Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree


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Lord, who was respected by the most aristocratic brahmanas,though he himself took birth in a sudra family. From hisvery childhood he had absorbed himself in devotional serviceto the Deity of Sri Varadaraja. On hot summer days he wouldserve the Lord by providing cooling breezes with fans dippedin water, and he was always anxious to obtain the very bestfruits and flowers to offer to the Lord.All the people of Kanci loved him for his simpledevotion and gentle behavior. Wherever he went all badfeelings and misunderstandings seemed to vanish. Sometimeshe would stop in the middle of the road as if stunned,staring into the distance with an expression of greathappiness on his face. It was said that he conversed withLord Varadaraja Himself and that the Lord made Hisintentions known through the words of Kancipurna. Despitehis birth in a sudra family, most of the brahmanas inKancipuram recognized his exalted devotional qualities andoffered him all respects. Only a few, who were very proud oftheir high birth and knowledge of the scriptures, said hewas insane or an imposter. One of these, as you mightimagine, was Yadavaprakasa.INSTRUCTIONS FROM KANCIPURNAThus, it was with great happiness that Ramanujareceived this wonderful devotee as a guest in his house.Offering him a nice sitting place, he said, "Your cominghere is my great good fortune and can only be seen as partof the limitless mercy of Lord Varadaraja, who has sent youhere to guide me. You must have heard of my expulsion fromthe school of Yadavaprakasa. Now I can see that this is notto be regretted, for I will accept you as my guru andteacher.""Ramanuja, this cannot be," replied Kancipurnagently, "for I am a sudra and an ignorant man, with noknowledge of the scriptures. I simply pass my life renderinga little service to Lord Varadaraja. As a brahmana you aremy master, and I am your servant"."Sir, you are the wisest man I have ever known," saidRamanuja, "and if knowledge of the scriptures brings onlypride instead of devotion, then what is its value? By yourhumble service to the Lord, I can see that you knowperfectly the conclusions of all the scriptures."On saying this Ramanuja fell down to pay hisobeisances at the feet of the devoted Kancipurna. Thatsaintly person instantly raised Ramanuja to his feet andtold him, "I feel blessed to have seen your deep devotionfor the Lord. Every day you should bring a jar of water tothe temple for the service of Sri Varadaraja. In this wayyou will quickly receive His mercy, and all of your <strong>desire</strong>swill be fulfilled."31

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