Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree


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that there was little chance of his ever getting to seeYamunacarya and that he would have to think of a plan bywhich to accomplish his mission.As well as being a great devotee and preacher, RamaMisra was also learned in the science of Ayur-veda. There isa certain type of spinach, known as tuduvalai, that grows inSouth India. This tuduvalai is famous for developing thequalities of goodness in a man, making his mind peaceful andserene. Rama Misra found some of these plants growing nearthe palace. Collecting the green leaves, he brought them tothe chief cook in the royal kitchen.When the cook came to see him, Rama Misra addressedhim as follows, "May Lord Narayana bless you. I beg you toplease serve these tuduvalai leaves to the king every day,for it is well known that he is a pious man. By eating thisherb he will be able to develop his qualities of goodnessand also increase the duration of his life. Every day I willbring some here to you." As it happened the cook was a piousman who knew the value of the tuduvalai plant and he happilyagreed to Rama Misra's proposal.Thus, every day for two months Rama Misra brought thegreen leaves of the tuduvalai plant to the royal kitchen,and every day they were served to Yamunacarya, who very muchappreciated them. When Rama Misra heard this, hedeliberately stayed away one day; when the king found thatthe tuduvalai preparation was absent from his plate, hecalled for the cook. "Why did you not cook that spinachpreparation for me today?" he asked."Your majesty," the cook replied, "the sadhu whousually brings the spinach did not come today.""Who is this sadhu and what price does he ask for hisservice?" asked Yamunacarya."My Lord," replied the cook, "I do not know the nameor dwelling place of that sadhu. He will accept no paymentat all for his service and renders it only out of love andregard for your majesty."On hearing this Alabandara told the cook, "If thisman comes again, show him due respect and bring him to me."The next day Rama Misra again brought tuduvalaileaves to the kitchen door, and the cook at once brought himto Yamunacarya. Seeing that pious brahmana before him, theking was delighted and said, "Holy sage, I am your servant.Please accept my obeisances at your feet. I have heard thatevery day you gather and bring tuduvalai for me and willaccept no payment for this service. Is there anything that Ican do for you?"Hearing this Rama Misra said, "I have something veryimportant to tell you, but it must be in private". When thecook had been dismissed, he went on. "Some years back yourgrandfather, the renowned Nathamuni, left this world andreturned to Vaikuntha. Before he departed, however, he leftin my care a great treasure to be given to you at the righttime. Now I am asking you to accept this treasure."16

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