Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree


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LAKSMI'SDILEMMAWhen Ramanuja and his party arrived at the house,Varadacarya was still out begging and they were all receivedwith great respect by Laksmi. Paying obeisances at the feetof her guru, she said, "My husband is still out beggingalms. All of you please sit here and be merciful to me byaccepting this water to wash your feet. Just nearby there isa lake where you may bathe, and in the meantime I willprepare the offering for Lord Narayana."Having said this she entered the kitchen. However,there was not a single grain of rice in the store. So poorwere this couple that they had nothing at all in the house.In great anxiety Laksmi began to consider how she couldproperly serve her guru.In that same village there lived a rich businessmanwho had become attracted by Laksmi's beauty. He had triedmany times to tempt her through female messengers, offeringher money and jewels, but she would never even speak to therascal. Now, however, she began to consider that this mightbe the only way that she and her husband would be able torender proper service to their spiritual master. Eventuallyshe concluded that, as service to one's guru transcends allother principles, she would surrender herself to that man inreturn for whatever was required to serve her guests.Accordingly, she slipped out the back door of herhouse and ran quickly to the house of the businessman, whichwas not far from there. When she came into his presence, shesaid, "This evening I shall fulfill your <strong>desire</strong>s. My guruand many of his disciples have come to my house as guests.Send to our house without delay all things necessary toreceive them properly."The merchant was surprised to hear this, for he hadby now resigned himself to the fact that this chaste ladywould never be allured by the things he offered. Greatlypleased by this unexpected turn of events, he quicklyarranged for the most opulent foods to be sent to hisneighbor's house.Quickly then Laksmidevi busied herself in preparingofferings for Lord Visnu from the different things that werebrought to her. When everything was completed and theoffering made, she invited Ramanujacarya and his disciplesto sit down and take prasadam. They were all most surprisedto find such opulent foodstuffs available in a poor man'shouse and ate with great relish, praising the good lady forher excellent hospitality.THE POTENCY OF MAHA-PRASADAWhen he returned home, Varadacarya was filled withhappiness to see his guru actually in his own house.69

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