Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree


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wealth, am lower than any candala. Therefore how can Ipresent myself before Mother Laksmi?"KURESA'S RENUNCIATIONHaving spoken in this way, Kuresa returned home andafter removing his costly garments and ornaments, he dressedhimself in the garb of a mendicant. Then he approachedKancipurna once more. "O Mahatma," he said, "I cannotdisobey the order of the consort of Lord Narayana, but it isnot possible for me to go before Her at present, polluted asI am by the contaminations of opulence and wealth. ThereforeI will take shelter of Yatiraja, my guru, and purify myselfby bathing in the water that has washed his feet. Who knows,if I receive the mercy of great souls such as yourself, thenI may be able to see the lotus feet of Mother Laksmi even inthis life."So Kuresa set off that same day, walking towards SriRangam, with Andal following behind. She too had abandonedall trace of opulent life, retaining only one gold cup fromwhich to supply water to her husband when he became thirsty.After travelling for some time, they entered a dark forestand Andal began to be afraid. "My lord," she said to herhusband, "is there anything for us to fear in this desolateplace?""It is only the rich who have cause to be afraid,"replied Kuresa. "If you have no money or wealth with youthen there is nothing to fear" On hearing this, Andalimmediately threw away the golden cup.The next day they arrived in Sri Rangam. WhenRamanuja heard news of this, he sent at once to have thembrought to the asrama. Then, when they had rested and takenprasada, he arranged accomodation for them in a nearbyhouse.From that time on Kuresa lived in Sri Rangam andmaintained himself and his wife by begging from door todoor. Although he had been accustomed to living in the mostopulent circumstances and was now in a poverty-strickencondition, he considered himself most fortunate, for now hecould pass his days in chanting the holy name, discussingthe scriptures and serving the feet of his guru. Andal wasalso completely satisfied by the position in which shefound herself, never once lamenting the wealth they hadabandoned. Whilst staying in Sri Rangam, Kuresa wrote twobooks, a commentary on the Sahasra-giti and another workentitled Kuresa-vijaya.THE PURITY OF KURESA'S DEVOTIONOnce during the rainy season there was such atorrential storm that Kuresa was unable to go out and beg,83

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