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Weekly February 15, 2011Issue 157LIVINGIN DEBTjamEs oLIVErqais aL KHONJiDODGE RAM1500 LARAMIEBEAUTY SECRETS& COOL STUFFDIBAB BEACHBank Dhofar, BreadTalk, Infiniti FX, OIFC, HSBCSamsung Mobile, Muscat Eye Laser Center, TRARadisson Blu, Oman Power and Water SummitOman Air, Omantel, The Wave, OIB, GUTechAHK, Ubhar Restaurant, Park Inn, SkerryvoreInto the Wild, Taliban, Eric Clapton, Café Barbera

This week inFebruary 15, 2011 Issue 15710TheTwentyfour SevenWave, Bank Dhofar, BreadTalk, Infiniti FX, OIFC, HSBC, TRA18 Check This OutMovie, Book and Restaurant Reviews, Skerryvore, Eric Clapton21 VentureDibab Beach22Y-ratedLIVING IN DEBT:HOMEOWNERSHIPMADE EASY?3126SpotlightJames Oliver30 Yin-YangWin Gift Vouchers from BLISS!AutoBAHNDodge Ram 1500 Laramie36 X-tra TimeTom Carnegie, West Ham United vs Tottenham Hotspurs628SpotlightQAIS AL KHONJI45 ChillaxativeCrosswords, Social MediaSayyida Iman bint Hamad bin Hamood Al Busaidi Editor-in-Chief | Kiran Jay Haslam Managing Editor | Paul McLoughlin Work EditorKarima Farid Chief Reporter | Clint Derric Egbert Sports Writer/Photographer | Jerzy Wierzbicki Photographer | Jerome Adarle Art DirectorEihab Abutaha General Manager | Feroz Khan Director of Sales & Marketing | Ayman Canawati Logistics ManagerFor editorial enquiries, email info@y-<strong>oman</strong>.<strong>com</strong> | Published by SABCO Press, Publishing & Advertising LLC | Y is a SABCO Media Product.

A 'Per Second' Pulse rate for CallsNeededthrilledbeyond wordsTo The Editor,Dear Sir/Madam,There is an urgent need by consumers for a more rational andtransparent method of billing for voice calls through GSM as well asland line connections. For GSM/mobile calls, currently the first minuteis charged in full but subsequently the pulse rate is billed at every 30seconds. This means even if a consumer calls a number and speaksfor even a couple of seconds he is charged for the full minute. In caseof international calls which are already billed on the higher side, thisworks out to be a tidy amount.Consider the following scenarios. At times a subscriber makes a calland the person we need to speak with is not available and so wedisconnect in a few seconds, but yet this is billed for full 60 seconds.On other occasions, a consumer may erroneously dial a wrongnumber only realizing his error after it is picked up by a stranger at theother end. Even in such a case he ends up paying for full 60 seconds,although the call may have lasted barely a fewseconds. In fact many a time, people pressthe GSM phone 'green/call' shortcut key forrecently dialed numbers, and the subscriberconnects instantaneously a second time witha previously dialed number. In such casestoo, the subscribers' loss will be minimized ifa 'per second' pulse billing is introduced.Such transparent and consumer friendlybilling practices will go a long way in buildinga loyal subscriber base and thus in the longrun will attract additional revenue for thetele<strong>com</strong> operators.Thank You,Yours truly,Shyam Rupchand KaraniDear Y,The reason I love reading Y is because thereis something for everyone. In your previousissue the story writing <strong>com</strong>petetion thrilledme beyond words. Everywhere we only getto write poems or articles but now here wasa chance to bring out the writer in me. Ohgoody-goody!It would also be awesome ifyou could start a regular column of writings ofchildren so as to encourage all young readersof Y to write. You could also offer excitingprizes so that your <strong>com</strong>petetions be<strong>com</strong>eirrestitable to budding writers of Oman.Your ardent reader,Pooja GopinathanOS_Ad_Y_MAG_English_210x155:01 04/02/2011 15:17 Page 1WORLDCLASS SAILING2 OMANI BOATS VS THE WORLDThe Wave, Muscat 22-24 February 2011Public village open from 11am - 6pmFREE ENTRY to: Try Sailing, Off-Road RC Cars,Freestyle Football, BMX Freestyle, Dance Freestyle,Single Line Kite Show, Kite Buggies, Food Stalls,Oman Sail Beach Football League - Fun for all the family!For race updatesscan the code with your iPhone, Android or Blackberry.www.<strong>oman</strong>sail.<strong>com</strong>www.extremesailingseries.<strong>com</strong>7

WINNINGLETTERTHe BiASed FeW ANdTHe ReSTleSS MANYDear Y,READER'SLETTERSiN ReFeReNCe TO 'A liGHTFiNe'To The Editor,As we are living in relatively close proximity to Africa, and more tothe point, Egypt, I am really interested in following the news andthe great upheaval being faced by the Egyptian people. I work withmany Egyptians here in Oman, and so I am also feeling to somedegree the anxiousness to see the country return to normality. Iam, however, mortified by Al Jazeera International, which I get viasatellite in my home. Al Jazeera has always been the one channelthat provided thorough coverage on world news, but in the past twoweeks they have covered one topic alone. What about the rest ofthe world? What about the natural disasters striking Australia? Orthe happenings in Jordan, Tunisia, Syria, Iran, Palestine, Pakistanor even Saudi? What about South East Asia? It is indeed a shamethat things seem to be changing in the Doha studios. Is there anymedia left out there, particularly televised content, that is truly freeto report the news without bias?I refer the winning letter "A light Fine" on the podium page (Y-issue:156) and sorry to say that to the best of my knowledge the fog lightsare not allowed to be used in Oman and the writer should not grumbleif at all he was fined for the violation. The R.O.P will not change its rulesfor the fancies or conveniences of any individual. If it is raining then onecan drive with the parking light on but not the spot light. The spot lightimpairs the vision of the vehicle driver <strong>com</strong>ing from the opposite side.All those who are driving without seat belts or allowing their children totravel on the front seats without seat belts too are being regularly fined.If the writer is not sure of it, then he must drive without the seat belt totest the R.O.P.'s vigilant eyes on the subject.Abu Yoemandean Trace-elliot[Ed: Dear Dean, you have highlighted a point that we have beendebating here in the Y office for quite some time. I think there is oneshining star of broadcasting that I can bring to your attention, asan example of a station delivering unbiased and culturally diversecontent, that is worthy of more attention: SBS in Australia. But keepin mind, it caters for people living far away from the “rest of theworld”! Check out www.sbs.<strong>com</strong>.au/news]Be A WiNNeR!Each week we are selecting ourbest reader’s letter or image,and giving away fantasticprizes care of Noodle House!Simply email us atinfo@y-<strong>oman</strong>.<strong>com</strong>CHANGe FOR THeeNViRONMeNTDear Editor,Recently I happened to be part of a debate on waste disposal. It is a factthat campaigns and media focus on issues related to waste disposalhave made some impact on society. However, it is my observation thatpeople are not that serious when it <strong>com</strong>es to disposing their waste. Eventhough information is aplenty, a lack of understanding may be one reasonfor the continued negligence. Cultural change needs to be established.In some countries, there are certain guidelines to be followed by thepublic when disposing their waste. With such moves some change in thepractice will always be seen. Everyone is responsible for following somekind of individual practice to help the environment. I think people are stillnot being very careful when it <strong>com</strong>es to managing a healthy environmentand this requires change. The change should <strong>com</strong>e from within, and it isa long process that requires time and patience.Value of prizes may vary each week. This prize is not redeemable for cash or alternatives.Only one winner is selected at the discretion of Y magazine.*Proof of Identity is required to claim your prize.With best regards,Ramachandran Nair

February 15, 2011 Issue 157ROAd BelONGS TO AllTo the editor,It was very nice of you to carry out the article "Minds on the Road"on the Spotlight page (Y - Issue 155). I was fortunate enough to getthe opportunity of attending one of the said Road safety AwarenessSession "Road belongs to all, and <strong>com</strong>pliance is the solution"conducted by Shiekh Khalfan and Brother Ali Al Farsi at the IndianSocial Club recently and found it be very informative and very wellexecuted. The session was well set to interact with the audienceand make them understand the need of following the road safetyguidelines for the benefit of the society at large and for the welfareof the self and the family. The videos shown during the sessionhas been brain storming. I sure that this Road safety campaignorganized by Shell, Oman LNG in cooperation with the Royal OmanPolice and the Coach will certainly be able to motivate and generate safety awarenessamong the masses of all age group and Insha Allah reduce the number of road accidentsin Oman. I sincerely thank and congratulate Sheikh Khalfan and his aide Ali Al Farsi forconducting this campaign in such an effective manner. May Bless them and all individualsand organization supporting this road safety project. How ever the most important is thatwe all road users must take a pledge to <strong>com</strong>ply all the said safety guide lines make our livesbetter and more enjoyable on the roads in Oman.With Regards,Mohammad Osama Rawat9

February 15, 2011 Issue 157Bankdhofar Aids the BlindBankDhofar, showed its support for The Al Noor Associationof the blind, by making significant donations and byproviding life changing devices and equipment for the blindin an effort to assist and enhance their day-to-day lives.The Al Noor Association praised BankDhofar for itspatronage and expressed deep appreciation for the Bank’scontinuous support to the association that has enabled itto provide educational equipment such asBraille machines,typewriters and writing pads, in addition to watches, enabling the visually challenged to better equip and sustain themselves in society.“We are pleased to support those who are dedicated to serving the <strong>com</strong>munity. Through the bank’s donation, the inability to see will not prevent the blind fromprogress and achieving their goals,” said Mr. Abdul Hakeem Omar Al Ojaili, General Manager, Corporate Services, BankDhofar.BreadTalk’s Custom-Made Valentine’s dayCakesinfiniti FX –An emotionally RewardingexperienceSamsung MobileAchieves RecordBreaking ResultsBreadTalk, a multiple-award winning Singaporeanboutique bakery, is celebrating Valentine’s Daythrough the launch of two exclusive custom-madecakes that are specially made for two, under thetheme ‘Story of Love This Valentine’s’.The two meticulously crafted chocolate cakes werelaunched at BreadTalk on February 1st, and offercustomers a rich and original assortment of flavoursand sensations including the ‘Bliss’ cake and ‘OurHearts’ cake. The latest culinary innovations promiseto present lingeringand memorabletastes throughtheir uniqueand distinctiveingredients, makingthem both visuallyappealing and aromaticallystunning.10Infiniti designs for life, rather than mechanics, following itsown course to offer those who share the Infiniti vision anemotionally rewarding driving experience - and one that isalways true to itself.Throughout the Infiniti FX, stunning style balances withversatility to <strong>com</strong>pose a seamless whole. Bold design andvisionary engineering mesh, creating a masterwork definedby stylish lines and shimmering materials, while producingsomething optimally functional, efficient, streamlined andcool. From 14" front rotors and 4-piston opposed callipersand the aerodynamic wave hood to custom-designed21" Enkel alloy wheels, the FX is a canvas of impressiveartistry.Yet there is meaning behind every carefully crafted curveand shaped polished metal. It is design that employsinspiration and indulgence in equal measures with theunderstanding that style should evoke, as well as engage.The FX makes that statement without any sacrifice.Samsung Electronics, a leading mobilephone and tele<strong>com</strong>munication equipmentprovider, recently revealed outstandingglobal financial results for mobile phonesin the fourth quarter of 2010. Samsung’stele<strong>com</strong>munications businesses – MobileCommunications and Tele<strong>com</strong>municationsSystems – registered a record quarterlyoperating profit of 1.29 Billion US Dollarsfor the period, up 38 percent year-on-year.Samsung’s Gulf region recorded about anaverage of 20 percent market shares inUAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and Oman. Therollouts of Galaxy S and Wave smartphonesin the region were the primary drivers ofcontinued sales growth and boosted themobile phone division’s fourth quarter turnovergrowth by 60 percent.In the Gulf region, 2011 will be the yearSamsung will focus more on matching allour customers’ requirements and continueto launch mobile phones that offer differentoperating systems, the latest technologiesand the best designs for our consumers.Samsung’s mobile business anticipatesa positive growth in the region as moreconsumers are expected to transition tosmartphones in 2011, as the ultimateexperience aligns with their personal needsand demands.

February 15, 2011 Issue 157GCC Tele<strong>com</strong>Regulators ReducedRoaming ChargesThe Wave, Muscat’s diverse Range of Propertiesand lifestyle Options Showcased at 2011 MuscatFestivalThe Tele<strong>com</strong>munications Regulatory Authority(TRA) participated recently in the third meetingof the Regulators Working Group on regulatinginternational roaming prices, which was heldat the Secretariat General of the CooperationCouncil for the Arab States of the Gulf. Themeeting which was held on 30th and 31stJanuary 2011 reviewed the implementationstatus of the recent ministerial decisionregarding capping the prices of internationalroaming outgoing voice calls made by GCCmobile users while roaming within the six GCCcountries.The ministerial decision, which was passedby during the last Tele<strong>com</strong> GCC Ministerial<strong>com</strong>mittee that took place in June 2010, forimplementation in September 2010, has setprice caps on the retail prices charged to GCCconsumers making voice calls while roamingwithin the six GCC countries. The caps are RO0.138/min for calls within the visited county,and RO 0.344/min for calls to any GCC country.As per the 2010 ministerial decision, the capsare to be further reduced by June 2011, toRO 0.106/min and RO 0.255/min and for callswithin the visited county, and calls to any GCCcountry, respectively.The Wave, Muscat, theSultanate’s first IntegratedTourism Complex, hasestablished a fully-fledgedpromotional stand atQurum National Park asSilver Sponsor of the 2011Muscat Festival. The standis centrally located atthe Silver Jubilee Squareamidst the entertainingatmosphere that celebratesOman’s rich and traditionalarts, culture and heritagemaking The Wave, Muscat the only real estate project in Oman to have a stand at the park.Manned by two sales promoters, the stand offers prospective home buyers and tenants a friendly and convenientopportunity to gain <strong>com</strong>prehensive information and key insights about the multitude of property options thatare available at The Wave, Muscat ranging from apartments to villas and townhouses. The stand also offersother fun activities especially for children and families, such as face painting, balloons and other interestinggiveaways.Muscat Festival has also provided an ideal platform to introduce the public to the various lifestyle advantagesof be<strong>com</strong>ing part of a growing and vibrant multi-cultural beachfront <strong>com</strong>munity in the heart of Muscat whichincludes Oman’s first PGA Links Golf Course designed by the legendary Greg Norman, a fully equipped SailingAcademy, world-class hotels and globally renowned retail outlets.In light of increased demand for affordable home financing schemes, visitors can also obtain useful informationabout the numerous mortgage and financial solutions that are available for purchasing and leasing through theDevelopment’s long standing partnerships with a number of leading national banks. These solutions have beenspecifically designed to make residential property more accessible, convenient and simple. Festival goers canalso arrange for more in-depth one-on-one interviews at The Wave, Muscat’s dedicated Sales Center by simply<strong>com</strong>pleting consultation cards to schedule appointments to tour the properties and discuss their residentialrequirements in further detail.13

February 15, 2011 Issue 157National Geographic’s ‘AncientTreasure Ships’ exhibitiondraws ViPs and School GroupsA host of VIP delegations and educational visits were madefor the National Geographic’s ‘From China to Arabia: AncientTreasure Ships and the Great Oman Voyage’ exhibition, one ofOman’s hottest tickets at present. Last week, the United Nations’Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, toured the exhibition, as did theAmbassador of Brunei. Schoolchildren visiting ‘Ancient TreasureShips’ recently also received special insight from the captain of thefeatured Jewel of Muscat ship, specially built using ancient Omanitechniques, which replicated earlier voyages by following the sameroutes to Singapore last year. Captain Saleh Al Jabri detailed hisexperiences to a rapt audience of students, who also viewed royaltreasures from China and Arabia as part of their tour. The NationalGeographic exhibition at Qurum City Centre is set to close onFebruary 18th.OiB Highest in Operational efficiency MarginsWith an operating margin of 47.53 percent in 2009, Oman’s premierbank - Oman International Bank (OIB) - outperformed the average ofits peers by two times. Even if one analyses the Operating Marginfigures for the last four years, OIB has been ahead of the other keybanks by consistently delivering an operational margin of well over40 percent every single year. This reflects the operational efficiencyof OIB who seem to have mastered the art of keeping their operationcosts well in control while ensuring healthy revenue. This consistentperformance must be very heartening for the investors, since it hasenabled OIB to deliver the highest Cash Dividends year-after-year.The key contributors in OIB’s success formula seem to be in theareas of Return on Asset (ROA) and Net Spread (NS). With a ROA ofwell over 2 percent over the last 5 years, OIB seems to be using theirassets very productively. In fact, they have outperformed the average of their peers every single year. In 2009, OIB delivered a ROA of 2.07 percent as <strong>com</strong>paredto an average of 1.22 percent of other key banks.Even on the parameter of Net Spread (NS), which indicates the difference between the earnings from funds and cost of funds, OIB is way ahead of its peersconsistently for the last 5 years. In fact OIB’s average NS for the last 5 years has been 30 percent higher than the average of its peers for the same period.14

February 15, 2011 Issue 157Valentines'Continues at theRadisson Blu Hotel,MuscatThe Radisson Blu Hotel, Muscat haslaunched a week long Valentine’s celebrationat the Al Tajin – Steakhouse. From 11th to17th February 2011 the restaurant offersspecial starters and dessert buffets inaddition to mouthwatering main courses fortwo people to share. Choose from ChateauBriand or Fisherman's Platter and muchmore.The Al Tajin team wel<strong>com</strong>es you with asurprise on arrival and says thank you withPetite fours and roses for the ladies.Valentine’s Week at the Radisson Blu Hotel- there is no better way to show how muchyou care for your special one.Al Tajin Restaurant opens daily from 6pm.GeC and iQPC to organise theOman Power and WaterSummit in MayIn view of the ongoing and up<strong>com</strong>ing major developmentsin Oman’s power and water sector, Global Exhibitions &Conferences LLC (GEC) and the US-based International Qualityand Productivity Centre (IQPC) will hold the first-ever OmanPower and Water Summit from 22nd to 25th May.The Oman Power and Water Summit 2011 will focus on a wide variety of major topics ranging from the design,construction and management of power and desalination plants, to the installation of efficient power and waternetworks throughout the Sultanate. The four-day event is being organised under the patronage of the Public Authorityfor Electricity and Water (PAEW) and with the official support of the Ministry of Regional Municipalities and WaterResources (MRMWR), the Electricity Holding Company (EHC) and the Oman Society of Contractors (OSC).GEC and IQPC are currently developing a <strong>com</strong>prehensive conference programme that will feature high-profilespeakers consisting of prominent policymakers, industry experts, and other renowned personalities in the local,regional and international power and water sector. The Oman Power and Summit 2011 closely follows the highlysuccessful collaboration of GEC and IQPC at the recently held Oman Construction Summit 2011, which wasdistinguished due to the quality of its presentations and strong lineup of speakers.Public Presentation Held at Gutech“Natural Gypsum in Rocks in Oman – beautiful and dangerous”A public evening presentation titled ‘Natural Gypsum in Rocks inOman - beautiful and dangerous’ was held by Professor Dr. Basden Brok, Head of the Department of Applied Geosciences at theGerman University of Technology in Oman (GUtech) last week.“Glittering and glamorous crystals of natural gypsum occur insome of the rock formations in the capital area of Muscat, forexample along the road to Al Bustan Palace Hotel and aroundBandar Al Jissah Resort and Spa as well as in Al Wattayah area,”explained Professor den Brok to the audience.Gypsum crystals grow naturally and under the microscope they look like fibrous veins. However, these gypsumcrystals pose so-called geotechnical threats to our environment. When the rainfall stops, water evaporates andnew crystals of gypsum grow inside the rocks – the cycle starts again. Gypsum that develops in the sabqas, thecoastal areas in Oman leave traces of salt at the bottom.Muscat:24564488Sohar:2684666215

February 15, 2011 Issue 157AHK Oman Hosts GermanBusiness delegationThe German Industry and Commerce Office (AHK Oman) has hostedtwo separate events for the business delegation from Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany on 7th February 2011 at the Grand Hyatt Muscat.One of the goals of this initiative of the Ministry of Economics, Transport,Agriculture and Viniculture of Rhineland-Palatinate was to present aworkshop on ‘Landscaping and Agriculture’ by Prof. Dr. Roland Kubiakfrom the German Institute for AgroEcology, which was warmly receivedby representatives from the local private and public sector.The other focus of the delegation was a Business-to-Business meetingevent between high profile German and Omani <strong>com</strong>panies in order todevelop and explore potential partnership. The inauguration of the workshop and the Business-to-Businessmeetings was held by Her Excellency Angelika Storz-Chakarji, the German Ambassador to Oman, and therepresentative of the Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry of Economics, Transport, Agriculture and Viniculture, Mrs.Claudia Brillmann.“We are pleased to renew the success of the Delegation’s first visit in 2010 and are looking forward to furtherenhance the business relationship between Oman and the German Federal State of Rhineland-Palatinatein the future,” said Sousann Al-Heureithi, Representative of the German Industry and Commerce Office inOman.ubhar Restaurant AnnouncesSadara Sponsorship of SaloneventsUbhar restaurant announced the sponsorship of National Bank ofOman’s Sadara programme for Ubhar Salon events for year 2011.The objective of the Salon events is to discuss diverse artistic andcultural interests of the Omani <strong>com</strong>munity. The calendar has beenset out to include eight salon events that started on Monday, 31stJanuary 2011. Through the salon, Ubhar restaurant will encouragedialogue amongst guests and exchange thoughts on variousdiscussion topics that are initiated by speakers that representvarious organisations and groups within Oman.The salon will take place between 7-9pm and with limited seatingavailable to guests on invitation basis only. The evening will alsofeature Ubhar’s latest Fuwala Menu which includes a variety of lightsnacks that will bring the best of both Middle Eastern and Westerncuisines, which also forms part of Ubhar’s new outside cateringmenu.The first event was led by Sharifa Al Barami, local businessw<strong>oman</strong>and Entrepreneur Training Programs Manager and BusinessConsultant to Cisco Entrepreneur Institute at AMIDEAST/Oman. Sharifa initiated thediscussion topic by presenting some key facts about the progress of entrepreneurship inOman as well as the latest research results on SME development globally, the audienceswere then invited to join discussion groups and exchange thoughts on the topic.The audience included representatives from Oman Chamber of Commerce, Majlis Al Shuraa,the American Embassy along with a number of established and budding entrepreneurs inOman.16

February 15, 2011 Issue 157ROAD SAFETY SHOWNew Additionsto Sales Forceat Park innMuscatThe Park Inn Muscat recently addedtwo members to its sales team whowill take on the responsibilities ofhandling separate sectors of thehotel’s business in Oman. Thenewly recruited employees willfortify the sales efforts for the fourstarproperty in the local market.Khalid Al Zadjali, the new SalesManager, and a promising youngOmani, has a background ofsix years of experience in thehospitality industry in Oman. Themove to Park Inn will boost hiscareer while widening his horizonsin his chosen field. He has all theattributes of a successful hotelier -charisma, determination and good<strong>com</strong>munication skills. Fluent inEnglish, he enjoys interacting withothers and putting his problemsolving skills to the test. In his sparetime he enjoys drawing, swimming,photography and music.STEERWISELYSteer Wisely is a hard hitting play, highlighting the reality behind the shockingly highnumbers of road traffic accidents in Oman over the last decade. The play follows fivevehicles as they travel along the highway – in every vehicle we see different examples ofnegligence and recklessness in the behaviour and actions of drivers and passengers, notto mention the mistakes made by pedestrians along the way. Hopefully, after watchingthis play, all members of the audience should feel encouraged to act responsibly on theroad and to educate and inform each other on how to keep safe, both in, and out, ofvehicles.We can and must make our roads safer, and this is easily achievable, as soon as werealise that this power to change is in our hands!Raja Nair has also joined the ParkInn as Assistant Director of Sales.He previously worked in a hotel inOman in a similar capacity and holdsover a decade of work experiencein total in the hotel industry withprestigious hotel chains. Raja andKhalid will <strong>com</strong>e under the wing ofFahad Al Wahaibi, Director of Salesand Marketing.17

February 15, 2011 Issue 157Book ReviewTaliban: Militant islam, Oil and Fundamentalism inCentral AsiaAhmed RashidA lot may have happened in the past ten years, but there is probably still not a book on the market that covers theTaliban in such a well researched and <strong>com</strong>prehensive way. Written in 1999, from over 20 years of research, AhmedRashid looks at the Taliban’s rise to power with an approach that is largely shaped by his own personal experiencesand work as a journalist in Central Asia. In it we see exclusive and individual accounts of private meetings withregional leaders and decision makers that shaped Afghanistan. There are colourful narratives explaining the futilityof life for citizens living in this war zone, along with the odd smattering of humour so dark that they only be<strong>com</strong>eobvious after second study. The book uses oil, foreign donations, and the work of external intelligence agencies as examples to explain how the Talibanmanaged to successfully play one party off another in their rise to power, leaving the group as independent entities in an area heavily infiltrated byoutside powers’ agendas. The Taliban’s gender policies, Rashid explains, is largely based on their own young fighters experiences in Pakistani refugeecamps, where the absence of women reinforced the Pashtu’s ambivalent attitude towards women, and politics in general, eventually forming a horrificconstellation of misogynistic medieval laws. Oil and gas giants’ obsession and fierce <strong>com</strong>petition is shown to deepen disunity amongst Central Asian statesruled by paranoid dictators, too-short sighted to formulate a united policy to <strong>com</strong>bat the Taliban. In brief, Afghanistan’s people are not just victims of theTaliban and other warlords, but also outside power due to the country’s geographic position at the heart of Asia.ClAPTON TuRNS ON THe MAGiCEric Clapton kicked off the 2011 Yas Island Show Weekends intrue rock’n’roll style last night, with fans treated to an electrifyingperformance from the British guitar legend at Abu Dhabi’s YasArena.Clapton had fans in the swing right from the beginning with hispulsating opening guitar riffs to the final power chord, with favouritessuch as ‘Layla’ and ‘Wonderful Tonight’ giving the capacity crowdof 15,000 an unforgettable experience at the region’s premierentertainment destination.Grandstand seating, which was built into the Yas Arena for the firsttime ever, added to the intimacy of the evening and saw passionateClapton fans singing together all night to some of his greatest tracksever. With thousands of fans taking advantage of the fantastic hoteland concert ticket packages, Yas Island’s seven hotels were <strong>com</strong>pletelysold out as people flocked to see the legend live in concert.Many race fans made it an unforgettable Yas Island day out by purchasingpackaged tickets to see all the high speed drama at Yas Marina Circuitand capped it off by seeing Clapton belting out hits from his five decadespanningcareer.The Yas Island Show Weekends continue next Thursday night (February17th) with Tiesto at the Flash Forum, followed by American rock groupThirty Seconds To Mars (March 11th) and rounded off with Stevie Wonder(March 18th) who will <strong>com</strong>plete the stunning line-up of artists performingon Yas Island in the opening months of 2011.To buy your tickets for up<strong>com</strong>ing concerts, go to www.thinkflash.aeor to make a weekend out of it, go to www.yasisland.<strong>com</strong>19

Restaurant ReviewEventsMuscat Festival 2011The biggest event in Muscat (if not in Oman), has begun and will be ongoing until 24th February.Check out both Qurum Park and Naseem Park as these locations will definitely be the place to be!Check out www.muscat-festival.<strong>com</strong> for the latest timings and further updates.Tour of OmanWith 848km to conquer, from 128 of the world’s best cyclists from 16 professional teams, look outfor Tour of Oman from 15th to 20th February over six thrilling stages! More details can be foundon www.tourof<strong>oman</strong>.<strong>com</strong>Surf, Turf & dip BBQ NightsWondering where to spend your Wednesday evenings during this wonderful weather? TheRadisson Blu Hotel Muscat has launched the Surf, Turf & BBQ Nights every Wednesday in thehotel’s restaurant and terrace from 6pm.dubai Shopping Festival 2011If you still did not check out Dubai Shopping Festival then you really are missing out!The most eagerly awaited festival in Dubai is still ongoing but ends on 20th February.Check out www.mydsf.<strong>com</strong>Sharukh Khan live in Muscat!Shahrukh Khan, one of world’s most famous actors, will perform live in Muscat on March 31,2011, as part of his “Temptation Reloaded World Tour 2011”.extreme Sailing SeriesThe Sultanate of Oman will play host to the world’s most exciting sailing event as part of thisyear’s Muscat Festival. From 22nd to 24th of February, the racing will start at 2:00pm atThe Wave, Muscat. More information can be found at www.extremesailingseries.<strong>com</strong> andwww.<strong>oman</strong>sail.<strong>com</strong>Muscat Fashion WeekThis event is organised by Muscat Municipality and will be ongoing from 22nd to 24th February at7pm. Details on how you can purchase tickets are available at www.muscat-festival.<strong>com</strong>Mommy & MeCheck out Oman’s first Mother & Child Exhibition on 27th and 28th February at Noor Hall.Shopping, entertainment, services, resources, seminars… they have all this and more, and allunder one roof! Check out www.mommyandme<strong>oman</strong>.<strong>com</strong> for more information.international Jewellery exhibitionThe 3rd IJEX 2011 will take place from 12th April to 16th April at the Oman International ExhibitionCentre. Check out www.jewellerymuscat.<strong>com</strong> for more information.Café Barbera246 035 05Café Barbera is the perfect place to relax while youhave a wholesome meal, or just a drink. The food isawesome and fresh. Their menu is quite big as theyhave a variety of drinks and fresh juices, tasty salads,delicious pastas, delectable sandwiches and manyother appetising hot dishes and scrumptious desserts.According to my husband and I, and the many timeswe have either eaten here, everything we had so fartasted home cooked and simply divine.Their prices are fair, and the food portions are quitegenerous. The service at the café is charming; thestaff is friendly and the service is pretty quick. CaféBarbera is always a nice change even when youare their regular customer. So far you can visit twolocations of this café, one beside the City Cinema inShatti which is open every day from 8 am to 11.30 pmand the other is located in Al Khuwair at Bait Al Reem,next to the ministerial area with the same timings butare closed on Fridays.Café Barbera is the perfect choice if you are lookingfor good food, a different place to eat and certainly agood place to wait for your next movie that is playing.The café is a nice place for a couple, a good place fora meeting, and a fun place for the whole family with agood selection of books to pick up from the shelf.iNTeRNATiONAlTiestoOne of the biggest names in Trance returns to the Gulf as part of his hugely anticipatedKaleidoscope World Tour. Flash Forum at Yas Island, Abu Dhabi will play host to the legendary DJon Thursday, 17th February. Visit www.itp.net/tickets/ for more information.20

Dibab beachLast week I did not have the chanceto go somewhere far away fromMuscat but my friends told meabout a nice place a stone’s throwfrom Quriyat. Sounded good to me,so last Friday we went to the smallfishing village called Dibab. Weset off from the new highway fromMuscat to Sur and found a veryinteresting coastline with sharprocks and small gravel beaches.The sea was a little rough, thewind was strong and the whitewaves were breaking on the rocks.Due to cloud cover, the clime waspleasantly cold. The area betweenDibab and Tiwi is a good place tohave a day trip. You do not needa 4WD car to get there as a smallblack top road is very close to theshoreline. If you are planning togo there, please take your rubbishhome with you, or dispose ofit properly along the way - thisbeautiful place must remain clean!how to get thereFrom Muscat towards Sur passQuriyat. Approximately 25 kmbehind Quriyat you have to turn offfrom the highway towards Dibab.Words & Photography Jerzy Wierzbicki21

LIVING IN DEBTWordsKarima FaridHOME OWNERSHIP MADE EASY?What is aloan?a loan is a type of debt. likeall debt instruments, a loanentails the redistribution offinancial assets over time,between the lender and theborrower.Home ownership is certainly an Omani dream that mostof us today want to turn into a reality. Everyday thereare newer and more innovative properties available topurchase in many parts of the Sultanate, but buying onecan be daunting. We look into the reasons why Omanisare hesitant to buy property, and are currently trappedinto paying rent or are living with their parents. Whetherit is a low salary, high interest rates or simply beingoblivious to the requirements that you might need to owna property in Oman, many are unable to get a sufficientloan.What is aMortgage?a mortgage is a loan securedby a property/house and paidin instalments over a setperiod of time. The mortgagesecures your promise thatthe money borrowed willbe repaid. For most of us, amortgage could be the largestand most serious financialobligation we ever make.For me, this started when I recently stumbled across aproperty that I simply had to get my hands on, one thatI saw advertised at a local mall in Oman. Frantically, Istarted calling the bank that I am dealing with to findout when I could get the loan, and what’s the maximum Icould get.Back then, I really wasn’t interested in my local bankingschemes, I just opened up an account with a bank becausea few family members were registered in it and one ofthem even won a cash prize, but then I was shocked tohear what I was told. I came to find out that my 135,000rial Duplex was a farfetched dream, which was quicklyturning into a nightmare as the housing loan that I wasentitled to was only about half of that amount. Somethingdied in me that second, I thought to myself, 'I am anOmani w<strong>oman</strong>, why am I not able to buy a property in myown country?'So, after some research I came to find out that generallyOmanis between the ages of 25 and 30 are the oneswho are currently having difficulty in buying their ownproperty. For most of them, the reason for this is mainlyinsufficient salaries, lack of knowledge of differentbanking schemes, and not hearing that properties are upfor sale at a good price. But I also found out that there isalways a way out of every difficult situation.Mr. ‘SST’ who works in a local bank said that his salary is 600 rials and the only way that he couldever afford buying his own property was if he gETS a wage increase. He said: “I would need todouble my salary so I could buy my own property.” Another participant we questioned, Mr. ‘HSH’, a29-year-old who is a specialist in a tele<strong>com</strong>munications <strong>com</strong>pany said: “Now, more than anything,as a father I would need at least a 500 rial increase so I am able to buy a house, because mycurrent salary is not adequate to cover a loan and all my other expenses.”22

ules, interest rates and plans right now, I would probably be able to own myown home is less than 15 years!”The categories as far as I have researched varied between individuals who arehelped to buy property by their parents - this is usually applicable to individualsabove the age of 35 - and individuals who work at certain oil <strong>com</strong>panies andhave an upper hand with access to interest-free loans (which indeed makes lifea blessing), and those who are above the age of 35 and have a plot of land butyet no property at all.These Omani 'dream' homes are practical and realistic. Everyone I spoke to issimply looking for a homethat fits their purposes, of providing a <strong>com</strong>fortablenest to start a family. When I asked Mr. ‘SST’ about his dream house, hesaid: “First of all I want the land to be not less than 1,000 sqm and I wantthe house itself to consist of a basement ground floor, to hold all our familycelebrations in the future. A second floor where the bedrooms are situated anda penthouse. I want my dream house to have 5 spacious bedrooms, each withits own bathrooms, 2 sitting rooms, a dining room, and one very small kitchenwhich will be located in the house and one which is bigger and is locatedoutside the house. I would love a swimming pool behind the house with enoughspace for a nice sitting area.”As for Mr. ‘SMS’, who is 28-years old, working for thegovernment, and owns two plots of land so far, said: “Ido have two plots, but I can’t build on them because Iwould need at least a 100 percent increase to my current670 rial salary to do so. The only other way that I will beable to own a property is by reducing the interest rate onmy current personal loan, which will help me pay it backfaster than the actual plan I was given. But with all theMr. ‘HSH’ said this about his dream house: “I would like to own a two-floorhouse, which is small and simple. I would like it to have 4 bedrooms, a kitchen,a living room, a sitting room and 4 bathrooms, with a shaded car parking areathat is fit for 2 cars.” Sounds obtainable, right? Mr. SMS said that his dreamhouse would consist of two floors with a penthouse in an area close to the citycentre - and this also sounds possible too! Maybe the answer to this problemcould be for real estate owners to build and then sell apartments and villaswith the above specifications – as an example – which also matches Omanisand their salary in<strong>com</strong>es. Another good way for all big and small real estateprojects is to start up a ‘rent-to-own’ scheme which is basically customised foreach person, but real estate owners can definitely find a way to implement this,which could benefit both the buyer and seller.

So how do we get around to buyinga property in Oman, especially at ayounger age?Farhan Al Shahaibi, who is a pilot,and a highly respected member ofsociety, was ready to lend a handin suggesting some advice from hisown experiences, “Most banks onlygive you a loan from the age of 25and that would be the best time foryou to use the ‘age’ advantage. Theolder you are, the more you mayneed to get medical examinationsand have a shorter period of timeto pay it back. The younger you arethe easier things will get as youwill have minimum <strong>com</strong>mitmentsat the time. Saving is especiallyimportant when you are younger,as long as you are not forgetting tohave fun and live a social life too.Whether it is through a bank, ora trusted society, shelter is alwaysmore important than anything else,it should be your priority. Invest inyour country as one day you willgo home. I was away for 15 years,and if I had the chance to go backin time, I would surely invest in aproperty. Also, lacking guidancefrom someone more experiencedcan be an issue. Try to find a trustedperson who can give you tips on howyou can manage to buy your home.”So to answer my earlier question,I would say yes, indeed I can buya property in Oman; only becausethere is more than one way to dothis. One effective way to knowof properties and real estate inMuscat is by following up weeklypublications, <strong>com</strong>mitted websitesand even reading appropriate bookson real estate.*The initials and some names in this articlewere chosen by the participants to protecttheir identity and workplace; I would liketo thank them all for their honest input.A great way to keep tabs on real estate would be with Al Waseet,and we spoke to Said Al Harthy, General Manager of the paper to find out more.Why is Al Waseet a good resource for purchasing a house?Al Waseet’s mission is ‘Buy, Sell, and Get Informed’. Al Waseet offers eight categories of classifiedads that cover everything anyone would want to buy, sell, or gather information about. The eightcategories are: Real Estate, Automotive, Jobs, Electronics, Technology, Hobbies, Items, and BigHeart. There must be at least one person in the house interested in buying, selling, or gatheringinformation about one or more of these categories; that is why Al Waseet is delivered door-to-dooron a weekly basis. What we noticed is that more than 70 percent of our clients are advertising in realestate, automotives and jobs.How are you connected to therental and property industry?Real estate is a key category in AlWaseet. We are in contact withmost of the real estate <strong>com</strong>panies inOman who publish their offers withus in the form of <strong>com</strong>mercial ads. Asfor the classified ads for real estate,individuals can call our call centreon our toll-free number 80078900to publish their ads with us on aweekly basis. From these, people can choose to buy land or a house from the owner directly via theclassified ads or go to <strong>com</strong>panies that offer facilities like financing.What do you try to do which other publications can’t do?Al Waseet has a very unique way of displaying the categories in sub-categories, in many layers, so thatthe reader can find what they are looking for very easily, which none of the other publications offer.For example, if you look at the real estate category it starts with lands for sale with sub-categories fordifferent regions - then flats for sale, houses for sale, flats for rent.Also, in between these classified ads there is another very important element of the Al Waseet paperwhich is the <strong>com</strong>mercial ads. In these <strong>com</strong>mercial ads, <strong>com</strong>panies display their offers to the publicwhere great deals can be found. I will stay with the same example above. You are looking for a landor a house in Mahbelah, you may find a <strong>com</strong>mercial ad for an offer on a villa in a <strong>com</strong>pound inMahbelah with affordable prices and financing options. Similarly, if you are looking to buy a usedcar, you may find a better car than the one you wanted, or a brand new car that fits your budget.The jobs category is a very important one that served and continues to serve many people to find a jobfor the young. We are only distributing 100,000 copies in Muscat door-to-door, which is not enoughto cover all of Muscat. To enhance our reach, we have our website (www.waseet.net) which coversall the above and more - it is a very easy to browse. People read the ads and they can be as specific asthey want. Also, they can put their ads directly with photos. The directory section in the website isvery dynamic as people can find any service they wish for by reading the profiles of the <strong>com</strong>paniesproviding these services and a Google map of the location of the <strong>com</strong>pany, with full contact details.Finally, we are doing our best to deliver a public service free of charge.24

THINkING OF BuyING A prOpErTy?HErE IS A cHEck LIST THAT yOu WILL NEED:- GET prEpArED: Before any house hunt, get to know if you canget a pre-approved loan from your lenders relevant to age, salaryand job status.- BE THOrOuGH: Look for a good, reliable bank that will suit allyour requirements and needs. Also, look at all banks to find thebest interest rates.- BE rEALISTIc: Aim for a house you can really afford, and suitsyour needs. It would be ridiculous to buy a property to live in thathas a big gap in either design or end results. As for investments(which is an always an excellent idea, you might want to opt forchecking out ALL projects around the Sultanate.- DO yOur OWN HOMEWOrk: Don’t wait for opportunities to<strong>com</strong>e knocking on your door, instead meet face-to-face withprofessionals who can help you with this task.- GOOD rESOurcES: check out good resources on a weeklybasis that can provide you with a platform for various deals.Many searches are only a click away, so check out all real estate<strong>com</strong>panies and joining their mailing list to be the first to know. Orsimply read up on financial literacy books such as ‘rich Dad,poor Dad’.how to make it. If you are married, look into a joint loan that willgive you an upper hand on buying something better.- BE pOSITIvE: know that you will indeed find your dream homewithin the market, if not, you can always opt to build as it can bethe perfect way to get exactly want you want.- IGNOrE WHAT yOu cAN’T cONTrOL: If your salary isn’tsufficient, this is something that isn’t in your control so find waysto start a business which can increase your in<strong>com</strong>e, or look for ahouse in other areas that fits your in<strong>com</strong>e.- SAvE: Instead of getting personal loans for vacations or luxurycars, think ahead as this will eventually give you a start-up onobtaining a house, as this is the priority.- STArT NOW: The longer you wait, the more you lose your chancesof finding a good deal.- GET HELp: If you are stuck on what to do,ask someone who you know of thatowns a property and theywill give you tips on“Always keep your in<strong>com</strong>ecolumn, more than yourexpenses.”“Always try to buy an in<strong>com</strong>e.”-From author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert T. Kiyosakiwith Sharon L. Lechter, C.P.Akarima@y-<strong>oman</strong>.<strong>com</strong> 25

JAMES OLIVER IS AMAN ON A MISSIONWords Karima Farid | Photography Jerzy WierzbickiWe all intend to buy a car one day; whether itis at an earlier age or later on in life, drivingin Oman is a necessity. Buying a car and eventalking about cars in general is a <strong>com</strong>mon topicof discussion in Oman. Kids start learning aboutdifferent car types growing up, and we adultslook for the best deals to purchase our cars.In 2009, when I bought my first car, I lookedfor something safe, reliable and reasonablypriced, and so all my questions were answeredwhen I bought my car – a Volkswagen Tiguan.With Volkswagen receiving Top Safety Awardsfrom different institutions, it deserved utmostconsideration.James Oliver is the General Manager of WattayahMotors, part of the Zubair Automotive Group, thesole importer of Volkswagen, Audi, Bentley andSkoda vehicles into the Sultanate of Oman; theyare not only responsible for their distribution herein Muscat, but also for the distribution nationally.So ultimately, they are the custodians of thesefamous marques; they represent the brands here inOman.getting feedback from existing customers. His passion for carsstarted at a very early age and his passion for cars is evident. As Ispoke to him, I got to know that his first cars were a 1981 Mini and a1986 VW Sirocco. His first experience with a car was changing gearsin his father’s car. So Y gets to know James a little better.When did you start work in Oman?I started working here about two years ago, where all my time hasbeen spent working for Zubair Automotive Group. I joined initially torun two <strong>com</strong>panies which were for European Motors and RumaillahMotors and then I moved to Wattayah Motors in October 2009.Previous to that, my entire career was spent working in the UK,representing the brands of General Motors Europe.How was the transition, when you moved here?I had no issues. I was told when I moved to Oman I would gethomesick but that didn’t happen thanks to the great Omanihospitality which has made my family and I feel very wel<strong>com</strong>e. It is achallenging place to do business. And since I am here with my family,it has been great as they are settled and are very happy here.So how do you like your job?The automotive world is a very rewarding business to work in.The thing about cars is that it is most people’s hobby as well. It isdefinitely a pastime. If you go to any coffee shop or any sort of familygathering, inevitably the conversation will always <strong>com</strong>e down to cars.I have friends who work in different fields; like accountancy, oil andgas, but no one really wants to talk about these things – talkingabout a car is a universal language. It is also a field thatis changing everyday – it is a global product, andour customers buying requirements changecontinuously.James is a man on a mission - a mission to furthercement the brands of Volkswagen, Audi, Skodaand Bentley into the minds of the car buyers inOman. James is also not your everyday GM. Onany given day of the week, you will find him inthe showroom roaming around and speakingto potential buyers and employees, along withWhat do you think of Oman?Oman is a beautiful country, rich in historyand tradition. I am always conscious thatI am not living in my own country, so Iam always mindful of various culturaldifferences. It is always intriguing to mewhen people ask me about life in theUK and really want to learn about myexperiences there, which is really nice.26

What cars are we expecting to see in 2011?In Volkswagen, we will see the introduction of an all new Jetta inthe summer. And we will see the introduction of the Amarok doublecab pick-up - a brand new segment for Volkswagen in Oman, andtowards the end of the year we will see an introduction of the newPolo Sedan. In Audi, we will see the introduction of the A7 4-doorCoupe, and the Audi A1 which will be the most affordable Audiever. Also, we are expecting the all new A6 and along with otheradditions to the Audi A8 range. Bentley will introduce the newContinental GT at the midpoint of the year.What is your involvement with Muscat Festival 2011?Zubair Automotive is supporting the Muscat Festival. The wholeobject of being involved was to interact with people. Since this is abig opportunity, we are getting a huge amount of visitors checkingout the cars, and meeting with everyday people. Some of them havenever been to our showroom, so it is great to get a broad spectrumof people visiting in one location. We were showing car films of theTouareg in Dakar, Audi Q7 and A7 and representatives were showingpeople features of the car, and sales executives that are explainingsome technicalities of the car.What about people’s perceptions of your brands in Oman, is thatchanging?The perception is indeed changing for two reasons: firstly, becausethere is more exposure with the brands now with many of ourlocations across the country being able to not only sell but servicethem and secondly because the products range has significantlyincreased. We have worked hard to introduce new models at thecorrect price and specification for the market in Oman, and willcontinue to do so to enable us to increase our share of the marketand provide our customers with the best value and levels of aftersales service.karima@y-<strong>oman</strong>.<strong>com</strong>27

A filter a daykeeps the doctor awayWords Clint Derric EgbertThere are few things in our everyday lives that amountto the pleasure and relaxation of a hot bath, or for someof us, just a cool, soothing shower following a hardday’s work. Water can possess a great deal of power torejuvenate the body and mind, however, lurking underits crystal clear appearance lays a bitter truth that isinvisible to the naked eye – chlorine.Chlorine tends to react when <strong>com</strong>bined with various natural <strong>com</strong>poundsthat goes on to form toxic by-products called THMs (Trihalomethanes)and Chlorinated Hydrocarbons. These toxins, that are by-products ofwater disinfection, can cause severe cell damage. Chlorine that makesits way into the body via pores in the skin, bypasses the liver, which is anatural filtration instrument that disposes of harmful chemicals, thereforemaking it even more dangerous than drinking water with chlorine.Chlorine has played a noble role in disinfecting waterfor decades now, preventing life threatening waterbornediseases like typhoid, dysentery and cholera, as well as,controlling and eliminating the growth of microbessuch as Giardia and E-coli. Whythen is chlorine <strong>com</strong>ing under suchclose scrutiny from the scientific<strong>com</strong>munity?Recent research revealed that as muchgood that chlorine does in disinfectingwater, there is a flipside to the coin that hadonly just been revealed. A study conductedby the US Council of Environmental Quality declaredthat there is a shocking 93 percent higher cancer riskamongst people who drink or absorb chlorinated wateras opposed to those who don’t.Although few people would actually directly consume chlorinated water,what most don’t realise is that the when bathing the human body absorbsmore water through the skin, and via the inhalation of steam, than fromactually drinking water. In the same sense, one’s actual intake of chlorineis more than can be imagined. Chlorine is'There is a shocking 93percent higher cancerrisk amongst peoplewho drink or absorbchlorinated water'also said to be the cause of bronchitis andasthma found in children so often today.One great option to protect oneself fromthe dangers of chlorinated water is to usea good bath water filter, which can removemore than 90 percent of chlorine found inwater, making it healthier and safer to bathe in.Qais United Enterprises brings to the people of Oman a range of stateof-the-artwater purification shower filters that provide the people achance to protect themselves from the hazards of chlorinated water.Qais United Enterprises Trading is a full-service marketing agencyfocused on increasing brand value by providing effective and professionalsolutions that create long-term relationships with clients, suppliers and28

the <strong>com</strong>munity. They provide clientswith integrated marketing solutionsthat meet their real needs. This involvesunderstanding the brand, identifyingthe desired results, generating a dynamicmarketing concept based on the brand'sstrategy, and supporting that concept withthe right mix of marketing techniques.Promoting healthy living in the Sultanate,Qais United Enterprises providescustomers double cartridge water filters,that carry out a vigorous eight-stagefiltering process that achieves diploideffect for treating water.Speaking to Qais Al Khonji of QaisUnited Enterprises Trading, Y was ableto get a closer look of the product and abetter understanding of the <strong>com</strong>pany.Who are the potential customers forshower heads in Oman and why?Our focus is to provide the product tofamilies, hotels, spas, saloons, contractors,sanitary ware suppliers, and construction<strong>com</strong>panies.How much do these shower filters cost?They start at 50 rials and go up to 60 rials.There are also some special offers, in whichwe offer some of the very best prices.What diseases could one catch from usingregular water?A variety of conditions, diseases and illnessesbrought on by showering with chlorinatedwater like itchy, dry skin, scalp and hair loss.Other conditions caused by bacteria, fungi,etc.What has the turn out been like for youthis year? Is there a growing demand forthe product?Requests for the product are increasingweekly, this is after people started to realisethe importance of these shower filters.What makes it necessary, here in Oman, tohave shower filters?The weather in Oman is somewhat dry,which leads to dry skin, dry hair andTrichorrhexis nodosa, a defect in the hairshaft characterised by thickening or weakpoints/nodes that causes hair to break offeasily. Chlorinated water adds to theseproblems.At what intervals must the filter bechanged? And how much do they cost herein Oman?The first type of shower filter with a doublecartridge has to be replaced yearly at a cost of10 rials. The second type of shower filter withsingle cartridges has to be replaced every6 months at a cost of 9 rials. Both types ofcartridges can be cleaned at any time.What makes these filters different fromother filters in the market?This is the "best buy" filter. They remove 99percent of chlorine, are manufactured withstainless steel micro and are easy to install. Ithas 4 to 8 stages of water treatment, and a 6to 12 months cartridge life.What made you think of this concept inOman? It is a rather un<strong>com</strong>mon businessin this part of the world, I would imagine.Qais United Enterprises Trading business isto provide clients with integrated marketingsolutions that meet their real needs, thatis why we supply this product, because it isvery important and healthy, and should beinstalled in every house, and even elsewhere.Do you have other <strong>com</strong>petitors in this fieldof business here in Oman? Do they toooffer showers like yours?Qais United Enterprises Trading is the onlylocal supplier of this product in Oman.clint@y-<strong>oman</strong>.<strong>com</strong>Are these products manufactured here inOman or elsewhere?These shower filters are manufactured in oneof the biggest <strong>com</strong>panies in China and are ofthe highest quality.Do you offer servicing of the product afterthe buyer purchases it? I ask this becausethere appears to be a lot of technicalities inthe device.Yes, we look after our customers to ensurethat they are receiving the desired benefits ofthis product and to ensure the good functionof shower filters.For more information on the product orany further queries you can contactQais United Enterprises Trading onshower.filter.om@gmail.<strong>com</strong>.DangErs oF baThingin chlorinaTED waTErWarm water expands the pores in theskin allowing for easier absorption ofchlorine and other harmful chemicals.A whopping 20 times more chlorineand other synthetic chemicals is inhaledfrom steam than in tap water.Bronchitis and Asthma are usuallyfound in children who inhale too muchchlorine and chemical vapour.Inhalation and absorption ofchlorinated water is also partly reasonfor bladder and breast cancer.The skin’s natural moisture barrier takesa beating when up against chlorine, thatcauses the skin to dry out.Chlorinated water also causes severeirritation to the eyes and damage to thehair.

BlissBliss Fashions is an Omani establishment founded by three sisters and is located in theSabco Commercial Centre. Bliss Fashions embraces various handpicked items that arebrought exclusively to you by Y. This boutique has a variety of beautiful eveningwear,gorgeous sun dresses, stylish tops, perfect jeans, <strong>com</strong>fortable swimwear, prettylingerie, chic bags, jewellery and accessories, and much more. You will always findsomething to buy at Bliss and be treated with due care and affection. Customers canalso avail of advice and feedback from these stunning sisters, if ever in doubt.This short rosy cocktail dress is perfect fora r<strong>oman</strong>tic night out or a party. You can addleggings to it if you get chilly, as long as theydon’t <strong>com</strong>promise the look of this beautifulThis gorgeouslong flowingsilk-chiffonmaxi dress isperfect forgarden partiesor a day atthe poolsidemaybe. Itis designedand made inhouseat BlissFashions.If you are looking to addsome colour to yourwardrobe, please checkout the handbag andclutches collection fromUK brand Fiorelli at BlissFashions.These dazzlingearrings andbrooches are madein Korea of Swarovskicrystals. Since thereare only a few upfor grabs, do hurrybefore they are soldout!If you think you haveenough skinny jeans inyour wardrobe, thinkagain! The boutique hasa wide range of stylesavailable. Check themout as they <strong>com</strong>e in morethan one colour.These crystal clutches makethe perfect accessory for anight out or even an eveningindoors. Be it any celebration,this pretty, exquisite andsimple collection will work foranyone.Win a pair of crystal earringsand clutch handbag!Email your favouriteor most usefulbeauty tipto prize@y-<strong>oman</strong>.c<strong>oman</strong>d you couldwin 60 Rialsworth of awesomeSTUFF fromBLISS.Last week's winner: Dr. Sapna Sharma

RAM 1500 LaramieWords Kiran Jay Haslam | Photography Jerzy WierzbickiAchilles Last Stand. As Led Zeppelin’sepic track blasts out through a state-ofthe-artAlpine sound system boasting atouch screen multimedia interface, I’mcruising down the Al Hail beach road;elbow - out the window, hand - clutchingdoor frame, and head - boppin’ alongnicely. Only, I’m not in some old Detroitmetal, I’m in the new RAM 1500 Laramie,and it is as seventies as one can get for a2011 vehicle - in a “modern sort of way”.I guess I’m just picking up on the threadthat seems to be running through theChrysler group at the moment; cue theChallenger and Charger. Retro cool.

In these interesting times ofelectric hybrids and rapidlydecreasing resources, the days ofmonster trucks may be numbered,but this RAM gets an impressive20 miles to the gallon, making it akey player in the ‘light-duty truck’category. In fact, in North Americait is selling so well, that RAMseems to have be<strong>com</strong>e its ownentity, moving out of the Dodgesphere.So fitting in nicely with mymemories of the 8mm footageduring the US oil crisis of the 70s,I’m perched up high in this pickup- that is really a monster truckfor city folk. I somewhat wish Iwas wearing a flannel chequeredshirt. Dwarfing every other 4x4it encounters on the road, thistwo-and-a-half ton, two-tone4x4 crew cab, with its massivechrome grill, is indeed menacing.The vehicle measures 5.8 metreslong, 2 metres wide, and can towup to 4,740kgs – depending onyour choice of options, so even alarge boat or horse float pose noproblem.In terms of mod-cons, the RAM gets a ParkSenserear park assist system, dual exhaust withrefined power note, 20-inch chrome-clad wheelson P275/60R20 tyres, security alarm system,power-heated mirrors, touch-screen media centrewith surround-sound speakers and subwoofer,power-heated front seats, leather-wrapped,heated steering wheel, dual-zone automatictemperature control, powered 10-way driver’s seat,6-way powered passenger seat, leather-trimmed40/20/40 heated bench seat with 60/40 rearsplit/fold seat and storage, memory system formirrors, seats, pedals and radio, sunroof, brightaccents, woodgrain door trim, power adjustablepedals, tyre pressure monitoring, hill-start assist,ABS/TSC/ESC and Electronic Roll Mitigation (ERM).Oh, and the fantastic RamBox Cargo ManagementSystem; perfect for fishing rods, camping gear,tools, or, as depicted in the manufacturer’scatalogue, 120 soft drink cans on ice!The vehicle sits high and it’squite a step to get up and intothe cabin, but thanks to thatenormous ground clearance,wading through deep wadis andclambering over jagged terrain isa breeze. I filled the petrol tankin Azaiba and kept heavy on theaccelerator pedal with the guttural5.7-litre V8 barking viciously, andbarrelled towards Fanja. Gettingoff the beaten path is raucousfun; I powered into a river bed,showering my photographer withdebris, making light work of deepditches and steep inclines. Youfeel like you can take on the worldat the helm of this RAM, and whenreality hits, and you realise youcan’t, at least you can go down ina Mad-Max inspired blaze of glory.

But all of this hostile exploration isjust one facet of this massive offroader;it is practical, too.You can flip up the centre armrest,et voila! You’ve got a three-personbench seat up front. And you caneasily get three hefty adults in therear if you opt for the quad cabconfiguration. Depending on whatlayout you want - crew cab, quadcab, regular cab long or short -you can get anywhere from 67.4”to 98.3” in tray length. All 79.4”wide and 20” deep. This thing is‘massive’ in the Ali G sense of theword.In terms of <strong>com</strong>fort, the RAM1500 Laramie is no monster,and although it is a task to tacklesmall parking bays, it is still quitea practical vehicle. At the end ofmy day of desert thumping and extendedZeppelin jams, thanks to intelligent fuelsaving technology that essentially switchesthe V8 into a 4-cylinder, I still had ¾ leftin the petrol tank. When I got back to theshowroom to return the keys, a group ofyoung Omanis were salivating over thethrobbing presence of this eye-catchinggiant. The Shatti set seem adamant thatthe RAMs (and other beasts like them) arethe ideal cruising wagons for late-nightThursday forays into teendom. I can clearlysee how Oman’s fishing, camping andhiking fans may be having their ideal vehiclereviewed right here on these very pages, butfor 18,000 rials the fully loaded RAM 1500offers you a truck that would put a smileon the face of any builder, plumber, cabinetmaker, landscape gardener, courier ormotorcross junky. And the best thing is, yourgrandmother could also drive it.Tow/Haul mode optimisation,an integrated electronic trailer brake,robust transfer case, skid plates andfive-link rear coil suspension make thisone heck of a heavy duty haulerthat boasts exceptional levels of <strong>com</strong>fort.kiran@y-<strong>oman</strong>.<strong>com</strong>

STUFFClint Derric Egbertuncle MIlton –Moon In My rooMWith construction happening allaround us, there are very fewmoments one can enjoy the blissfulsight of moonlight streaming throughthe windows. So in order to makethat happen, the only option is tolive high up in the mountains orsimply purchase an ‘Uncle Milton– Moon in My Room’. The devicecan be hung in any room and willproduce 12 different phases of lightsimilar to that of the moon. Thisbaby <strong>com</strong>es equipped with a built-inlight sensor that that illuminates themoon lookalike when the sun setsand <strong>com</strong>es with a remote control foreasy operation. In order to preservebattery life, the device has anautomatic shut-off function. Pricedat just 7.500 Rials, this somethingthat even the kids would love to havehanging in their bedrooms.atM pIggy BankLadies and gentleman, well, not somuch the ladies, but here is somethingthat I’m sure all of you married blokescan make good use of – the ATM PiggyBank. This device promises to giveyou monetary security. In other words,your pocket money is well protectedwith pins and passwords, safe frombeing exchanged for toys and clothesat the mall. Funny thing though is thatthis device was actually made with12-year-olds in mind, but I know thatthis is something I can do with myself. Ifthere’s any way to save up, I guess thisis it. The device works just like any ATMmachine, allowing the user to depositand withdraw money with the use ofa password and pin. Priced at a veryreasonable 15 Rials, this piggybank isdefinitely worth the money, for a littlepeace of mind.Internet explorer’s securIty flawIt’s probably time to switch to other browsers, because judgingsuzukaze aIrcondItIoned seatcushIonsIdeal for the summer heat,a time when even the bestair conditioners go intohibernation, Suzukaze AirConditioned Seat Cushionsare great pieces of officeequipment to help beat thestuffy, sticky sensation thatmost of us have to deal within our warm offices. Thedevice runs on rechargeablebatteries and blasts outcool air from the seat itself,simultaneously drawing airinto the cushion chambercooling the device in seconds.It also <strong>com</strong>es with a car poweradapter that gives users thechance to fit it into their carswhen need be.from latest reports, Internet Explorer just doesn’t appear tobe that reliable anymore. Microsoft recently accepted the factthat there is a security flaw in their browser which can easily beexploited by hackers on the prowl for personal information, likecredit card numbers, pin codes etc. These online thieves caneven gain access to a user’s <strong>com</strong>puter via this loop hole, thatis said to be located in Windows itself, meaning that its 900million users are highly vulnerable to this glitch. As a temporarysolution, Microsoft has released a patch that is designed toblock hackers from taking advantage of this flaw, so I advise all Internet Explorer users todownload this patch immediately by logging onto http://support.microsoft.<strong>com</strong>/kb/2501696.34

Words Clint Derric EgbertThe Sound of SilenceWatching cars rip around the Indianapolis Motor Speedway at blazingspeeds was only part of the excitement for motor fans around theworld; the other part was the voice of veteran broadcaster TomCarnegie, whose deep, bellowing voice boomed over the soundof roaring engines for 61 years, be<strong>com</strong>ing an integral part of theIndianapolis 500 in his time. On February 11th, with the death of thisicon, came a deafening silence that is sure to last for quite some time.Many believe it will neverbe the same at the tracks,one of them being his closefriend A.J Foyt who wasreported saying, "I knowa lot of people that workthere, at the speedway,and they do a good job,but you only have one TomCarnegie. It's kind of likeBobby Knight in basketball.There's only Bobby Knightand there will never beanother one. Or like MarioAndretti or A.J. Foyt."Born in Norwalk,Connecticut, Carl Kenagy,which is Carnegie’s legalname, began his very successful career in radio working at WOWO inFort Wayne, later be<strong>com</strong>ing a sportscaster, where he worked with WRTVfor three decades. Despite retiring from WRTV, he continued working atthe speedway.Carnegie’s passion for sports goes back to when he was in high school,but after struggling with polio, his interest shifted to announcing, stillnot too far from his initial passion.Speedway Chairw<strong>oman</strong> Mari Hulman George said in a statement,"Millions of race fans who never met Tom still felt as if they knew himbecause of his distinctive voice and his passion for the Speedway, itsevents and its people. Tom cared about everyone at the track, whetherit was a four-time Indianapolis 500 winner or a young fan attending apractice day.""Tom was one of a kind and was as much a part of Indianapolis MotorSpeedway and the Indy 500 as the yard of bricks. Even though heis gone, I think you'll always hear his voice when you think of theSpeedway or the 500. He was the voice for so many great momentsin the history of that place and he will never be replaced. He was thebest," said Andretti Autosport team owner Michael Andretti.Remembering his younger days on the track, of listening to the voiceof the Indy 500 that was Carnegie, John Andretti recalls, "I remembergoing to the track as a kid with my father, uncle and cousin in themonth of May and hearing his voice and the phrase, 'A new trackrecord!' That excitement he made you feel. He made the hairs on yourneck stand. The track will remain the same, but its voice will never be."Carnegie died at the age of 91.36

Coming up from ‘Down Under’West Ham Triumph Over SpursUp and <strong>com</strong>ing cyclist fromthe land down under, MarkRenshaw, finished in thetop three, at the Tour ofQatar, winning his first-everstage-raceand beating hisfellow countryman HeinrichHaussler by 8 seconds.Excited about his outstandingperformance Renshaw wasreported saying, "I've beenlucky enough to ride forAustralia on the track andin the Olympic Games, buton the road this is the bestresult I've ever had."Overall standings1. Mark Renshaw (Aus)HTC-Highroad15 hours, 31 minutes, 4 seconds2. Heinrich Haussler (Aus)Garmin-Cervelo3. Daniele Bennati (Ita)Leopard Trek4. Juan Antonio Flecha (Spa)Sky5. Roger Hammond (GB)Garmin-Cervelo6. Jeremy Hunt (GB)Sky7. Gabriel Rasch (Nor)Garmin-Cervelo8. Bernhard Eisel (Aut)HTC-Highroad9. Marcus Burghardt (Ger)BMC Racing10. Gert Steegmans (Bel)Quick StepRenshaw, whose place in theteam has been as a lead-out man for teammate Mark Cavendish,finally got his opportunity to shine when Cavendish crashed on theopening prologue of the tour. Be<strong>com</strong>ing the favourite for his side,Renshaw pedalled on to clinch the top spot in the overall positioningof the tournament."The last two laps of this stage were a bit of a blur, I was goingthrough riders right and left and just trying to follow Haussler. With500 meters to go I managed to get out of the pack, but with 200meters to go I knew all I had to do was stay there and win the race,"Renshaw said.Renshaw <strong>com</strong>pleted the course in 15 hours, 31 minutes and 4seconds, securing him a place in the team and earning him therespect of his team members and of cyclists the world over.West Ham United came out victorious against the Tottenham Hotspur in a battle bid forthe Olympic Stadium in East London after the 2012 Games. The Olympic Park LegacyCompany (OPLC) authorities favoured West Ham’s bid for the 537 million pound venue andthe decision was said to be a unanimous one.In support of the decision, Baroness Ford, Headof the OPLC, was reported saying, "We havemade a unanimous re<strong>com</strong>mendation to backWest Ham and the borough of Newham as thelong term tenant. This represents the very bestlegacy for the stadium. It is cracking for the<strong>com</strong>munities of East London and a really good out<strong>com</strong>e for sport."Spurs, whose plan was to break down and rebuild the stadium, received tremendouscriticism, this be<strong>com</strong>ing the main reason for them losing out on the bid. Even though theclub intended to pay for the expansions made to the athletics facility in Crystal Palace,the authorities were against the fact that the legacy of the sport would not remain inStratford.The decision is now going through the sanctioning process by the two governmentaldepartments and the Mayor of London, who recently stated via Twitter, “Significant stepforward for the Olympic Park. Long-term future looking good."A statement released by the Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt and Communities Secretary EricPickles said, ''Today's re<strong>com</strong>mendation by the OPLC board marks an important milestonefor the future of the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and the whole Olympic project. We willlook through their re<strong>com</strong>mendation in detail before <strong>com</strong>ing to our own decision. We aim tomake a formal announcement to Parliament shortly."Many believe this decision to be the right one, another one being British Labour Partypolitician Ken Livingstone who was reported saying, "This is the right decision forLondoners, the right decision for sports fans and athletes and the right decision for thosewho are working to deliver a long-term Olympic legacy for the capital. Today's decision willensure we fulfil promises that the capital will retain a world class athletics stadium at theOlympic Park which will inspire future generations."37

February 15, 2011 Issue 157Radisson BluGrill NightMitsubishi -Seminar on Green Eco-FriendlyTechnologies38

February 15, 2011 Issue 157Innovation FairOman (INFOM)39

February 15, 2011 Issue 157Bank Muscat -The Extraordinary GeneralMeeting of ShareholdersABACareer Fair40

February 15, 2011 Issue 157Road SafetyAwareness Sessions CampaignGrand Final Lecture at QurumAmphitheatre41

February 15, 2011 Issue 157Colours of FusionSubrata Bhattacharya ' sFusion Band42

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KFWS • MindGymJanuary 17, 2011SUDOKUPlace a number in the empty boxes in such a waythat each row across, each column down and eachsmall 9-box square contains all of the numbersfrom one to nine.Go FigureThe idea of Go Figure is to arrive at the figuresgiven at the bottom and right-hand columns of thediagram by following the arithmetic signs in theorder they are given (that is, form left to right andtop to bottom). Use only the numbers below thediagram to <strong>com</strong>plete its blank squares and useeach of the nine numbers only once.—1—

each week we are asking our readers to take part in a topical discussionvia Y Magazine's facebook page.Join the group and you might see your <strong>com</strong>ments printed in next week'sissue!This week:Do you think that other sports get the same support and attention asfootball in Oman?Hibba AlkindiNot really but it seems that they are starting to pay attention to other sports gradually.Paroma Banerjee dasguptaNo other sports can replace the importance of football in Oman. The celebration after any winning matchshows their immense passion and support. But the Asian Beach Games hosted last year and the sailing<strong>com</strong>petition and cycling tour in Muscat festival bear testimony to their soaring interest in other sports aswell.Saad Nasser HamidiWell if we have Good courts in Oman for sports then i guess Oman is the best country everything is verygood even the Weather. We should promote Oman for sports .Puregirl Obainot really actually they are just giving the <strong>com</strong>plete attention to the men only and they forget about thegirls its not only about football and other sports, its also about giving the girls the full right to enjoy theirhobbies and passion.SOLUTIONSCROSSWORdSudOKuGO FiGuRe

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