Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree


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with his wife to the temple of Sri Partha-sarathi on theshores of the ocean, in what is now the city of Madras.There they performed sacrifices together, begging the Lordto be merciful to them and grant them the benediction of ason.Certainly Lord Visnu was pleased by their prayers,for about one year later Kantimati gave birth to a baby boy,who bore all auspicious marks on his body. This was in theyear AD 1017, and it was this child who grew up to berenowned all over the world as Sri Ramanujacarya, the greatdevotee of Lord Narayana.At about the same time, Kantimati's younger sister,Diptimati, also gave birth to a son. On hearing the news ofthe births of his two nephews, Saila-purna, the intimatedisciple of Yamunacarya, came to visit them. He wasastonished to see all the auspicious marks on the body ofKantimati's son, and he gave him the name Ramanuja, a nameof Laksmana which means the younger brother of Rama. ToDiptimati's son he gave the name Govinda.MEETING WITH KANCIPURNAAs Ramanuja grew, the brilliance of his intellectsoon became apparent. When he began to attend school, hecould easily remember anything he was taught, even afterhearing it only once. All the teachers in the school lovedthe boy, not only because he was a brilliant scholar, butalso because of his gentle, courteous nature.At that time there was a famous devotee of the Lordnamed Kancipurna, who lived in the nearby city ofKancipuram. He was a disciple of Yamunacarya, and, althoughhe was born in a sudra family, his intense devotion to theLord was so apparent that even strict brahmanas would offerhim all respect. Every day he would travel from the city ofKanci to the village of Poonamalle to worship the Deitythere. As Bhutapuri was midway between the two places, hewould daily pass by Ramanuja's house.One evening as Ramanuja was returning home fromschool, he met Kancipurna face to face and was immediatelyattracted by the demeanor of this holy man. With greathumility Ramanuja invited Kancipurna to come to his housefor a meal, and the great devotee readily agreed, being verymuch attracted to this gentle brahmana boy.After his guest had finished his meal, Ramanuja beganto massage his feet. At this Kancipurna protested, "I amnothing but a low-born sudra and am thus your servant. It isnot proper for a brahmana like you to deal with me in sucha way."Ramanuja replied, "If my position as a brahmanaprevents me from worshipping a great soul such as yourself,then I consider my birth to be the most inauspicious. Is itjust the wearing of a cheap thread that makes one a20

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