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SECTION APopulation and Population ProjectionsHealth Statistics, 2008

6Section A: Population and Population ProjectionsSection APopulation and Population ProjectionsPopulationTables are presented on the population of the State by Health Service Executive regions. Comparisonof Ireland's population with the population of other EU27 countries is also made. Results from theCensus of Population conducted in 2006 recorded a population of 4,239,848 persons on census night,an increase of 8% over the 2002 population and an increase of 17% over the 1996 population.Intercensal population estimates are also included in Table A2.Definitions• The young dependency ratio refers to the number of persons aged 0-14 years as a percentage ofthose aged 15-64 years.• The old dependency ratio refers to the number of persons aged 65 years and over as a percentageof those aged 15-64 years.• The total dependency ratio is the sum of the young and old ratios.FIGURE 8000000 A1TOTAL POPULATION: 1841-20067000000 7,000,0006000000 6,000,0005000000 5,000,000Number of Persons4000000 4,000,0003000000 3,000,0002000000 2,000,0001000000 1,000,0000184118411856185618711871188618861901190119161916193119311946194619611961196619661971197119791979198119811986198619911991199619962002200220062006YearSource: Central Statistics Office - Census of Population

Section A: Population and Population Projections 9FIGURE A2POPULATION PYRAMID FOR IRELAND 2006Male FemaleAge85 +80-8475-7970-7465-6960-6455-5950-5445-4940-4435-3930-3425-2920-2415-1910-145-90-4200 150 100 50 0 0 50 100 150 200Thousands of PeopleSource: Central Statistics Office - Census of Population 2006TABLE A3POPULATION OF EACH OF THE HEALTH SERVICE EXECUTIVE REGIONS:SUMMARY STATISTICS FOR CENSUS YEAR 2006Thousands of PeoplePopulation:Dublin/Mid-Leinster Dublin/North-East Southern Western IrelandMale 603,422 463,452 543,581 510,716 2,121,171Female 613,426 465,167 538,387 501,697 2,118,677Age Groups:Total 1,216,848 928,619 1,081,968 1,012,413 4,239,8480 - 14 242,729 190,143 222,881 208,696 864,44915 - 24 188,522 140,182 154,612 149,416 632,73225 - 34 222,440 177,353 169,642 153,004 722,43935 - 44 179,478 139,839 159,839 144,278 623,43445 - 54 149,485 106,667 136,815 128,846 521,81355 - 64 111,825 81,948 109,634 103,648 407,05565 - 74 69,071 52,859 72,640 67,978 262,54875 - 84 40,943 30,741 43,082 42,584 157,35085+ 12,355 8,887 12,823 13,963 48,028Census 2006 Total 1,216,848 928,619 1,081,968 1,012,413 4,239,848Census 2002 Total 1,139,870 831,899 1,003,972 941,462 3,917,203% Increase 2002-2006 6.8% 11.6% 7.8% 7.5% 8.2%Age Groups as a Percentage of 2006 Population:0 - 14 19.9 20.5 20.6 20.6 20.415 - 24 15.5 15.1 14.3 14.8 14.925 - 34 18.3 19.1 15.7 15.1 1735 - 44 14.7 15.1 14.8 14.3 14.745 - 54 12.3 11.5 12.6 12.7 12.355 - 64 9.2 8.8 10.1 10.2 9.665 - 74 5.7 5.7 6.7 6.7 6.275 - 84 3.4 3.3 4 4.2 3.785+ 1 1 1.2 1.4 1.1Dependency Ratio, 2006:0-14 years 28.5 29.4 30.5 30.7 29.765+ 14.4 14.3 17.6 18.3 16.1Total 42.9 43.8 48.1 49.1 45.8Source: Central Statistics Office - Census of Population 2006

10Section A: Population and Population ProjectionsFIGURE A3PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION BY HEALTH SERVICE EXECUTIVE REGIONSFOR CENSUS YEAR 2006Western23.9%Dublin/Mid-Leinster28.7%Southern25.5%Dublin/North-East21.9%Source: Central Statistics Office, Census of Population 2006FIGURE A4YOUNG AND OLD DEPENDENCY RATIOS BY HEALTH SERVICE EXECUTIVE REGIONS, 2006Western30.7 18.3Southern30.517.6Dublin/North-East29.414.3Dublin/Mid-Leinster28.514.4Ireland29.716.10 10 10 20 30 40 50Percentage0-14 years 65+Source: Central Statistics Office - Census of Population 2006

Section A: Population and Population Projections 11FIGURE A5POPULATION OF EACH OF THE HEALTH SERVICE EXECUTIVE AREAS:SUMMARY STATISTICS FOR CENSUS YEAR 2006 BY AGE GROUP1001001 1 1.2 1.4 Dublin/North-East Southern Western IrelandMid-Leinster0-1415-2425-3435-4445-5455-6465-7475-8485+Source: Central Statistics Office - Census of Population 2006

12Section A: Population and Population ProjectionsFIGURE A6POPULATION OF EACH OF THE HEALTH SERVICE EXECUTIVE REGIONS FORCENSUS YEARS 2002 AND 2006140012001000Population (000s)8006004002000Dublin/ Dublin/North-East Southern WesternMid-LeinsterHSE RegionCensus 2002 TotalCensus 2006 TotalSource: Central Statistics Office - Census of Population 2006

Section A: Population and Population Projections 13TABLE A4POPULATION AND PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION BY AGE FOR EU27 COUNTRIES, 2007TotalPercentage AgedPopulation 0-14 15-44 45-64 65 YearsCountry 000's Years Years Years and overAustria 8,298.9 15.6% 42.2% 25.3% 16.9%Belgium 10,584.5 17.0% 40.0% 26.0% 17.1%Bulgaria 7,679.3 13.4% 42.0% 27.3% 17.3%Cyprus 778.7 17.9% 45.6% 24.1% 12.3%Czech Republic 10,287.2 14.4% 43.6% 27.6% 14.4%Denmark 5,447.1 18.6% 39.2% 26.9% 15.3%Estonia 1,342.4 14.9% 43.0% 25.1% 17.1%Finland 5,277.0 17.1% 38.2% 28.2% 16.5%France 63,392.1 18.6% 40.1% 25.2% 16.2%Germany 82,314.9 13.9% 40.0% 26.3% 19.8%Greece 11,171.7 14.3% 42.0% 25.1% 18.6%Hungary 10,066.2 15.2% 41.9% 26.9% 15.9%Ireland 4,314.6 20.3% 46.6% 21.9% 11.1%Italy 59,131.3 14.1% 40.5% 25.5% 19.9%Latvia 2,281.3 14.0% 43.7% 25.2% 17.1%Lithuania 3,384.9 15.9% 44.2% 24.4% 15.6%Luxembourg 476.2 18.3% 42.8% 24.8% 14.0%Malta 407.8 16.7% 41.4% 28.1% 13.8%Netherlands 16,358.0 18.1% 40.5% 26.9% 14.5%Poland 38,125.5 15.8% 44.3% 26.5% 13.4%Portugal 10,599.1 15.5% 42.3% 25.0% 17.3%Romania 21,565.1 15.4% 45.3% 24.4% 14.9%Slovakia 5,393.6 16.1% 46.4% 25.6% 11.9%Slovenia 2,010.4 14.0% 42.8% 27.3% 15.9%Spain 44,474.6 14.5% 44.9% 23.9% 16.7%Sweden 9,113.3 17.0% 39.5% 26.2% 17.4%United Kingdom 60,852.8 17.6% 41.6% 24.8% 16.0%EU 27 Total 495,128.5 15.8% 41.7% 25.6% 16.9%The figures in <strong>this</strong> table relate to 1 January 2007.Source: European Social Statistics, Demography, Eurostat 2008

14Section A: Population and Population ProjectionsFIGURE A7PERCENTAGE POPULATION BY AGE GROUP: IRELAND AND EU 27, 20075040Percentage30201000-14 15-44 45-64 65 YearsAge GroupsIrelandEU 27Source: European Social Statistics, Demography, Eurostat 2008

Section A: Population and Population Projections 15Population ProjectionsThe tables and graphs in <strong>this</strong> section are derived from the Central Statistics Office's 'Population andLabor Force Projections, 2011-2041'. Population projections are produced by applying a mathematicalmodel to a number of assumptions about the factors that affect the population. The principal factorsused in the calculation are fertility, mortality and migration. Section B of <strong>this</strong> report gives more detailon fertility and mortality. Migration refers to the change in the population resulting from the differencebetween the numbers of people taking up residence in a country and those leaving to resideelsewhere.Table A5 gives a summary of the assumptions applied in the most recent population projections andTables A6 and A7 list the results of applying various combinations of assumptions. Figures A8 to A13show projected trends in the population size and structure. For illustrative purposes, Figure A11 usesassumption M2F2 (moderate increase in immigration and declining fertility). Figures A12 and A13 bothuse assumption M2F1 (moderate increase in immigration and constant fertility). These scenariospresented in the population projections and its presentation in <strong>this</strong> report should not be construed asan indicator of the most likely outcome.TABLE A5: SUMMARY OF ASSUMPTIONSFertility• F1: Total Fertility Rate (TFR) to remain at its 2006 level of 1.9 for the lifetime of theprojections• F2: TFR to decrease to 1.65 by 2016 and to remain constantthereafterMortalityMortality rates are assumed to decrease which will result in gains inlife expectancy at birth from:• 76.7 years in 2005 to 86.5 years in 2041 for males• 81.5 years in 2005 to 88.2 years in 2041 for femalesMigrationM0: Zero net migrationM1: Immigration continuing at a high level and then moderating• +60,000 per annum in 2006/2011• +50,000 per annum in 2011/2016• +40,000 per annum in 2016/2021• +30,000 per annum in 2021/2026• +30,000 per annum in 2026/2031• +30,000 per annum in 2031/2036• +30,000 per annum in 2036/2041M2: Immigration continuing at more moderate levels• +50,000 per annum in 2006/2011• +35,000 per annum in 2011/2016• +25,000 per annum in 2016/2021• +10,000 per annum in 2021/2026• +10,000 per annum in 2026/2031• +10,000 per annum in 2031/2036• +10,000 per annum in 2036/2041Source: Central Statistics Office - Population and Labour Force Projections 2011 to 2041

16Section A: Population and Population ProjectionsTABLE A6ACTUAL POPULATION 2006 AND PROJECTED TOTAL POPULATION (000'S), 2011 TO 2041Assumption 2006 2011 2016 2021 2026 2031 2036 2041M1F1 4,240 4,738 5,233 5,688 6,068 6,417 6,748 7,072M2F1 4,240 4,686 5,094 5,449 5,695 5,901 6,080 6,247M0F1 4,240 4,422 4,607 4,764 4,883 4,976 5,056 5,122M1F2 4,240 4,729 5,188 5,590 5,920 6,220 6,497 6,759M2F2 4,240 4,676 5,050 5,356 5,557 5,719 5,852 5,965M0F2 4,240 4,413 4,568 4,686 4,771 4,829 4,871 4,893Source: Central Statistics Office - Population and Labour Force Projections 2011 to 2041FIGURE A8ACTUAL POPULATION 2006 AND PROJECTED TOTAL POPULATION, 2011 TO 204180007000Population (000’s)6000600050005000400040002006 2011 2016 2021 2026 2031 2036 2041M0F1M0F2M1F1M1F2M2F1M2F2YearSource: Central Statistics Office - Population and Labour Force Projections 2011 to 2041

Section A: Population and Population Projections 17TABLE A7PROJECTED POPULATION (000'S) CLASSIFIED BY SEX AND AGE GROUP, 2006 TO 2041Year & 0-14 15-39 40-64 65-74 75-84 85+ Total TotalAssumptionMales &Females2006Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male FemaleCensus 443.5 421.6 853.5 828.4 615.8 607.8 125.6 133.1 64.1 91.7 14.8 33.1 2117.3 2115.6 4232.92011M0F1 471.6 447.0 824.0 796.9 680.1 671.3 147.6 152.7 74.3 96.3 19.9 40.3 2217.5 2204.4 4421.9M0F2 467.0 442.7 824.0 796.9 680.1 671.3 147.6 152.7 74.3 96.3 19.9 40.3 2212.9 2200.1 4413.0M1F1 494.5 470.0 939.7 907.0 703.2 687.1 149.5 154.7 74.8 97.1 20.0 40.4 2381.8 2356.4 4738.2M1F2 489.5 465.4 939.7 907.0 703.2 687.1 149.5 154.7 74.8 97.1 20.0 40.4 2376.8 2351.7 4728.5M2F1 490.7 466.2 920.5 888.7 699.3 684.4 149.2 154.4 74.8 97.0 20.0 40.4 2354.4 2331.1 4685.5M2F2 485.8 461.6 920.5 888.7 699.3 684.4 149.2 154.4 74.8 97.0 20.0 40.4 2349.5 2326.5 4676.02016M0F1 489.0 462.4 788.9 759.0 741.5 730.2 181.5 186.0 88.3 105.7 27.2 47.3 2316.3 2290.6 4606.9M0F2 469.1 443.6 788.9 759.0 741.5 730.2 181.5 186.0 88.3 105.7 27.2 47.3 2296.4 2271.8 4568.3M1F1 551.1 523.3 989.1 954.5 798.3 768.4 185.8 190.5 89.7 107.5 27.4 47.7 2641.4 2591.9 5233.3M1F2 527.7 501.3 989.1 954.5 798.3 768.4 185.8 190.5 89.7 107.5 27.4 47.7 2618.0 2569.9 5187.9M2F1 538.2 510.6 942.9 909.7 786.2 760.2 184.9 189.6 89.4 107.1 27.3 47.6 2568.9 2524.8 5093.8M2F2 515.5 489.2 942.9 909.7 786.2 760.2 184.9 189.6 89.4 107.1 27.3 47.6 2546.2 2503.5 5049.72021M0F1 486.3 457.8 745.8 714.7 811.2 794.5 209.3 214.9 110.7 125.4 37.4 55.6 2400.7 2363.0 4763.7M0F2 446.6 420.4 745.8 714.7 811.2 794.5 209.3 214.9 110.7 125.4 37.4 55.6 2360.9 2325.5 4686.4M1F1 599.7 567.2 990.7 962.9 921.4 870.9 216.8 221.8 113.3 128.6 37.8 56.4 2879.6 2807.9 5687.5M1F2 549.5 520.0 990.7 962.9 921.4 870.9 216.8 221.8 113.3 128.6 37.8 56.4 2829.4 2760.7 5590.1M2F1 572.9 541.1 922.2 894.8 895.6 853.2 214.9 220.1 112.7 127.8 37.7 56.2 2756.0 2693.2 5449.2M2F2 525.0 496.1 922.2 894.8 895.6 853.2 214.9 220.1 112.7 127.8 37.7 56.2 2708.2 2648.2 5356.42026M0F1 458.0 431.1 727.8 691.3 855.8 834.1 232.0 238.7 141.7 156.2 50.1 66.2 2465.4 2417.6 4883.0M0F2 404.7 380.9 723.2 687.0 855.8 834.1 232.0 238.7 141.7 156.2 50.1 66.2 2407.5 2363.1 4770.6M1F1 618.5 584.3 970.8 944.8 1048.9 982.8 244.0 248.2 146.0 161.3 51.0 67.6 3079.3 2988.9 6068.2M1F2 547.2 517.2 965.8 940.1 1048.9 982.8 244.0 248.2 146.0 161.3 51.0 67.6 3003.1 2917.2 5920.2M2F1 573.2 540.6 877.9 850.8 998.6 945.5 240.7 245.3 144.8 159.9 50.8 67.2 2886.0 2809.4 5695.4M2F2 506.6 478.0 873.0 846.2 998.6 945.5 240.7 245.3 144.8 159.9 50.8 67.2 2814.6 2742.2 5556.82031M0F1 427.0 401.9 744.4 704.1 850.7 822.5 258.1 265.0 167.1 182.8 68.7 83.9 2516.1 2460.2 4976.3M0F2 371.2 349.4 724.6 685.4 850.7 822.5 258.1 265.0 167.1 182.8 68.7 83.9 2440.4 2389.0 4829.3M1F1 612.0 577.8 1000.1 966.9 1129.1 1055.7 276.4 278.9 173.9 189.8 70.4 86.2 3261.9 3155.3 6417.2M1F2 533.5 504.0 976.7 944.9 1129.1 1055.7 276.4 278.9 173.9 189.8 70.4 86.2 3160.2 3059.5 6219.6M2F1 548.4 516.9 885.9 851.2 1047.1 990.7 271.0 274.4 171.9 187.6 70.0 85.5 2994.3 2906.4 5900.7M2F2 477.2 449.9 863.3 829.9 1047.1 990.7 271.0 274.4 171.9 187.6 70.0 85.5 2900.5 2818.1 5718.52036M0F1 411.4 387.2 758.4 716.0 823.8 792.2 283.9 286.6 188.9 205.8 92.6 108.7 2559.1 2496.4 5055.5M0F2 355.9 335.0 718.7 678.6 823.8 792.2 283.9 286.6 188.9 205.8 92.6 108.7 2463.9 2406.8 4870.7M1F1 601.7 568.0 1057.1 1016.9 1167.7 1093.5 312.8 307.6 199.6 215.0 95.5 112.4 3434.5 3313.4 6747.9M1F2 522.6 493.5 1007.1 969.7 1167.7 1093.5 312.8 307.6 199.6 215.0 95.5 112.4 3305.2 3191.7 6496.9M2F1 522.5 492.3 919.7 877.8 1051.4 997.5 304.0 300.8 196.3 211.9 94.7 111.3 3088.8 2991.6 6080.3M2F2 452.7 426.6 872.0 832.8 1051.4 997.5 304.0 300.8 196.3 211.9 94.7 111.3 2971.2 2880.9 5852.12041M0F1 414.3 389.9 750.2 707.1 791.3 756.0 311.4 309.5 213.3 230.9 115.2 133.0 2595.6 2526.4 5122.0M0F2 354.1 333.3 692.4 652.7 791.3 756.0 311.4 309.5 213.3 230.9 115.2 133.0 2477.7 2415.4 4893.0M1F1 607.9 573.8 1106.5 1061.2 1180.3 1108.1 359.5 343.2 229.4 244.1 120.0 138.3 3603.5 3468.7 7072.2M1F2 522.6 493.6 1030.5 989.6 1180.3 1108.1 359.5 343.2 229.4 244.1 120.0 138.3 3442.2 3316.8 6759.0M2F1 515.0 485.2 944.6 897.9 1029.1 978.9 345.0 332.7 224.3 239.5 118.5 136.6 3176.4 3070.7 6247.1M2F2 441.1 415.7 873.3 830.7 1029.1 978.9 345.0 332.7 224.3 239.5 118.5 136.6 3031.3 2934.0 5965.4Source: Central Statistics Office - Population and Labour Force Projections 2011 to 2041

18Section A: Population and Population ProjectionsFIGURE A9POPULATION PYRAMID FOR IRELAND 2006-2041 APPLYING ASSUMPTION M1F1300 250 200 150 100 50 0Female MaleAge85 +80-8475-7970-7465-6960-6455-5950-5445-4940-4435-3930-3425-2920-2415-1910-145-90-40 50 100 150 200 250 30020062041Thousands of personsThousands of personsSource: Central Statistics Office - Population and Labour Force Projections 2011 to 2041FIGURE A10POPULATION PYRAMID FOR IRELAND 2006-2041 APPLYING ASSUMPTION M0F1300 250 200 150 100 50 0Female MaleAge85 +80-8475-7970-7465-6960-6455-5950-5445-4940-4435-3930-3425-2920-2415-1910-145-90-40 50 100 150 200 250 300Thousands of personsThousands of persons20062041Source: Central Statistics Office - Population and Labour Force Projections 2011 to 2041

Section A: Population and Population Projections 19FIGURE A11ACTUAL BIRTHS, 1990 TO 2007 AND PROJECTED BIRTHS, 2008 TO 2041807060No. of Births (‘000s)50403020100199019911992199319941995199619971998199920002001200220032004200520062007*2008200920102011201220132014201520162017201820192020202120222023202420252026202720282029203020312032203320342035203620372038203920402041ActualProjectedYearSource: Central Statistics Office - Population and Labour Force Projections 2011 to 2041Note: Applying M2F2 Assumption. See Table A5 for definition*2007 provisional figure based on year of registrationFIGURE A122006 POPULATION AND PROJECTED POPULATION FOR YOUNGER AND OLDERAGE GROUPS, 2011 TO 20411500150012001200Population (‘000s)900900600600300300002006 2011 2016 2021 2026 2031 2036 20410-14 years65+ yearsYearSource: Central Statistics Office - Population and Labour Force Projections 2011 to 2041Note: Applying M2F1 assumption. See Table A5 for definition

20Section A: Population and Population ProjectionsFIGURE A13DEPENDENCY RATIOS 2002, 2006 AND PROJECTED DEPENDENCY RATIOS, 2011 TO 204170%60%50%Percentage40%30%20%10%0% 02002 2006 2011 2016 2021 2026 2031 2036 2041YearTotal Dependency RatioYoung Dependency RatioOld Dependency RatioSource: Central Statistics Office - Population and Labour Force Projections 2011 to 2041Note: Applying M2F1 assumption. See Table A5 for definition

Section A: Population and Population Projections 21Population by Ethnic or Cultural Background, Including the IrishTraveller CommunityThe 2006 Census of Population for the first time included a question on ethnicity and culturalbackground. The results of <strong>this</strong> question are presented in full in Volume 5 of Census 2006. Summarydata by age group and ethnicity is set out in Table A8 below.The population age distribution of ethnic minority groups is markedly younger than the overallpopulation, as shown in Figure A14, and is due in large part to recent immigration patterns.For the Irish Traveller Community, the findings are consistent with the 2002 Census and show a highproportion in the 0-14 age group and comparatively small numbers over the age of 65.Distribution by HSE region of usual residence for different ethnic and cultural backgrounds isshown in Table A9.

22Section A: Population and Population ProjectionsTABLE A8PERSONS USUALLY RESIDENT AND PRESENT IN THE STATE ON CENSUS NIGHT, CLASSIFIEDBY ETHNIC OR CULTURAL BACKGROUND AND AGE GROUP, 2006Ethnicity /CulturalBackground 0 - 14 15 - 24 25 - 44 45 - 64 65+ All AgesWhiteIrish 751,771 20.6 530,750 14.6 1,083,146 29.7 842,218 23.1 437,314 12.0 3,645,199 100Irish Traveller 9,271 41.4 4,590 20.5 5,660 25.3 2,257 10.1 591 2.6 22,369 100Any Other WhiteBackground 35,422 12.3 52,256 18.1 145,915 50.5 44,340 15.3 11,108 3.8 289,041 100Black or Black IrishAfrican 16,690 41.2 4,018 9.9 18,209 44.9 1,509 3.7 99 0.2 40,525 100Any Other BlackBackground 1,451 38.3 536 14.1 1,493 39.4 282 7.4 31 0.8 3,793 100Asian or Asian IrishNumber % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %Chinese 2,059 12.5 5,445 32.9 7,689 46.5 1,180 7.1 160 1.0 16,533 100Any Other AsianBackground 7,771 21.7 5,130 14.3 19,749 55.1 2,883 8.1 279 0.8 35,812 100Other (IncludingMixed Background) 12,406 26.7 7,683 16.5 19,630 42.3 5,287 11.4 1,432 3.1 46,438 100Not Stated 23,655 32.7 8,057 11.1 19,060 26.4 12,345 17.1 9,186 12.7 72,303 100Total 860,496 20.6 618,465 14.8 1,320,551 31.7 912,301 21.9 460,200 11.0 4,172,013 100Source: Central Statistics Office, Census of Population 2006

Section A: Population and Population Projections 23FIGURE A14COMPARISON OF AGE STRUCTURE OF PERSONS USUALLY RESIDENT AND PRESENT IN THESTATE ON CENSUS NIGHT, CLASSIFIED BY ETHNIC OR CULTURAL BACKGROUND AND AGEGROUP, 20066060%5050%4040%Percentage30%3020% 2010% 100Irish Irish Any other African Any other Chinese Any other Other (inc. Not stated TotalTraveller White Black Asian Mixed Populationbackground background background background)WhiteBlack or Black Irish Asian or Asian IrishOtherEthnic or Cultural Group0-14 years 15-24 years 25-44 years 45-64 years 65 years and overSource: Table A8TABLE A9PERSONS USUALLY RESIDENT AND PRESENT IN THE STATE ON CENSUS NIGHT, CLASSIFIEDBY ETHNIC OR CULTURAL BACKGROUND AND HSE REGION, 2006Ethnicity Dublin/Mid-Leinster Dublin/North East West South IrelandWhite Irish 1,030,347 778,180 886,726 949,946 3,645,199White Irish Traveller 6,138 3,878 7,744 4,609 22,369Other White 84,493 69,667 63,373 71,508 289,041Black or Black Irish 15,059 16,028 6,615 6,616 44,318Asian or Asian Irish 22,049 16,010 7,136 7,150 52,345Other 15,580 11,063 10,291 9,504 46,438Not stated 22,987 20,166 13,130 16,020 72,303Total 1,196,653 914,992 995,015 1,065,353 4,172,013Source: Central Statistics Office, Census of Population 2006

24Section A: Population and Population Projections

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