Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree


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At about the same time the devotees of Bhuta-puri,Ramanuja's birthplace, also made an image of their guru andinstalled it in the temple according to the proper Vedicrituals. When he heard about this, Yatiraja shed tears andsaid, "The people of Bhutapuri have made me their captive bythe love and devotion that they unceasingly offer to me."PREACHING IN SRI RANGAMHowever, the most fortunate of all were the devoteesof Sri Rangam, for they were able to see Yatiraja constantlyand listen every day to his discourses on the glories ofLord Narayana. From miles around people came to see thegreat acarya and on his order took up the path of devotionalservice.For many more years Ramanuja continued to reside inthe holy city of Sri Rangam - until he was one hundred andtwenty years old. During his life he had establishedseventy-four centers for the Sri Vaisnavas and had manythousands of followers, including several kings and manywealthy landowners. Apart from the householders, he numberedamongst his followers 700 sannyasis, 12,000 brahmacaris, and300 ketti ammais, (ladies who had taken vows ofrenunciation). Eventually, seeing that his mission on earthwas now completed, he decided to give up his frail body andreturn to the abode of the Lord. Seeing their spiritualmaster becoming fixed in a mood of intense devotion, many ofYatiraja's disciples were overcome and began to lamentloudly.FINAL INSTRUCTIONSOn hearing their cries, Ramanujacarya came out of histrance and said to his disciples, "My dear children, why doyou cry out in lamentation like uneducated men? Do you thinkthis body can endure forever? Am I not fixed in your heartsfor all time? Therefore, give up this useless wailing andunderstand the will of the Lord."To this the disciples all replied, "0 master, asalways your instructions are perfect. Nonetheless, it isimpossible for us to bear the pain of separation which mustsurely overwhelm us if you leave us now. Out of pity foryour children, we beg you to remain with us for some timemore."In response to this request, Ramanuja agreed to staywith them for three more days. He ordered that all of hisdisciples should come there, and, when they were assembled,he delivered his final instructions. "Worship all Vaisnavasas you worship your guru," he told them. "Have faith in theprevious acaryas and never be controlled by the senses.Never be satisfied simply by worldly knowledge. Study the107

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