Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree


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"'Firstly, I am the Supreme Brahman, the cause ofmaterial nature, from which this universe has come intobeing. Second, the separate existence of the jiva souls andthe Supreme Lord is an eternal truth. Third, surrendering tothe lotus feet of the Supreme Lord is the only true path forthose who <strong>desire</strong> liberation. Fourth, devotees will certainlybe liberated even if by chance they fail to remember Me atthe time of death. Fifth, as soon as My devotees give uptheir present bodies, I bring them to My supreme abode.Sixth, you should immediately take shelter of MahatmaMahapurna, the reservoir of all good qualities. These are Myinstructions for Ramanuja."'When Ramanuja heard these words, he began to dance inecstasy. He had not revealed his six doubts even toKancipurna, but now the Lord had supplied the answers to allof them. Having offered obeisances to Sri Varadaraja and toKancipurna, he returned home and prepared to depart for SriRangam. There he hoped to find Mahapurna, one ofYamunacarya’s disciples, and take initiation from him.MAHAPURNA IS SENTTO KANCI AGAINAfter the disappearance of Sri Yamunacarya, none ofhis disciples was able to discourse on the scriptures in thesame wonderful way that he had done. Tiruvaranga was now incharge of the asrama, but he lacked the ability to expoundthe meaning of the scriptures as his master had done.Everyone admired his devotional qualities and noted the factthat he spent so much of his time worshipping the Lord, butstill the atmosphere in the asrama was not what it had beenbefore.At that time both the married and unmarried devoteesused to live together in the asrama, while the wives wouldlive in separate quarters outside in the city. Their timewas passed for the most part in worship of the Deity and thechanting of bhajans glorifying the Lord.In this way a year passed by uneventfully. On theanniversary of Alabandara’s disappearance all his disciplesgathered together, and Tiruvaranga addressed the assembly.‘It is now one year’, he began , ‘since our guru-maharaja ,Sri Yamunacarya, left us to return to the abode of LordNarayana. While he was with us it was our great fortune thatevery day we were able to hear his nectarean words. However,since his disappearance no one has been able to describe theglories of the Lord in such an exquisite manner or expoundall the subtle points of the scriptures as he was able todo. Although he instructed that I should take over hisposition at the asrama, I have to admit that I am incapableof properly executing this duty.41

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