Maariful Quran - Mufti Shafi Usmani RA - Vol - 4 - Page

Maariful Quran - Mufti Shafi Usmani RA - Vol - 4 - Page

Maariful Quran - Mufti Shafi Usmani RA - Vol - 4 - Page


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Surah Al-Taubah : 9 : 117 - 119 485- -On the other side, the Holy Prophet +, Ljc LLII prohibitdd hisCompanions from greeting or talking to the three of us. As for us, weloved all Muslims as usual, but they were the ones who had turnedaway from us.'It appears in a report of Ibn Abi Shaibah that 'now we were in acondition that we would go to people, but they would not talk to us,nor greet us, nor respond to our greetings.'Musnad 'Abd al-Razzaq reports the statement of Sayyidna Ka'bibn Malik ~ ts 1I-11 as follows: 'what a time that was when the smallworld around us had changed totally. It seemed as if the people whoused to be there are not there any more, nor our fruit farms, nor ourhomes, none of these were what they used to be. Everything lookedstrange. I became seriously concerned about myself. If I die in thiswould not saystate of mine, I thought, the Holy Prophet +, + 1I-11the Salah of JanZzah (funeral prayer) for me. Or, if the Holy Prophet+, + dl were to breath his last during this period, I shall be runningaround just like this all my life, condemned and disgraced beforeeveryone. For this reason, as far as I was concerned, the whole Earthstarted appearing indifferent and desolate. So, we lived like that forfifty nights. At that time, the two companions of mine (Murarah andHilZl) lost heart, sat home and wept. But, I was younger. I went out,walked around and made my SalZh in the Masjid with other Muslimsand roamed in the bazaars but nobody would talk to me nor respond tomy salgm greetings. I used to attend the customary sitting of the HolyProphet +, A& dl after the Salah was over. When I said my salzm tohim, I tried to figure out whether or not the blessed lips of the HolyProphet moved to respond to my salam. Then I tried to offer my Salahjust about close to him from where I would steal a glance towards himand discover that he looks at me when I get busy with my Salah, andwhen I look towards him, he turns his face away.When this (considered) indifference of these people dragged longer,I went to my cousin Abu Qatadah who was the dearest of my friends. Ijumped a wall to enter his farm and said my salzm to him. By God, hetoo did not respond to my saliim. I asked, '0 Abu Qatadah, do you notknow that I love Allah Ta'alG and His rasd?' Even then, Abu Qatadahobserved silence. He did not respond. When I repeated my questionagain and again, then - probably, the third or the fourth time - he

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