Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree


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search for him, but when no one replied to their calls, theyconcluded that Ramanuja must have been killed by some wildbeast. Although secretly very pleased by this apparent turnof events, because of Govinda's presence, they all pretendedto be very much aggrieved. Yadavaprakasa spoke to Govinda,instructing him about the temporary nature of the body andbodily relationships, thus revealing his cunning andtreacherous nature.MEETING WITH THE HUNTERWhen Ramanuja heard from Govinda of the plot that wasthreatening his life, he was at first stunned and completelybewildered, it was just half an hour before nightfall: hewas a young man of only eighteen years, alone and friendlessin a land far from his home. Then suddenly he felt greatstrength and courage enter his body. "Why should I beafraid?" he considered, "Is Lord Narayana not the protectorof His devotees? Therefore what have I to fear from thedarkness of the forest?" Thinking like this, he turned hisface resolutely towards the south and began walking quicklythrough the forest. Sometimes he thought he could hear faintvoices calling him in the distance, but he never hesitatedand continued on his course.He travelled for most of the night, until eventually,exhausted by hunger and fatigue, he rested beneath a large<strong>tree</strong>. He awoke the following day, refreshed and vigorousonce more. Already it was afternoon, and so he prepared tocontinue on his journey. While he was considering whichdirection he should take, he saw a fowler couple approachinghim. The hunter's wife said to him, "Is it because you havelost your way that you are sitting here alone in the forest?You look like the son of a brahmana. Where is your home?""My home is far from here," replied Ramanuja, "way tothe south. Have you heard of a place called Kancipuram?""How is it that you are so bold as to journey alonethrough this dense forest, which is infested with robbersand wild animals?" asked the hunter. "I know Kancipuram verywell, and, as it happens, we are also going in thatdirection" Ramanuja was very surprised to hear this, and sohe asked, "Where are you from and for what reason are yougoing to Kanci?""We are forest dwellers," came the reply, "and livein a small village near the Vindhya Mountains. Because wehave made our livelihood by catching birds, we are now goingon pilgrimage to Ramesvaram and Kancipuram to free ourselvesfrom the reactions to so many sinful activities. It seemsthat the Supreme Lord, who gives shelter to everyone, hasbrought you to us for protection."At first Ramanuja was a little afraid of the tall,dark-skinned stranger, but there was something about theaffection in his face and the sweetness of his words that25

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