Roller Chain - Tsubaki

Roller Chain - Tsubaki Roller Chain - Tsubaki


Drive Chain Selection6. Slow Speed Selection (Starting frequency-less than 5 times/day (8hrs)Drive ChainProcedure 1ProcedureChain load(Actual load)F R is knownService factor KsMethod of selection that applies for ordinarytransmission where the chain speed V is less than160 ft./min(1) Applicable when making a more economicalselection for RS and SUPER chain.(2) Applicable when selecting RS-HT, SUPER-H andULTRA SUPER chain.Speed factor KvSprocket teeth factor Kc(3) In the case of severe conditions, such astransmissions with lange impact, particularly fromlarge loads and side forces, please use press fitconnecting links and 2-pitch offset links.Procedure 2ReconsiderProcedure 3Procedure 4NCalculation for designchain tension F’l, F’ mF’l (or F’ m )

Drive Chain SelectionExample based on the slow speed selectionMachine: Conveyor driveChain load: 3754 lbs.Motor: 15 HPReducer ratio : 30High speed shaft : 50 r/min, shaft diameter 2 1/2”Low speed shaft : 20 r/min, shaft diameter 3 7/8”Distance b/w shafts : 60”Starting frequency : 4 times/dayType of shock: Some shock involvedSprocket 15T(PCD: 7.2”)60"(center distance)2.6"Sprocket 38T(PCD: 18.1”)Drive ChainReducer ratio(i = 30)3.7"Drive Roller Chain(RS120)Calculate the Roller Chain speed V.PN’nV = = 10001.5 × 15 × 5012= 93.75 ft/min < 160 ft/minThe calculated speed (93.75ft./min) is less than 160ft/min, so slow speed selection can be used.Imperial UnitsMetric UnitsF l = 3754 lbs.F l = 1700 (kgf)Procedure 1 :Service factor K s = 1.3 ……………… some shock (Table 2)Speed factor K v = 1.06 ……………… V = 28.6 m/min (90 ft./min) (Table 3)Sprocket teeth factor K c = 1.27 ……… N’ = 15T (Table 3)Procedure 2 : Calculate design chain tension F’ lF’ l = F l × K s × K v × K c= 3751 x 1.3 x 1.06 x 1.27= 6569 lbs.Procedure 2 : Calculate design chain tension F’ lF’ l = F l × K s × K v × K c= 1700 × 1.3 × 1.06 × 1.27= 2975 (kgf)Procedure 3 : Slow speed selection for RS Roller ChainRS120 can be used since the maximum allowable tension of 6830 lbs. (3100 kgf) is larger than the design chain tension 6569lbs. (2975 kgf). The driver sprocket is RS120-15T B-type (Max. shaft diameter 3 1/4” > Driver shaft diameter 2 1/2”, thereforeacceptable) provided it has hardened teeth. The driven sprocket is RS120-38T B-type, provided the bore diameter ismanufactured to meet the diameter of the driven shaft (3.7”).Procedure 4 : Number of chain links( ) 2N – N'38 – 15N + N' 6.28 38 + 15 6.28L = + 2C + = + 2 × 40+2C240= 106.8 links → 107 links Distance between shafts = 60”Procedure 5 : Lubrication method is by drip or brush( ) 260C = 1.5= 40A-99

Drive <strong>Chain</strong> Selection6. Slow Speed Selection (Starting frequency-less than 5 times/day (8hrs)Drive <strong>Chain</strong>Procedure 1Procedure<strong>Chain</strong> load(Actual load)F R is knownService factor KsMethod of selection that applies for ordinarytransmission where the chain speed V is less than160 ft./min(1) Applicable when making a more economicalselection for RS and SUPER chain.(2) Applicable when selecting RS-HT, SUPER-H andULTRA SUPER chain.Speed factor KvSprocket teeth factor Kc(3) In the case of severe conditions, such astransmissions with lange impact, particularly fromlarge loads and side forces, please use press fitconnecting links and 2-pitch offset links.Procedure 2ReconsiderProcedure 3Procedure 4NCalculation for designchain tension F’l, F’ mF’l (or F’ m )

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