Maariful Quran - Mufti Shafi Usmani RA - Vol - 4 - Page

Maariful Quran - Mufti Shafi Usmani RA - Vol - 4 - Page

Maariful Quran - Mufti Shafi Usmani RA - Vol - 4 - Page


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Sirah Al-Taubah : 9 : 117 - 119 487Ka'b ibn Malik says, 'some of my relatives and friends suggested tome too that I should also ask the Holy Prophet +, +L &I to allowme to keep my wife with me - similar to the permission he has givento HilZl. I said, 'I will not do that. Who knows what the Holy Prophet+, LjC &I would say in reply? In addition to that, I am young (thatis, living with one's wife was against precaution).' In this condition, Ipassed ten more nights until the count of fifty nights became complete.'The narrative of Musnad 'Abd al-Razzaq says, 'At that stage,the Divine decree about our Taubah (repentance) was revealed to theHoly Prophet +, 4 &I & at the hour when one third of the night hadpassed. The Mother of the Faithful, Sayyidah Umm Salamah who wasthere at that time said, 'If you wish, Ka'b ibn Malik can be informedabout it right now.' He said, 'That will bring a crowd of people hereright now. It would become impossible to sleep for the rest of thenight.'Ka'b ibn Malik says, 'when the fiftieth night passed, I made myFajr Salah and went to the roof. While I sat there my condition was amirror of what Allah Ta'alZ has said in the Qur'gn - that the Earthwas straitened for me despite all its vastness, and my own soul wasstraitened for me. (118) All of a sudden came the voice of a caller callingfrom the heights of the hill of Sal' loudly announcing: '0 Ka'b ibn Malik,'Be happy with the good news'.In a report from Muhammad ibn 'Amr, it is said that the caller wasSayyidnZ Abu Bakr rrs &I who went up the hill of Sal' to announcethat Allah Ta'ala had accepted the Taubah of Ka'b and offered congratulationsfor his success. And narration of 'Uqbah says that two menran to give this good news to Sayyidna Ka'b L;L JJI &J. When one ranahead of the other, the one who had remained behind turned, climbedthe hill of Sal', and announced the good news from there. It is said thatthe blessed souls who ran in that manner were Sayyidna AbL Bakrand SayyidnZ 'Umar(~9;s Jjl &J .Sayyidna Ka'b ibn Malik L;S &I dJ says, 'Hearing this voice, I felldown prostrating in Sajdah. So happy was I that I broke into tears. Ihad learnt that my good days have come back. The Holy Prophet JJI &+,A& had told the Sahabah after the Salah of Fajr that our Taubahwas accepted. Everyone ran out to congratulate the three of us. Someof them rode on horses to reach me. But, the voice of the person calling

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