Fall / Winter 2013-2014 Calendar - St. Francis Xavier University

Fall / Winter 2013-2014 Calendar - St. Francis Xavier University Fall / Winter 2013-2014 Calendar - St. Francis Xavier University

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COURSE DATES DESCRIPTIONMondays, 6:00 pm – 9:00 pmEDUC 508.67 (W)Critical Research Literacy inEducationCRN 50220M. MeyerEDUC 527.66 (W)Principles of LearningCRN 50221L. MacDonald*EDUC 532.20 (W)Curriculum TheoryCRN 50204January 6 – March 24(no class March 10)plus 3 hours TBDWednesdays, 6:00 pm – 9:00pmJanuary 8 – March 26(no class March 12)plus 3 hours TBDTuesdays, 4:00 – 7:00 pmJanuary 7 – March 25(no class March 11)This course examines educational research issues andtrends from the perspective of professional practice.Students will explore a variety of educational researchpublications in relation to their own educational context.Prerequisite: EDUC 505.This course examines theories of learning anddevelopment and their implications for instruction. Inaddition to the general cognitive and behaviourist theories,the course will focus on the aspects of cognitive learningthat are relevant to understanding the diversity of learners.In this course major curriculum theories and theorists inthe field of literacy will be examined and implications ofeach position for program development for schooling willbe explored.L. KearnsEDUC 561.66 (W)Leadership andAdministrative TheoriesCRN 50222R. WhiteEDUC 567.66 (W)School LawCRN 50223D. YoungEDUC 569.67 (W)Selected Topics in Education:Assessment for LearningCRN 50224B. MacIsaacEDUC 569.68 (W)Selected Topics in Education:Using Social Media in theClassroom to Engage StudentLearningCRN 50225S. Taylor-Foleyplus 3 hours TBDTuesdays, 7:00 pm – 10:00pmJanuary 7 – March 25(no class March 11)plus 3 hours TBDMondays, 6:00 pm – 9:00 pmJanuary 6 – March 24(no class March 10)plus 3 hours TBDTuesdays, 6:00 – 9:00 pmJanuary 7 – March 25(no class March 11)plus 3 hours TBDTuesdays, 6:00 pm – 9:00 pmJanuary 7 – March 25(no class March 11)plus 3 hours TBD31This course is an introductory to theory, research, andpractice in educational administration. Emphasis is placedon the evolutionary nature of administrative theory and itsrole in the operation of public education systems.An examination of legal principles and procedurespertaining to school boards, administrators, and teachers.Consideration will be given to legislation and courtdecisions relative to the organization, policy, andadministration of school districts in Nova Scotia. Threecredits.This course will examine assessment as an ongoing processand an integral part of teaching practice. Students willexamine how to use assessment to inform instruction and,in so doing, increase student achievement. Variousassessment strategies will be examined with a focus oncreating portfolios for assessment purposes.This course will focus on social media for pedagogicalpractice. Teachers will develop a sense of the pedagogicalvalue of various social media in the classroom whether atthe elementary, middle school or secondary level. With afocus on Social Media processes the course will helpeducators see the values in making blogs, videologs,podcasts / vodcasts, youtube videos, websites with theirstudents. Having an interest in ‘playing with technology toengage students’ is far more important than having anyprior technology experience. Regardless of technologicalskills, if teachers are ready to play with technology, thiscourse will be an exciting elective.

EDUC 583.66 (W)Education Planning and PolicyCRN 50226M. MeyerCOURSE DATES DESCRIPTIONWednesdays, 6:00 pm – 9:00pmEDUC 506.66 (S)Quantitative ResearchMethods in EducationCRN 14606TBAJanuary 8 – March 26(no class March 12)plus 3 hours TBDTuesdays, 6:00 pm – 9:00 pmApril 1 – June 3plus 6 hours TBDAn examination of political theory as a basis forconstructing policy and planning for the implementation ofpolicy. Three credits.An introduction to fundamental statistical concepts andmethods, together with practical advice on their effectiveapplication to real-world problems. Students will explorethe basic components of a research proposal. Prerequisite:EDUC 505. Three credits.EDUC 527.66 (S)Principles of Learning(Diversity Cohort – pluslimited seats available)CRN 14607C. Boulter*EDUC 536.30 (S)Program DevelopmentCRN 14601M. OlsonEDUC 569.69 (S)Selected Topics in Education:Assistive TechnologyCRN 14608B. WelsfordEDUC 569.70 (S)Selected Topics: Respondingto Issues of Mental Healthand Trauma in SchoolsCRN 14612R. RyanTuesdays, 6:00 – 9:00 pmApril 1 – June 3plus 6 hours TBDWednesdays, 4:00 pm – 7:00pmApril 2 – June 4plus 6 hours TBDWednesdays, 7:00 pm – 10:00pmApril 2 – June 4plus 6 hours TBDMondays, 6:00 – 9:00 pmMarch 31 – June 9(no class May 19)plus 6 hours TBDThis course examines theories of learning anddevelopment and their implications for instruction. Inaddition to the general cognitive and behaviourist theories,the course will focus on the aspects of cognitive learningthat are relevant to understanding the diversity of learners.Program development is investigated from thepractitioner’s perspective using narrative inquiry to explorerelationships among the four curriculum commonplaces ofstudents, teacher, curriculum, and milieu.This course will introduce course participants to assistivetechnology (AT) supporting learners with learning, physical,sensory (VI & HI) disabilities and Autism. This course willprovide an introduction to the theory behind the successfulidentification, use, and application of AT in classroomsettings to meeting PSP or IPP outcomes. We will discussand apply the details of the reading and writing process,and also provide the opportunity to learn hands-on with avariety of remedial and compensatory AT software andstrategies.This course is designed to assist educators to understandissues around mental health including the concept ofmental health literacy and the emotional impact of socialstigma. The course explores various mental healthchallenges and disorders and obstacles students face. Thecourse describes effective methods to assist teachers inresponding to the emotional trauma of crisis events inschool communities. The focus of this interactive coursewill be on what teachers can do and have done to assiststudents and parents in the area of mental health.32

EDUC 583.66 (W)Education Planning and PolicyCRN 50226M. MeyerCOURSE DATES DESCRIPTIONWednesdays, 6:00 pm – 9:00pmEDUC 506.66 (S)Quantitative ResearchMethods in EducationCRN 14606TBAJanuary 8 – March 26(no class March 12)plus 3 hours TBDTuesdays, 6:00 pm – 9:00 pmApril 1 – June 3plus 6 hours TBDAn examination of political theory as a basis forconstructing policy and planning for the implementation ofpolicy. Three credits.An introduction to fundamental statistical concepts andmethods, together with practical advice on their effectiveapplication to real-world problems. <strong>St</strong>udents will explorethe basic components of a research proposal. Prerequisite:EDUC 505. Three credits.EDUC 527.66 (S)Principles of Learning(Diversity Cohort – pluslimited seats available)CRN 14607C. Boulter*EDUC 536.30 (S)Program DevelopmentCRN 14601M. OlsonEDUC 569.69 (S)Selected Topics in Education:Assistive TechnologyCRN 14608B. WelsfordEDUC 569.70 (S)Selected Topics: Respondingto Issues of Mental Healthand Trauma in SchoolsCRN 14612R. RyanTuesdays, 6:00 – 9:00 pmApril 1 – June 3plus 6 hours TBDWednesdays, 4:00 pm – 7:00pmApril 2 – June 4plus 6 hours TBDWednesdays, 7:00 pm – 10:00pmApril 2 – June 4plus 6 hours TBDMondays, 6:00 – 9:00 pmMarch 31 – June 9(no class May 19)plus 6 hours TBDThis course examines theories of learning anddevelopment and their implications for instruction. Inaddition to the general cognitive and behaviourist theories,the course will focus on the aspects of cognitive learningthat are relevant to understanding the diversity of learners.Program development is investigated from thepractitioner’s perspective using narrative inquiry to explorerelationships among the four curriculum commonplaces ofstudents, teacher, curriculum, and milieu.This course will introduce course participants to assistivetechnology (AT) supporting learners with learning, physical,sensory (VI & HI) disabilities and Autism. This course willprovide an introduction to the theory behind the successfulidentification, use, and application of AT in classroomsettings to meeting PSP or IPP outcomes. We will discussand apply the details of the reading and writing process,and also provide the opportunity to learn hands-on with avariety of remedial and compensatory AT software andstrategies.This course is designed to assist educators to understandissues around mental health including the concept ofmental health literacy and the emotional impact of socialstigma. The course explores various mental healthchallenges and disorders and obstacles students face. Thecourse describes effective methods to assist teachers inresponding to the emotional trauma of crisis events inschool communities. The focus of this interactive coursewill be on what teachers can do and have done to assiststudents and parents in the area of mental health.32

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