Group - L. Possehl & Co. mbH

Group - L. Possehl & Co. mbH Group - L. Possehl & Co. mbH


The following domestic subsidiaries are making use of the exemption provided by § 264 Para. 3 HGB regarding mandatory disclosure for the year 2007: Heimerle + Meule GmbH, Pforzheim Harburg-Freudenberger Maschinenbau GmbH, Hamburg Possehl Erzkontor GmbH, Lübeck Possehl Beteiligungsverwaltung GmbH, Lübeck Deutscher Eisenhandel AG, Lübeck ABT Vermögensverwaltungs-Gesellschaft mbH, Mönchengladbach The following domestic subsidiaries are making use of the exemption provided by § 264b HGB regarding mandatory disclosure for the year 2007: A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG, Mönchengladbach Hako-Holding GmbH & Co. KG, Bad Oldesloe CUrrENt aSSEtS 4. inventories in E ’000 12/31/2007 12/31/2006 1. Raw materials, consumables, and supplies 61,626 62,001 2. Work in progress 20,438 30,456 3. Finished goods and merchandise 139,854 143,606 4. Advance payments received 3,076 13,504 42 224,994 249,567 Advanced payments received on orders of e 68,356,000 (previous year: e 73,458,000) were offset against inventories. 5. receivables and other assets in E ’000 12/31/2007 12/31/2006 1. trade receivables 212,161 199,260 of which with a remaining term of more than 1 year 1,537 1,330 2. other receivables and other assets Receivables from affiliated companies 1 1 Receivables from investee and investor companies 4,402 4,252 Other assets 25,264 24,747 of which with a remaining term of more than 1 year 4,741 5,132 29,667 29,000 Receivables and other assets are recognized at nominal value, less individual write downs of e 6,197,000 (previous year: e 6,871,000) and a general write down of e 3,546,000 (previous year: e 3,380,000). Other assets include recoverable tax amounts of e 14,765,000 (previous year: e 14,993,000). The corporation tax credit of e 4,687,000 in accordance with § 37 German corporation tax law (Körperschaftsteuergesetz) was discounted at 4.3 % p.a., the same interest rate as in the previous year. 6. Cash and Cash Equivalents in E ’000 12/31/2007 12/31/2006 Bank balances 179,342 41,567 Cash in hand and checks 587 426 179,929 41,993 Bank balances consist primarily of short-term Euro deposits. 7. deferred tax assets Deferred tax assets and liabilities result from the different carrying amounts between the financial statements of domestic and foreign Group companies prepared according to commercial law and those prepared for tax purposes. Deferred taxes are also offset against consolidation entries with effect on profit and loss. No deferred tax assets are recognized for tax loss carryforwards. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are netted out and the balance is reported.

As per the balance sheet date, the capitalized amount is composed as follows: in E ’000 12/31/2007 12/31/2006 Deferred tax assets 9,985 2,613 Deferred tax liabilities -8,284 -8,679 deferred tax assets (a provision in the prior year) 1,701 -6,066 8. Equity The schedule of changes in shareholders’ equity has been drawn up in accordance with GAS 7. Subscribed capital consists of the common equity of the parent company, L. Possehl, held by the sole shareholder, Possehl-Stiftung. Retained earnings consist of the parent company’s share of total consolidated and retained net income. It includes all earnings components with effect on the income statement including consolidation effects through the income statement. in E ’000 01/01/2007 Exchange rate differences Change in group of consolidated companies Letter from the Executive Board Company Boards Report of the Controlling Boards Successful over the Long Term Group Management Report Consolidated Financial Statements Further Information Accumulated other Group earnings consist of all transactions not recognized through the income statement. The change in the reporting year mainly relates to goodwill from company acquisitions offset directly without effect on the income statement. Minority interests relate mainly to the two Chinese companies Shenzen Possehl SEG Electronics Co. Ltd. and Dongguan Possehl SEG Electronics Co. Ltd. (20 % respectively). 9. Pension Provisions Provisions for pensions exist almost exclusively at the parent company and the domestic subsidiaries. Pension provisions consist of 1,784 (previous year: 1,837) future pensions and 1,078 (previous year: 1,054) current pensions for eligible active and former employees and their surviving dependents. The amount of the pensions paid depends on the length of service and the salaries or contributions of the beneficiaries. 10. other Provisions in E ’000 12/31/2007 12/31/2006 1. Provisions for deferred taxes 0 6,066 2. Other provisions for taxes 10,284 7,450 3. Other provisions 89,033 87,706 99,317 101,222 Changes in other provisions for taxes and other provisions in the reporting year were as follows: Reclassification Used Reversals Additions 12/31/2007 other provisions for taxes 7,450 -132 0 3,106 -5,472 -133 5,465 10,284 Personnel 32,372 -269 508 -590 -22,070 -2,185 27,401 35,167 Warranties 11,238 -41 377 -585 -2,628 -1,540 5,727 12,548 Accounting 1,838 -16 -36 -95 -1,470 -88 1,664 1,797 Outstanding invoices 9,142 -168 -83 182 -7,120 -1,286 7,532 8,199 Other 33,116 -144 90 -1,646 -18,217 -2,838 20,961 31,322 other provisions 87,706 -638 856 -2,734 -51,505 -7,937 63,285 89,033 43

The following domestic subsidiaries are making use of the exemption<br />

provided by § 264 Para. 3 HGB regarding mandatory disclosure for<br />

the year 2007:<br />

Heimerle + Meule G<strong>mbH</strong>, Pforzheim<br />

Harburg-Freudenberger Maschinenbau G<strong>mbH</strong>, Hamburg<br />

<strong>Possehl</strong> Erzkontor G<strong>mbH</strong>, Lübeck<br />

<strong>Possehl</strong> Beteiligungsverwaltung G<strong>mbH</strong>, Lübeck<br />

Deutscher Eisenhandel AG, Lübeck<br />

ABT Vermögensverwaltungs-Gesellschaft <strong>mbH</strong>, Mönchengladbach<br />

The following domestic subsidiaries are making use of the<br />

exemption provided by § 264b HGB regarding mandatory disclosure<br />

for the year 2007:<br />

A. Monforts Textilmaschinen G<strong>mbH</strong> & <strong>Co</strong>. KG, Mönchengladbach<br />

Hako-Holding G<strong>mbH</strong> & <strong>Co</strong>. KG, Bad Oldesloe<br />

CUrrENt aSSEtS<br />

4. inventories<br />

in E ’000 12/31/2007 12/31/2006<br />

1. Raw materials, consumables,<br />

and supplies 61,626 62,001<br />

2. Work in progress 20,438 30,456<br />

3. Finished goods and merchandise 139,854 143,606<br />

4. Advance payments received 3,076 13,504<br />

42<br />

224,994 249,567<br />

Advanced payments received on orders of e 68,356,000 (previous<br />

year: e 73,458,000) were offset against inventories.<br />

5. receivables and other assets<br />

in E ’000 12/31/2007 12/31/2006<br />

1. trade receivables 212,161 199,260<br />

of which with a remaining term<br />

of more than 1 year 1,537 1,330<br />

2. other receivables and<br />

other assets<br />

Receivables from affiliated<br />

companies 1 1<br />

Receivables from investee and<br />

investor companies 4,402 4,252<br />

Other assets 25,264 24,747<br />

of which with a remaining term<br />

of more than 1 year 4,741 5,132<br />

29,667 29,000<br />

Receivables and other assets are recognized at nominal value, less<br />

individual write downs of e 6,197,000 (previous year: e 6,871,000) and<br />

a general write down of e 3,546,000 (previous year: e 3,380,000).<br />

Other assets include recoverable tax amounts of e 14,765,000<br />

(previous year: e 14,993,000).<br />

The corporation tax credit of e 4,687,000 in accordance with<br />

§ 37 German corporation tax law (Körperschaftsteuergesetz) was discounted<br />

at 4.3 % p.a., the same interest rate as in the previous year.<br />

6. Cash and Cash Equivalents<br />

in E ’000 12/31/2007 12/31/2006<br />

Bank balances 179,342 41,567<br />

Cash in hand and checks 587 426<br />

179,929 41,993<br />

Bank balances consist primarily of short-term Euro deposits.<br />

7. deferred tax assets<br />

Deferred tax assets and liabilities result from the different carrying<br />

amounts between the financial statements of domestic and foreign<br />

<strong>Group</strong> companies prepared according to commercial law and those<br />

prepared for tax purposes. Deferred taxes are also offset against consolidation<br />

entries with effect on profit and loss. No deferred tax assets<br />

are recognized for tax loss carryforwards. Deferred tax assets and<br />

liabilities are netted out and the balance is reported.

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