Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree


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scriptures that describe the glories of the Supreme Lord.Transcendental knowledge can overcome the pushings of themind and senses. Be indifferent to the promptings of themind. Always relish the chanting of the holy name andqualities of the Lord. The best way to serve the Lord isrendering service to his devotees. Never follow the ways ofa Vaisnava for material gain. Always endeavor for purity."Every day spend some time in contemplating thegreatness of the spiritual master, and every day study theteachings of the Vaisnava acaryas. Always associate withthose who are surrendered to the Lord. Avoid those who teachpaths other than devotional service and those interested insensual pleasures. One who sees the Deity as stone, the guruas an ordinary man, the devotees in terms of caste or bodilydesignation, caranamrita as ordinary water, the holy name ofthe Lord as a mundane sound vibration, or the Supreme Lordas one of the demigods, is certainly destined for hellishlife"When Yatiraja had finished speaking, the disciplesquestioned him further, asking how they should conductthemselves while in this world. Again Ramanujacaryainstructed them, "One who has surrendered to Lord Narayanashould not be concerned about his future, depending alwayson the Lord's mercy. All duties should be performed as actsof devotion to the Lord and never for material gain."Study the Sri-bhasya and teach it to others - thisservice is the most pleasing to the Lord. If this is notpossible, then study the teachings of other devotees andthen instruct some disciples. If you are unable to do this,then go to a holy place and reside there or go to Yadavadriand serve the Lord there. If you cannot do this, then remainwhere you are and surrender to your guru and meditate on theVaisnava mantras. If all of these are impossible, thensimply seek out a pure-hearted Vaisnava and associate withhim constantly."Discriminate carefully between friends, enemies, andthose who are indifferent. Those who are Vaisnavas will beyour friends, the atheists and blasphemers wilt despise andhate you, and the worldly men will be indifferent. Associatejoyfully with the devotees, rigorously avoid theblasphemers, and never be disturbed by the materialisticplans of worldly men. Never flatter princes and worldly men,seeking to earn your livelihood thereby. Remember that theSupreme Lord always takes care of those who are surrenderedto Him. Take shelter of Him and have faith in Him alone. Ifyou follow these instructions, then you will never beseparated from me. Why should one grieve over thedisappearance of the temporary body?"DISAPPEARANCE OF RAMANUJACARYA108

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