UK - Desmi

UK - Desmi

UK - Desmi

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DESMI- Proven TechnologyFounded in 1834 DESMI is one of Denmark’s oldest companies and we are proud of havinga long history supplying good, reliable solutions, maintaining an innovative approach andutilising the opportunities on the global market.In 2011 DESMI was awarded the prize Entrepreneur Of The Year in Denmark. The jury foundthat DESMI is a shining example of a business that has shown the courage, the will, and theability to embrace the global market.We have what we believe is the right mix of hard work,skills and perseverance. These factors are vital in the dailywork and, combined with our overall strategies, the parametersthat are leading DESMI to the Next Level as OneGlobal Company.We consider ourselves a dynamic company with asolution-oriented approach, be it pump solutions andsystems for any kind of liquid handling, environmentalequipment for the recovery of oil spills or contractingactivities. This is recognized by businesses all over theworld in any of the more than 100 countries where weare finding our clients, and we base our developmentand solutions on our customers’ needs.To develop, manufacture, sell and service pumps andpumping systems, environmental equipment, and specialproducts related to these areas – meeting the needs ofcustomers around the globe. That is our mission and weare pleased to serve you.Henrik Sørensen, CEO3

PROVENTECHNOLOGYProven Technology. The two words describe thecommitment of DESMI within our field of operation.DESMI pumps are characterised by first-class design andare recognised by our customers as being reliable,efficient, functional and durable.Our product quality, ability to adapt solutions and a highlevel of technological expertise are all factors that make usa serious partner focused on the environmental footprint,energy optimisation, CO 2emission and a good workingenvironment.4


Entrepreneur of the Year 2011,The Danish Jury stated:“DESMI’s story is one of true innovation. Over the years, thecompany has undergone radical transformation to focus itsbusiness on an area where it now commands a leading position.The company has demonstrated its ability to compete with thelargest players in the global market and generate growth in thetop as well as the bottom line.DESMI has managed to adapt to a market where quality, innovationand price are key competitive parameters. DESMI has managed toexpand its position in the value chain while at the same timeforming strategic partnerships in and outside Denmark – factorsthat will drive its success now and in the future.”ABOUT DESMIDESMI has specialised in the development,manufacture, sale and service of pump solutions formarine, industry, oil spill combating, defence & fueland utility operating globally but acting locally.Our product range - completed by products fromother leading, world-class manufacturers – iscomplemented by related services such as thedesign and installation of pump systems and aftersales service through our network of servicecentres.The DESMI pumps and systems are sold to morethan 100 countries via a network of subsidiaries anddistributors on six continents.In order to fulfill customers demands for morecomplete systems, including DESMI pumps, we areproviding solutions and systems as well as singlestandard pumps or components.Green technology and environmentalconsciousness in general are very important issuesto us, and all our products are manufactured incompliance with the present regulations.Consequently, environmental considerations playan important role when we choose materials for ourproducts and optimize their operational efficiency.With focus on the individual needs of ourcustomers we are providing solutions based onproven technology.6

The DESMI Vision:By focusing on customers’ needs it is our vision to generate further sustainable and viable growth inactivity and profit, operating as One Global Company.DESMI systems are marketed worldwideDESMI group companiesDESMI main factoriesOperating in three distribution centresIndeed, our subsidiaries throughout the world in conjunction with our main factories in both Denmarkand China bring us closer to our customers, which characterises DESMI as a strong, global company.For more detailed information, please visit www.desmi.com.7

MARINE & OFFSHOREThousands of DESMI pumps are at work on the seven seas, and thesepumping solutions are living proof that our customers are satisfiedwith the performance of our products.For more than 50 years we have supplied marine pumps to the world’sfleet - from the largest container ships to the smallest fishing vessels.Regardless the size of the ship we know the owners’ demands formany years of trouble-free operation. In recent years we have alsotaken on the supply for offshore installations worldwide.8

Engine room pumpsFor half a century we have supplied reliable pumpsolutions to vessels around the globe with the best inmarine pumps & systems. They are living proof thatDESMI customers are satisfied with the performanceof our products. Be it for the world’s largest containershipsor small fishing vessels, we know the owners’demands for many years of trouble-free operation.Control systemSeveral vessels have been equipped with the DESMIOptiSave control system and variable speed drives forenergy efficiency and reduction of the flow of the pumpsto match the required demand.CargoThe NDW pumps from DESMI are energy efficient andwell proven for pumping various media – from LPG andLEG over sulphur to a wide range of chemicals to CO 2.Fine-FogFine-Fog is a fixed water based fire fighting system forlocal application, developed to suppress or extinguishfire at an early stage before releasing the total floodingsystem. Fine-Fog is approved by the major recognizedclassification societies.Ballast water treatment systemWe are providing fully approved and certified ballastwater treatment systems which exceeds the IMOrequirements without any need for adding chemicals oradditives. Our systems are developed for being easy tooperate, effective in any water salinity or temperature,and they have very low power consumption and lowmaintenance costs. Simply plug and play, anytime andanywhere.OffshoreThanks to some 50 years of supplying pumps for themarine and offshore markets DESMI has developed aunique know-how. Our highly skilled staff guides ourclients in the right direction when choosing the perfectpump for the job. We stand for reliability, minimum downtime, available spare parts around the world, service, andquick delivery of replacement pumps.9

The key factors in all areas of the process industry are reliability,productivity and performance of the production plant.These are precisely the parametres addressed by the DESMI range ofproducts, systems and services for the industry segment.QUALITY OBJECTIVEAll DESMI products are developed,produced, and marketed underthe ISO 9001 quality certification10

INDUSTRYExamples of applications:ChocolateHalf a century of experience in the production ofpumps for the chocolate industry and close collaborationwith some of the leading producers ofplants have resulted in unique pumps which meetthe high requirements for careful treatment ofchocolate products.Asphalt & bitumenDESMI has a full range of different pumps andmatching equipment supporting the handing ofbitumen products. Including unique features suitedfor today’s needs and new polymer based formulations- we have the solution.Sugar & molassesOur pumps are used for pumping different sugarproducts from cane and beet juice to molasses andfinished sugar solutions.IsocyanateThe leading isocyanate producers arerecommending our magdrive pumps as they havebeen successfully used for a long period of time inmany different applications.Oil blendingWe are one of the leading supplier’s to globalEPC oil blending projects. Our pumps are usedfor field gathering, tank circulating, crude oiltreating and high-capacity terminal applications.Soap & detergentSpecial product features are necessary for being asupplier within this field of the industry. We havethe products asked for – and a large number ofpumps in operation.Paint & inkFor decades our pumps have been used in thepaint and ink industry – not least thanks to themagnetically coupled design, ensuring lessdowntime and lower operating costs.Pulp & paperWe have the products, the knowhow and the fieldexperience to be the first choice supplier ofpositive displacement pumps within the pulp andpaper industry.We are making the solution to match the dedicatedrequirement.11

The oil spill response solutions from DESMI are trusted in the industry.Whether the requirement is for offshore or the shoreline area, the Arcticor Equatorial environment, we continue to deliver proven solutions for allspill conditions at the very best life cycle costs.OIL SPILL RESPONSEDESMI Oil Spill Response has segmented itsmarkets into operational, climatic andenvironmental areas. This has focused theequipment design and supply accordingly andcreated a comprehensive range of proven oil spillsolutions.For offshore operations, DESMI can boast some ofthe largest booms, recovery systems andtemporary storage tanks in the market today. Inaddition, we can offer controlled or In-Situ burningsystems, developed by DESMI AFTI and deployedto such good affect in the BP Deepwater Horizonspill. For the near shore, shoreline and beachenvironments, the equipment focus shifts to lightweight, man portable systems for ease ofdeployment and recovery.As the exploration for oil and gas enters areas ofgreater environmental vulnerability, the need forreliable equipment is doubly important. DESMI haveanswered one specific challenge with a new rangeknown as the ARCTIC. This is a special tool kit ofsystems to enable the containment, recovery andstorage of hydrocarbons in the Arctic environment.including in-tank skimming. This equipment istypically manufactured from high nickel alloys toresist severe, sour applications.Aside from the equipment detailed above, DESMIhave a significant range of oil spill recovery vessels(OSRVs). The steel Pollcat boats are available up to24 metres and are supplied with unique zerovelocity ‘mop’ skimming systems positionedbetween the catamaran hull. This system allowsfor the collection of oil at speeds of up to 5 knotsand compliments other systems such as dispersantspraying. Vessels including aluminum landing craftand rigid inflatable boats compliment the DESMIOSRV line up.The efficient, safe and reliable operation of all thisequipment is a requirement of both DESMI and thecustomer. In this regard, we offer worldwide,comprehensive training and commissioning. Thesecan be offered to internationally recognizedaccreditation levels including IMO.DESMI Oil Spill Response can offer the completepackage of proven oil spill technology.DESMI can also offer a specialist range of skimmersand systems to suit the requirements of industry13

Utilising products from other world class equipment suppliers tocompliment the extensive DESMI pump range, DESMI design and buildliquid handling solutions used by military forces around the globe.Based on many years experience with systems suitable for workingin austere conditions and environments we provide total liquidmanagement – from project management and systemsintegration to procurement and logistics planning.Defence – grey shipsDESMI has a history going back many years ofproviding pumping solutions for military applicationsnot least within the Naval sector. Client demands forequipment reliability under adverse conditions havemade our solutions the choice of many Navies.14

FuelRefinery to end user and all the steps in between –DESMI offers practical solutions across the full rangeof applications. For use in both the military andcommercial sectors, our fuel systems offer provenequipment with reliability and versatility as a keyfunction.DEFENCE & FUELAidSpeed of deployment is essential in disaster reliefsituations and the DESMI standard containerisedfuel system provides instant fuel services in areaswhere the local infrastructure is damaged or unableto cope. Our systems are built with air transport inmind and can be supplied on aircraft standardpallets or in air cargo containers.15

DESMI provides pumps andpump solutions for thesupply of domestic water,district heating/cooling andwastewater.Operational reliability, energyoptimization and servicefriendlinessare essentialheadlines for a business thatservices cities, buildings andnot least, people.16

Energy efficient and reliable pump solutions for wastewater,district central heating/cooling and fire-fightingExamples of applications:District central heating/coolingDistrict central heating is an efficient heating sourceoften produced from local energy sources such aswaste, biomass and surplus heat from industry. Forall types of heating plants DESMI has many years ofexperience when it comes to the supply of energyeffective pump solutions that match sustainableenergy. Naturally, we also provide solutions forcentral district cooling systems.Landbased sprinkler systemsMoreover we offer dimensioning and guidancewhen complete units for fire protection, includingelectronic control, are supplied. All solutions are inaccordance with national as well as internationalfire-fighting regulations. The units can be suppliedas a permanent containerized solution or as atransportable unit.WastewaterTransportation and treatment of wastewater is anessential function in a modern society. Wastewaterhas to be transported from households andindustries to the wastewater treatment plantswhere it will get the most optimum treatment withthe least possible impact on people and nature. Wehave vast experience in designing pumping stationswhich are an essential part of wastewater treatmentsystems. We offer complete pumping stations withamongst others valves, pumps, controls andpipework.UTILITY17

INTERNATIONALCONTRACTINGDESMI Contracting A/S has specialised in projectmanagement and handling of turnkey solutions and diverseprojects all over the world. For more than 30 years DESMIhas undertaken project work in connection with internationaltenders and is known for supplying projects on time and tothe full satisfaction of the customers.Our dedicated, competent and experienced project team –supported by local trading partners – is ready to co-operatewith our customers during all project phases often leading tolong relationships. This ensures a successful and sustainableproject implementation, regardless of the size of the project.DESMI is a project management specialist and the goal is toassist our customers through all phases of a project and toensure appropriate project financing, e.g. via:• Public means• Export credits• Banks• Donations• Various combinationsDESMI Contracting A/S focuses on projects within utility,education and health, and supports other areas within publicsupply, energy, infrastructure, and environmentWe are experts in:• General project management• Needs assessment• Equipment definition• Project financing• World-wide sourcing• Purchase• Installation• Commissioning, hands-on training• Teach-the-teacher19

DESMIQUALITYAll DESMI products are developed, produced,and marketed under the ISO 9001 qualitycertification and satisfy all qualityrequirements as specified by customers.DESMI products must be of such a quality thatour customers consider them to be reliable,functional and of a good design thus fulfillingthe promises in the DESMI sales and bidmaterial and with the result that our customersassociate the DESMI name with quality.DESMI products must not be dangerous or inany way be a security risk to the customers/end-users when handled and used correctly.DESMI products are designed designed in sucha way that they comply with the existinglegislations.Within the shipping industry we can also delivera DESMI product appendix to the Ships’ GreenPassport. Health & Safety onboard the shipduring operation, repair, conversion andrecycling are key concerns to DESMI.If DESMI performs contract work, the productswill be developed and/or produced inaccordance with the same quality instructionsthat apply to all DESMI products and anysupplementary requirements specified by thecustomer.The product quality, our ability to adapt and ahigh technology level guarantee our customersa partner and a serious problem solver who canoffer recognised and durable products.20

DESMI is a socially aware and conscientious company playing an activerole in the local community. Therefore we have for many years beenofficial sponsor for sports and culture events around the world.Health, Safety, Environment & QualityDESMI ensures a healthy working environment.We care for each employee’s physical, mentaland social well-being and we are committed toprovide safe working conditions in a workingenvironment with contrasting diversity inlanguage and culture.Our good quality is ensured by our staffDESMI’s largest asset is our dedicated staff.Their key skills and combined competencesensure that the ‘DESMI’ of the future willcontinue to be based on good ethics andhealthy values. Customer oriented behaviour,humour and readiness to change are some ofour key values.Corporate Social ResponsibilityImage, ethics and conduct, corporate socialresponsibility, environmental impact and UNGlobal Compact are all integrated in the overallDESMI group strategy as it is our convictionthat respect for the individual and sustainableproducts and production must be the basis ofcontinued growth of the group. In this respectwe have so far primarily focused on our ownactivities - but we are also convinced that ourbest opportunity to improve our impact on theexternal environment is by developing productsand concepts that support a reduction inenergy consumption and thus reducing theirenvironmental impact.Consequently we attach great importance toensuring that our products are designed,manufactured, used and disposed of in anenvironmentally sound way.We will seek to base our work on a corporatesocial responsibility within all group companiesthrough the boards of these companies,working on ensuring that at any time allcompanies in the group can implement anenvironmental certification in accordance withthe ISO 14001 standard.21

The DESMI Service Team operatesglobally and around the clock. We canoffer simple advice over the phone orfull, on-site maintenance and serviceprogrammes.Whatever service you need, we areready to assist. Commissioning, service,training, parts, maintenance, repairs -contact the DESMI Service Team.DESMI ServiceTeamThe efficient and reliable operation of DESMIproducts is a requirement of both the customer andDESMI. In this regard, the DESMI Service Team cansupport and enhance these operations on a globalscale.The DESMI Service Team are all factory-trained andavailable to answer both your technical andpractical demands.In case of emergency breakdowns, we can sendpumps and equipment within 48 working hoursor access our global parts database and have theequipment operational in the shortest possible time.DESMI Service Team supports a working culturebased on an appropriate respect for health, safetyand environmental issues.The DESMI Service Team can also offer customizedprogrammes to meet specific client requirementsand be your partner of choice.22

Our dedicated global DESMI Service Teamdelivering local serviceQualityReliabilityGlobal servicePartnershipOnline/phonesupportOn-siteFlexibilityDocumentationsupportCustomizedprogrammes23

THE DESMI GROUP- ONE GLOBAL COMPANYDenmarkDESMI A/S - Group Head QuarterTagholm 1DK-9400 NørresundbyTel.: +45 96 32 81 11Fax: +45 98 17 54 99DESMI Pumping Technology A/STel.: +45 96 32 81 11Fax: +45 98 17 54 99DESMI Danmark A/STel.: +45 72 44 02 50Fax: +45 98 17 54 99DESMI Contracting A/STel.: +45 96 32 81 11Fax: +45 98 17 54 99DESMI Ro-Clean A/STel.: +45 65 91 02 01Fax: +45 65 48 16 15DESMI Ocean Guard A/S (Associate)Tel.: +45 96 32 81 99Fax: +45 98 17 54 99GermanyDESMI GmbHTel.: +49 407 519847Fax: +49 407 522040NetherlandsDESMI B.V.Tel.: +31 30 261 00 24Fax: +31 30 262 33 14NorwayDESMI ASTel.: +47 38 12 21 80Fax: +47 38 12 21 81U.K.DESMI Ltd.Tel.: +44 1782 566900Fax: +44 1782 563666DESMI FHS Ltd.Tel.: +44 1782 566900Fax: +44 1782 563666DESMI Ro-Clean Ltd.Tel.: +44 2380 829751Fax: +44 2380 339190SingaporeDESMI Singapore Pte. Ltd.Tel.: +65 6748 2481Fax: +65 6747 6172USADESMI Inc.Tel.: +1 757 857 7041Fax: +1 757 857 6989DESMI AFTI (Associate)Tel.: +1 716 662 0632Fax: +1 716 662 0636IndonesiaDESMI Ro-Clean AsiaTel.: +62 21 2358 4468Fax: +62 21 2358 4401ChinaDESMI Pumping Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.Tel.: +86 512 6274 0400Fax: +86 512 6274 0418DESMI Pumping Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.Shanghai Liaison OfficeTel: +86 21 6071 06 00~05, 6071 06 07~13Fax: +86 21 60710614DESMI Pumping Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.Tianjin Liaison OfficeTel: +86 22 8371 3731/83713732Fax: +86 22 8371 3739DESMI Pumping Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.Guangzhou Liaison OfficeTel: +86 20 3826 4197Fax: +86 20 3826 4186DESMI Pumping Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.Chongqing Liaison OfficeTel.: +86 23 6704 3809Fax: +86 23 6704 3808DESMI Pumping Technology (Xuancheng)Co., Ltd.Tel.: +86 563 2612 570Fax: +86 563 2613 191KoreaDESMI Korea - Goyang OfficeTel.: +82 31 931 5701Fax: +82 31 931 5702DESMI Korea - Busan OfficePhone: +82 51 723 8801 & 8802+82 70 7723 8804Fax: +82 51 723 8803EcuadorDESMI Ro-Clean Latinoamerica S.A.Tel.: +593 2 326 1939Fax: +593 2 326 4844FranceDESMI SARLTel.: +33 1 30 43 97 10Fax: +33 1 30 43 97 11UAEDESMI Middle East - Abu DhabiTel.: +971 508214979DESMI Middle East - DubaiTel.: +971 50 554 9395The mission of DESMI is to develop, manufacture, sell and servicepumps and pumping systems, environmental equipment, andspecial products related to these areas.MARINE & OFFSHOREINDUSTRYOIL SPILL RESPONSEDEFENCE & FUELUTILITYwww.desmi.com24

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