Roller Chain - Tsubaki

Roller Chain - Tsubaki Roller Chain - Tsubaki


Leaf ChainBL TypeLeaf ChainChain Diagram:Lacing Combinations Available:Drive ChainL1Connecting LinkTL2D2x2 2x3 3x4 4x4 4x6 6x6HPPSAll dimensions in inches unless otherwise stated.Link Plate PinHoleDiameterSMinimumTensileStrength(lbs.)ApproximateWeight(lbs./ft.)ChainNumberPitchP LacingThicknessTHeightHDiameterDLengthL 1 + L 2LengthL 1LengthL 2BL422 0.500 2x2 0.079 0.472 0.200 0.488 0.214 0.275 0.202 5,300 0.46BL423 0.500 2x3 0.079 0.472 0.200 0.571 0.255 0.316 0.202 5,300 0.56BL434 0.500 3x4 0.079 0.472 0.200 0.738 0.339 0.400 0.202 7,900 0.76BL444 0.500 4x4 0.079 0.472 0.200 0.825 0.382 0.443 0.202 10,600 0.86BL446 0.500 4x6 0.079 0.472 0.200 0.990 0.465 0.526 0.202 10,600 1.11BL466 0.500 6x6 0.079 0.472 0.200 1.155 0.547 0.608 0.202 15,900 1.32BL522 0.625 2x2 0.094 0.591 0.234 0.573 0.249 0.324 0.236 8,800 0.72BL523 0.625 2x3 0.094 0.591 0.234 0.669 0.297 0.372 0.236 8,800 0.85BL534 0.625 3x4 0.094 0.591 0.234 0.866 0.396 0.470 0.236 13,200 1.14BL544 0.625 4x4 0.094 0.591 0.234 0.963 0.444 0.519 0.236 17,600 1.27BL546 0.625 4x6 0.094 0.591 0.234 1.158 0.541 0.616 0.236 17,600 1.61BL566 0.625 6x6 0.094 0.591 0.234 1.353 0.639 0.714 0.236 26,400 1.88BL622 0.750 2x2 0.126 0.713 0.312 0.756 0.323 0.434 0.314 14,300 1.13BL623 0.750 2x3 0.126 0.713 0.312 0.892 0.393 0.697 0.314 14,300 1.37BL634 0.750 3x4 0.126 0.713 0.312 1.152 0.521 0.631 0.314 21,500 1.90BL644 0.750 4x4 0.126 0.713 0.312 1.284 0.587 0.697 0.314 28,700 2.14BL646 0.750 4x6 0.126 0.713 0.312 1.547 0.719 0.829 0.314 28,600 2.69BL666 0.750 6x6 0.126 0.713 0.312 1.812 0.851 0.961 0.314 42,900 3.18BL822 1.000 2x2 0.157 0.949 0.375 0.920 0.397 0.523 0.377 23,100 1.74BL823 1.000 2x3 0.157 0.949 0.375 1.079 0.476 0.602 0.377 23,100 2.15BL834 1.000 3x4 0.157 0.949 0.375 1.407 0.641 0.767 0.377 34,800 2.98BL844 1.000 4x4 0.157 0.949 0.375 1.579 0.727 0.853 0.377 46,200 3.39BL846 1.000 4x6 0.157 0.949 0.375 1.898 0.886 1.012 0.377 46,200 4.25BL866 1.000 6x6 0.157 0.949 0.375 2.224 1.049 1.175 0.377 69,400 5.07Also available in Ultra Wp and Neptune anti-corrosive coatings. Please ask for details.A-82

Leaf ChainBL TypeLeaf ChainConnecting LinkLacing Combinations Available:L1L2TDrive ChainD2x2 2x3 3x4 4x4 4x6 6x6 8x8HPPSAll dimensions in inches unless otherwise stated.Link Plate PinAlso available in Ultra Wp and Neptune anti-corrosive coatings. Please ask for details.HoleDiameterSMinimumTensileStrength(lbs.)ApproximateWeight(lbs./ft.)ChainNumberPitchP LacingThicknessTHeightHDiameterDLengthL 1 + L 2LengthL 1LengthL 2BL1022 1.250 2x2 0.189 1.185 0.437 1.089 0.472 0.617 0.439 31,700 2.53BL1023 1.250 2x3 0.189 1.185 0.437 1.283 0.569 0.715 0.439 31,700 3.15BL1034 1.250 3x4 0.189 1.185 0.437 1.675 0.765 0.910 0.439 48,500 4.40BL1044 1.250 4x4 0.189 1.185 0.437 1.853 0.854 0.999 0.439 63,400 5.03BL1046 1.250 4x6 0.189 1.185 0.437 2.260 1.057 1.203 0.439 63,400 6.24BL1066 1.250 6x6 0.189 1.185 0.437 2.659 1.257 1.402 0.439 95,200 7.50BL1222 1.500 2x2 0.220 1.425 0.500 1.282 0.552 0.730 0.502 41,800 3.25BL1223 1.500 2x3 0.220 1.425 0.500 1.512 0.667 0.844 0.502 41,800 4.39BL1234 1.500 3x4 0.220 1.425 0.500 1.969 0.896 1.073 0.502 67,200 6.11BL1244 1.500 4x4 0.220 1.425 0.500 2.198 1.010 1.188 0.502 83,600 6.98BL1246 1.500 4x6 0.220 1.425 0.500 2.656 1.239 1.416 0.502 83,600 8.07BL1266 1.500 6x6 0.220 1.425 0.500 3.114 1.468 1.646 0.502 125,600 9.80BL1422 1.750 2x2 0.252 1.661 0.562 1.442 0.623 0.820 0.564 52,900 4.91BL1423 1.750 2x3 0.252 1.661 0.562 1.701 0.752 0.949 0.564 52,900 6.09BL1434 1.750 3x4 0.252 1.661 0.562 2.220 1.012 1.209 0.564 87,000 7.61BL1444 1.750 4x4 0.252 1.661 0.562 2.482 1.143 1.340 0.564 105,800 8.71BL1446 1.750 4x6 0.252 1.661 0.562 3.002 1.403 1.599 0.564 105,800 12.10BL1466 1.750 6x6 0.252 1.661 0.562 3.522 1.663 1.860 0.564 158,700 15.13BL1622 2.000 2x2 0.283 1.898 0.687 1.661 0.701 0.961 0.689 79,300 6.61BL1623 2.000 2x3 0.283 1.898 0.687 1.963 0.852 1.111 0.689 79,300 8.17BL1634 2.000 3x4 0.283 1.898 0.687 2.559 1.150 1.409 0.689 124,500 11.39BL1644 2.000 4x4 0.283 1.898 0.687 2.853 1.297 1.557 0.689 158,600 12.75BL1646 2.000 4x6 0.283 1.898 0.687 3.451 1.596 1.855 0.689 158,600 16.19BL1666 2.000 6x6 0.283 1.898 0.687 4.045 1.893 2.153 0.689 238,300 19.31BL1688 2.000 8x8 0.283 1.898 0.687 5.095 2.418 2.678 0.689 303,500 25.75A-83

Leaf <strong>Chain</strong>BL TypeLeaf <strong>Chain</strong><strong>Chain</strong> Diagram:Lacing Combinations Available:Drive <strong>Chain</strong>L1Connecting LinkTL2D2x2 2x3 3x4 4x4 4x6 6x6HPPSAll dimensions in inches unless otherwise stated.Link Plate PinHoleDiameterSMinimumTensileStrength(lbs.)ApproximateWeight(lbs./ft.)<strong>Chain</strong>NumberPitchP LacingThicknessTHeightHDiameterDLengthL 1 + L 2LengthL 1LengthL 2BL422 0.500 2x2 0.079 0.472 0.200 0.488 0.214 0.275 0.202 5,300 0.46BL423 0.500 2x3 0.079 0.472 0.200 0.571 0.255 0.316 0.202 5,300 0.56BL434 0.500 3x4 0.079 0.472 0.200 0.738 0.339 0.400 0.202 7,900 0.76BL444 0.500 4x4 0.079 0.472 0.200 0.825 0.382 0.443 0.202 10,600 0.86BL446 0.500 4x6 0.079 0.472 0.200 0.990 0.465 0.526 0.202 10,600 1.11BL466 0.500 6x6 0.079 0.472 0.200 1.155 0.547 0.608 0.202 15,900 1.32BL522 0.625 2x2 0.094 0.591 0.234 0.573 0.249 0.324 0.236 8,800 0.72BL523 0.625 2x3 0.094 0.591 0.234 0.669 0.297 0.372 0.236 8,800 0.85BL534 0.625 3x4 0.094 0.591 0.234 0.866 0.396 0.470 0.236 13,200 1.14BL544 0.625 4x4 0.094 0.591 0.234 0.963 0.444 0.519 0.236 17,600 1.27BL546 0.625 4x6 0.094 0.591 0.234 1.158 0.541 0.616 0.236 17,600 1.61BL566 0.625 6x6 0.094 0.591 0.234 1.353 0.639 0.714 0.236 26,400 1.88BL622 0.750 2x2 0.126 0.713 0.312 0.756 0.323 0.434 0.314 14,300 1.13BL623 0.750 2x3 0.126 0.713 0.312 0.892 0.393 0.697 0.314 14,300 1.37BL634 0.750 3x4 0.126 0.713 0.312 1.152 0.521 0.631 0.314 21,500 1.90BL644 0.750 4x4 0.126 0.713 0.312 1.284 0.587 0.697 0.314 28,700 2.14BL646 0.750 4x6 0.126 0.713 0.312 1.547 0.719 0.829 0.314 28,600 2.69BL666 0.750 6x6 0.126 0.713 0.312 1.812 0.851 0.961 0.314 42,900 3.18BL822 1.000 2x2 0.157 0.949 0.375 0.920 0.397 0.523 0.377 23,100 1.74BL823 1.000 2x3 0.157 0.949 0.375 1.079 0.476 0.602 0.377 23,100 2.15BL834 1.000 3x4 0.157 0.949 0.375 1.407 0.641 0.767 0.377 34,800 2.98BL844 1.000 4x4 0.157 0.949 0.375 1.579 0.727 0.853 0.377 46,200 3.39BL846 1.000 4x6 0.157 0.949 0.375 1.898 0.886 1.012 0.377 46,200 4.25BL866 1.000 6x6 0.157 0.949 0.375 2.224 1.049 1.175 0.377 69,400 5.07Also available in Ultra Wp and Neptune anti-corrosive coatings. Please ask for details.A-82

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