Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree


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departed for Sri Rangam. While Mahapurna was staying withhim in Kancipuram, Ramanuja had been very happy, lookingupon his guru as the representative of Lord Narayana. Duringthose six months they spent together, Ramanuja had studiedabout four thousand verses composed by the great Vaisnavasof south India. That morning he had gone out to purchasefruit, flowers, and new cloth with which to make an offeringto his guru, but, when he returned to his house, he foundMahapurna's quarters deserted.After searching all over the house, he inquired froma neighbor, who told him that Mahapurna and his wife hadleft Kanci to return to Sri Rangam. Anxious to discover whatcould have caused his guru’s abrupt departure, Ramanuja wentto speak to Raksakambal. She told him, "I had a quarrel withthe wife of your guru when we went to fetch water from thewell this morning. I hardly spoke any harsh words to her atall, but the great man was so enraged that he left herealmost immediately. I had heard that a sadhu is supposed tohave given up all feelings of anger, but it must be that heis a new sort of sadhu. I offer millions of obeisances atthe feet of your sadhu."Ramanuja could hardly believe his ears when he heardhis wife speak in such a contemptuous and sarcastic wayabout Mahapurna, and he could not restrain his feelings. "0sinful woman," he cried out, "it is a great sin even to lookat your face" Having said this, he left the house and wentto the temple to offer the fruits and flowers he hadpurchased to Lord Varadaraja.RAMANUJA'S PLANA short time later, a lean and hungry brahmana cameto Ramanuja's house to beg for something to eat. Raksakambalwas still shocked by her husband's words, and, when thebrahmana disturbed her, she immediately became angry andshouted at him in a shrill voice, "Get out of here. Gosomewhere else. Who do you think will give you rice here?"Hurt by these harsh words, the brahmana turned awayand began to walk slowly towards the temple of LordVaradaraja. On the way he met Ramanuja, who was returninghome, having made his offering to the Lord. Seeing thebrahmanas dejected features and undernourished body,Ramanuja felt compassion and said to him, "0 brahmana, itseems that you have not eaten today.""I went to your house to ask for a little prasadam,but your wife became angry and turned me away," replied thebrahmana.Ramanuja was shocked to hear that a guest had been sobadly mistreated at his house. He was thoughtful for a fewmoments, and then he said, "Please go back to my house. Iwill give you a letter, and I want you to tell my wifethat you have been sent by her father to deliver it to me.44

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