Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree


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RAMANUJA BEGINS HIS TEACHINGAll the people of Kancipuram were very surprised tohear that Ramanuja had taken sannyasa. He was still a youngman, and his wife was extremely beautiful. Some consideredhim insane, but many others began to compare him to greatdevotees of the past; from all around people came to seehim. The Vaisnavas who stayed at the asrama at Kanci madehim their acarya, for his good qualities and understandingof the scriptures were well known.Gradually, by ones and twos, disciples began togather around him. His first disciple was Dasarathi, hisnephew, who was famous for his knowledge of the Vedas. Thesecond was a young man named Kuresa, who had a wonderfulmemory.YADAVAPRAKASA BECOMES A VAISNAVAOne day, when the elderly mother of Yadavaprakasacame to the temple to see Lord Varadaraja, she noticedRamanuja instructing his disciples outside the asrama. Beingcaptivated by his gracefulness and scholarship, sheconsidered that if her son were to become the disciple ofsuch a wonderful personality, then his life would beperfect. Ever since his mistreatment of Ramanuja,Yadavaprakasa had been very disturbed at heart, and hismother knew this. She considered that the best thing for herson would be to take shelter at the feet of this effulgentyoung sannyasi.When she returned home, she begged her son to go andbecome a disciple of Ramanuja, but Yadavaprakasa would nothear of surrendering to one who had previously been his ownstudent. Still, however, his mind remained disturbed. Oncehe happened to meet with Kancipurna and he inquired fromhim, "Sir, I am very troubled at heart and can find nopeace. As you are well known as the one through whom LordVaradaraja gives instructions, please tell me what I mustdo.""Go home now," replied Kancipurna. "Tonight I wiltpray to Lord Varadaraja. If you come to me tomorrow, I willtell you His instructions."When they met the following day, Kancipurnaimmediately began to describe the greatness of Ramanuja andthe benefits one might derive from becoming his disciple. Onhearing this, Yadavaprakasa decided he would go to visitRamanuja at the asrama and discuss the scriptures with him.That night Yadavaprakasa found it hard to sleep. Helay awake for several hours, considering the differentpoints over and over again. Eventually he dozed into a lightsleep, and while he slept, he had a wonderful dream. It46

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