Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Ramanujacharya – Biography - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree


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heard Lord Varadaraja speak to him once more, saying, "Mydear devotee, what is your <strong>desire</strong>? Tell Me and I shallfulfill your prayer.""0 most merciful Lord," Kuresa answered, "some timeago I lost two valuable possessions belonging to my master.By your grace I would like to recover them this day""Certainly two new eyes will now adorn your body,"the Lord said, "and may they bring unlimited pleasure toyour master. Just as My devotees <strong>desire</strong> only to serve Me, soI take great pleasure in supplying everything to Mydevotees. In this way our exchanges of love become sweeterand sweeter."On hearing these words, Kuresa was overwhelmed byecstasy and fell to the ground unconscious. On awakening herealized that his vision was restored and that he was ableto see as before. Bowing down before the Deity, he prayed,"0 Lord, it was You who gave me sight in the beginning of mylife, it was You who took it away and now it is You alonewho have restored it to me. Who can understand Yourinconceivable pastimes? Your nature is pure transcendentalbliss, and anybody who comes in contact with You willexperience this bliss. I used to think of this world as aplace of misery, but, now that You have revealed Yourself, Isee only happiness in all directions. How great is my goodfortune. How great is Your mercy."When people came to learn of this miraculous cure bywhich Kuresa had regained his sight, they were allastonished. Wherever the news spread, it led to an increasein the reverence that was shown for Lord Visnu and theVaisnava devotees. All the people of south India thus cameto have great faith in the teachings of Ramanujacarya andhis followers.CHAPTER EIGHTFINAL DAYS IN SRI RANGAMNot long after Kuresa regained his sight, Ramanujadecided to leave Yadavadri and return to his previousresidence at Sri Rangam. On the way, he stopped for sometime at Vrsabhacala, near Madurai, to worship Lord Sundarabahuin the temple there. In previous times the great femaledevotee, Andal, had composed a prayer which said, "0 LordHari, if you will accept me, I wilt offer you a hundred potsof sweet rice and a hundred pots of butter."Shortly after composing this prayer, Andal left thisworld and returned to the abode of the Lord. Now, Ramanujafulfilled her prayer by offering Lord Sundara-bahu the103

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