Group - L. Possehl & Co. mbH

Group - L. Possehl & Co. mbH Group - L. Possehl & Co. mbH


otHEr diSCLoSUrES Contingent Liabilities in E ’000 12/31/2007 12/31/2006 Acceptance liability for drafts 7,581 3,020 Financial guarantees 541 728 Guarantees/warranties 7,844 8,498 other financial obligations 48 15,966 12,246 in E ’000 12/31/2007 12/31/2006 rental/Leasing and other contractual obligations (face value) 112,559 104,097 with term structure up to 1 year 22,475 17,264 1 – 5 years 46,592 37,164 over 5 years 43,492 49,669 Purchase commitments for investments 2,916 3,048 115,475 107,145 derivative financial instruments Derivative financial instruments are used in the Group only to hedge currency and interest rate risks. The instruments used consist of unconditional forward contracts for currencies and currency or interest rate swaps. The forward currency contracts are mainly over-the-counter forward contracts on US dollar and Euro bases. As well as hedging items of the balance sheet, imminent payment obligations from procurement transactions are also hedged against anticipated unfavorable exchange rate movements. The currency swaps are short-term. Interest rate swaps have settlement dates up to 2012. The following table lists the nominal amounts and market values of the financial instruments: in E ’000 Nominal amount 12/31/2007 Market value 12/31/2007 Forward currency contracts 13,956 1,513 Currency options 3,450 146 Interest rate and currency swaps 62,548 136 Financial instruments are measured using the mark to market method. The market value of financial instruments is calculated as the total value of all instruments as per the balance sheet date, without accounting for the underlying transactions. total remuneration of the Executive Board, advisory Council, and Supervisory Board The members of the Executive Board received total remuneration of e 2,355,000 (previous year: e 2,341,000) for the performance of their duties in the parent company and subsidiaries, the members of the Advisory Council received e 80,000 (previous year: e 80,000), and the members of the Supervisory Board e 28,000 (previous year: e 31,000). Former members of the Executive Board and their surviving dependents received e 809,000 (previous year: e 718,000). Obligations from current pensions and pension entitlements are covered by provisions of e 8,312,000 (previous year: e 8,082,000). Proposal on appropriation of Profits of the Parent Company in E ’000 Net profit for 2007 76,744,023.39 Profit carried forward from the previous year 251.70 Balance sheet profit 76,744,275.09 The Executive Board proposes appropriating the balance sheet profit of e 76,744,275.09 as follows: an amount of e 8,000,000.00 to the sole shareholder, Possehl-Stiftung, an amount of e 68,700,000.00 to be transferred to other earnings reserves, and the remainder of e 44,275.09 is to be carried forward. Lübeck, Germany, March 19, 2008 L. Possehl & Co. mit beschränkter Haftung (limited) The Executive Board Uwe Lüders Norbert Scheuch

auditors’ report * We have audited the consolidated financial statements prepared by L. Possehl & Co. mit beschränkter Haftung, Lübeck, – comprised of the balance sheet, income statement, notes, cash flow statement, and statement of changes in equity as well as the segment reporting and the Group management report for the fiscal year from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2007. The preparation of the consolidated financial statements and the Group management report in accordance with German commercial law regulations is the responsibility of the legal representatives of the Company. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the consolidated financial statements and the Group management report based on our audit. We conducted our audit of the consolidated annual financial statements in accordance with section 317 HGB and the generally accepted standards for the audit of financial statements promulgated by the German Institute of Auditors (Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer, IDW). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit so as to obtain reasonable assurance that any inaccuracies or violations that have a material effect on the presentation of the net assets, financial position, and results of operations conveyed by the consolidated financial statements and the principles of reliable accounting methods and by the Group management report are identified. Knowledge of the business activities as well as the economic and legal environment of the Group and evaluations of possible misstatements are taken into account in the determination of audit procedures. The effectiveness of the accounting- related internal control system as well as verification of the information in the consolidated financial statements and the Group management report is examined primarily on a test basis within the framework of the audit. The audit includes assessing the annual financial statements of the companies included in the consolidated financial statements, the definition of the group of consolidated companies, the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by the legal represen tatives, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements and the Group management report. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. Our audit has not led to any reservations. According to our assessment based on the knowledge gained during the audit, the consolidated financial statements comply with the legal provisions and convey an accurate picture of the net assets, financial position, and results of operations of the Group, while observing the principles of reliable accounting methods. The Group management report is in agreement with the consolidated financial statements, conveys an accurate image of the position of the Group and accurately represents the opportunities and risks of future development. Hamburg, Germany, March 19, 2008 BDO Deutsche Warentreuhand Aktiengesellschaft Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft Dyckerhoff Herbers Auditor Auditor *Translation of German Auditors’ Report Letter from the Executive Board Company Boards Report of the Controlling Boards Successful over the Long Term Group Management Report Consolidated Financial Statements Further Information 49

otHEr diSCLoSUrES<br />

<strong>Co</strong>ntingent Liabilities<br />

in E ’000 12/31/2007 12/31/2006<br />

Acceptance liability for drafts 7,581 3,020<br />

Financial guarantees 541 728<br />

Guarantees/warranties 7,844 8,498<br />

other financial obligations<br />

48<br />

15,966 12,246<br />

in E ’000 12/31/2007 12/31/2006<br />

rental/Leasing and other<br />

contractual obligations (face value) 112,559 104,097<br />

with term structure<br />

up to 1 year 22,475 17,264<br />

1 – 5 years 46,592 37,164<br />

over 5 years 43,492 49,669<br />

Purchase commitments for<br />

investments 2,916 3,048<br />

115,475 107,145<br />

derivative financial instruments<br />

Derivative financial instruments are used in the <strong>Group</strong> only to hedge<br />

currency and interest rate risks. The instruments used consist of<br />

unconditional forward contracts for currencies and currency or interest<br />

rate swaps.<br />

The forward currency contracts are mainly over-the-counter<br />

forward contracts on US dollar and Euro bases. As well as hedging<br />

items of the balance sheet, imminent payment obligations from<br />

procurement transactions are also hedged against anticipated unfavorable<br />

exchange rate movements.<br />

The currency swaps are short-term. Interest rate swaps have<br />

settlement dates up to 2012.<br />

The following table lists the nominal amounts and market values of<br />

the financial instruments:<br />

in E ’000<br />

Nominal<br />

amount<br />

12/31/2007<br />

Market value<br />

12/31/2007<br />

Forward currency contracts 13,956 1,513<br />

Currency options 3,450 146<br />

Interest rate and currency swaps 62,548 136<br />

Financial instruments are measured using the mark to market<br />

method. The market value of financial instruments is calculated as the<br />

total value of all instruments as per the balance sheet date, without<br />

accounting for the underlying transactions.<br />

total remuneration of the Executive Board, advisory <strong>Co</strong>uncil,<br />

and Supervisory Board<br />

The members of the Executive Board received total remuneration<br />

of e 2,355,000 (previous year: e 2,341,000) for the performance of<br />

their duties in the parent company and subsidiaries, the members<br />

of the Advisory <strong>Co</strong>uncil received e 80,000 (previous year: e 80,000),<br />

and the members of the Supervisory Board e 28,000 (previous year:<br />

e 31,000).<br />

Former members of the Executive Board and their surviving dependents<br />

received e 809,000 (previous year: e 718,000). Obligations from<br />

current pensions and pension entitlements are covered by provisions of<br />

e 8,312,000 (previous year: e 8,082,000).<br />

Proposal on appropriation of Profits of the Parent <strong>Co</strong>mpany<br />

in E ’000<br />

Net profit for 2007 76,744,023.39<br />

Profit carried forward from the previous year 251.70<br />

Balance sheet profit 76,744,275.09<br />

The Executive Board proposes appropriating the balance sheet<br />

profit of e 76,744,275.09 as follows: an amount of e 8,000,000.00 to<br />

the sole shareholder, <strong>Possehl</strong>-Stiftung, an amount of e 68,700,000.00<br />

to be transferred to other earnings reserves, and the remainder of<br />

e 44,275.09 is to be carried forward.<br />

Lübeck, Germany, March 19, 2008<br />

L. <strong>Possehl</strong> & <strong>Co</strong>.<br />

mit beschränkter Haftung (limited)<br />

The Executive Board<br />

Uwe Lüders Norbert Scheuch

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