Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree


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disappearance? Whose sweet words will inspire us to acts ofgreater devotion?"Yamunacarya placed his hand on the disciple's head,saying, "My child, there is no need for anxiety, for LordRanganatha is there. He has given you shelter in the past,He is giving you shelter now and will continue to protectyou in the future. Always go and pray before Lord Ranganathaand sometimes go to see Venkatesa at Tirupati and Varadarajaat Kanci. In this way how will you be without shelter?"When Tiruvaranga asked whether the body should beburied or cremated, Alabandara gave no reply, for his mindwas fixed on the lotus feet of Lord Narayana.LORD RANGANATHA SAVES HIS DEVOTEESThe next day there was a special procession inRangaksetra, and the Deity of Lord Ranganatha was carriedfrom the temple on a palanquin. Huge crowds of people hadgathered from all the surrounding villages to see the Lordas He passed along the road. The disciples of Yamunacaryawere also in attendance. Suddenly one of the pujaris servingthe Lord seemed to go into a trance, as if possessed. Hespoke out, clearly addressing Mahapurna andTirukkotiyurpurna, "Give up your resolution to commitsuicide. It is not approved by Me."After this wonderful event, all the disciples quicklyreturned to the bedside of Yamunacarya to tell him what hadhappened. He then gave them further instructions. "To commitsuicide is a great sin, and to save you from such an actLord Ranganatha Himself has spoken to you. Such is Hisboundless mercy." Alabandara then fell silent, and his eyesclosed as he seemed to go deep into meditation. After awhile he spoke again. "This is my final instruction to allof you. Offer flowers at the lotus feet of the Lord andalways try to follow your gurus order. Destroy all false egoby serving the Vaisnavas". Then he gave all his disciplesover to the care of Tiruvaranga and fell silent once more.MAHAPURNA IS SENT TO KANCIHowever, Yamunacarya did not depart from the world atthis time, and a few days later, to everyone's surprise, heseemed to recover from his illness. He left his asrama andtook darsana of Lord Ranganatha, just as he had donepreviously. Everyone was inspired to hear him talk againabout the glories of Lord Visnu.One day two brahmanas from Kancipuram arrived to seeYamunacarya, having heard of his imminent departure from theworld. They were surprised to find the great acarya sittingup and discussing the scriptures, apparently fully recoveredfrom his sickness. When Yamunacarya learned the two33

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