Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree


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Isvara is Lord Visnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, asis revealed in the Vedic scriptures. The descriptions of Godcontained therein are factual and authentic and must beaccepted as being beyond the range of mundane argument.Anyone who is familiar with the Gaudiya-Vaisnavatradition will surely recognize the vast amount of commonground that exists between visistadvaita and the acintyabhedabhedaphilosophy of simultaneous, inconceivable onenessand difference expounded by Caitanya Mahaprabhu. In fact ithas been pointed out by some commentators that acintyabhedabhedais the natural conclusion that resolves thedifficulties inherent in some of the ideas of visistadvaita.The major problem with Ramanuja's philosophy ariseswhen he attempts to define the exact relationship betweenthe living beings, the universe, and God. The idea ofqualified oneness gives only a vague explanation how theunity of all beings with God is reconciled with the eternaldifferences between them. The concept of oneness also leadsone to question how God remains changeless and free from thecontamination that affects His integral elements in the formof the individual souls.To overcome this difficulty Ramanuja uses thesoul/body analogy to explain the relationship of qualifiedoneness. However, there are shortcomings in this analogy,for the body is completely inert and is controlledabsolutely by the soul. Therefore, just as the soul isresponsible for the actions of the body-if the analogy werefollowed to its logical conclusion - it would appear thatGod would be held responsible for the actions of all beings,who would be completely devoid of free will.Philosophically, the relationship between the livingentities and God is indescribable. This understanding issignified in the Gaudiya Vaisnava philosophy by the wordacintya, inconceivable. From certain of his statements itwould appear that Ramanuja accepts the idea of oneness anddifference, while at the same time stating that he feels itto be inadequate as an explanation of the relationshipbetween God and the individual souls. Because it isimpossible to define the idea of oneness and difference interms of pure logic, Ramanuja attempted to employ thesoul/body analogy to more accurately explain thisrelationship. However, because of the difficulties we havenoted in completely accepting this definition, a study ofthe philosophy of Ramanuja inevitably draws one to theconclusion of inconceivable oneness and difference -acintya-bhedabheda-tattva.CHAPTER ONE9

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