Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree


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disciples who were beating on drums and proclaiming theglories of the great scholar.One of the disciples announced, "Here is theunrivalled pandita, Sarvajna Bhatta. All those who wish tobecome his disciples may come to his feet without delay." Onhearing this the child Parasara approached the pandita,scooping up a handful of dust as he went. Standing beforethe great scholar, the child addressed him boldly, "Let mesee if you can tell how many grains of dust are in my hand.If you are truly Sarvajna then you should know everything."The pandita was very surprised to hear Parasara'squestion, but, as he considered the child's words, he beganto see clearly the emptiness of his pride and vanity. Takingthe young boy on his lap, Sarvajna kissed him on theforehead and said, "My child, you are truly my guru. Yourquestion has revealed how foolish I was to be so proud ofthe little knowledge I have acquired."Both Parasara and Vyasa grew up to be great devoteesof Lord Narayana, dedicating themselves to the service ofYatiraja. Following Ramanuja's instructions, Parasara latermarried two daughters from Mahapurna's family.LORD RANGANATHA'S PROCESSIONOn the day of the Festival of Garuda, thousands ofpeople gathered in Sri Rangam to see the Deity. At thetemple gate a huge crowd had assembled, for on this day LordRanganatha comes out of the temple and rides around the cityon a palanquin in the form of His carrier, Garuda. Drumswere resounding and flags were flying, as rows of brahmanaschanted hymns from the Vedas to make the occasion doublyauspicious.Suddenly the looks on the faces of the waiting crowdbecame even more expectant, as the chanters of the Vedasbegan to move forward and a procession emerged from theinner courtyard. First came a brilliant red banner, heldaloft on two long bamboo poles and emblazoned with the marksof the conch, disc, and Vaisnava tilaka. Behind thebrahmanas came several decorated elephants, all wearingtilaka on their foreheads, moving forward with a majesticgait, and waving their trunks from side to side. Behind theelephants came a procession of bullocks and horses, allgaily decorated and carrying large drums across their backs.Then all the people felt a thrill of delight as a party ofdevotees emerged, chanting the holy name of Lord Hari andaccompanying the chanting with various drums and cymbals.Immediately behind the kirtana party came LordRanganatha Himself, riding on the back of Garuda with Hiseternal consort, Laksmidevi. The palanquin was born aloft byhundreds of devotees, while priests fanned the Lord withmany camara whisks and expert singers sang bhajans praisingHis glorious pastimes. On seeing the emergence of the Lord85

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