Maariful Quran - Mufti Shafi Usmani RA - Vol - 4 - Page

Maariful Quran - Mufti Shafi Usmani RA - Vol - 4 - Page

Maariful Quran - Mufti Shafi Usmani RA - Vol - 4 - Page


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Surah Al-Taubah : 9 : 122 497Muslim, nor has this been made an individual obligation (Fard al-'Ain)for each one of them. However, this is Fard al-Kifzyah (collective obligation),and as such, it becomes the responsibility of the Isliimic worldas a whole. The presence of one 'aim, a genuine expert in all these sciencesand religious laws in every city makes the rest of Muslims absolvedof this obligation. If a city or township has not even one 'aim, itbecomes obligatory on the people of the city or township that theyshould arrange to make someone from among themselves an 'Alim. Ifthat is also not possible, they should invite one from outside, keep himin their city so that they can know, understand and act according tothe fatwa of this scholar, specially when the need is acute and theproblems are delicate. Therefore, given below are details of Fard al-'Ain and Fard al-Kifzyah as they relate to the 'ilm of dh (knowledge ofreligion):Fard al-'Ain: Individual ObligationIt is obligatory on every Muslim, man and woman, to acquire theknowledge of:1. Islam's correct and authentic 'Aqa'id (beliefs).2. Rules of Taharah (purity) and Najasah (impurity).3. Salzh (prayers), Sawm (fasting) and all 'Ibadat made fard(obligatory) or wzjib (necessary) by the Shari'ah.4. Things declared to be haram (unlawful) or mak r &(reprehensible or repugnant).5. The rulings and injunctions of Zakzh (prescribed alms) on thepart of one who owns property or wealth above the fixed nisgb orthreshold.6. The rulings and injunctions of Hajj on the part of one who hasthe capability of performing Hajj, for it is an individual obligation onhim or her.7. The rulings and injunctions of sale and lease (bai' and ijzrah) onthe part of one who has to buy and sell or run a business or industry orwork on wages or salary, for it is his individual obligation to do that.8. The rulings and injunctions of nikKh (marriage) when gettingmarried - and of talaq (divorce) as well.In brief, there are things the Shari'ah of Islam has made obligatory

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