2009 - 2010 Annual Report - Wausau School Foundation

2009 - 2010 Annual Report - Wausau School Foundation 2009 - 2010 Annual Report - Wausau School Foundation

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The <strong>Wausau</strong> <strong>School</strong><strong>Foundation</strong> had anothersuccessful year helpingthe students, families, andstaff of the <strong>Wausau</strong> <strong>School</strong>District thanks to ourdonor members. The Boardcontinues to drive forwardexpanding our capacity toINVEST IN INNOVATION- building upon the nearly$275,000 in grants andawards facilitated over thepast eleven years through the<strong>School</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong>.During the past year we have supported our missionby providing the following opportunities:Reach for the Stars Grant program. Recentlyapproved are seven education grants, supportfor continuing previous grants and professionaldevelopment travel grants. The Board continues toseek ways to support innovation in our classroomsand schools through the legacy funds of HeritageFamilies.Other education grants – Leadership in ActionChallenge or special interest classroom grants. TheClass of ’65 supported a classroom grant yet to bedetermined in their class’s honor.John A. Waldron Student Assistance Fundremains a source for small grants to children facingemergency needs or hoping to take advantage ofopportunities outside of the classroom unavailableto them due to issues of financial need.Caught in the Act Awards recognized theexcellent service rendered by 16 members of the<strong>Wausau</strong> <strong>School</strong> District staff to our children, theirschools and community.Scholarships to deserving graduating seniors havebeen funded by Alumni classes and individuals whosupport education.Again, THANK YOU donor members - we could notdo it without you. Thank you to all thevolunteers who assisted with our work and activities– there is still much work ahead and yourinvolvement is appreciated. We welcome BarbaraKlofstad, president-elect as of July 1, <strong>2010</strong>and best wishes to the Board as it works for kids andeducation in <strong>Wausau</strong>. The <strong>Wausau</strong> <strong>School</strong><strong>Foundation</strong> is making a difference.Jeffrey T. Leigh<strong>2009</strong>/<strong>2010</strong> President45678910111214Grants AwardedLeadership in Action GrantsHeritage Families | Applying for a GrantJohn A. Waldron Student Assistance Fund | Alumni NewsCaught in the ActFUN’D Run <strong>2009</strong>Board of Directors | Committee MembersFinancials | Tribute Gifts & MemorialsDonor MembersFrom the Director1

Invest in innovations that enhancethe education opportunities for the studentsand communities we serve.

“The essence of teaching is tomake learning contagious, to haveone idea spark another.”~ Marva CollinsThe <strong>School</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> exists to grantopportunities not otherwise possible. It existsto provide opportunities for students andteachers to realize innovation – to experiencelearning in creative ways that spark new ideas.More than ever our students will need tobe thinkers, problem solvers and inspired tolearn. Over $24,000 has been awarded thispast year – grants that have teachers inspired;grants that have made learning fun for bothteachers and students; and grants that investin innovation and creativity in our classrooms.Thank you to the Judd S. Alexander <strong>Foundation</strong>and donor members for the continued supportthat has made these education opportunitiespossible.Reach For The StarsInvest in Our KidsMaine Elementary <strong>School</strong>Classroom CuisineFifth graders were literally “cooking up” acurriculum of U.S. history, geography, andcultural studies. “A creative way for studentsto integrate research, group work, learningabout the history of the United States andcooking skills into a delicious way to learn.”John Marshall Elementary <strong>School</strong>Differentiated Resources for theMath WorkshopProvides an innovative model for mathinstruction that meets the needs of eachstudent to achieve success. “The grantopened the door to resources that providedgreater flexibility in working with studentsand meeting their needs. We have been ableto provide more meaningful and motivatingmath practice… Our students are engagedand excited as they work on math!”<strong>Wausau</strong> West High <strong>School</strong>Bringing Biology to Life – Senteo SystemThis communication device works in tandemwith SMART Board technology in the area ofBiology and AP biology to allow for greaterstudent participation, assessment andpreparedness for college level courses.Horace Mann Middle <strong>School</strong>Graphic Tablets to Explore Art ConceptsThe addition of 28 graphic tablets to theVisual Technology Communication Lab willprovide students the opportunity to workwith a design stylus for greater accuracythan a mouse. The process allows studentsto find their own creativity, decisionmaking,and self expression. “Not allstudents will be artists, but they all shouldfind ways to express themselves in a worldinundated with visual messaging.”Stettin Elementary <strong>School</strong>Chess in the ClassroomFirst Moves Chess Curriculum implementsan innovative, research-based programfor chess instruction for second and thirdgrades. In addition to learning chess,students learn concepts that transfer toother curricular areas – social studies, mathgraphing and coordinate work, geography,and history. In the words of the students- “I like chess because it gets my braingoing.” Or “I feel good playing chess. Ithelps me concentrate.”<strong>Wausau</strong> East High <strong>School</strong><strong>School</strong> Age Mothers (SAM)SAM addresses the unique needs of schoolageparents at East High <strong>School</strong> with lessonsspecific to issues of the teen parent; aswell as an avenue for them to support oneanother. The goal is to teach life-skills thatwill positively impact their children andfuture generations.Rib Mountain Elementary <strong>School</strong>Techno–Teaching TwoCapitalizing on the latest technology to4

5enhance student learning, SMART Boards arean ever presence in the modern classroom.This grant continues work introduced lastyear to “teach-the-teacher” and “help exciteparticipants about the benefits of technologyuse with today’s students.”John Muir & Horace Mann Middle <strong>School</strong>sA Walk in Their ShoesEvents and opportunities for all middle schoolstudents throughout Marathon County andthe community that put a personal face oncurrent issues that shape the world. It ishands-on experiences of people sharing theirlife stories of survival and perseverance -learning that could be life changing.<strong>Wausau</strong> West High <strong>School</strong>Professional Development – Travel GrantsSupport for teacher travel that enrichs theinstructional experience in the classroom.Staff members who teach subjects that canbe directly enhanced by travel to areas ofour country or the world and tied to theirinstruction are eligible to apply. ChannonGalligan / <strong>Wausau</strong> West English PatrickGalligan / <strong>Wausau</strong> West Social Studies (APEuropean History, World History)Leadership In Action /Challenge Grants /Partners In InnovationPartners In Innovation Membership consistsof representatives from:<strong>Wausau</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong>North Central WI WorkforceDevelopment BoardNorth Central WI <strong>School</strong>-to-CareerPartnership/Northcentral Technical CollegeUW-Marathon CountyContinuing Education<strong>Wausau</strong> <strong>School</strong> DistrictPartners In Innovation (PII) createsopportunities for dialogue and action amongWisconsin’s business, education, andcommunity partners through the Leadershipin Action Challenge Grants, sponsoringpresentations and providing scholarships foreducator teams to attend workshops.Since 2004, grant opportunities forcollaborative work between business andeducation to enhance learning in workforcedevelopment are available to area schools. Aspecial thank you to the Judd S. Alexander<strong>Foundation</strong> and businesses throughoutCentral Wisconsin for their support.Access grant criteria and application at:The<strong>Foundation</strong>WSD.org“Science Idols <strong>2009</strong>”A registration grant provided the opportunityfor girls to participate in the day event at UW-Marathon highlighting science, math and careerchoices.“Elements in Design”This project partnered with the PerformingArts <strong>Foundation</strong> and <strong>Wausau</strong> West ConsumerEducation teacher, Trisha Sirny to bring FashionDesigner Michael Cepress for a day of careerexploration in the field of fashion and design forover 700 students.“Cutting Edge Manufacturing”With the addition of a plasma cutter, themanufacturing and engineering lab at <strong>Wausau</strong>West now provides a hands-on experience forstudents. West offers transcript credit throughNTC for Introduction to Production Welding,of which a competency is hand-held plasmacutting. This high school opportunity enhancesworkforce development.“Food Service Careers”Exploration in culinary arts will be enhancedwith the opportunity for transcript creditthrough Nicolet Area Technical College.Classroom needs and teacher certification tofacilitate the course are provided with this grant.“Education is the process in which wediscover that learning adds quality to ourlives. Learning must be experienced.”~William Glasser

The <strong>Foundation</strong> supports innovativeand/or creative projects that addressthe following goals:Provide innovative and/or enrichingeducation opportunitiesProvide opportunity for District staffto “think outside of the box” andteach beyond the lesson planEnhance content rigor andinstructional relevanceDemonstrate a sense of community.Encourage the active role of thefamily in student learningMotivate and inspire students,educators and/or the communityAre cost-effectiveWho can submit a grant application?Any educator employed by the <strong>Wausau</strong><strong>School</strong> District or any communitymember in partnership with an educatoris eligible to apply for a grant.How to apply for a grant?If you have a grant in mind, please don’thesitate in beginning the grant process.Information, guidelines and applicationsfound online at:Richard & Joellen BennettB.A. & Esther Greenheck FamilyBrian & Sandy GumnessPam CoenenAndy & Crystal JacksonPeter & Katie JacksonAnn, Kate, Elizabeth & Nancy FrawleyThe Stanley F. Staples FamilyPrehn FamilyDr. Delos C. Prehn (‘14)Dr. Donald ‘44 & Patricia PrehnDr. Frederick C. ‘75 & Linda PrehnAugusta B. Prehn ‘05Frederick C. Prehn Jr. ‘07Aurora D. Prehn ‘09Harrison P. Prehn ‘10Lynn BuhmannSarah EberleinMr Richard HelkeAllen & Mary Jane HettingaTom & Ann JonesLynn & Cathie TaschlerDavid R Scholfield & familyFamilies celebrating 2+ generations that attendedpublic schools in the <strong>Wausau</strong> <strong>School</strong> District - passingfrom generation to generation the value of a qualityeducation - are joining the <strong>Wausau</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> tocreate a “family legacy” that supports creative educationopportunities for students and teachers.<strong>Wausau</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> thanks the following familiesfor their support of REACH FOR THE STARS educationgrants. Learn more about our grants and building a family“legacy” at The<strong>Foundation</strong>WSD.org or call 715.261.0554.Harry N. Jr. & Virginia Heinemann FamilyRebecca, Joseph, Robert,Virginia (Gigi) Heinemann-SchmittBlakney & Arabella SchmittBlanche (Ryan) & Forrest Hilgemann FamilyJohn Hilgemann (wife Sandra)Kristin, Kaitlyn & KendraKellenhauser FamilyLavernBart, John & ArleneJohnKarl F. Manthei Family - Vocational ‘30Grace Manthei - <strong>Wausau</strong> HS ‘56Lisa Atwood (Bergeth) – West ‘80Emily Streich - East ‘06Mr Harvey Scholfield( Marathon Box Corporation )Ruth & Marvin SchuetteThomas J SchuetteSara Schuette FriedleJay M SchuetteLauren R Schuette6

Due to the generosity of the John A.Waldron family, Dudley <strong>Foundation</strong>,Woodtrust and other donor members,the <strong>Wausau</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong>continues to be able to provide smallemergency grants to students in need.This past year over $3,100 in grantsassisted students with medical/dental care, nutrition, transportation,clothing, or personal/school supplies.Grants for educational activities outsidethe classroom not otherwise possiblewere made available to low-incomestudents. For example, eight middleschool students were able to attenda daylong event called Singing inWisconsin as part of an activity throughtheir school music department.YOU CAN HELP!Make a difference . . . a tax-deductiblecontribution can be made to the<strong>Wausau</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> / WaldronFund.“Life isn’t always easy, but gettingan education should be...”<strong>Wausau</strong> <strong>School</strong> DistrictAlumni Hall of FameThe <strong>Wausau</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> partneredwith the <strong>Wausau</strong> <strong>School</strong> District tocelebrate outstanding alumni for theannual recognition.Top GOOGLE Executive, Marissa Mayer,returned to be inducted into the <strong>Wausau</strong><strong>School</strong> District Alumni Hall of Fame for<strong>2010</strong> and relayed to teachers and guestshow <strong>Wausau</strong> helped her find her passionand “taught me the value of being wellrounded.”Marissa expressed a debt ofgratitude for the excellent foundationshe received through the <strong>Wausau</strong> <strong>School</strong>District. She went on to say that <strong>Wausau</strong>cultivated her love of science and mathand “interestingly, it was not until I wasa professional woman, mentoring other7Supt. Steve Murley & Kris Vanden Heuvel award West alum Marissa Mayergirls, that I learned that openly likingscience and math is unusual for girls . . .<strong>Wausau</strong>’s schools were so supportive thatI never felt strange for a second aboutpursuing math and science and beinggood in them.” This outstanding alumfrom <strong>Wausau</strong> West ’93, acknowledgedthat it takes courage to follow your dreamsand will be forever grateful to <strong>Wausau</strong> forencouraging her to do just that.ReunionsClass reunions are happening! Don’t missyours – contact information can be animportant link to assuring you are informed.Checkout – The<strong>Foundation</strong>WSD.org forreunion information and services to assistreunion organizers.“Thank you again for all yourhelp…as we prepared for the15 yearreunion these last few months!It was a great night.”~ Katie McCormack, Laura Reissmann,& Justin Happel - <strong>Wausau</strong> East ’95

“CLASS ACT” Scholarships<strong>Wausau</strong> East ‘78 Memorial Scholarshipwas awarded to:<strong>2010</strong> - Brett Tyler Coerper<strong>2009</strong> – Cody Geoffrey<strong>Wausau</strong> East ’79 Academic EnrichmentScholarship was awarded to: Carly GrossOrt Enstad Academic EnrichmentScholarship was awarded to: Mai PhillipCoach Mary Tuchscherer VarsityTennis Scholarship was awarded to:<strong>2010</strong> - German Lorrain<strong>2009</strong> – Alexandra Krolicki2008 – Emily Hiebl2007 – Jacob VeldhuizenVSAlumni Co-Captains join LOG GameTailgate . . . The East/West Football LogGame is always a good time and this pastSeptember was not an exception when East’94, Noel Bouchè, and West ’94, Gary Sweet,joined their team as Honorary Captains. The4th <strong>Annual</strong> Alumni Log Game Tailgate featuredfood, prizes, and memories for a great way tosupport kids! The Alumni Tailgate for <strong>2010</strong> –for more information – The<strong>Foundation</strong>WSD.org.High <strong>School</strong> Limited EditionPrintsPen and ink drawings by <strong>Wausau</strong>artist Diana Weber-Osypowski areavailable in three designs. Prints maybe purchased at high schools or the<strong>Wausau</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> office @415 Seymour Street, <strong>Wausau</strong>. Moreinformation: The<strong>Foundation</strong>WSD.org.Making the Best BetterRecognition ProgramNominated by colleagues, parents, studentsor administrators, the following <strong>Wausau</strong><strong>School</strong> District staff members have been“caught in the act” for going above andbeyond for our children, schools, andcommunity. They “go the extra mile” andview it as just part of their job as theynurture learning, model caring, and make theworld a better place.The <strong>School</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> was proud to recognizethe following recipients on April 28th, <strong>2010</strong>:Katie Altmann - <strong>Wausau</strong> West High <strong>School</strong>Nell Anderson - Longfellow Administration CenterKevin Baine - Grant ElementaryAmy Boller - Riverview ElementaryJohn Cayley - <strong>Wausau</strong> East High <strong>School</strong>Kathi Christensen - John Muir Middle <strong>School</strong>Sarah Falk - John Muir Middle <strong>School</strong>Suzanne Gallant - John Muir Middle <strong>School</strong>Pam Hildebrandt - Thomas Jefferson ElementaryLaRae Jelmeland - Riverview ElementaryJeffrey Krause - <strong>Wausau</strong> East High <strong>School</strong>Deb Martin - Riverview ElementaryDenise Mattice - Riverview ElementaryKaren Pagel - Maine ElementaryCharles Patten - <strong>Wausau</strong> Area MontessoriCharter <strong>School</strong>Ellen Runnoe - Rib Mountain ElementaryJennifer Sengkhammee - Grant ElementaryAmy Smet - Maine ElementaryLori Tonelli - Franklin ElementaryThank You Sponsor – ProfessionalConsulting Associates, Inc.You, too, can nominate a deserving staffmember. Nomination forms available atThe<strong>Foundation</strong>WSD.org or call 715-261-05548

The 3rd annual 10K/5K/1K Run/Walk broughtout all ages for a beautiful event on the trailsof the <strong>Wausau</strong> <strong>School</strong> Forest. It was a greattime with t-shirts, goody bags and awardsfor top finishers in each age group. For moreinformation on future FUN’D Run/Walk forEducation events visit The<strong>Foundation</strong>WSD.orgor Active.com. It’s for the kids!<strong>Wausau</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> gratefullyacknowledges:The “Principal’s” Sponsor“We Support Education” SponsorsAspirus Network Inc • Bone & Joint CenterDovorany Orthodontics • EastbayMinistry Health Care • Security HealthProfessional Consulting AssociatesJohn Stilp, DDS, SC, Oral & Maxillofacial SurgeryStump’s • Marathon Label“We Support Education” In-Kind Sponsors• Biggby Coffee• DutchmenDesign.com• Pick ‘n Save – River’s Edge• SUN Printing• WAOW – TV 9 Wake Up Wisconsin• <strong>Wausau</strong> <strong>School</strong> District9

“Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.”~ George Washington CarverOfficersJeff Leigh (President)Bill Brandimore (Vice President)Robert Ludwig (Treasurer)Mary Clare Freeman (Secretary)MembersDr. Elizabeth BarrPete HessertDelores KesselBarb Klofstad (President Elect)Michael MoranCarroll PetersonJane Rusch (WSD Board of Education)Randy SchiffmanGigi Heinemann SchmittKristine Vanden HeuvelNew Members for <strong>2010</strong>Jann SlaytonBarb PetersonStephanie SmithChristopher TonerDr Kathleen Williams, WSD SuperintendentEx-Officio MembersStephen Murley, WSD SuperintendentMary Ellen Marnholtz, WSD CommunityRelations CoordinatorStaffKristine Vanden Heuvel (Director)THANK YOU! With grateful appreciation, the Board extends a huge thank you to retiring members for their years of service to the children of the<strong>Wausau</strong> <strong>School</strong> District: Pete Hessert, Jeff Leigh, Mary Clare Freeman, Carroll Peterson, Gigi Heinemann Schmitt and Superintendent, Stephen Murley.Entire Board of Directors(Nominating, Events)Mary Clare Freeman (Heritage Family-Chair, Exec.)Bill Brandimore (PR, Development, Executive)Carroll Peterson (Prof. Recognition, Grants)Peter Hessert (Grants. Development-Chair)Delores Kessel (Development, Prof. Recognition)Robert Ludwig (Finance, Executive)Barb Klofstad (Grants)Randy Schiffman (Public Relations)Mary Ellen Marnholtz (Communications)Jeff Leigh (Grants-Chair, Executive)Gigi Heinemann-Schmitt (Alumni)Dr Elizabeth Barr (Events-Co-Chair)Michael Moran (Prof. Recognition-Chair)Jane Rusch (<strong>School</strong> Board Liaison)Tim Wimmer (Alumni)Marsha Fitzgerald (Prof. Recognition)Polly Hirn (Prof. Recognition)Pauline Riedl (Prof. Recognition)Terry Scheid (Grants)Nancy Frawley (Heritage Family)Patricia Prehn (Heritage Family)Lynn Buhmann (Heritage Family)Mary Kate Riordan (Nominating, Events)Jeanne Alexejun (Events)Betsy Keefe (Events, Heritage Family)Jann Slayton (Events)Martha Flanders (Events)Jackie Duerst (Events)Al Marnholtz (Finance)Colleen Sickels (Heritage Family)Sarah Miller (Development, Heritage Family)Ben Reif (Development-Waldron Fund)Margaret Anderson, M.D. (Development)Christine Bremer Muggli (Heritage Family)Linda Grilley (Heritage Family)Pat Lane Diaz (Heritage Family)Jane Janke Johnson (Heritage Family)Jon Euting (Events-CoChair)JP Sartori (Public Relations)JJ DeRoovers (Public Relations)Jennifer Hockin (Public Relations)10

BALANCE SHEET (as of June 30, <strong>2010</strong>)Assets:Checking/Savings/Certificates $103,643.79Community Fund $ 63,597.96Accounts Receivable $ 3,894.15TOTAL ASSETS $171,135.90Liabilities:Accounts Payable $ 1,236.28Encumbered Funds $124,391.93Total Liabilities $125,628.21Total Equity $ 45,507.69TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY $171,135.90INCOME STATEMENTOperating Income:Investment Income/loss $( 827.98)Event Receipts $ 15,245.50Donations $ 11,493.56Program & Other Income $ 2,580.33Total Operating Income $ 30,147.37Operating Expense:Marketing, Supplies & Other $ 7,586.22Payroll Expense $ 10,282.77Professional Fees/Other Fees $ 2,337.10Events $ 4,867.82Total Operating Expense $ 25,073.91NET INCOME/LOSS $( 5,073.46)OTHER INCOMEOperating Income:Community <strong>Foundation</strong> Revenue $ 8,827.89OTHER EXPENSEOperating Income:Community <strong>Foundation</strong> Revenue $ 1,041.45NET OTHER INCOME $( 7,786.44)NET INCOME $(12,859.90)11The <strong>Wausau</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> gratefully accepts your gift in honoror rememberance of special people in your life.MEMORIALSLyle E AbitzRobert J AkeyRobert A BarnowskyRuth BastaJohn M BaumanMartha BelmasKathryn M BentleyJerrald James BlameyPaul E BoettcherRobert BonnerupVernon BorchardtAngeline M BosioArline C BradyRaymond BrunsAlice M CherneyJames F CostaElaine E CzeckMargaret DaffinsonJerome DeNuccioCarol L DruckreyEmily B EatonThecla FoegenEmily M FelverMable M FlaggKathryn FuehrerMary K GummoGrace HankeDean Rockwell HauckeElizabeth Ann HeinrichFrederick J Hirn SrFred JaegerLola J JahnkeBart KellnhauserDavid KentgenTheresa M KlosinskiJerome A KolbeckJohn KraftJoy KramerAnita KrenzOrie A KrohnStanley P KrzanowskiDelores E KukaskyPaul KyselyAudrey M LaPorteIrene M LaudeKia LeeJoan M LindstromMiriam Joan LintereurTony Seng LorVirginia MartinEthel MasanzElsie M NellesMary NemecMichael OpsteenLillian I OttEdwin E OttoRobert R PayneHarry QuinnAlan RamthunKaren RenzelmannLorraine RhynerKenneth F RiskaFlorence H RodePerry M SavageMichael SchindlerGeorge W SchmidtDonna SchulzCaroline SeefeldJanice C StockowitzElaine M SuchonMichael R Tillisch JrWilliam J TimmDorothy E TollefsonVernon P TrittenPauline L ValentJoseph A Vanden HeuvelDoris E VentzkeVirginia VickermanLarry N WichlaczVeneta WintersMarion J WysockiMao XiongWang Chou YangIrene A ZastrowGeraldine ZimmermannHONORARIUMLes & Helen BrentonYvonne HenningMary JarvisMarissa Mayer / Zach BogueCarroll Peterson

Samir & Charlotte AbadeerKathleen AbitzRichard & Dianne AmesJoel & Nell AndersonKen & Allie AndraskiAmy ArlenAspirus Network IncAssociated BankMary Atwell HinueberDr Elizabeth BarrElgart Baumann, Jr.Ty & Lisa BeckerRichard BennettDave & Caroline BernsAndy BethelStephen & Susan BlonskyDennis BlunkAaron & Amy BollerBone & Joint Clinic, S.C.Ron & Pamela BootzBill BrandimoreChristine Bremer-MuggliCarolyn BronstonJohn & Elizabeth BurkeJulie BurmeschAnn J ChoppAnn ChristiansonClass of 1965Coldwell Banker ActionCommunity <strong>Foundation</strong>of North Central WIJohn & Barbara ConnaughtyJeffrey & Gina CrispellAlberta Syth CunninghamAlycia CurtisDovorany OrthodonticsSara EberleinLauren A EbbeckeMike & Diane EderSue EngelJon & Kerry EutingMarsha FitzgeraldSandra K FlanaganFootlocker.com/EastbayBill & Trish ForbesNancy FrawleyD.J. & Mary Clare FreemanCharles & Christine FreibergJane FreitagPatrick & Channon GalliganNatalie GajewskiWilliam & Sally GauChris GiebelGreenheck Fan CorporationJeff GressGreg & Joyce GrieseKay Gruling/Tim Buttke FamilyWayne & Kathy GuthmanRhonda HallamRobert & Mary Jo HartwigVirginia HeinemannKristin HelkeRobert & Yvonne HenningPeter & Nancy HessertCathy HirnTari HowardJim & Joan JacksonJeff JoyceJudd S. Alexander <strong>Foundation</strong>, Inc.Christine KadonskyLarry & Jan KarlmanJeffrey & Delores KesselDonna KitchensGary & Barb KlofstadBonnie KnippelBrian & Sandra KnollPeter & Linda KnotekKarl KramerScott KreuserJody KriegKen & Lori KrouseAlice KuetherMerville S KylerOllie KylerKerstin LaporteDale & Jena LawsonJeff & Ramona Winter-LeighRobert & Pamela LevraSylvia Linton (Hall)Rick & Joyce LohrLongfellow Casual for CauseRobert & Nancy LudwigCharles & Alice LuedtkeMallery & Zimmerman, S.C.Jerry ManeyMarathon Label Co., Inc.Allen & Mary Ellen MarnholtzSherry MatscheJannel McCallumReed & Cyndi MeltzConnie MeurettNancy MeverdenPatrick & Kay MeyerScott & Theresa MilesR. Bret & Sarah MillerSteve & Shelley MillerMinistry Health CareKeith & Michele MontgomeryMichael MoranSteve & Darci MurleyBill NemkeCatherine NewtonJohn & Mary OstertagFred & Carroll PetersonCarrie PetersonRob PhelpsTom & Laura PlaceArvid & Kathryn PleinDonald & Patricia PrehnTodd & Jodi PunkeJanet RagerREI Engineering IncRobert U. ReidRiiser EnergyJon RossmillerRoto-Graphic Printing, IncJane RuschProfessional Consulting Associates, LLCJulie SchellKatie SchmelzerBrad SchmickerRandy SchiffmanGene SchmittGigi Heinemann-SchmittRobert & Diane SchnellBill & Marian Seagren HallSecurity Health PlanPaul & Jayne SeiserAndrea SheridanRoxanne SladekJames & Jann SlaytonBradley SmithSandra SmithJane SoltauJulie SpragueDonald StiflerDr John W Stilp DDS SCStump`s - Tyler & Aimee GlaserShawn SullivanSuper Lettering & SignsPeter SusensRick & Mary SwansonJohn & Cathy TeskeThe Dirks Group LLCRandy & Joy TrollopRandy & Diane TrulenKonrad & Mary TuchschererJeff & Kristine Vanden HeuvelGreg & LeeAnn VenneJeff & Cathy Wahl12

DonorsCont.Jill WaldronPeter & Alison Waldron<strong>Wausau</strong> <strong>School</strong> District MemorialsBreana WaVrunekSteve WermundAnn & Ricky WicklundHeidi WiesmanTim WimmerWisconsin Public Sevice CorporationAbby WitterWSD-Speech/Language PathologistsForrest & Deborah YoungMichael & Mary Shannon YounggrenRebecca ZelentEllen ZimmermannKenneth & Roxanne ZoromskiIn Kind Contributions<strong>Wausau</strong> <strong>School</strong> DistrictLongfellow Administrative CenterStaffMidland PaperSUN PrintingAllen MarnholtzIntegrity First BankDutchmendesign.comBiggby CoffeePick ‘n SaveDudley Tower13

Thank you for reviewing the work of the<strong>Foundation</strong> from this past year, but wheredo we go from here? With talk aboutthe economy and tough decisions aboutgiving, I remain optimistic. The <strong>Wausau</strong><strong>School</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> is the only non-profitorganization in <strong>Wausau</strong> that gives 100%of its contributions to children andeducation. It does not fill a void – it createsopportunities. Your contributions go towork for students that keep <strong>Wausau</strong> on themap as a great place to learn. We strive tosupport educators who dream of being morecreative at what they do. We are changingour granting cycle to be more responsiveto those ideas throughout the year – thatis in the works now. The <strong>Wausau</strong> <strong>School</strong><strong>Foundation</strong>’s impact on our children andclassrooms is generating great stories thatinspire all of us. Telling those stories is animportant part of our work. Our missionrecognizes that innovation is a continuumthat makes teaching and learning exciting,engaging and energizing. Thank You to the415 Seymour Street <strong>Wausau</strong>, WI 54403Judd S. Alexander <strong>Foundation</strong> which hasbeen a model of support for innovation ineducation. Together - let’s make it a greatyear!Thank You.Kris Vanden Heuvel<strong>Wausau</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> Director14

415 Seymour St. <strong>Wausau</strong>, WI 54403[Ph] 715.261.0554 [Fax] 715.261.2503[Email] WSDFound@wausau.k12.wi.usININNOVATIVE EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIESININVESTINGINVESTING10 years 10INNOVATIVE EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES19991999yearsWSFW SFWSF<strong>2009</strong>W SF<strong>2009</strong>NON-PROFITORGANIZATIONU.S. PostagePAID<strong>Wausau</strong>, WI54402Permit No. 584ININVESTINGINNOVATIVE EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES199911yearsWSFW SF<strong>2010</strong>

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