Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree


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‘All of you may recall how, just prior to hisdeparture, our master <strong>desire</strong>d to see Sri Ramanuja ofKancipuram and sent Mahapurna there to fetch him. It is thatgreat soul alone, the intimate friend of Kancipurna, who,having been choosen by Sriman Alabandara himself, iscompetent to take on the responsibility as acarya for thisasrama. Therefore, let one of us go to Kancipuram and, afterinitiating him, bring him here ton Sri Rangam. He willspread the teachings of Yamunacarya all over the India, ashe promised to do whilst looking at the body of ourpreceptor.’’All the assembled devotees unanimously acceptedTiruvaranga’s proposal, and Mahapurna was chosen to go toKancipuram to initiate Ramanuja and bring him to Sri Rangam.He was told, ’’ If at present he is reluctant to abandon theassociation of Kancipurna, then do not press the matter. Youmay remain in Kanci for one year, instructing him in all thebhakti-sastras. He need not to be told that your purpose isto bring him to Sri Rangam.’’RAMANUJA’S INITIATIONBeing thus instructed, Mahapurna , along with hiswife, set off for Kancipuram. After four days they reachedthe town of Madurantakam, where there is a Visnu temple witha lake in front of it. While Mahapurna and his wife wereresting beside that lake, Ramanuja suddenly appeared thereoffering obeisances at his feet. Mahapurna was bothsurprised and delighted by this unexpected turn of events,and he immediately rose to embrace Ramanuja.‘This is certainly a surprise,’’ he said. ‘Anythingcan be accomplished by the grace of Lord Narayana. For whatreason have you come here?’’‘This must certainly be the plan of Lord Narayana,’’Ramanuja replied,’’ for it was only to find you that I leftKancipuram. Varadaraja Himself has instructed me to acceptyou as my guru. Please bestow your mercy upon me byinitiating me at once.’’Mahapurna agreed to this request, saying, ‘Let us goto Kancipuram so that the ceremony can be performed beforeLord Varadaraja.’’However , Ramanuja was insistent. ‘You know thatdeath makes no distinction between the timely and theuntimely," he said. "Do you not recall with what highexpectations I went with you to meet Sri Yamunacarya?Providence cheated me then, so why should I trust him now byallowing any delay? Please give me shelter at your lotusfeet right at this very moment"Mahapurna was pleased by Ramanuja's words, and thereon the banks of the lake in the shade of a flowering bakula<strong>tree</strong> he lit a sacrificial fire. In that fire he placed twometal discs, one bearing the sign of Lord Visnu’s cakra and42

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