Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree


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accompany them, and the doting father readily acceded to herrequest.Therefore, in command of the troop of soldiers andsurrounded by many servants, the princess mounted adecorated palanquin the next day and departed from the cityof Delhi to find the form of the Supreme Lord who had socaptivated her. A young man named Kuvera very much <strong>desire</strong>dto marry Bibi Lachimar, and, in hopes of winning theprincess's favor, he also went along with the party.In the meantime Ramanuja and his followers had beentravelling as swiftly as they were able, and by this timethey were far ahead of their pursuers. On this journey theywere greatly assisted by the candalas, who carried the Deityand showed them the easiest routes to the south. Aided inthis way, the Vaisnavas arrived at Yadavadri still a longway ahead of the pursuing Muslims.Thinking that there still might be danger, Yatirajahad Sri Rama-priya installed in a concealed room in thetemple, where He was worshipped in secret with only a fewdevotees aware of His presence.Meanwhile the princess continued southwards with herretinue, determined to recover the Deity who was the Lord ofher heart. However, when they reached the borders of herfather's domain, she became filled with despair, believingthat she would never again set eyes on her worshipful Lord.Overwhelmed by lamentation, she shed many bitter tears, andnone of Kuvera's words of consolation could alleviate hersuffering.BIBI LACHIMAR FINDS HER LORDOne night, unknown to anyone, Princess Bibi Lachimarslipped away from her attendants into the darkness of theforest. Only Kuvera noticed her absence, and he also leftthe party and went with her as she continued on farthertowards the south. Thinking only of her beloved Lord, theprincess journeyed on, while Kuvera acted as a servant,bringing fruits from the forest to keep her alive.After travelling for several weeks, the couplearrived at the town of Yadavadri. As if by divineinspiration, Bibi Lachimar was certain that their long questwould end at this place. Being guided by the townspeople,she came to "the temple of Sri Yadavadri-pati. There shefell at the feet of the Vaisnavas and begged them to allowher to see her beloved Rama-priya once more. When Yatirajacame there, he saw at once that the girl's heart was filledwith pure devotion. Thus, although she was a Muslim bybirth, he ordered that she be admitted to the temple tobehold the beautiful form of Sri Rama-priya.From that time on Bibi Lachimar remained atYadavadri, engaging in the service of the Lord andconstantly singing His glories. After a short time she gave100

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