Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree


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RETURNING TO KANCIAfter thus passing one year at Sri Saila, hearing theRamayana from Acarya Sailapurna, Ramanuja decided to returnto Sri Rangam. When he came, before Sailapurna to offer hisrespects before departing, that elderly disciple ofYamunacarya said to him, "My son, having you with me herefor this last year has given me great pleasure. Now if thereis anything that you <strong>desire</strong> from me, just ask, and, if it iswithin my power, I will give it to you."To this Ramanuja replied, "0 Mahatma, please give meyour disciple Govinda. That is my only request."Sailapurna assented at once, and so it was with greathappiness that Yatiraja set off for Sri Rangam in theassociation of his beloved cousin. After travelling forseveral days they came to the city of Kancipuram, whereRamanuja and Govinda had grown up together.SAILAPURNA'S DEALINGS WITH GOVINDAThey first went to see Lord Varadaraja and then on tovisit Kancipurna, the great devotee and old friend ofRamanuja. After describing to him Govinda's wonderfuldevotion to his guru, Ramanuja finally begged Kancipurna,"Please bless my cousin and make him even more devoted tohis guru and even more merciful toward all living entities."On hearing this Kancipurna smiled and said, "The Lordalways fulfills your <strong>desire</strong>s. No harm can ever befall onewho has your blessings." But having observed a disconsolatetook on Govinda's face, he added, "Your cousin is sufferinggreatly due to feelings of separation from his beloved guru.Why don't you send him back to Sri Saila, so that he canresume his service to Sailapurna, which is the delight ofhis life?"Ramanuja considered Kancipurna's words for some time.Then he went over to Govinda and instructed him to leaveimmediately and return to the shelter of his spiritualmaster. Govinda was very pleased to receive this instructionand travelled quickly back to Sri Saila by the shortestpossible route.However, when Sailapurna heard of Govinda's return,he did not so much as glance at him or call him to takeprasada. Eventually the acaryas wife, a kind-hearted lady,said to her husband, "You may or may not speak to Govinda,but you must at least feed him""It is not my duty to feed a horse that has beensold," replied Sailapurna. "He should take shelter of hisnew master alone."When he heard these words, Govinda, who was standingat the door, understood his gurus mind and left at once torejoin his cousin. On arriving at Kancipuram, he went beforeRamanuja and bowed down at his feet, saying, "From this day74

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