantly wordlessto see the spot ! Therefor we are reallythankful to all Pacitan’s locals, they reallyhelp us out there and showed us withpleasure there region, there favorite spots,without them we will certainly not had sucha fantastic journey.The 4 of us were looking for a old hawaiianstyle of trip : enjoy a wonderful strengthof mother nature with our friends, share,appreciate each moments... In Pacitan wefound all this ! Locals are 100% in this spiritthat I thought was going to be quite difficultto find.I can’t stop surfers to go over there, in thecontrary I will say “go, it’s magic !” but I reallyhope Pacitan is not going to be the nextplace for surf industries and that surfersare not going to bring over there all thetourists attractions that would destroythe landscape as it as on Bali or as it hasstarted on the Mentawai.We enjoy a strength of mother nature,show your respect to her in return !Trip ke PerthHari Senin 9 feb <strong>2009</strong> jam 9:30 am naik taxipergi ke airport ngurah rai. Seorang diri dantidak tahu apa yang akan terjadi. Baru pertamakali bepergian ke luar negeri asing. Document negara harus lengkap sebelum check in,dan sekarang harus punya NPWP pribadi untuk ke luar negeri. Saya ada kartu tersebutdan masih dimintai uang 2500 000 ,-rp Untuk Fiscal dan Taxe airport. Tapi saya masihkatakan sekali lagi pada petugas bandara saya ada kartu NPWP pak ! Untung kali sayagratis tidak bayar TAX fiscal tapi hanya airport tax 150 000,-.Sampai di oz sore sekitar jam 18:45 pm dengan GIA 726 Denpasar- Perth. Dengantas dan baju secukupnya sampai di Perth saya di tanya lagi oleh pihak imigrasi Oz dandisana untung teman saya sudah ada di airport karena dia bekerja sebagai customerservice di GIA . Warga Australia lhooo. Hari pertama di perth Kulit kering dan haus.Cuaca atau kondisi alam berbeda dengan di Bali.Sorry bahasa sono dikit..I’am stay in Onslow Tower Apartement by City of Perth. from airport visit kieranhouse in <strong>May</strong>lands then Jacobs ladder in King Park botanical Garden in Perth WA. Afterthat we go to Cottesloe visit Deb and Miles. Next day….Surf and surf in Trigg ,Swelltrigg Beach same like kuta beach, Cottesloe, scarbrough, trigg, hillary beach but nearhillary they have alot boat you can go to Rottnest. The surf is still tiny a long themetro coastline this morning. Beautiful clean conditions again with moderate. Thebeach always put the sign keep beach clean...The life guard always wacth ..Surfing very excite and had fun in Margaret River. Couple week in Oz not seegood wave. I tell my friend , pleased take go Margaret River. I knew it the surfsport from Surf Magazine world. Surfing world famous for its surf sport, surfersfrom around globe arrive annually in search on the perfect wave over 75 surfpoint breaks are located in the Margaret River wine. Region alone and many morea long the southern coastline. Most reef break are within easy swimming distancefrom the shore.The last day before back to Bali i was surf in Lancellin surf point.Beach sport i had been visited.Margaret River, Prevelly beach,Box surfpoint,Busselton ,Yallingup,Grace town left wave .Freementle Hourbor,Cottesloe,Scarbrough,Trigg, Hillary beach.Ledge point and Landcellin.Big event i was visit in Cottesloe <strong>2009</strong> WA today RottnestChannel Swim 21-st february <strong>2009</strong>.16 <strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _<strong>May</strong> <strong>2009</strong>

Indonesian Surfers Dede Suryana,Pepen Hendrik, and Made AwanGo Big at Garuda Indonesia TravelScene Pro JPSA Comp in Keramas14 April <strong>2009</strong>, Gianyar-Bali, Indonesia: At the endof the fifth and final day of the Garuda IndonesiaTravel Scene Pro Japan Professional Surfing Associationcontest at Keramas Beach on Sunday the12th of April, three of Indonesia’s best pro surfersall finished with spots on the podium, surfing againstsome very strong Japanese competitors in superbwave conditions.Each year Bali plays host to a JPSA pro surf contest, this year named the Garuda Indone- sia TravelScene Pro, at the black sand beach of Keramas on the East Coast of Bali. After four days of mediocre wave conditions,the morning light revealed the refreshing sight of 3-4 foot roping barrels breaking over the ragged lava reef,giving the surfers a real chance to bust out their most radical tricks for the judges.Long barrels, huge gouging cutbacks, radical vertical maneuvers, and aerials punctuated the JPSA Men’s quarter,semi, and final heats. Indonesia’s Pepen Hendrik, the 2004 Indonesian Surfing Champion who at 32 years of agestill surfs on both the ISC and the JPSA Tours, barreled and slashed his way into to a 3rd place finish against themuch younger Japanese competition.After the Men’s and Women’s finals, a select group of 8 Indonesian surfers were invited to compete against theirJapanese peers in what was called the “Bali-Japan Friendship Game”. Last year’s 2008 ISC Champion Dede Suryanafrom West Java headed up the group that included young rippers Garut Widiarta, Mustofa Jeksen and RadityaRondi from Kuta, Robot Susiana and Putra Hermawan from Nusa Lembongan, and was rounded out by veteransMade Awan (Serangan) and Dedi Santoso (Kuta).There was many a brilliant display of competitive surfing during the hotly contested event, with the boys going allout for that top spot on the podium and to claim victory for the national pride of their country. Dede “Who’syour Dede” Suryana left no doubt in anybody’s mind that he wanted that top podium spot all to himself, bustingout airs, tubes, and huge hacks to bring it all home in the final. Second and fourth spots when to the Japaneseguys, while Made Awan did himself proud with a third place finish, getting in some air time of his own.The Sunday festivities concluded at the Istana Rama Hotel with the awards presentation and dinner around a bigpool, which naturally resulted in a lot of empty Bintang’s and a lot of wet and stoked people having a great time!Text and Photos: Tim Hain<strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _ <strong>May</strong> <strong>2009</strong> 17

MADE TRIP TO NIAS23 maret pagi aku berangkat ke Nias bersama Ado dan Smethy. Ini adalahpengalaman pergi terjauh di Indonesia. setelah transit ke Jakarta dan berlanjutterbang ke Padang, waktu berasa cepet banget. Ngobrol bentar aja tautau uda nyampe Padang dan makan masakan asli Padang, enak banget loh….Dari Padang kami naik pesawat merpati yang kecil. Gila…..pertama kalinya tuh akunaik pesawat kecil banget, Cuma buat 40 orang aja muatannya. Udah gitu pesawatnyabawa jenazah juga!!! jadi ikutan sedih deh, soalnya keluarga jenazah nangis-nangisgitu selama perjalanan. Yang lebih gawatnya, itu pesawat waktu mendarat pake acaramiring-miring segala….busyeeeettt…..mantra keramat udah komat-kamit ajadari mulutku. Tapi akhirnya kami menapakkan kaki dengan selamat di tanahnias, syukurlah.Pertempuran dengan maut itu terbayar dengan keramahan para local Nias (ciiieeeey….berlebihandeh). Tapi sambutan local Nias bikin terharu, hehehehe….apalagi kami juga diajak masuk ke desa dan melihat adat istiadat disana. Rumahadatnya unik, megah dan indah banget dipandang mata. Salah seorang lokal yang bernamaVenus adalah kembaran ku, yah…anggep aja kembar deh (^_^). Dia mengajak ku menjajal ombakNIas yang sangat bagus….amazing swell. Pantes aja Local Nias jago-jago, gimana nggak, sarapan tiappaginya aja Barrel !!!Nggak terasa banget satu minggu di Nias, tiba-tiba aja udah waktunya pulang ke Bali….thanks for allLocal Nias. C u guys….On the morning of 23rd March I left for Nias with Ado andSmethy. This was the furtherest I had travelled in Indonesia.The trip from Jakarta to Padang went fast...we chatted fora while and then arrived in Padang and ate original Padang food…sogood…From Padang we got on a small Merpati plane. It was crazy...the firsttime I had been on such a small plane, it only held 40 people. Theyeven had a dead body on board!!! So it was quite sad because thefamily of the dead person were crying the whole time. More seriouslywhen the plane landed it was on an angle…damnnnnn…I waspraying out loud. Finally we were able to put our feet on the groundat Nias…thank god.The brush with death was repaid in full by the friendliness of theNias locals...their reaction was touching..hehehe…they invited us totheir village to see a traditional ceremony. The traditional houses areunique, very beautiful. One local called Venus looked after me…wewere like twins (^_^). He took me to try the fantastic Nias waves….amazing swell. No wonder the locals are suh champions…whywouldn’t they be with barrels for breakfast every morning!!!!The week flew by and then we had to go home to Bali ….thanks toall the Nias Locals. C u guys….Boat Trip to SumbawaIt’s me, Komang BSP a.k.a. Grandong. At first, I was told by Kopi (MW Crew)about a boat trip from Bali to Lombok and Sumbawa. Kopi himself was contactedby Rocky Wave Huntter couple days before. At that time, Kopi couldn’t gofor it, therefore I got this opportunity. Kopi checked the swell through the internetwhich said that the waves are big. But, it was wrong since I only found small waves,hehe…Ok,let’s start from 8 April. At 7 a.m., I started the trip from Wave office toSerangan. We went from Serangan to Lembongan by Wave Huntter’s ship. In oneday, surfing was done there, but I only enjoyed the beauty of Lembongan and metsome new people.The second day at 3 a.m., we went from Lembongan to Lombok. I woke up at6 a.m. I only saw small waves, but when I looked at the view around me; the hill,mountain, and sea, the disappointment was gone.Finally, we arrived at Blongos, Lombok. The waves are good enough. After taking alittle break, we directly went to YOYOS in Sumbawa. Yoyos has great waves but itwas still in low tide, so I decided to take pictures from the beach. In the afternoon,we stayed in an island which name I didn’t know, haha... The next day we still hadfun in the same place, Yoyos.After Yoyos’ waves were smaller, we continued the trip to Scar Reef Sumbawa. Itturned out that the waves there were also small. Me and the trip group decided tospend a night there.So early in the morning, the ship captain took us to Eka’s in Sumbawa. Eka’s wavesare fantastic. We could find 6-7 feet waves. Me and my friends were so satisfiedto see it, while there were also some people who didn’t dare enough and decidednot to surf.There were no more activities in the seventh day. We went back to L:embongan. Afriend tried to go fishing for the last dinner. They got three big fishes. We made abarbeque party at Lembongan.It’s a wonderful trip for me, since not only I could make friends with those moreor less 13 people I met on the ship, but also I was impressed by the surf points inLombok and Sumbawa. And one thing for sure, I could enjoy thebeautiful view, though I got stoned in the second day. Cheers!!!Thanks to Rocky Wave Huntter for the trip. Can’t wait for thenext trip…18 <strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _<strong>May</strong> <strong>2009</strong>

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VOLCOM STONE’S GRILL-FISH SURF SERIESBUKIT, BALANGANBEACH, BALISunday, 12th April <strong>2009</strong>The weather was really friendly at Volcom Stone’s GrillfishSurf Series that was held last Sunday on April 12th, as theclouds forming a nice barrier to the blasting Bukit sun. Andthe waves also couldn’t be more perfect - 2-3 feet high and justwould not stop barraging.The most interesting to watch on the Under 14s category waslittle Tommy Sabri, who lead from the first heat with his snap andfloater maneuvers. Too bad he didn’t get any waves at the finals,leaving I Kadek Koko Mitsua Antara as the winner.From early on it was a tight competition at the Under 17sfinals between Agus Sumerta Yasa and Agus Sudiantara. But AgusSumerta Yasa begun to be able to control the waves, and won thefinal heat with a significant point difference thanks to his smoothcutback and snap maneuvers.It was also intense at the Pro-Am division. I Kadek Arya Wiartaactually lead the score board and was about to snag the firstplace, but at the last minutes Mega Semadhi dropped a seriouslybig air and landed clean and perfect. This earned him high pointsand took him to victory.The prize presentation was held after the contestants enjoyedtheir free lunch and Volcom’s signature giveaway frenzy markedthe end of the day.RESULTPro Am1st2nd3rd4thMega SemadhiI Kadek Arya WiartaAgus Sumerta YasaI Nyoman Koki HendrawanUnder 171st Agus Sumerta Yasa2nd Agus Sudiantara3rd Agus Setiawan4th I wayan SuardanaUnder 141st I Kadek Koko Mitsua Antara2nd I Nyoman Tirtayasa3rd I Kadek Andita Yasa4th Tommy SabriThanks to all participants, all media & photographers, all kids, localjudges for all the help, friendship and brotherhood, Volcom IndoTeam & Riders. Volcom together…cheers,<strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _ <strong>May</strong> <strong>2009</strong> 23

24 <strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _<strong>May</strong> <strong>2009</strong>Welcome to the club !

Lucky Lakey Peak Groms Tear It Up atGromSearch 3 in Sumbawa6April<strong>2009</strong>, Lakey Peak – Sumbawa: The Rip Curl GromSearch crew hoppedover east of Bali to world famous Lakey Peak in Sumbawa for Gromsearch 3over the weekend to check out if there were any hot groms around…and theyhad no problem finding lots of ‘em!Having already produced such well known groms as Rip Curl team riders Ony Anwar(2008 Coca-Cola ISC Junior Champion) and the notorious surfer /MC Dede Gun, andlast year’s Rip Curl GromSearch Series winner Gazali Hamzah, Lakey Peak has shownitself to be a veritable hotbed of grom surfing in Indonesia.Sunday morning greeted the GromSearch crew and the amping Lakey groms withbright sunshine and a perfect 3-4 foot Lakey Peak lineup, with plenty of both lefts andrights on offer. The tide was slowly ebbing out, creating just the right conditions for alow tide early afternoon finish. These groms have to be some of the luckiest on theplanet to be able to surf waves like this all the time!First up were the Under 14 groms battling it out in four 5-man heats for a place inthe finals, starting at just after 9 am. Charging like there was a world championshipat stake were Bomar Presetia, Yasin, Haeril Hu’u, and Ony Anwar’s little brother AndriAnwar. These little shredders put on quite a show and aggressively attacked eachwave, putting together deep bottom turns with slashing off the tops, gouging roundhousecutbacks, and airs.It was anybody’s guess in most of the heats as to who would come out on top, as thecompetition was so fierce, but in the low tide final Yasin put together a stellar performanceto best the late charging Andri for the top spot. Andri seemed be set ongoing big from the starting horn, but failed to complete some aggressive maneuversearly on, buy then settled down to some solid surfing to get second place over thirdplace Bomar Presetia, leaving Haeril Hu’u to round out the final.A special Micro Grom session (under 10 years of age) saw five 8-10 year old’s paddleout to take on, what must have seemed like monstrous Lakey Peak! They charged likelittle legends, leaving all the viewers with a smile and laugh.The Under 16 division may have had only six contestants, but they kept the judgesbusy non-stop all the way to the final. Rip Curl Team rider Muhlis (MJ) Jaffar made itclear that he wanted top spot on the podium and that ticket to Bali, going both leftand right and executing big maneuvers in the critical parts of the wave to best Firman,who was virtually matching MJ point for point for most of the final but just came up abit short at the horn. Both were super stoked to receive their Tickets to Bali, and allthe finalists went home with Rip Curl Goody bags packed with prizes from Rip Curland the GromSearch sponsors.“I am really impressed by these young guys surfing ability,” said Coca-Cola ISC TourHead Judge Wayan Pica. “They are really charging, reading the waves and knowingwhich maneuvers to perform. It’s great to see such high performance and bravery inthese young kids when surfing this challenging reef break,” he added.Before the judges and crew left the tower to head back for the games, giveaways, andtrophy presentation, Event Manager Yudha called out for the Expression Session tobegin. The boys were going big trying to impress the judges, but it was Gazeli Hamzahthat got the Best Trick award for his 360 bunny hop, and Tahi won the Best Waveaward for a long left hander with a stack of turns, finishing with a 360 on the inside.Trash collecting, musical chairs, quizzes, and just being there for the giveaways nettedthe attendees on the beach, so everybody went home with something! And soanother epic GromSearch event came to a close with a happy bunch of people and abeautiful red sunset!Thanks to the sponsors…..Fren, Skull Candy, Eat Sleep Surf (ESS), Light Surfboards, Yayasan Gelombang UdaraSegar, Trax Magazine, Surf Time Magazine and the Coca-Cola Indonesian SurfingChampionshipTour.The Rip Curl GromSearch Series <strong>2009</strong> is sanctioned by the Coca-Cola ISC (IndonesianSurfing Championship) Tour; so all contestants will receive ISC Junior Divisionpoints at each event. The Under 16 surfer with the most points at the end of the yearwill become the Indonesian Junior Champion of <strong>2009</strong>.ResultsUnder 16 Final1. Muhlis Jaffar2. Firman3. Ornot4. Silipester Under 14 Final1. Yasin2. Andri Anwar3. Bomar Prasetia4. Haeril Hu’uMini Grom Final1. Ompu2. Kadet3. Rocky4. Gilang Expression SessionBest Trick: Gazali Hamzah,Best Wave: TahiThanks for all the support. The Lakey Peak locals did a great job in making thingswork. “Sammy you are the man”It was an awesome event and all will be looking forward to the next Rip Curl Grom-Search in Cimaja, West Java- July 5th.Text and Photos: Tim Hain - Coca-Cola ISC Tour<strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _ <strong>May</strong> <strong>2009</strong> 25

Kontes PererenanSurfing ClubUntuk ke tiga kalinya Pererenan Surfing Club menjadi tuanrumah kontes. Di support dengan ombak yang mantab bindahsyat. Kontes yang diadakan tanggal 26 April ini berjalanlancar dan meriah. Terlebih lagi dengan koar-koar RibutWahyudi sebagai mc yang cukup memanaskan suasana di pantaipererenan.Bersamaan dengan ulang tahun Pererenan Surfing Club sendiri, konteskali ini benar-benar matang, terbukti dengan banyaknya dukunganbaik dari alam maupun industry seperti Billabong, Quiksilver, Junglesurf hard wear, Rusty, Volcom, Rip Curl, Ria Brothers Restaurant,villa-villa di Pererenan, Lurah desa Pererenan dan Magic Wave sebagaimedia partner.“Sangat memuaskan, karena tahun ini team lebih solid, dan kami bisabagi-bagi give away…” ujar Jerry sang Contest Director.Pemenang PSC contest kali ini adalah:U161. Jeren - Canggu2. Blerong - Pererenan3. Sodok - Canggu4. Juli - CangguOpen1. Clepux - Pererenan2. Gemuk - Pererenan3. Nuada - Pererenan4. Konok - Pererenan26 <strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _<strong>May</strong> <strong>2009</strong>

Agus Frimanto Crowned RustyGromfest Series ChampionPhotos by Amin & Harry / Text by ThaiKuta Beach, Bali (Sunday April 5th,<strong>2009</strong>) - Agus Frimanto won theRusty Gromfest Halfway surfingcompetition today, surpassing fellowLembongan prodigy Putra Hermawan inthe overall rankings, resulting in a dramaticconclusion to the three-stage Rusty GromfestSeries Bali, <strong>2009</strong>.The series launched at Keramas in February,followed by an event at Pererenan inMarch, then culminated at ‘Halfway” KutaBeach today in challenging conditions.Competitors were split into two agedivisions - under 14 and under 16 - withRusty’s team of pro surfers taking on scoringduties under the watchful eye of ISCjudges. Over eighty grommets participatedin each event.The contests were free to enter with complimentarylunch and goody bags for everyone.Fun games and product giveawayswere held throughout the day to engagethe hordes of spectators and beach-goers.Over the duration of the series the standout surfers in the under 14 division havebeen Jeren (Canggu), Koko (Nusa Dua),Mansyur (Sumbawa), Blacky (Legian), andEdiana (Lembongan). The future of Indonesiansurfing is in good hands with this lot,who all come from diverse backgroundsbut have one thing in common: they absolutelyrip!Today Jeren was in his element, winningeach of his heats, and then claiming hismaiden victory after going mental in thefinal. Ediana lost in the semis but stillclenched the overall series title after finishingrunner-up at Keramas and winning Pererenan.In the under 16 division much of the attentionhas been focused on the Lembongan duo ofPutra Hermawan and Agus Frimanto who havehad consistent finals berths.Putra had built a commanding ratings leadfollowing two consecutive victories in the firsttwo events (Agus placed 2nd and 3rd) but theadditional 25% points up for grabs at Halfwaymeant that Agus was mathematically still in therunning to take the overall title.Today Putra and Agus met in the semi finalswhere Agus took it to the next level with aspectacular display of confident, critical surfing.He stomped a 360 air-reverse to take the heatand advance into the final alongside AhmadKamal while Putra fell victim to the flat, unresponsiveocean.This left the door wide open for Agus, whowould need to finish second or better to takethe series title.With so much at stake, Agus Frimanto put allthe pressure aside and destroyed every wavehe caught in the final, winning convincingly. Hehas been awarded a chance to compete againstthe best international junior surfers at the 14thannual Rusty Gromfest held at Lennox Head,Australia in July <strong>2009</strong>.“I’m so happy to win the event and get theticket to Australia” beamed Agus after the podiumcelebration. “I can’t wait to surf LennoxHead, Snapper Rocks and all the great wavesthere... but first it’s time to party!!!”The Rusty Gromfest Series Bali <strong>2009</strong>, held inconjunction with the Coca-Cola ISC JuniorTour, has been a great success that was madepossible by the generous support of the localcommunities at Keramas, Pererenan, and Kuta.Thanks also to our sponsors Creatures, Macbeth,Sabre, Wall’s, GUS, Surftime, and MagicWave. See you next year!!Gromfest Halfway Results:Under 161. Agus Frimanto2. Tia Nustawan3. Ahmad Kamal4. Putu AnggaraUnder 141. Jeren2. Koko Mitsua Antara3. Mansyur4. Luke HyndOverall Rusty Gromfest SeriesBali <strong>2009</strong> Rankings:Under 161. Agus Frimanto - 5850 points2. Putra Hermawan - 5500 points3. Tia Nustawan - 5100 pointsUnder 141. Ediana Putra - 5350 points2. Jeren - 5183 points3. Koko Mitsua Antara - 4750 points<strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _ <strong>May</strong> <strong>2009</strong> 27

Coca-Cola ISC Pro Surfing Tour <strong>2009</strong> Officially Launched at Kuta Beach, Bali18 April <strong>2009</strong>, Kuta-Bali: The Coca-Cola Indonesian Surfing ChampionshipPro Tour <strong>2009</strong> was officiallylaunched on the sands of the world famousKuta Beach in Bali on Saturday afternoonin front of the Hard Rock Hoteljust before sunset, complete with Balinesegamelan music and dancers, speeches,giveaways, and s live music performance,announcing the start of this exciting competitivesurfing season.The season’s first pro event will be theRusty “Rumble in Da Jungle” 6-star contestat Bangsal Beach in Sanur, starting offon April 26th with a waiting period of 3weeks with which to allow the contest tobe run in only the best waves, creating themost exciting event for both the surfersand the spectators, with a prize purse of35 million Rupiah at stake.Six more pro events will be held in locationsthroughout Indonesia includingWest Java, Sumbawa, Rote, and of courseBali. Please check www.isctour.com fordetails on the schedule and to follow thetour as it travels to these exciting surfspots.The Saturday afternoon launch eventwas attended by local and national media,members of the surf industry, surfers, staffand management of Coca-Cola BottlingIndonesia and the ISC, and of course thetourists and beach workers that crowdthe sands of Kuta Beach each day in frontof the Hard Rock Hotel Bali.After the beautiful Balinese dancers hadentertained the audience, Bruce Waterfieldfrom Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesiaheadquarters in Jakarta gave a welcomingspeech in which he explained, “Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia’s sponsorship isan extension of our CSR program happeningaround Bali. We have been workingwith local authorities and NGO’s to cleanup Bali’s beaches and improve environmentalawareness through education. The ISC,surfing and surfers are users of the beachesin a place where surfing has such a global focus.....sowe’re very keen to work with ISC,the governing body of surfing in Indonesia,as they provide an organized platform forthe surfers to develop their skills and havegreat future.”After a big round of applause, he added,“This is CCBI’s second year supporting theISC. The large value of our sponsorship representsour commitment to provide all Indonesiansurfers an opportunity to developthemselves, the sport and lifestyle of surfing,and an opportunity to shine on the worldstage.”His speech was followed by a few wordsfrom ISC CEO and pro surfer Tipi Jabrik,who expressed his appreciation saying,“Thank you to CCBI for their support of theISC and for surfing in Indonesia. Partneringwith Coca-Cola opens a lot of doors for us,and with their help and media connectionswe can create more visibility to what we aredoing here in Indonesia. Their communityinvolvement in beach clean up, reef preservation,and other social programs means abetter future for Bali and Indonesia. Finally,my heartfelt thanks to our loyal event sponsorsBillabong, Oakley, Quiksilver, Rip Curl,and Rusty for making our tour grow eachyear and become such a big success, and toBaliwista (Bali’s Lifesaving Dept) for helpingout at every event!”Mr. Ngurah Darma, the head of Bali’s TourismDepartment, was next to take the microphone,informing the audience of howgrateful he is for CCBI’s support of Bali andsurfing, and how proud he is of the ISC’ssuccess. He went on to say that his touristdepartment fully supports surfing and wantto become more involved in the future.He was then presented with his very ownsurfboard by Tipi Jabrik and Yerki Basuki(GM of Operations, Bali), courtesy of theCoca-Cola ISC tour.Another surfboard was given to luckyMisa Tai from Surf Edge Magazine, thewinner for doing the best impersonationof a Coca-Cola TV advertisement, andfinally a glorious sunset capped off theevent, while Bali lifeguard, surfer and musicianextraordinaire Marcello, played theguitar and sang to a darkening sky.The ISC would like to express their appreciationto Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia,the Hard Rock Café Bali, Baliwista,the Bali Tourism Department, Billabong,Oakley, Quiksilver, Rip Curl, Rusty, GUS,SurfTime, Magic Wave, Hello Bali, Bali andBeyond, and the other media in attendancefor their support.Photos: Tim Hain28 <strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _<strong>May</strong> <strong>2009</strong>

News....News...News....News...Belum lama ini Jason Shibata pengelolaContrast Magazine, sebuah media lifestyledi Hawaii, mampir dan nongkrong di MagicWave. Kedatangannya ke Bali dalam rangkakontes JPSA pada bulan April kemarin.Made “Benesari Tattoo”, belum lama inimembuka studio baru. Studio yang dinamakanHells Angels Tattoo Studio inibertempat di Jl.Legian Gg.Bedugul No.9A,Kuta.14 April kemarin, The Hydrant mengadakankonferensi pers perihal launching albumbaru mereka “Bali Bandidos”. Rencanamereka akan me-launching album ketigamereka ini pada tanggal 17 April <strong>2009</strong>.Bugbugan Free School, belum lama ini mengadakanacara nonton film bareng. Dibukadengan acara tari-tarian oleh anak-anakdari bugbugan free school.Monot dari west Java dapat sponsor baruyaitu Zero Wet Suit dan KaitoAsosiasi Desainer Grafis Indonesia (ADGI)Bali Chapter kembali menggelar “MebaseGenep” pada tanggal 18 April <strong>2009</strong>, sebuahacara trade marknya yang mengundang(menculik) tamu untuk berbagi dalam sharingdan diskusi yang casual.Aji, surfer asal Pacitan ini sempat berliburke Bali selama beberapa hari setelahpemilu. Menghabiskan hari-hari terakhirnyadi Bali bersama crew magicwave.Melewati malam panjang penuh alkohol.Yeah…..!!!!!!!!!!Dari sebuah sumber terpercaya (hehehe),Shotonk “Legian 64” memutuskan untuktidak lagi mengkomsumsi alkohol??!!Ombak Bali International Surf FilmFestival // MON, 06 APR 09This year’s Ombak Bali International SurfFilm Festival will be held on the 12-15 August.Any filmmakers out there,interestedin showcasing their talent please contactErrol / linOmbak BaliInternational Surf Filmfestivalatt. ErrolKubu Arcade at Kuta bungalowsBloc A3/A5/A6 jl. Benesari, Legian-KutaBALI INDONESIATel. +62 (0)815 5896 8716Oji ‘members of warung damar’ get married..congratsbrotha..!!Hallo Mac lover..Wick baru aja pulang dari liburannya diSweden. Katanya sih bawa banyak oleholeh.Yihaa…oleh-oleh cerita….hahahhaha…welcomehome brotha…!!!glenn, dateng lagi ke Bali, rencanya dia akanberada di Bali selama 4 bulan, welcome tobali broMagic Wave kedatangan tamu lagee….!!Sergey (23) work in Russian school easysurf. He like Bali and feel freedom whenhe stand up on the surf board. And he alsohappy when his student success. And guesswhat..he’s a clubber’s..!!!Bali kedatangan tattoo artist baru, RuddyImada. Artist asal sukabumi ini akan meramaikandunia tattoo di Bali. Cheers..!!Bambang Hamid, membuatwww.mentawaisyndicate.comThis site all about surfing and eco-tourismin Mentawai islands, fully managed by localsfor your satisfaction. If you want to knowwhat Mentawai Syndicate is all aboutFestival Sinema Perancis bakal diadakanpada tanggal 9 dan 10 Mei <strong>2009</strong> di Galeria21, DFS Galeria, Jalan Simpang Siur Kuta.Tiket GRATISnya sudah bisa diambil di AllianceFrançaise, Jl. Raya Puputan ITanggal 20 April, Magic Wave menerimaundangan dinner dari Dragon Indonesiadi Chaser Resto. Acara ini merupakanpertemuan antara manajemen DragonAustralia dan Indonesia beserta para riderdari IndonesiaCongrats buat Aribba atas tato baru dipunggungnya. Tato yang dibuatnya di TyasTattoo ini katanya sih bisa langsung dipakesurfing, karena memakai tinta waterproofing.Wow.Pada tanggal 6,16, dn 24 April <strong>2009</strong>. MKMmengadakan touring Duta Wisata bersamaVario. Semua rombongan menggunakanmotor vario menjemput tamu di Hotel danmengantarkan menuju Uluwatu.Mac Club Bali GatheringKepada : semua user Mac, iPhone & iPod diseluruh Indonesia (Bali Khususnya)....Akan diadakan acara Mac Club Indonesia- Bali Region Gathering pada:Tanggal : 23 Mei <strong>2009</strong>.Betempat : Food Court - Kuta CentralPark (Central Parkir Istana Kuta Galleria)Waktu : -Update-Susunan Acara:- On the spot photography competition- Mac Club Bali logo competition- Music, Files & Application sharing- New/Updates Chat- Free Food & Drink (for Registered Participant)- Door PrizesEvent Supported By:Istana Kuta GalleriaXLBisma Yamahade LuzernNu Green TeaHard Rock Radio BaliMagic Wave MagazineWhat’s Up Bali MagazineMaq House BaliiTubes StoreRicky & Co PhotographyEka I. Rochmansyah has resigned asSales Manager, effective <strong>May</strong> 1, <strong>2009</strong> ofMacbeth.Anak-anak UPC (Ubud Photography Club)lagi sibuk mempersiapkan acara huntingbareng. Sekarang nih baru survey nyaritempat dan nentuin konsepnyaAlex Chandra, mahasasiwa D4 FakultasPariwisata semester 8 Udayana, datengke magic wave mencari data untuk tugasakhirnya mengenai surfing. Ada yang bantuViva Surfing Indonesia...!!!contact us: sales@api-magazine.com<strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _ <strong>May</strong> <strong>2009</strong> 29

Berdiri pada 1 Desember 2000 di Yogyakarta, yang terdiridari:Heldy Mahardika(VOKAL),Bayu Bawono(GUITAR),Gindo HannismanAbbas(GUITAR),Gede Eka Perbawa(BASS),Iwan Wirawan(KEYBOARD/PROGRAMMER),Galih Surya Dwi Pantara(DRUMMER)Terbentuk 1 Desember 2000 yang masing-masing personil mempunyaibackground musik berbeda-beda yang selanjutnya bersatu dalamgrup band yang dinamai : B A G A I K A NDengan formasi terbarunya, Bagaikan mengusung genre drive inrock, Perpaduan gendre musik yang telah ada seperti Metal,Rock, Hip-hop, Pop dan Disco yang selanjutnya dibalut dengansuara-suara yang dihasilkan dari synthizizer. Dan dari perpaduanitupun menghasilkan suatu bentuk baru dengan benang dasarROCK. Bagaikan terinfluences oleh Prodigy, Led Zepplin, DreamTheater, KORN, Ramstein, NIN, ROB N WHITE Zombie, STATIC-X,RATM2 album telah berhasil diluncurkan, ‘Lets My Beat Control YourBody’ dengan 2 hit singlenya “Indie dan Metropolis”. 1 st Albumtersebut pun terjual sebanyak 3500 kaset di berbagai kota di.Album kedua, diberi title “REFRESH” yang terdiri dari 11 track.Album tersebut diproduksi oleh PT. IMC DUTA RECORD (IndoMusik)dan BAGAIKAN PRODUCTION dan saat ini album tersebut telah resmidi release nasional.Website:http://www.bagaikan.com,http://www.myspace.com/thebagaikan,http://www.friendster.com/bagaikanCP: ERLAN NOPRI081.5689.9707PersonilsVocalGuitarBassDrum: Aldi: Faris: Sugi: YokoHistoryTerbentuk di awal tahun 2008 lalu. Band ini sengajamemakai nama 1945 karena nama 1945 sendirimempunyai makna yang dalam dan juga sudahsangat familiar di telinga orang Indonesia. 1945 mengusung aliran melodicdengan campuran emo pada lagunya. Lirik – lirik pada lagu 1945 lebih banyakmenuju pada kehidupan sehari-hari dan tentu saja tidak lepas dari kelamdan gemerlap cinta. 1945 sudah memiliki beberapa lagu orisinil sepertiApologize, Whisper, dan Sarapan Siang. 1945memutuskanuntuk tetap eksis dan hidup dalam musik.Berusahauntuk mewarnai hidup para pendengar lewatmusik– musiknya. Saat ini 1945 sedang dalam masarecording dan akan segera merilis album.SongsWhisperRemangPromise onDecemberSarapan SiangTo Make Me LoveYouSetelah Ku MatiApologizeYou are So PerfectRiver of TearsI Don’t Think SoSatu GitarI Can’t Stop Loving YouSebuah video dokumentasi surfing dari Ibnu Ali Hamzah, jainal,Muyono dan saipul yang di produseri oleh Nandariko yangbekerjasama dengan Multi Media solution. Dikemas per segmensehingga pada menu kita dapat memilih langsung segmen yang akan dilihat. Tidak hanya maneuver atau barreling yang dimunculkan, namun secara jujur,video menyuguhkan kegagalan para surfer dalam segmen wipe outnya.Tampak pula permainan efek dalam editing seperti old film maupun blendinguntuk menambah dramatisasi video.Pada segmen terakhir yaitu extra, terdapat permainan slide foto dokumentasidan behind the scene termasuk kemunculan produsernya sendiri (^_*)The Answer adalah video dokumentasi surfing dengan 99% visual surfing dan 1%story. Tapi MW sendiri belum mendapatkan makna dari judul The Answer pada videoini. Untukkeseluruhan video…..The Answeradalah video karya nakabangsa yang patutudiacungi jempol,you Rockdude!!!Still Got The BluesHard Rock Café Bali`sA Night of blues with Made J &FriendsMade Jang sang and shout this heartout, with his steel guitar flicking andreflecting the dim light on the stage.Made J tells the bittenerss of life, love wichgot shattered and even got thrown intoprison in Jhony Cash classic “Folsom PrisonBlues”. Just like an abandoned African slavein Mississipi river bank with a rag guitar in hishand and a knives to slide on it`s string as hisonly friends to tell his ill fated live.This would be the night where we turn down the light, and cut all thethumping sound that hit us a week prior. But at the same time, welet the sound of blues that roar like train runs heavy trough the dayprairie run over our heart. It`s dark and it`s indisputable gloom butthis the objective of the gig, Blues is hereto explore the hidden dark side and bitterstories that lies within us all.Beer an whisky became our best friendthat night to wash the sorrow away. “getmy Mojo working” off muddy waterswas brought insanely perfect trough acombination of Made J, Bali`s Blues man: Komang Layang , and Donald saxophone.They all sang the sound`s of rebellion, thesound freedom…Redemption song.30 <strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _<strong>May</strong> <strong>2009</strong>

BY ALISON BONEWhile the silence of Nyepi fell over Bali, Gili Trawangan inLombok was anything but quiet, where Sama Sama Barand U- think Enterprise hosted the first ever JamminIsland Roots Rock Reggae festival.Top artists including Steven and Ray D‘Sky (Steven and the Coconut Treez) ofWelcome to my paradise fame, and Lombok’s own Richard D’Gilis headlined theevent. Also performing were Lawa Black Sweet, QQ Uprising, Freddy and Friendsand Sama Sama regulars S2 Band.It was late afternoon and the official opening was marked with the release of 100baby turtles to the ocean. The air was thick with smoke; the arak and the laughterflowed freely; dreadlocks were flying and the atmosphere soaring. The performersseemed to have more fun than anyone and there was a constant rotation of musicianson stage as these brothers from another mother jammed it out like therewas no tomorrow. Later in the evening the storm had passed and we all headedoutside to bask in the star light, eat barbecued fish and watch the fire dance show.When the music ended people drifted towardsthe bonfire on the beach and the soft strummingof guitars, or to Rudy’s Bar where everyone wasleaping around on the dance floor to the ChemicalBrothers and Eminem. And then, as the first rays ofsun hit the island Gili finally fell silent.18 April <strong>2009</strong> bertempat di Lapangan Parkir kampus UNUDSudirman yang juga bertepatan dengan hari ulang tahunke-26, Pers Mahasiswa “Akademika” Universitas Udayanamenggelar kampanye lingkungan bertajuk Green Party.Green Party merupakan kampanye lingkungan yang disajikandalam bentuk pagelaran musik. Kampanye ini merupakan bentukkepedulian ”Akademika” sebagai penyadaran kepada masyarakatuntuk menjaga lingkungan hidup. Dimulai dari hal kecil sepertimembuang sampah pada tempatnya, menghemat penggunaanlistrik ataupun air, mengurangi penggunaan benda elektronikyang mengandung CFC, dan ikut berpartisipasi melakukan 3R,Reduse, Reuse, dan Recycle, sebagai pengelolaan sampah yangefektif.Acara ini dimeriahkan dengan band performance seperti RajawaliIngkar Janji, Artmosfer, D’Kantin, De Buntu, Tol BandTol, Painfull By Kisses, Ed Eddy Residivis dan Psycofun.Green Party ini merupakan acara puncak dari rangkaian acaraHUT Kademika. Maka tak heran pada saat acara pembukaan,“Akademika” meluncurkan kumpulan cerpen dengan judul AntologiKekerasan, setelah melewati proseskreatif selama empat bulan. Bukuini berisikan kegelisahan tentangkekerasan yang makin dekat denganmasyarakat kita.B l u e r o omB l u e r o omThe HydrantLaunching Album @The WaveSebuahwadahbarubuat kaumpenggilax-treme sportsk8 dan bmx!!! si RenoPratama, Aribba dan Dennismenyulap lahan kosong di belakangCilandak Town Square (CITOS) kawasanJakarta Selatan jadi sk8 park…Selainitu spot yang dinamain ‘Blue Room’ inijuga menggandeng anak-anak musicand visual.art. “yah…pokoknya kita cuma kasitempat nongkrong aja kok buat temen-temenluar yang mau main diJakarta.” Celoteh Aribba.17 April kemarin menajdi malammilik para rockstar lokal Bali.Malam itu para bandidos yangtergabung dalam band The Hydrantme-launching album baru merekayang bertajuk Bali Bandidos. Made Jmembuka suasana dengan aromablues. The last one membuat cadasmalam itu. Dan tentu saja The Hydrantmembuat para pengunjungberdansa. Made J dan Albar Tikamjuga berkolaborasi dengan The Hydrantmalam itu. Dua personil lamaHydrant juga ikut bernostalgia denganMarshello dan Wis. Yeah..malam ituharusnya memang bertajuk..we arethe big bandidos family…!!<strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _ <strong>May</strong> <strong>2009</strong> 31

Lombok SectionDenan @ S3G ..... dua kaki dua tangan ... satu fokusOnk @ Outside S3G >>>Lombok’s Grommet -------------Daniel / 8 yo / Bonyok Mt. Rinjani surf’s up !Photos by eb EB32 <strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _<strong>May</strong> <strong>2009</strong>

Lombok SectionSalim & FahmiDOB : Lombok - 15 Desember 1994Homebreak : Senggigi – LombokSalim and Fahmi are twins who are 14. They go to Sekolah Nusa Alam- Lombok, and are in year 8. Today I was assigned to interview them.Lets see what they have in store for us!1. Hello. How are you?Salim:Fine, thanksFahmi: Pretty much the same..ahahahha2. Can you tell us how you started surfing?Salim: I learned from my twin brotherFahmi: Aim took me surfing with his 4’10” shortboard in Senggigi3.Is it nice to have a brother who surfs too? Or is there competition ?Salim: Its kind of nice to have a brother who surfs too, coz you canlearn from each other, but sometimes there’s a bit of competitionFahmi: I dont like my brother surfing coz i’m worried that one day hewill be better coz right now i’m still betterSalim: Yeah, right!!!In your nightmares!!!Im better coz im olderFahmi: Yeah, by 5 minutes, getcha4. Who are your favourite surfers?Salim: definitely Rob Machado coz he looks like me...ahahahahaFahmi: ummm... Bruce Iron ? coz i like his style and his airs5. So you hang out with Ibrahim (Aim) a lot. Who started surfing firstout of you three?Salim: Yeah, we’ve been friends since we were born and i think Aimstarted firstFahmi: pretty much the same time6. Who else goes surfing with you?Salim and Fahmi: Onk, Opan, Bokah, Pogo, Ontex, Aim, Daniel(Aim’s younger brother) Hamdan, Sapoan, Luluk and Sophie7. How many surfing trips have you been on? What was the mostfun?Salim and Fahmi: Too many to count but mostly around Lombok likeKuta and Desert8. Apart from surfing what are your other hobbies?Salim: Playing video games, waterski and hanging out with friendsFahmi: Skating, watersking and annoying my friends - with Aim’shelp9. What is your style?Salim: Goofy footFahmi: were twins, so we’ve got the same style, obviously......10. Do you think that if more girls are starting to surf, that it’s a goodthing?Salim: Yeah,i like to see them get wiped-out coz i think its hot...ahahahahahaFahmi: Yeah coz its better..ahahaha11. If you had to choose one person to invite to dinner, who would itbe? And why?Salim: I dont KnowFahmi: No oneSalim: Coz no one wants to eat with you..ahahaFahmi: Have you seen the way you eat?12. Do you think that surfing is part of your future?Salim: TotallyFahmi: Yeah, for sure13. What is your surfing ambition?Salim: To get sponsors and surf around the worldFahmi: charge bigger waves14. Can you give any tips to people who want to surf but are scared?Salim and Fahmi: just get your @#$%!^ in the water and.....EN-JOY!!!!!15. Last word?Salim and Fahmi: Thank you to Magic Wave (including Leyla). If youwant a great surf trip, come over to Lombok before it gets too crowdedINTERVIEW BY LEYLA ROSE<strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _ <strong>May</strong> <strong>2009</strong> 33

Inside surf shop Bettle surferApasih yangngebikinkamuinterest kerja di surfshop?Pingin punya pengalaman danpingin punya baju- baju branded gituhehehhe….Gimana ceritanya kamu bisagabung sama Tsunami?Ada temen yang kerja disini duluan awalnya.Terus waktu aku lulus sekolah akuditawarin. Ya udah aku apply aja. Nggaktaunya dapet interview dan diterimaTsunami punya rider juga nggak?Nggak ada sihNgomong-ngomong kamu surfingnggak nih?Dulu waktu masih SD aku surfing, tapigara-gara wipe out dan papan ku patah,aku jadi patah arang juga buat surfing lagi,hehehehehe…..Udah berapa lama kamu gabungasama Tsunami?Baru 6 bulan iniCertain dong suka duka kerja diTsunamiLebih banyak sukanya sih, tapi biasa lahaada beberapa customer yang rewel nggakjelas.Seberapa solid sih staff Tsunami?Seberapa solid??? Yang pasti kita akrabbanget. Nggak ada senioritas karenamereka juga welcome banget sama anakbaru. Kadang juga hang out bareng.Emang kalau hang out kemana?Seringnya di Kama Sutra, tapi kadang keBlue Eyes…Cuma sebenernya aku sukasemua club sih…hahhahahaha,pokoknyaajeb-ajeb aja deh..Oke, Last word buatMagic WaveSemoga lebih maju dan suksesWhat made you interestedin working in a surf shop?I wanted to get experienceand also to have some brandedclothes hehehhe….How did you get the job atTsunami?My friend already worked here and when Ifinished school I was looking for a job so I justapplied. I got an interview and was accepted.Does Tsunami have riders as well?NoDo you surf?When I was still in primary school I used tosurf but I wiped out and my board snappedand I lost my interest in surfing hehehehehe…..How long have you been at Tsunami?Just 6 monthsWhat’s good and bad about working atTsunami?Mostly good but there are some fussy customersthat are hard to deal with.How solid are the staff at Tsunami?How solid??? For sure we get on really well.They don’t pull rank and really welcome newpeople. Sometimes we hang out together.Where do you hang out?Often at Kama Sutra, but sometimes at BlueEyes…But I really like all clubs…hahhahahaha,I just love to go out..Ok, Last word for Magic WaveHope we do well and keep growingbattle kali ini menantang surferdan surf chic buat adu pengetahuanmendadak di siangbolong. ternyata keduanyaemang surfer cerdas dan upto date, karena dari pertanyaanberita terkini sampaiinfotainment di babat abisdengan score perfect!!!nggak tau siapa nyonteksiapa, yang jelas si Dyahsama si Agus kompakdengan jawaban yangsama...hmmm....congratulationbuatbukti wawasanluas kalian...cheers.34 <strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _<strong>May</strong> <strong>2009</strong>

ViaYahoo Messen- ger,MW has opportunityto interview Heru, Shaggy Dog’svocalist. Recently, Heru starts to surfagain. It was his old activity when hestill in Junior High School. Here, hetold a little about Shaggy Dog’s newalbum, legislative candidates’ attitudes,and weeds legalization. Hmm… Itsounds yummy!!!MW : Hoi…Heru : Halo halo…MW : Well, it seems that you’reso busy, Brotha?Heru : Not really…MW : Do you mind to share 10-15 minutes for interview?Heru : Anything for Magicwave…MW : Yihaa, Such a flattery!!! Ok,what are you doing, now?Heru : Mixing Shagggy Dog’s newalbum and preparing dubyouth’s gig inJakarta. Dubyouth is my side project.MW : Ok..ok, who don’t know dubyouthanyway? With a busy day likethat, when you do surfing??? (Somesaid that you start surfing again,right???)Heru : That’s the problem… <strong>May</strong>beafter the mixing’s done… So I got a lot oftimes, then. It’s not cool far-off to Pacitanjust for one day…hehe… Yup, I start surfingagain… What a surprise you knowit!!!MW : Hell yeaah, we heard that…Hahaha. So, what’s the differentwhen you stand on board and standon stage???Heru : Hmm… When stand on board,it could wipe out all the stress whilestand on stage in front of thousands human.Hahaha…MW : Wow… Artist like you, feelsstressed when stand on stage???Heru : Hehe… Not like that… Thedifferent is when we wait the wave, it’sso quiet. It’s extremely contrast when westand on stage…MW : Actually, when did you startsurfing???Heru : Since I was in Junior HighSchool in Bali. It’s about 2 years before Imove to Jogja…MW : It’s quite long times ago,right… Mmm… Tell us a little aboutShaggy Dog’s new album…Heru : This new album will be a variedalbum, with various themes. It’s aboutlove, live, and tattoo… They’re all here.MW : Tattoo??? It sounds great…Got tattoo either???Heru : Yup, most of Shaggy Dog’s havetattoo. Here, song entitled “ditato” has amessage that tattoo is not a crime, but itdepends on the person itself… So, stopvalue dishonor toward “mas berto” (tattooedsociety)!!MW : That’s right!!! Seems thatyou’re great become a legislativecandidate… Hahaha… What do youthink about legislative candidates inIndonesia?Heru : Don’t put portrait, title, andslogan only. But prove your faithful andaction to this country. One more… don’tmerely think how the money back duringthe campaign…hehehe…MW : Hahaha… Thus, if youwere a President, won’t you legalizeweeds??? Since it’s currently veryexpensive and hard to be found …Heru : Why not??? Sometimes theydon’t realize that alcohol, nicotine, heroine,ecstasy, more dangerous than weeds.However, the law penalty for weeds ismore serious than all of those stuffs.What a weird thought… It’s a plant, comingfrom the sky… C’mon, man…MW : Yeaah… Seems that youhave to be a President, then…hahaha…Heru : Hahahaha…MW : Anyway, MW wants toknow how many Groupies youhave… Hmmm…Heru : Hahaha… A lot!!! Most of themare boys…MW : Oops… I think KangenBand beat you, guys!!! Hahaha…Heru : That’s the consequence as arebellion band!!!MW : Ok. Then, beside you, whoelse do surfing in Shaggy Dog???Heru: None yet. Just me. But,when we were in Bali,Bandiz, my bass playertried surfing in Dreamland.Lately, I try to toxichim surfing… Hehehe…MW : All right, then.Thanks for the times… Successfor contaminating him surfing andalso for Shaggy Dog’s new album…O’wait, I’m still curious about themeaning of “Shaggy Dog”???Heru : Ok..ok.. Shaggy Dog = Sheepdog(Dog quilted sheep). Hahaha… Nothing.Just spontaneously bear by Bandiz my bassplayer.MW : Hahaha… luckily he spontaneouslydidn’t say Doggie Style…hahaha…Last word for Magic Wave…Heru : Work hard Play hard!!! Keep itmagic!!!MW : Ok! Keep surfing, Brotha…Cheers!!! Oops, I forget something…Your personal details, please…Heru : Soon, Brotha… Soon… I’malready starving right now. I’ll send email,later...MW ; Affirmative, Sir!!!Heru : Anyway, what edition this interviewplans to be launch???MW : <strong>May</strong> <strong>2009</strong>Heru : Send it one to Jogja plus MagicWave’s t’shirt, pleaseeee…MW: hoi...Heru : halo haloMW: Wah kayaknya sibuk banget yabro?Heru : Lumayan lahMW: Minta 10-15 menit buat interviewya..bisa kan?Heru : Apa sih yg gak bisabuat mw?MW:Yihaa....ngegombalnih.Ok..lagisibuk apabro?Heru :Sekarangini sedangmixingalbum barunya shaggydog dan mempersiapkangig dubyouth di Jakarta, dubyouthitu side project kuMW: Ya..ya..siapa sih yg gak taudubyouth. Wah kalo sibuk kayak gitukapan waktu buat surfing?? (dengardengarsudah mulai surfing ya)Heru : Nah itu dia, mungkin habis mixingini ya.. biar waktunya bener-bener luang.Soalnya kan sayang kalau jauh-jauh kePacitan cuma sehari..hehe.. iya lagi senangberselancar.. tau ajaMW: Ya taulah...Hahahha. So, apabedanya bediri di atas papan surfingsama di atas panggung?Heru : Hmm..Kalo berdiri di atas papansurfing bisa menghapus tekanan-tekananketika harus berdiri di atas panggung didepan ribuan manusia. Hahahaha...MW: Wow...artis sekaliber andamasih tertekan berdiri di atas panggungya??Heru : Hehe.. nggak nggak... bedanya tuhkalo surfing pas nunggu ombak,rasanyatenang banget. Cuma ada kita dan suaralaut. Kalo di panggung, kebalikannyaMW: Sebenarnya sejak kapan sihmulai surfing?Heru : waktu aku SMP di Bali. Surfingsekitar dua tahun, sebelum pindah ke JogjaMW: Udah lama juga ya..mmm..ceritakan sedikit tentang album terbarushaggy dogHeru : Album baru ini akan menjadi satu albumyang variatif, temanya macam-macam,mulai dari cinta, kehidupan sampai lagutentang tato semua adaMW: Tato??sound’s great.. punya tatojuga?Heru : Ya, mayoritas di shaggy dog bertato.Lagu “ ditato “ ini point nya adalah, bukantato-nya yang jahat, tapi orangnya.. jadijangan memandang negatif ke ‘ mas berto’ (masyarakat bertato)MW: Yap..betul banget tuh. Kayaknyacocok juga jadi caleg..hahaha. Pendapatloe tentang para caleg gimananih?Heru : Jangan cuma pasang foto,gelar danslogan, buktikan tindakan dan nurani andake negeri ini. Dan satu lagi.. jangan cumamikirin balik modal kampanye...heheheMW: Hahaha...trus kalau misalkanloe jadi presiden,kira-kira loe maugak melegalkan ganja??soalnya mahalbanget dan susah sekarang caribarangnya (ganja-red)Heru : Boleh.. kadang orang-orang itu gaktau, kalo alkohol,nikotin,heroin,ekstasi itulebih berbahaya dari ganja. Tapi, hukumanbuat ganja itu lebih berat dari itu semua,aneh ya kalo dipikir-pikir.. its a plant, comingfrom the sky.. cmon man...MW: Yeah.....kayaknya loe harus jadipresiden nih..hahahahaHeru : HahahahaMW: Eh MW mau tau nih seberapabanyak groupies-loe…. hmmmmmHeru : hahaha.. banyak, dan kebanyakancowok semua...MW: Yahh..Kalah donk sama kangenband..hahahhahaHeru : Resiko jadi rebellion bandMW: Ok,trus selain loe, siapa anakshaggy dog yang surfingHeru : Gak ada, baru aku. Waktu maen dibali, Bandiz, bassisku jugasempat nyoba di dreamland.Lagi aku racuninsurfing nih.. heheMW: Baiklah.Thankswaktunya...selamatmeracunidansuksesbuatalbumshaggydog...eh iyadaridulu gwpenasaran.Apa sih maksuddari kata‘shaggy dog’?Heru : ok ok, shaggydog = anjing berbuludomba .Hahahaha. Gak ada,waktu itu spontanaja, namanya dari Bandiz bassiskuMW: Hahahaha. Untung spontannyabukan doggie style..hahah...last wordbuat magic wave donk bro?Heru : work hard play hard.. keep it magic!MW: ok..keep surf bro...cheers. Ehada yg kelupaan.Minta data pribadinya....Heru : nyusul yah.. laper banget nih. Nantiaku email ajaMW: sipHeru : ini mau buat edisi kapan?MW: mei <strong>2009</strong>Heru : kirim satu ke Jogja plus t-shirt magicwave yaaaヤフー・メッセンジャーを 使 って、Magic Waveは「Shaggy Dog」のボーカリストのHeruにインタビューをすることができた。 中 学 の 頃 に 熱 中 していたサーフィンをまた 最 近 になって 始 めたというHeruが、Shaggy Dogのニューアルバムのことや 議 員 候 補 者 こと、 麻 薬 の 合 法 化 (うーん、うまいねぇ…)について 語 ってくれた。magicwave_bali:ホイ…。heru:ハロー、ハロー。magicwave_bali: 忙 しくしてるみたいだね?heru:まあね。magicwave_bali:10 分 から15 分 くらいインタビューできるかな?heru:Magic Waveにやってあげられないことってあるかな?magicwave_bali:そうだね…ちょっと 口 説 いてみただけだよ。 何 で 忙 しくしてるの?heru: 今 はShaggy Dogのニューアルバムのミキシングをやってて、JakartaでのDubyouthの ギグの 準 備 中 なんだ。Dubyouthってのは 僕 のサイド・プロジェクトなんだけどね。magicwave_bali:そっか、そっか…Dubyouthを 知 らない人 なんているかな。そんなに 忙 しくしてたら、サーフィンする 時 間 なんてある??( 聞 くところによると、またサーフィンを 始 めてるらしいよ)heru:うーん、そこなんだよね。たぶんミキシングが 終わったらかな… 空 いてる 時 間 がたっぷりあるときにね。遠 くPacitanまで 行 ってさ、 一 日 しかなかったらもったいないじゃない…へへへ…サーフィンするのがまた 楽 しくなって るんだ。全 くよく 知 ってるよなぁ。magicwave_bali:そりゃぁ、 知 ってるよ…ハハハ。それで、サーフボードの 上 に 立 つことと 舞 台 に 立 つことの 違 いってある?heru:うーん、サーフボードの 上 に 立 つとプレッシャーをなくせるんだけど、 舞 台 の 上 に 立 つと 何 千 という 人 の 前 だから。ハハハ…。magicwave_bali: 君 たちみたいに 力 のあるバンドでも、 舞 台 に 立 つと 今 でもまだプレッシャーを 感 じるんだ??heru:へへ…そんなことないよ… 違 いね、サーフィンしてて 波 を 待 ってるときには 気 持 ちが 凄 く 落 ち 着くんだよ。 僕 達 と 海 の 音 だけだからね。 舞 台 ではその 反 対 だよ。magicwave_bali: 実 際 にはいつからサーフィンを 始めたの?heru:Baliで 中 学 校 のとき、2 年 ぐらいサーフィンしてたよ。Jogjaに 引 っ 越 す 前 までね。magicwave_bali:じゃ、 随 分 やってなかったってことだね。…ん~…Shaggy Dogのニューアルバムについてちょっと 話 してくれるかな?heru:ニューアルバムはバラエティーに 富 んだアルバムになるよ。いろいろなテーマがあって、 愛 、 生活 、タトゥーについての 話 まで 何 でもある。magicwave_bali:タトゥー??いいねえ…タトゥー、してるの?heru:あぁ、Shaggy Dogのメンバーのほとんどはタトゥーがあるよ。「Ditato」って 曲 は 要 するにタトゥーが 悪 いっていうんじゃなくて、その 人 が 悪 いってこと…だから「Mas berto」(タトゥーをしてる 人 たち)をネガティブに 見 ちゃいけないってことさ。magicwave_bali:そうだね… 本 当 にそうだよね。 議 員に 候 補 したらいいんじゃない?ハハハ。 議 員 の 候 補者 に 対 してはどう 思 う?heru: 写 真 や 学 歴 、スローガンばっかり 貼 り 出 してもだめだよね。この 国 で 政 策 と 心 構 えを 証 明 しないとね。それともうひとつ… 選 挙 活 動 の 費 用 を 回 収 することばっかり 考 えるなよ…へへへ。magicwave_bali:ハハハ…それから、もし 大 統 領 になったとしたら、 麻 薬 を 合 法 化 する?だってさ、物 ( 麻 薬 )は 凄 く 高 いし、 最 近 は 手 に 入 りにくいからね。heru:いいね… 麻 薬 よりもアルコール・ニコチン・ヘロイン・エクスタシーの 方 が 危 ないって 知 らない 人たちもいるからね。だけど、 麻 薬 に 対 しての 罰 はそれよりも 重 いんだ。 考 えるとおかしいよね… 空 から飛 んできた 植 物 だっていうのに。ねぇ。magicwave_bali:そうだね… 大 統 領 になるべきじゃないの…ハハハ。heru:ハハハ…。magicwave_bali:あ、Magic Waveが 凄 く 知 りたいことなんだけどさ、 君 たちのバンドのグルーピーはどのくらいたくさんいるのかな…ムムム…heru:ハハハ…いっぱい、 殆 どは 男 だね。magicwave_bali:あぁ…Kangen Bandni 負 けちゃうね…ハハハ。heru: リベリオン・バンドになるのはリスキーだよね。magicwave_bali:OK、 君 の 他 にShaggy Dog のメンバーでサーフィンをやってる 人 はいる?heru:いないな。 僕 だけ。Baliでやったとき、ベーシストのBandizがDreamlandで 試 しにやってみたよ。 今サーフィン 中 毒 にしようとしてるとこさ…へへへ。magicwave_bali:OK、 時 間 を 割 いてくれてどうもありがとうね… 頑 張 って 中 毒 にさせてやってね。それと、Shaggy Dogのアルバムの 成 功 を 祈 ってるよ。…ええっと、 前 から 気 になってることがあったんだけど…。「Shaggy Dog」の 意 味 は 何 なのかな?heru:OK、OK、Shaggy Dogっていうのは、 羊 みたいな 毛 をしてる 犬 なんだよ。ハハハ。そんなのいないよ。ベーシストのBandizがね、 自 分 から 進 んで 名 前を 付 けたんだ。magicwave_bali:ハハハ。ドギー・スタイルを 自分 から 進 んでやるっていうんじゃなくて 良 かったね…ハハハ…Magic Waveに 最 後 のメッセージをくれるかな。heru: 一 生 懸 命 仕 事 して、 一 生 懸 命 遊 ぶこと…Keepit magic!magicwave_bali:OK、サーフィンを 続 けてね。あ、 忘れてたよ。プロフィールを 聞 くの。heru:またにしよう…お 腹 がすいちゃったからさ。 後でメールするよ。magicwave_bali: 了 解 。heru:これっていつの 号 のためなの?magicwave_bali:<strong>2009</strong> 年 の5 月 。heru:Jogjaに 一 部 送 ってよ。それと、Magic WaveのTシャツも 付 けてね~。注 )Caleg= 議 員 候 補 者4 Star<strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _ <strong>May</strong> <strong>2009</strong> 35

To celebrate the Earth Day on April 22nd, the people of Ubud hold a fullday art festival on Saturday, April 25th.Took place in Kumbuh Village, next to Pelangi School, the 3rd annualfestival started at 2 PM till midnight, featuring music, environment speech,dance and many activities for kids and parents.The food and drinks available at the venues, provided by Down to Earth Cafeand The Kafe. The profit of this festival goes to build the kid’s playground andart center in Ubud. More news about the Kids’ playground and Earth Dayfestival can be found at www.baliartscenter.com<strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _ <strong>May</strong> <strong>2009</strong> 37

38 <strong>MAGIC</strong> <strong>WAVE</strong> _<strong>May</strong> <strong>2009</strong>Zaeni @ Krandangan

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