Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree


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island on which stands the sacred temple of Sri Ranganatha.Rama Misra led Yamunacarya through the six outer gates,until they stood before the doors of the temple room itself.Then Rama Misra said, "In front of us lying on the bed ofAnanta-Sesa is the treasure that was your grandfather's onlyproperty - Sri Ranganatha, the Lord of Laksmidevi, the mostbeautiful of all personalities."Hearing these words, Yamunacarya ran forward and fellunconscious at the feet of the Deity. From that day he hadno <strong>desire</strong> to resume his royal position. He took initiationfrom Rama Misra and spent the rest of his days totallyabsorbed in service to Sri Ranganatha. Part of his kingdomwas returned to the Pandya kings, and a part of it he gavefor the service of Lord Ranganatha. He received from hisguru the mantra of eight syllables - om namo narayanaya andby chanting this mantra he attained the topmost platform ofloving devotion to the Lord. On the order of Rama Misra helearned the art of mystic yoga and meditation from SriKurakanatha, who had been instructed in that science byNathamuni himself.After the disappearance of his guru, Alabandara wasaccepted as the head of the Vaisnava community. Whilst hewas the acarya at Sri Rangam, he wrote four books ofVaisnava philosophy, as well as many prayers inglorification of the Supreme Lord. In particular he wasdevoted to the writings of his ancestor Nammalvara, which herecited constantly and taught to all of his disciples.Eventually the king of the Cholas and his queen were alsoconverted, and they dedicated themselves to the worship ofLord Visnu. All the devotees in south India adoredYamunacarya for his renunciation, learning, humility, andsteadfast devotion.CHAPTER TWORAMANUJA'S STUDENT LIFEOne of Yamunacarya’s chief sannyasi disciples was SriSailapurna. He had two sisters, the elder named Kantimatiand the younger named Diptimati. Kantimati was married to avery pious brahmana known as Asuri Kesavacarya. Because ofhis expertise in the performance of all five kinds of firesacrifice, he was also known as Sarvakratu.Years passed by, and the couple lived happily in thevillage of Bhutapuri, but, because they still had nochildren, Kesavacarya became disturbed at heart. He decidedto perform a fire sacrifice to please the Lord and thus begHim for the gift of a son. For this purpose he journeyed19

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