Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree


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year, and every day the aged acarya would recite theRamayana to him, adding his own inspired explanations to theverses. At the end of one year their study of the Ramayanawas complete and Ramanuja considered himself highlyfortunate to have been able to hear this scripture from sucha learned devotee.GOVINDA'S UNUSUAL BEHAVIORWhile he was staying at Sailapurna's asrama, Yatirajawas astonished by the behavior of his cousin on a number ofoccasions. One day he saw Govinda preparing his gurus bed,but he was shocked to see his cousin lie down himself uponthe same bed. Ramanuja was disturbed to see such apparentlydisrespectful behavior and went at once to informSailapurna, who immediately summoned his disciple to hispresence."Do you know what happens," he asked Govinda, "to onewho sees fit to lie down on his guru’s bed?""One who lies down on the bed of his guru iscertainly destined for hell," replied Govinda calmly."If you are aware of the consequences, then why doyou act in such a way?" Sailapurna then inquired.To this Govinda replied, "Every day I lie down onyour bed just to make sure that it is comfortable and thatyour rest will be undisturbed. If it ensures your comfort,then I am certainly willing to remain eternally in hell."When Yatiraja heard his cousin's humble submission, he feltashamed of his ignorance in misjudging Govinda and beggedhis forgiveness.On another occasion Ramanuja saw his cousin behavingin a manner that was totally bewildering. He saw Govindaholding a snake in his left hand and repeatedly thrustingthe finger of his right hand into the creature's mouth,causing it almost to die from pain. After taking his bath,Govinda came to Ramanuja, who inquired from him, "Why wereyou acting in such a strange way with that snake? It wassheer madness, and only due to good fortune were you notbitten. By acting like a cruel child you not only placedyourself in great danger, but also caused needless sufferingto the poor creature, which is now lying there almost dead.""But my dear brother," replied Govinda, "while eatingsomething that snake had got a thorn stuck in its throat andwas writhing in pain when I found it. I was putting myfinger into its mouth only to remove that thorn. Now itappears lifeless only because of exhaustion and will soon befully recovered." Yatiraja was both surprised and gratifiedto see Govinda's compassion on his fellow living beings, andafter this incident his love for his cousin became even moreprofound.73

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