Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree


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If you wish to serve me, then you must stay here and dowhatever I ask of you."The brahmana was very pleased by this reply and saideagerly, "0 master, tell me what is your <strong>desire</strong>. I will doanything you ask of me"Seeing the man's sincerity, Ramanuja then told him,"0 brahmana, I have resolved to purify myself by takingdaily the water which has washed the feet of a pure-heartedbrahmana. Now, by the grace of the Lord, you have come here.My order is that you stay here, and every day give me thewater that has washed your feet. Only if you do this willyou be able to render real service to me."Although a very humble person by nature, the brahmanacould not refuse this direct order. From that time on, everyday when Yatiraja returned from taking his noon bath in theKaveri, he would take upon his head some of the water thathad washed the brahmanas feet.One day Ramanuja was invited to take prasadam at thehome of one of his householder disciples and went theredirectly after bathing in the river. After they had eaten,all the devotees began to discuss the glories of LordNarayana, putting various questions to Ramanujacarya andlistening intently to the explanations he gave. So sweetwere these discussions that the devotees became unaware ofthe passage of time. Thus, by the time Yatiraja rose toleave the house, it was very late at night.When they arrived back at the asrama, they found thatthe only person still awake was the pious brahmana. "Whyhave you waited up so long for me?" asked Yatiraja. "Haveyou eaten yet?""How could I think of eating," replied the brahmana,smiling, "when I have not yet rendered my service to you"At this Yatiraja smiled broadly and embraced the man,saying, "You are a wonderful devotee, the perfect servant ofthe Lord. By being absorbed only in thoughts of service, youhave attained perfection" Then he drank the water that hadwashed the brahmanas feet and offered it to all his otherdisciples.INSTALLING DEITIESWhen they learned that Ramanujacarya was going toleave them and return to Sri Rangam, all the devotees inYadavadri were very unhappy at the prospect of theirimminent separation. When they presented their distressbefore him, Yatiraja gave permission for a stone murti ofhimself to be made.When it was completed, he said to them, "When you arefeeling sorrow because of separation from me, all of youcome before this murti. By contemplating this form here,your unhappiness will be removed."106

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