Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree


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enclosed by walls on all sides, as the lamp was presentedbefore Sri Ranganatha, its flaming effulgence lit up histranscendental features and shimmered on His beautiful,golden, lotus-like eyes.When he saw this revelation of the divine form of theLord, Dhanurdasa stood as though transfixed, looking withoutblinking at the eyes of Sri Visnu, who is known asAravindaksa. All at once tears of love began to roll downhis cheeks as he experienced a taste of the real enjoymentthat is found only in the spiritual world. In an instant allhis attraction to the pale pleasures of this mundaneexistence began to fade, like the stars at sunrise.After some time Dhanurdasa regained his composure andturned towards Ramanuja, falling at his feet saying, "Byyour causeless mercy, you have given to this most lusty ofmen pleasures that are sought after even by the demigods inheaven. I am your servant forever. Like an owl of the night,I had turned away from the sun and had become infatuatedwith a glowworm. Now you have opened my eyes, and thus youalone are my master"Ramanujacarya then raised Dhanurdasa from the groundand firmly embraced him. From that moment, the youngwrestler from Nichulanagara gave up his entanglement inmaterial affairs and became a pure-hearted devotee of LordNarayana. Hemamba, although a courtesan by profession, hadlong regarded Dhanurdasa as her husband. Despite her sinfulengagement, she was at heart a devotee of the Lord.Therefore, upon hearing of the great transformation thatDhanurdasa had undergone, she was filled with happiness andcame also to surrender her life at the feet of the mercifulacarya.Yatiraja arranged for them to be properly married asman and wife, and by his pure instructions he removed thecontamination of lust from their hearts. They leftNichulanagara and moved to Rangaksetra, where they rented ahouse close by Ramanuja's asrama. In this way they were ableto associate with their spiritual master and hear thenectarean Vaisnava teachings from his lips.THE ENVY OF THE BRAHMANADISCIPLESBecause of his devotion to his guru, his humility,honesty, and gentle speech, all people came to respectDhanurdasa. In order to show that it is a person's behaviorthat should be considered and not his birth, Ramanuja wouldhold Dhanurdasa's arm while returning from the Kaveri,although he would hold the arm of Dasarathi, a brahmana bybirth, while walking to the river. When Yatiraja's youngbrahmana disciples observed their gurus intimate dealingswith a person of lower birth, some of them were disturbedand even dared to say that his behavior was not befitting.88

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