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<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook2012<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueInternational Access toNuclear Physics Facilitiesin EuropeSixth Edition3

Introduction<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueWith this 6th Edition of the <strong>NuPECC</strong> Handbook 2011 “International Access toNuclear Physics Facilitites in Europe” <strong>NuPECC</strong> fulfills its task to strengthen EuropeanCollaboration in nuclear science through the promotion of nuclear physics andits trans-disciplinary use and application and thus define a network of complementaryfacilities within Europe and encourage optimisation of their usage. Contraryto the previous editions, not only facilities active in basic nuclear physics researchwere considered, but also those applying nuclear physics methods in various otherfields. The selection of facilities comprises all those involved in the infrastructureprojects within the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission,namely ENSAR, HadronPhysics, SPIRIT, ERINDA and CHARISMA, as well asall those regional and local facilities that play a major role in research and education.In addition to these existing facilities, the two nuclear physics projects on theESFRI list, FAIR and SPIRAL2, are included. The compilation of addresses ofFunding Agencies and nuclear physics institutes in the <strong>NuPECC</strong> Member countriescompletes this contribution to the formation of a European Research Area.Gabriele-Elisabeth KörnerScientific Secretary of <strong>NuPECC</strong>5

European Science Foundation<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage Colour: BlueThe European Science Foundation (ESF) was established in 1974 to providea common platform for its Member Organisations to advance European researchcollaboration and explore new directions for research.It is an independent organisation, owned by 78 Member Organisations,which are research funding organisations and research performing organisations,academies and learned societies from 30 countries.ESF promotes collaboration in research itself, in funding of research and inscience policy activities at the European level.European Science Foundation1 quai Lezay-MarnésiaF-67080 Strasbourg CedexFrancePhone: +33 388 76 71 00Fax: +33 388 37 05 32http://www.esf.org6

Terms of Reference for Nuclear Physics EuropeanCollaboration Committee (<strong>NuPECC</strong>), an ESFExpert (previously Associated) Committeeas mutually agreed upon on 23 April 1997<strong>NuPECC</strong> is an Expert (previously Associated) Committee of the European ScienceFoundation (ESF).The Committee is supported by its Subscribing Institutions which are in generalMember Organisations of the ESF involved in nuclear science and research orresearch facilities. The Terms of Reference of the Committee and eventual changesare agreed by the ESF Assembly. Beyond the Terms of Reference of <strong>NuPECC</strong>,the Statute of the ESF shall apply where relevant.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueTaskThe objective of <strong>NuPECC</strong> is to:• strengthen European Collaboration in nuclear science through the promotionof nuclear physics and its trans-disciplinary use and application in collaborativeventures between research groups within Europe and particularly those fromcountries linked to the ESF.In pursuing this objective the Committee shall• define a network of complementary facilities within Europe and encourage optimisationof their usage;• provide a forum for the discussion of the provision of future facilities and instrumentation;and• provide advice and make recommendations to the ESF and to other bodies onthe development, organisation, and support of European nuclear research andof particular projects.7

Membership<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage Colour: BlueThe Members of the Committee shall be drawn among experts active in nuclearscience and research and proposed by the Subscribing Institutions to <strong>NuPECC</strong>.They shall be appointed by the ESF Executive Council in general for a three-yearperiod, after consultation between the Committee, the ESF and the SubscribingInstitutions of <strong>NuPECC</strong>. The Committee Chairman shall be appointed by the ESFAssembly. The distribution of Members across the different European countriesand organisations should aim to reflect the activities in nuclear science and researchin the different scientific fields and the different countries. The ESF ExecutiveCouncil may appoint one of its own Members as a Liaison Member. The ESFScientific Secretary primarily concerned with nuclear science and nuclear researchfacilities shall act as the Liaison Secretary of ESF and attend the Committee’smeetings to assist in its deliberations. The relevant ESF Standing Committee and<strong>NuPECC</strong> may appoint liaison members.The Subscribing Institutions of the Committee shall be involved in nuclear scienceand research or in multi-national nuclear research facilities in Europe and generallybelong to the Member Organisations of the ESF. Beyond these, a Europeaninstitute or agency can be accepted as a Subscribing Institution of <strong>NuPECC</strong> if itsstatutes are consistent with those of <strong>NuPECC</strong> and the ESF.New Subscribing Institutions shall be appointed by the ESF Executive Council,after consultation with the Committee and the existing Institutions. The term ofSubscribing Institutions shall continue as long as the association of the Committeewith the ESF is in effect. An Institution may withdraw from the Committee atthe end of the financial year immediately following that in which it gives notice ofthe withdrawal.Modus OperandiThe Committee shall coordinate its work through plenary meetings on a regularbasis, at least annually, at which all business items shall be decided. The Committeemay set up a work plan for its term.The Committee may appoint its own Scientific Secretary and may set up a charterfor its modus operandi.8

FinanceInflowThe Subscribing Institutions of <strong>NuPECC</strong> shall contribute to the basic budget ofthe Committee which shall cover its operational activities including the remunerationof the Committee’s Scientific Secretary and its liaison costs with the ESF.The contribution of every Subscribing Institution shall depend on the number ofCommittee Members it nominates and supports. Members’ travel costs for attendingthe Committee’s regular plenary meetings shall be reimbursed directly bythe respective Subscribing Institutions.In agreement with the ESF, the Committee may receive specific contributions fromthird parties or ad hoc contributions from Subscribing Institutions or from ESFMember Organisations. Changes in the basic budget shall be approved by theESF Board.Financial modus operandi<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueThe Committee shall agree on an annual budget plan which is within the confines ofthe inflow from the Subscribing Institutions and/or third parties,and which takesinto account the current economic environment. The Committee shall appoint aTreasurer who shall oversee its budget in close consultation with the ESF.The financial commitments for the Committee’s work shall be made by the ESF.The <strong>NuPECC</strong> budget is held on a special account established and operated by theESF.Reporting and AdvisingThe Committee shall report on a regular basis to the ESF and the relevant ESFStanding Committee(s).In providing advice and making recommendations to external bodies, the Committeeshall act responsibly and independently. It shall, as a constituent organ ofthe ESF, ensure, through the ESF Liaison Secretary, that the ESF Board and therelevant ESF Standing Committee(s) are consulted before the disclosure of suchadvice.Periodic Review; Renewal of the Committee’s Association and TermThe ESF Executive Council shall periodically — every five years at the latest —initiate a review of the work of the Committee and its association with the ESF.Every renewal of the Committee’s term shall be agreed by the ESF Assembly.9

Membership of <strong>NuPECC</strong><strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage Colour: BlueFaiçal AZAIEZMaria BORGEAngela BRACCOGheorghe CATA-DANILPhilippe CHOMAZJan DOBESAntonio FONSECAJens Jørgen GAARDHØJESotirios HARISSOPULOSTord JOHANSSONAri JOKINENKlaus JUNGMANNBernd KRUSCHEAdam MAJDjuro MILJANICEugenio NAPPIPaul NOLANJoakim NYSTRANDThomas PEITZMANNAchim RICHTERGünther ROSNERChristelle ROYHorst STÖCKERHans STRÖHERPiet VAN DUPPENJochen WAMBACHEberhard WIDMANNGyörgy WOLFScientific Secretary:Dr. Gabriele-Elisabeth Körnerc/o Physikdepartment E12Technische Universität MünchenJames-Franck-Straße 1D-85748 GarchingGermanyPhone: +49 89 28 91 22 93Fax: +49 89 28 91 22 98E-Mail: sissy.koerner@ph.tum.dehttp://www.nupecc.orgOrsay (France)Madrid (Spain)Milano (Italy)Bucharest (Romania)Gif-sur-Yvette (France)Řež (Czech Republic)Lisbon (Portugal)Copenhagen (Denmark)Athens (Greece)Uppsala (Sweden)Jyväskylä (Finland)Groningen (The Netherlands)Basel (Switzerland)Krakow (Poland)Zagreb (Croatia)Bari (Italy)Liverpool (United Kingdom)Bergen (Norway)Utrecht (The Netherlands)ECT* Trento (Italy)Glasgow (United Kingdom)Strasbourg (France)Darmstadt (Germany)Jülich (Germany)Leuven (Belgium)Darmstadt (Germany)Wien (Austria)Budapest (Hungary)10

<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueMember Countries of <strong>NuPECC</strong> (in blue)11

Access to European Facilities<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueThis information is also available on the World Wide Web under the homepage:http://www.nupecc.org/→ PublicationsFor changes and updates please notify:Sissy.Koerner@ph.tum.de13

AARHUS ISA (Denmark)Institute for Storage Ring FacilitiesAarhus UniversityNy Munkegade 120DK-8000 Aarhus CPhone (secretary): +45 87 15 55 93Fax: +45 86 12 07 40http://www.isa.au.dkDirector:Søren Pape MøllerPhone: +45 87 15 64 16E-Mail: fyssp@phys.au.dkFacility:100 MeV electron microtron injectinginto 580 MeV storage ring,ASTRID. Extracted beam at 100-580 MeV, either as low-intensityDC beam or high-intensity oneturnfast extracted beam. Thirdlyalso extracted beam for newASTRID2 facility. Low-energy ionbeams from various single-stageaccelerators and storage rings.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueContact Person for Foreign Users:As above.Procedure to Apply for Beamtime:Proposals should be sent to the director following the annual call announced atour user home page: http://www.isa.au.dk/user/home.aspProgramme Advisory Committee:4 in-house, 1 national, 5 international members.Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:The main field of research is within use of low-energy synchrotron radiation. In thepresent context also extensive use of low-energy ion beams and use of high-energy(100-580 MeV) electrons.14

Accommodation:Nearby hotels or University Guest House.Transportation:Public transport from Tirstrup or Billund airports and local transportation bybus.Future Developments (under construction):A new low-emittance light source, ASTRID2, is presently under construction. Theexisting source, ASTRID, will subsequently be converted into a booster injectorfor top-up operation of ASTRID2. Extracted beams will also in the future beavailable from ASTRID.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: Blue15

ASSERGI LNGS (Italy)Laboratori Nazionali del Gran SassoIstituto Nazionale di Fisica NucleareS.S. 17 bis, km.18+91067010 Assergi (L’Aquila)Phone: +39 08 62 43 71Fax: +39 08 62 43 72 18http://www.lngs.infn.itFacility:400 kV accelerators (LUNA) withvery small energy spread, excellentlong term stability and highbeam current even at low energy.Ultra low radioactivity levels laboratory.Director:Lucia VotanoPhone: +39 08 62 43 72 31<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueContact Person for Foreign Users:M. Junker (LUNA)E-Mail: matthias.junker@lngs.infn.itM. Laubenstein (Low Level Laboratory)E-Mail: matthias.laubenstein@lngs.infn.itF. Chiarizia (Research Division Secretary)E-Mail: fausto.chiarizia@lngs.infn.itProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:All proposals are screened on the basis of scientific merit by the LNGS ScientificCommittee.Programme Advisory Committee:4 national, 5 international members.Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:LUNA: 400 kV electrostatic accelerators, windowless gas target/solid target, BGOsumming detector and High Purity Germanium detector with low intrinsic background.16

Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Nuclear reactions of astrophysics interest.Main Fields of Other Research:Neutrino Physics.Dark Matter Search.Rare Decays.Hydrogen Burning.Accommodation:7 double rooms (14 beds).<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueTransportation:Public Bus Service from and to L’Aquila every hour.Future Developments (under construction):Enlargement of the low background levels laboratory,Letter of Intent LUNA-MV.17

ATHENS DEMOKRITOS (Greece)Patriarchou Gregoriou E& Neapoleos Str., 153.10Aghia Paraskevi, Athens, Greecehttp://tandem.inp.demokritos.grDirector:Sotirios HarissopulosPhone: +30 210 650 3493E-Mail: sharisop@inp.demokritos.grContact Person for Foreign Users:Sotirios Harissopulos,Anastasios LagoyannisFacility:5 MV Tandem accelerator:6 beam lines; DC ion-beams fromZ=1 (protons) to Z≈50 (tin); Secondarymono-energetic neutronbeams from thermal to 0.5 MeV,5-11 MeV and 16-18 MeV;250 keV high-current p/d singlestageaccelerator (PAPAP): onebeam line.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Contact the Director of the lab; fill in the on-line beam-time application:http://tandem.inp.demokritos.grProgramme Advisory Committee:in preparation: 6 members (1 in-house, 1 national, 4 international)Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:DETECTORS: large-volume 4π NaI calorimeters; 7x HPGe detectors (20 to 100%rel. effic.); Thin window Si(Li) X-ray detectors; Gaseous MicroMegas TPC; 4πneutron detector (16 3 He-filled proportional counters embedded in a polyethylenemoderator);30 3 He-filled proportional counters (90 cm); Surface-barrier detectors(various thicknesses); 2x liquid scintillators. SETUPS: External PIXE/PIGE/RBS;4-axis RBS/Channeling; Large-volume multipurpose scattering chamber also forNRA; Turntable for γ-angular distributions; Ion microprobe (RBS, ERDA, PIXE,PIGE, SIMS, NRA) with option for cooling/heating of samples; Ion-beam inducedXRF chamber; Zero-degree Auger spectrometer for atomic physics experiments;portable milli- and micro-XRF spectrometers18

Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Nuclear Astrophysics; Nuclear Structure; Neutron physics; Atomic physics withion-beams and X-raysMain Fields of Other Research:Applications of ion-beams in materials analysis, cultural heritage, biomedicine andenvironmental monitoring; Detector developementAccommodation:Nearby hotels and appartments; 1 guest room<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueTransportation:See in http://www.demokritos.gr/Contents.aspx?CatId=6orhttp://tandem.inp.demokritos.gr/t reach.htmlFuture Developments (under construction):Conversion to Pelletron; Installation of a 17 MeV Cyclotron19

BONN ELSA (Germany)Physikalisches Institutder Universität BonnNußallee 12D-53115 BonnFax: +49 228 73 3518http://www-elsa.physik.uni-bonn.de/elsa-facility en.htmlDirector:F. KleinPhone: +49 228 73 2340E-Mail: klein@physik.uni-bonn.deContact Person for Foreign Users:DirectorFacility:Storage and stretcher ring ELSAfed by two pulsed linear acceleratorsand booster synchrotron producingpolarised (1 nA) and unpolarised(up to 10 nA) electronbeams from 0.5 to 3.5 GeV withhigh duty factor. Linearly andcircularly polarised photons forhadron physics experiments. Storageof electrons (up to 200 mA).Material and detector irradiationat 20 MeV. High energy test beamarea.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:ContactW. HillertPhone: +49 228 73 3617Programme Advisory Committee:3 national, 6 international members, common for MAMI and ELSA.20

Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:ELSA accelerator with polarised electron source,material and detector irradiation area,Photon taggers with goniometers,Polarised solid state proton and neutron targets,Crystal Barrel spectrometer (4π high energy photon spectroscopy, non-magnetic),BGO-OD spectrometer (4π high energy photon spectroscopy, with forward magneticspectrometer).Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Electron- and photon-induced reactions with beam and target polarization,Photoproduction of Mesons,Baryon Spectroscopy,In-Medium Properties of Hadrons.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueMain Fields of Other Research:Advanced polarized solid state target technology,Accelerator Physics,Detector developments.Accommodation:Hotels in Bonn, guest rooms.Transportation:Public transport.Future Developments (under construction):Intensity upgrade of ELSA,Continuous mode dynamically polarized solid state targets,Widely tuneable intensity range electron beam for detector testing.21

BORDEAUX-GRADIGNAN CEN (France)CENBGChemin du Solarium BP12033175 Gradignan CEDEXFrancehttp:// www.cenbg.in2p3.frDirector:Philippe MorettoPhone: +33 5 57 12 08 08E-Mail: moretto@cenbg.in2p3.frContact Person for Foreign Users:Stephanie SorieulPhone: +33 5 57 12 08 46Email: sorieul@cenbg.in2p3.frFacility:AIFIRA: Inline 3.5 MV Singletron(HVEE) accelerator that deliversH+, D+ and He++ beams continuouslywith intensity up to 50 µA and high energy stability. Monoenergeticneutrons are producedin the range 100 keV − 7 MeV.Five beamlines are avaible for materialcaracterization, high resolutionimaging, irradiation and neutronproduction<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Submission of proposal via the contact person.The corresponding form can be downloaded from our website (www.cenbg.in2p3.fr- section AIFIRA). There are two calls per year in June and December.Programme Advisory Committee:Comittee every six months with 6 national experts and 3 international expertsMain Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:- External beam for material and archeo-materials characterization (PIXE)- Multipurpose beamline for material characterization with a millimetric beam(PIXE, PIGE, RBS, NRA, ERDA, Channeling)- High resolution microbeam (lateral resolution 200 nm) for 2D and 3D elementalmapping and imaging (PIXE, STIM, NRA, ERDA, RBS)- Charged particle microbeam for the targeted irradiation of living cells in singleevent mode- Beamline for the production of monoenergetic neutrons secondary beams22

Main Fields of Nuclear Research:- Nuclear data for fission reactors and transmutation of radioactive waste- Detector calibration and tests for nuclear structure experiments- Development of diagnostics for the physics of high power laser thermal behaviourof solid targets under high intensity beams for SPIRAL2 projectMain Fields of Other Research:- Biomedicine and ecotoxicology- Radiation Biology- Cultural heritage- Materials Science- MicroelectronicsAccommodation:Guest rooms available on site and hotels nearby<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueTransportation:By plane : Bordeaux - Merignac airport located 20 minutes by car from the facilityBy train : Saint-Jean station located 15 minutes by car from the facilitySee detailed plan on our website23

BRAUNSCHWEIG PTB (Germany)Physikalisch-Technische BundesanstaltBundesallee 100D-38116 BraunschweigFax: +49 531 592 0http://www.ptb.deDirector:Joachim UllrichPhone: +49 531 592 1000Fax: +49 531 592 1005E-Mail: joachim.ullrich@ptb.deFacility:PTB ion accelerator facility(PIAF) consisting of a• 3.7 MV van-de-Graaff: p, d,4 He + with ns pulsing system• CV28 isochronous cyclotron:19 MeV p, 13.5 MeV d,28 MeV 4 He + with ns pulsingsystem and pulse suppression<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueContact Person for Foreign Users:R. NoltePhone: +49 531 592 6420FAX: +49 531 592 6405E-Mail: ralf.nolte@ptb.deProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Send an E-Mail to the contact person with a short description of the work proposed.Beam time is allocated for three-months scheduling periods.Programme Advisory Committee:Internal (PTB-staff only)Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:Low-scatter facility for neutron measurementsNeutron reference fields (open geometry): 24 keV - 20 MeVHigh-intensity broad-spectrum neutron beam: fluence rate up to 10 8 cm −2 s −1Primary reference instruments for neutron fluence measurementsNeutron TOF spectrometer: 12 m - 30 m flight paths24

Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Characterisation of neutron detectorsMeasurements of reaction cross sectionsMain Fields of Other Research:Neutron dosimetry, radiobiology using a micro ion beam for single ion irraditionAccommodation:Guesthouse and cafeteria on siteTransportation:Public transport within the Braunschweig area, 60 km to Hannover airport<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueFuture Developments (under construction):5 MV tandetron accelerator for p,d, 4 He and medium-weight ions (operation expected2018)25

BUCHAREST IFIN-HH (Romania)Horia Hulubei National Institute forR&D in Physics andNuclear Engineering30 Reactorului StreetP.O.BOX MG-6Bucharest - MagureleFax: +40 21 457 44 40http://www.nipne.roDirector:Nicolae Victor ZAMFIRPhone: +40 21 404 23 01E-Mail: dirgen@ifin.nipne.roFacility:9 MV Tandem Van de Graaffaccelerator with a Pelletroncharging system, two sputteringion sources, a duoplasmatronion source with dedicated Licharge exchange system foralpha beam; two beam pulsingsystems nanoseconds andmilliseconds range; seven beamlinesavailable for experiments(http://tandem.nipne.ro)<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueContact Person for Foreign Users:Dan Gabriel GHITAPhone: +40 21 404 23 30E-Mail: dghita@tandem.nipne.roProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Submission of a proposal for an experiment at the Bucharest Tandem can be doneby filling the electronic form at http://tandem.nipne.ro/tandem/fascicul-eng.htmlor by sending an e-mail to pac.bucharest@tandem.nipne.ro ; two PAC meetingsper year.Programme Advisory Committee:5 external members (1 national, 4 international)Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:-Experimental Facilities for nuclear structure research: A flexible configuration arraywith up to 10 HPGe detectors, 8 to 10 Lanthanum Bromide scintillation gammaray detectors for fast timing in-beam measurements and a liquid scintillator forneutrons; a PLUNGER instrument (Köln design) for Doppler Shift experiments; a26

fixed setup for on-line decay studies with 2 CLOVER detectors and 2 medium sizeHPGe detectors; digital and analog data acquisition systems; reaction chamberswhich can accommodate several charged particle Si detectors.-Experimental Facilities for reaction mechanisms studies: A 1.5 m diameter reactionchamber for charged particle detectors; a 80 elements array of plastic scintillatorsfor neutron measurements; a VME data acquisition system.-Experimental Instrumentation for Applications of Nuclear Physics: several reactionchambers and commercial HPGe, scintillation and Si detectors in flexibleconfigurations; a dedicated beamline and a clean sputtering ion-source for AcceleratorMass Spectrometry (AMS).Main Fields of Nuclear Research:In-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy; Lifetime measurements with fast timing andDoppler Shift techniques; Of-beam beta decay spectroscopy; Nuclear structureand reaction data measurements; Nuclear astrophysics<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueMain Fields of Other Research:Atomic physics with accelerated ions; materials research; accelerator mass spectrometrystudies.Accommodation:The Institute has a guesthouse in Magurele for external users. More informationis given at http://tandem.nipne.ro/info/4Accommodation.htm.Transportation:Information is given at http://tandem.nipne.ro/info/2HowToGet.htm.Future Developments (under construction):to be commissioned in 2012: 3 MV high current Tandem accelerator for Ion BeamApplications; 1 MV Tandetron for AMS with 14 C; A new gamma array with 25HPGe and 15 LaBr 3 : Ce detectors.27

CAEN GANIL (France)GANILB.P. 5027F-14076 Caen Cedex 5Fax: +33 231 45 46 65http://www.ganil-spiral2.euDirector:F. StaleyPhone: +33 231 45 45 61E-Mail: florent.staley@ganil.frContact Person for Foreign Users:V. VandevoordePhone: +33 231 45 47 07E-Mail: vandevoorde@ganil.frFacility:Low energy beam 1 MeV/u;Medium energy heavy ions from4 to 15 MeV/u; high energy ions:10 13 to 10 9 pps for C to U at 95to 25 MeV/u; macrostructure: 7to 14.4 MHz, microstructure ¿ 1ns; full energy beam in time sharingmode on two target stations;low and medium energy beams inparallel. Radioactive beams producedin-flight or by ISOL methodand reaccelerated by a cyclotron(SPIRAL facility).<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Address proposal to the contact person (coordinateur@ganil.fr).Form available from Web page.Public presentation of proposals. PAC meets 1 or 2 times a year.Programme Advisory Committee:1 in-house, 4 national and 7 international members.Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:4π germanium array (EXOGAM).High acceptance, variable mode spectrometer (VAMOS).High resolution, energy loss magnetic spectrometer (SPEG).Fragment/recoil separator with velocity filter (LISE3).Charged-particle 4π multidetector (INDRA).Modular charge-particle detector arrays (MUST2/TIARA).3D Active target (ACTAR-MAYA).28

Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Nuclear structure.Exotic nuclei.Reactions induced by secondary beams.Nuclear dynamics.Hot nuclei.Giant resonances.Fusion-Fission.Main Fields of Other Research:Excitation and charge exchange in atoms.Energy dissipation and relaxation in solids.Ion-induced modifications in material.Microporous membranes.Simulation of spatial environment for electronic components.Radiobiology. Hadrontherapy<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueAccommodation:Guest house (40 furnished rooms) within the facility area.Transportation:Bus and tramway towards downtown and train station (3 km from the laboratory),taxi.Future Developments (under construction):The current flagship project of GANIL is SPIRAL2, described next page.29

CAEN SPIRAL2 (France)GANILB.P. 5027F-14076 Caen Cedex 5Fax: +33 231 45 46 65http://www.ganil-spiral2.eueDirector:F. StaleyPhone: +33 231 45 45 61E-Mail: florent.staley@ganil.frContact Person for Foreign Users:V. VandevoordePhone: +33 231 45 47 07E-Mail: vandevoorde@ganil.frFacility:SPIRAL2: new European facilityunder constr. at GANIL will deliverstable ( 2 H up to 40MeV and5 mA, heavy ions up to 1 mAand up to 14.5 MeV/u) and RIBup to 10 10 part./s for fiss. fragments.RIB energies: from fewkeV/u, at the low-energy RIB facilityDESIR, to 20 MeV/u (CIMEcyclotron), at the GANIL exp.area; operation of SPIRAL2 Phase1 (LINAC + S3 and NFS) from2014.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Address proposal to the contact person (coordinateur@ganil.fr).Form available from Web page.Public presentation of proposals. PAC meets 1 or 2 times a year.Programme Advisory Committee:1 in-house, 4 national and 7 international members.Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:Super Separator Spectrometer (S3) - under construction.Neutrons For Science facility (NFS) - under construction.Low Energy Radioactive Ion Beam Facility (DESIR) - detailed design study.Upgraded 4π germanium array (EXOGAM2) - under construction.Charged-particle 4π multidetector (FAZIA) - first phase under construction.Photon Array for studies with Radioactive Ion and Stable beams (PARIS) - demonstratorunder construction.Neutron Array (NEDA) - under design.30

Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Nuclear structure.Exotic nuclei.Heavy and super heavy elements.Reactions induced by secondary beams.Nuclear physics with fast neutrons.Nuclear dynamics.Hot nuclei.Giant resonances.Fusion-Fission.Main Fields of Other Research:Excitation and charge exchange in atoms.Energy dissipation and relaxation in solids.Ion-induced modifications in material.Applied research with fast neutrons.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueAccommodation:Guest house (40 furnished rooms) within the facility area.Transportation:Bus and tramway towards downtown and train station (3 km from the laboratory),taxi.Future Developments (under construction):Envisaged extension to post accelerate beams of fission fragments to 150 MeV/nucl.as a first step towards EURISOL facility.31

CASERTA CIRCE (Italy)Center for Isotopic Research onCultural and EnvironmentalHeritage - Sun Innovac/o ex-CIAPIViale Carlo III, 15381020 San Nicola La Strada (Ce)ItalyPhone: +39 081 274814Facility:3MV Pelletron: 3 MV TandemAccelerator to accelerate H to Uup to about 20 MeV, including aradiochemistry lab for 7 Be beamproduction and radioisotopes handling.2 Mass spectrometers forstable isotopes.Director:F. TerrasiPhone: +39 0823 274412E-Mail: filippo.terrasi@unina2.it<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueContact Person for Foreign Users:L. GialanellaPhone: +39 0823 274631Fax: +39 0823 274585E-Mail: lucio.gialanella@unina2.itProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Submission of a proposal through the contact person .Programme Advisory Committee:4 internal members, 3 external members (5 national, 2 international)32

Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:ERNA (European Recoil separator for Nuclear Astrophysics): a recoil mass separatordesigned and optimized for the study of proton and alpha capture reactionsat low energy. Supersonic jet and extended gas targets. AMS an Accelerator MassSpectrometry apparatus for the measurement of C, Al and actinide isotopic ratios.NaI gamma array. Low background HPGe counting facility.Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Low energy nuclear reactions. Nuclear AstrophysicsMain Fields of Other Research:Applied Nuclear Physics for Archeometry, Environmental research and MaterialScience. Radioactive ion implantation for wear measurements.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueAccommodation:1 guest room located at the laboratory. Rooms and apartments at reduced pricein the surroundings.Transportation:By train: Train Station Caserta (2 km from CIRCE). By Airplane: Naples InternationalAirport 20 km from CIRCE (direct bus connection). By car: Europeanroute E45 Napoli-Roma exit Caserta Sud (position N 41.047175 ◦ ,E 014.325244 ◦ ).Future Developments (under construction):Reaction chamber with a charged particle detector array to study low energy (x,p)and (x,alpha) reactions at energies of astrophysical interest. Ion Beam Analysis(NRA and RBS) beamline.33

CATANIA LNS (Italy)<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueIstituto Nazionale di Fisica NucleareLaboratori Nazionali del SudVia S. Sofia 62I-95125 CataniaPhone: +39 095 54 21 11Fax: +39 095 714 18 15http://www.lns.infn.itDirector:G. CuttonePhone: +39 095 54 23 25E-Mail: Cuttone@lns.infn.itContact Person for Foreign Users:C. Agodi (Experimental Nuclear Physics)E-Mail: Agodi@lns.infn.itS. Gammino (Applied and InterdisciplinaryPhysics)E-Mail: Gammino@lns.infn.itR. Alba (Transnational Access)E-Mail: Alba@lns.infn.itProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Facility:A 15 MV Tandem accelerator providesbeams with energy of 10to 200 MeV, depending on themass. A Superconducting Cyclotron(CS) provides ion beams ina wide range of masses with maximumenergies from 25 A MeV forU to 80 A MeV for fully strippedlight ions. Radioactive beams areprovided by EXCYT (Tandem energy)and FRIBS@LNS (CS energy).All proposals are screened on the basis of scientific merit by the LNS ScientificCommittee. The Committee meets at least once per year. Calls for proposals arelaunched and proposals are submitted electronically. An oral presentation duringthe meeting is required.Programme Advisory Committee:1 national, 6 international members.Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:MEDEA + SOLE + MACISTE: a BaF 2 crystall ball of 180 elements for gamma-34

ay and light charged particle detection, coupled to a forward superconductivesolenoid with its focal plane detector.CHIMERA: a 4π charged particle detector, consisting of 1200 (Si + CsI) telescopes.CICLOPE: a cylindrical (4 m diameter, 6 m long) scattering chamber designed forintermediate energy experiments.CT 2000: a 2m diameter multipurpose scattering chamber specially suitable forlow energy experiments.MAGNEX: a large angle and momentum acceptance magnetic spectrometer.Ion irradiation facility (even ESA certified) for test of detectors and electronicdevices.Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Structure of light exotic nuclei. Reaction mechanisms around the Coulomb barrier.Nuclear astrophysics. Giant resonances. Multifragmentation. Nuclear equation ofstate. Phase transitions.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueMain Fields of Other Research:Solid state physics. Heavy ion induced modifications on superconductors. Ionbeam lithography. Heavy ion induced damage on biogical samples. High intensityion sources. Non-destructive analysis of cultural heritage samples. Tumor therapy.Cosmic neutrinos.Accommodation:20 single and 4 double rooms in the guest house + 3 double rooms in the Laboratorybuilding. Cooking facility.Transportation:The Laboratory can be reached by local buses (432, 449 or 628R).Future Developments (under construction):Laser facility for nuclear astrophysics studies.Very high intensity proton front-end (source and pre-injector).35

DARMSTADT FAIR (Germany)Facility for Antiproton andIon Research in Europe GmbHPlanckstr.1D-64291 DarmstadtPhone: + 49 6159 71-1717Fax: + 49 6159 71-3916http://www.fair-center.euDirector:Boris SharkovPhone: +49 61 59 71 16 40E-Mail: boris.sharkov@fair-center.euFacility:Future international acceleratorfor research with antiprotonsand ions. Superconducting synchrotrondouble ring facility witha circumference of about 1,100meters. System of cooler-storagerings for effective beam cooling.The accelerator will yield ionbeams with very high beam intensityand also higher beam energies.Start of operation 2017/18.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueContact Person for Foreign Users:Günther RosnerPhone: +49 61 59 71 16 78E-Mail: guenther.rosner@fair-center.euProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:In preparation.Programme Advisory Committee:Scientific Council: 12 international members.Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:Proton-LINAC will serve as injector for the new facility. The SIS100 synchrotronwill provide ion beams of unprecedented intensities and of considerably increasedenergy. Intense beams of unstable nuclei or antiprotons can be produced. Thesystem of storage-cooler rings will allow high quality of these secondary beams.Parallel operation of up to four scientific programs can be realized at a time.Various high precision detectors.36

Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Nuclear structure, astrophysics: decay spectroscopy, electron-ion scattering, exoticnuclei, laser spectroscopy, relativistic radioactive beams. Nuclear matter physics:compressed baryonic matter. Warm dense matter, hight energy density matter.Physics with high energy antiprotons.Main Fields of Other Research:Atomic, plasma physics and applications: biology and material sciences, tumortherapy. Other applications: radiobiological risk assessments for space missions,test equipment for satellites or spacecraft components, etc.Accommodation:Can be arranged at the GSI guest house located on-site, and additionally in theGSI-owned guest apartments located approximatively 1 km away from the laboratory.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueTransportation:Public transport: Train station (Wixhausen) approx. 2.5 km away - local trainconnections to Darmstadt (8km) and Frankfurt am Main (20 km). GSI bus Service:from/to Wixhausen train station, and Arheilgen (suburb of Darmstadt).37

DARMSTADT GSI (Germany)GSI Helmholtzzentrum fürSchwerionenforschung GmbHPlanckstr. 1D-64291 Darmstadthttp://www.gsi.de/Director:H. StöckerPhone: +49 61 59 71 26 48E-Mail: H.Stoecker@gsi.deContact Person for Foreign Users:A. TauschwitzPhone: +49 61 59 71 27 23E-Mail: A.Tauschwitz@gsi.deFacility:UNILAC: heavy ion linear acceleratorto accelerate particles of Hto U up to 11 AMeV.SIS: heavy-ion synchrotron to accelerateparticles of H to U up to2 AGeV.ESR: heavy ion storage ring tocool and store particles of H to Uat energies up to 0.6 AGeV.Pion-beam facility to provide pionbeams in the momentum range 0.5to 2.5 GeV/c.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Call for proposals are announced through users mailinglist and on the WWW;submission of a ”Proposal for an experiment at GSI” (through webform on theWWW); approx. 1-2 PAC meetings per research field and year.Programme Advisory Committee:presently 4 PACS with 4-12 external members;www.gsi.de/informationen/users/EAC)Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:- Experimental Facilities for nuclear structure research: Instruments for synthesis,separation and detection of super-heavy elements (velocity filter SHIP, gas-filledseparator TASCA) and for reaction studies and related atomic, nuclear physicsand chemistry experiments; projectile fragment separator (FRS) for productionand in-flight separation of nuclei far off stability; spectroscopy setup, storagecoolerring ESR with internal gas-jet target, collinear laser spectroscopy system,X-ray and position sensitive particle detectors, reaction experiments with internal38

targets, direct mass measurements, R3B set-up for kinematically complete reactionstudies with relativistic exotic nuclear beams; heavy-ion trap facility HITRAP.- Experimental facilities for hadron physics and nuclear matter research: Largeacceptance spectrometers FOPI and HADES with momentum reconstruction andparticle identification in the full acceptance; RICH detector and high-rate dataaquisition for HADES (rare dilepton decays); both detectors study QCD matterunder extreme condition and can also investigate pion induced reactions.- Tier-0, -1, -2 infrastructure for CERN/ALICE and in the future for Tier-0 FAIR(HPC).Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Super-heavy elements; exotic nuclei far off stability; nucleus-atomic shell interactions;nuclear spectroscopy and reactions up to relativistic energies; nuclearastrophysics (NuSTAR); Hadrons structure and dynamics (PANDA); EoS for nuclearmatter; investigation of hot, compressed and highly excited hadronic matter;medium modification of hadrons in normal and dense nuclear matter (NQM).<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueMain Fields of Other Research:Atomic and plasma physics; materials research; biophysics and radiobiology;(APPA).Accommodation:Guest house located at the laboratory, several guest rooms and small apartmentsabout 1 km from the laboratory, hotels.Transportation:Train station Darmstadt (8 km from GSI). Frankfurt Airport: 25 km from GSI.Bus shuttle from Wixhausen-station and Arheilgen.Future Developments (under construction):Present developments in accelerators and research is focussed on FAIR (see ’DarmstadtFAIR’).39

DARMSTADT S-DALINAC (Germany)Institut für KernphysikTechnische Universität DarmstadtSchlossgartenstrasse 9D-64289 Darmstadthttp://www.ikp.tu-darmstadt.de/Facility:Superconducting Darmstadtelectron linear accelerator (S-DALINAC) producing c.w.electron beams from 3 to 130MeV.Director:N. PietrallaPhone: +49 61 51 16 74 41Fax: +49 61 51 16 43 21E-Mail: Pietralla@ikp.tu-darmstadt.de<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueContact Person for Foreign Users:N. PietrallaPhone: +49 61 51 16 74 41Fax: +49 61 51 16 43 21E-Mail: Pietralla@ikp.tu-darmstadt.deProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Write to the Director or contact any member of the in-house groups working atthe S-DALINAC for planning an experiment in collaboration.Programme Advisory Committee:In preparationMain Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:Nuclear resonance fluorescence facility with three 100% efficient Germanium detectorsand one 36-fold segmented Compton-tracking polarimeter of AGATA-detectortype.Large solid angle magnetic spectrometer of QCLAM type for single arm (e, e ′ ) and(e, e ′ x) coincidence experiments with x=n,p,γ,... .Solid State and neutron counter arrays.40

Energy-loss spectrometer for (e, e ′ ) at high resolution.Facility for inelastic electron scattering experiments under 180 ◦ .High-resolution photon tagger for photon energies between 5 and 20 MeV.Source of polarized electrons.Polarimeters.Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Photon and electron scattering for the study of elementary nuclear excitation oflow multipolarity.Electric and magnetic giant resonances.Nuclear astrophysics.Fundamental experiments on nucleon structure (charge radius, polarizability).Photofission experiments with bremsstrahlung.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueMain Fields of Other Research:Superconducting RF and accelerator physics and technology.Simulation of quantum chaos phemomena in superconducting microwave resonators.Detector R&D.Accommodation:Guest rooms, nearby hotels, nearby boarding houses.Transportation:Public transportation. Central location in Darmstadt.Future Developments (under construction):LaBr detector ball for (e,e ′ γ) and (γ, γ ′ ) experiments.Silicon detector ball for (e,e ′ x) experiments.Magnet system for electron scattering near 0 ◦ .Low-energy large solid angle neutron detector system.Møller polarimeter for 50-130 MeV electrons.Scraper systems and third recirculation beamline.41

DEBRECEN ATOMKI (Hungary)Atomki:Institute for Nuclear Research,Hungarian Academy of SciencesH-4026 DebrecenBem tér 18/cFax: +36 52 416181http://www.atomki.huDirector:Zs. FülöpPhone: +36 52 509260E-Mail: director@atomki.huFacility:Atomki Accelerator Centre:Cyclotron (1-26 MeV), VDG-5Van de Graaff generator (0.8-3.8MeV), VDG-1 Van de Graaffgenerator (90-1500 keV), ECRion source (50 eV-800 keV), AMSaccelerator mass spectrometer forradiocarbon dating (200 keV)<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueContact Person for Foreign Users:S. BiriPhone: +36 52 509234E-mail: biri@atomki.huProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Accelerator Centre users should contact the Program Advisory Committee (PAC).The services (within the limits of the capacities) are available for everyone withequal chance if an acceptable scientific program is provided together with therequest. Possibility is open for on-line filling out and e-sending of the downloadedBeamtime Request Form: http://www.atomki.hu/PAC/index en.htmlProgramme Advisory Committee:PAC consists of 6 members. Their names are published in the PAC homepage:http://www.atomki.hu/PAC/index en.htmlMain Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:Split pole magnetic spectrograph.CLOVER type HPGe detector with BGO shield and other HPGe detectors.Superconducting solenoid, and mini orange magnetic electron spectrometers.42

Ionization chambers and PPAC detectors for fission fragments.Scattering chamber with Si particle telescopes.Multi-detector array for high energy nuclear e + e − pair spectroscopy.For other research fields: Specific electron spectrometers and collision chambers,B-type isotope laboratory, cyclotron neutron source with berilium target, quasimonoenergeticfast neutron source, off-line isotope separatorMain Fields of Nuclear Research:Spectroscopy of super- and hyperdeformed states in the actinide region.Study of fission barriers and the fission process.Nuclear astrophysics.Study of γ-decay of giant resonances.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueMain Fields of Other Research:Fundamental atomic and molecular collision physics and plasma physics.Production of radioactive isotopes for a PET camera, and long lived radioactiveisotopes for radioactive beams at large scale facilities.Thin layer activation, nuclear data measurements, neutron and gamma inducedmutations.Radiation hardness tests of electronic units.Ion beam analysis (IBA) applications in interdisciplinary fields, proton beam writing(PBW).Ion-surface interacions, ion guiding by insulator structures.Molecular processes relevant for ion beam cancer therapy.Accommodation:Guest rooms at the institute and hotels in town.Transportation:By air: Liszt Ferenc International Airport (BUD), many destinations, direct trainto Debrecen.By train: Debrecen is a large railway hub with many domestic and internationalservices.By car: Motorway connection M3-M35.Local public transportation: trams, buses, taxi.43

DRESDEN HZDR (Germany)Helmholtz-ZentrumDresden-RossendorfInstitute of Ion Beam Physicsand Materials ResearchBautzner Landstrasse 40001328 Dresden, GermanyFax: +49 351 260 3285http://www.hzdr.de/Director:Director: Jürgen FaßbenderPhone: +49 351 260 3096Fax: +49 351 260 3285E-Mail: j.fassbender@hzdr.deFacility:Tandetron Electrostatic Accelerator6 MV with universal ion sourceHigh-current Tandetron ElectrostaticAccelerator 3 MV with universalion sourceSingle stage van-de-Graaff accelerator1.7 MV for light gaseous ions3 ion implanters with universal ionsources 500 kV, 200 kV, 40 kV.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueContact Person for Foreign Users:Johannes von BoranyPhone: +49 351 260 3378Fax: +49 351 260 13378E-Mail: j.v.borany@hzdr.deContact Person for SPIRIT TransnationalUse (see below):Andreas KolitschPhone: +49 351 260 3348Fax: +49 351 260 13348E-Mail: a.kolitsch@hzdr.deProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Transnational Access via SPIRIT European Integrated Infrastructure Initiative:Application via SPIRIT webpages, http://www.spirit-ion.eu/TNA/Information.htmlContinuous submission and evaluation of proposalsOther Use: Please contact J. von Borany (see above)44

Programme Advisory Committee:User Selection Panel for SPIRIT Transnational Access: 19 external members (3national, 16 international)Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:Ion-beam based materials analysis (RBS, ERD, NRA, H-NRA, PIXE, PIGE, channeling);Ion microprobe (RBS, ERD, PIXE, PIGE, channeling); Accelerator MassSpectrometry (AMS) at 6 MV Tandetron; Ion implantation at 6 MV and 3 MVTandetrons and ion implanters, including wafer handling systemsMain Fields of Other Research:Doping and defects in semiconductors; Nanoscaled magnetism; Ion-driven selforganizationof nanostructures; Functional thin films and nanostructures<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueAccommodation:Guest house with 30 guest rooms on site; additional guest rooms and appartmentsnearbyTransportation:See HZDR webpages www.hzdr.de > About us > How to Find us45

FIRENZE LABEC (Italy)LABEC Accelerator LaboratoryVia Bruno Rossi 150019 Sesto Fiorentino (Firenze)ItalyFax: +39 055 4572641E-Mail: labec@fi.infn.itDirector:P.A. MandòPhone: +39 055 4572080E-Mail: mando@fi.infn.it(expected changeover in 2012: F. LucarelliPhone: +39 055457 2274E-Mail: lucarelli@fi.infn.it)Facility:Tandetron accelerator, 3 MV maxterminal voltage, mainly for IBA(Ion Beam Analysis) using externalbeams and microbeams, andradiocarbon measurements withAMS (Accelerator Mass Spectrometry).Also available nonaccelerator-based elemental analysissystems (XRF, in-lab andtransportable)<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueContact Person for Foreign Users:M. ChiariPhone: +39 055 4572273E-mail: chiari@fi.infn.itProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:simple request to be evaluated by the DirectorProgramme Advisory Committee:to be soon formedMain Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:6 beam lines overall, one of which for AMS, the others including:2 collimated external beam lines;1 external microbeam line,with beam size on target down to 8 micron, electromagnetic scan systemand list-mode acquisition for elemental mapping;1 beamline with electrostatic beam chopping for pulsed beams to better than few46

hundred ps.Detection systems for PIXE - PIGE, particle scattering and IBIL permanentlyinstalled at each of the IBA lines;electronics for data acquisition;data acquisition systemsMain Fields of Nuclear Research:Measurement of gamma ray production cross sections and non-Rutherford elasticscattering cross sectionsMain Fields of Other Research:Applied nuclear techniques, mainly:Ion Beam Analysis applied to Cultural Heritage, environmental problems, geology,biology, materials science, and radiocarbon dating through Accelerator MassSpectrometry<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueAccommodation:No local accommodation facilities available in the campusTransportation:Urban bus service to the campus, frequency about 1 every 20 minutes.See www.polosci.unifi.itFuture Developments (under construction):AMS also for 129 I47

FRANKFURT FRANZ (Germany)Institut für Angewandte Physik, FB-13Goethe Universität FrankfurtMax-von-Laue- Str. 160438 Frankfurt/MainGermanyhttp://exp-astro.physik.unifrankfurt.de/franz/Director:René ReifarthFon: +49-69-798-47442Fax: +49-69-798-47444E-Mail: reifarth@physik.uni-frankfurt.deFacility:Currently under construction.Volume-type ion source, RFQ andIH structures providing protonsbetween 1.8 and 2.2 MeV. Neutronsvia the 7 Li(p,n) reaction.Two operation modes. Constantbeam (CW) of up to 20 mA onthe target. Pulsed beam intendedfor time-of-flight measurementswith up to 2 mA. The pulse widthwill be less than 1 ns at a ofrepetition rate 250 kHz.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueContact Person for Foreign Users:Kerstin SonnabendFon: +49-69-798-47467Fax: +49-69-798-47444E-Mail: sonnabend@iap.uni-frankfurt.deProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Informal, contact Kerstin Sonnabend or René Reifarth.Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:Two different types of measurements will be possible at FRANZ - in beam measurementsand activation experiments. Both techniques can be applied for neutronandproton-induced reactions.A 4π-BaF 2 - detektor array is available for in-beam experiments at FRANZ. TheBaF 2 crystals form a spherical shell of 10 cm inner radius and 15 cm thickness.The full sphere would consist of 42 crystals. Currently a state-of-the-art dataacquisition (DAQ) based on Flash-ADC and FPGA is installed. This DAQ isbased on the latest developments in data processing and allows a dead-time-freeoperation with background rates of up to 30 MBq including pile-up correction. Thesamples will be placed inside the BaF 2 -array. For neutron-induced measurements,a flight path of about 1 m is anticipated in order to allow the determination48

of energy-dependet cross sections with the time-of-flight technique. For protoninducedreactions, the protons will hit the sample material inside the calorimeter.Activation experiments typically occur in two distinct phases. The first phase isthe irradiation of the sample. This will happen at FRANZ either with neutrons,where the sample is placed right next to the neutron production target, or withprotons, where the sample acts a a beam stop. In both cases, proton currentsof several mA are available. It is foreseen to reach 20 mA in the final stage ofthe FRANZ facility. The second phase is the detection of the induced activities.It depends very strongly on the specific decay schemes of the produced isotopes.Therefore a suite of detection systems is currently available. Gammas above about100 keV can be detected using a pair Clover detectors in a 4π-arrangement or upto 100% HPGe detectors. Electrons can be detected using Si(Li)-based electronspectrometer. Similarly to the BaF 2 system, the DAQ for the Clover systemis based on a combination of FADC and FPGA. While the other systems useconventional ADC and TDC modules.Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Nuclear astrophysics and nuclear technology.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueMain Fields of Other Research:Accelerator development.Accommodation:Nearby hotels.Transportation:The international airport Frankfurt Airport as well the train station Frankfurt/Mainhave good connection via public transportation to the Universitiy Campus Riedbergvia the subway U8.Future Developments (under construction):FRANZ is currently under construction.49

FRASCATI LNF (Italy)<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueIstituto Nazionale diFisica Nucleare (INFN)Laboratori Nazionali di FrascatiCP 13Via E. Fermi, 40I-00044 FrascatiFax: +39 06 94 03 25 82http://www.lnf.infn.it/Director:Umberto DosselliPhone: +39 06 94 03 22 23E-Mail: dirlnf@lnf.infn.itContact Person for Foreign Users:Carlo GuaraldoPhone: +39 06 94 03 23 18/23 17Fax: +39 06 94 03 25 59E-Mail: Carlo.Guaraldo@lnf.infn.itProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Facility:DAΦNE: storage ring, e + e − , 1020MeV c.m. energy, luminosity 5 ×10 32 cm −2 s −1 , circumference 97.69m, maximum total average current5 A, bunch length σ Z 3 cm,number of bunches 1 − 120, 2.2 ×10 2 s −1 K − K + pairs at L=1.2 ×10 32 cm −2 s −1 , from Φ decay.Beam Test Facility, providing electron/positronsand photon beamsfrom 25 to 750 MeV and intensitiesfrom single particle up to 10 10particles/second.Enter the website www.lnf.infn.it/cee/tarifp7/ where one can find instructions.Programme Advisory Committee:9 international members50

Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:SIDDHARTA2 setupAMADEUS setupMain Fields of Nuclear Research:Low energy K − -nucleus interaction.Kaonic atoms research.Deeply bound kaonic nuclear states.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueMain Fields of Other Research:Elementary particle physics.Research with synchrotron light.Gravitational waves research.Theoretical physics.Accelerator physics.FEL research.Detector development.Accommodation:3 Guesthouses, with single, double rooms and apartments, for an overall of 40beds.Transportation:Railway station ”Tor Vergata” at walking distance (line Rome-Cassino). Frascatimain railway station (3 km from the laboratory). INFN buses at fixed timesconnect the laboratory to the station ”Anagnina” of Rome Metro line A.51

GARCHING MLL (Germany)Maier-Leibnitz-Laboratoriumfür Kern- und TeilchenphysikAm Coulombwall 6,D-85748 GarchingPhone: +49 89 289 144 33http://www.bl.physik.tu-muenchen.de/Facility:MP tandem with terminalvoltage of up to 15 MV producingH to U including polarised pand d, DC or bunches of 1 nsto 2 ms with frequencies of 5 MHz.Director:Stephan PaulPhysikdepartment E18Technische Universtät MünchenD-85748 GarchingTel: +49 89 289 12571Fax +49 89 289 12570<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueContact Person for Foreign Users:Andreas BergmaierUniverstät der BundeswehrWerner-Heisenberg-Weg 39D-85577 NeubibergPhone: +49 89 289 14285Phone: +49 89 6004 3513Fax: +49 89 6004 3295E-Mail: andreas.bergmaier@unibw.deProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Contact one of the in-house groups or the directors office.Programme Advisory Committee:3 in-house, 5 national, 1 international member(s).52

Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:Q3D magnetic spectrograph with various light and heavy ion detectors.SNAKE (Superconducting Nanoscope for Applied nuclear (Kern-)physics Experiments.Ge gamma-ray detector arrays.Conversion electron spectrometer.Gas filled magnet for AMS.High resolution Penning Trap.Neutron time-of-flight experiment.Shielded laboratory for low-background experiments.Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Nuclear spectroscopy: structure of exotic nuclei, fission-isomer studies, g-factormeasurements, high precision studies using transfer reactions.Accelerator mass spectroscopy.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueMain Fields of Other Research:Instrumental developments for the fields of nuclear structure physics, hadronphysics, particle-astrophysics and heavy-ion physics.Material analysis: sub-µm 3D-hydrogen microscopy, high resolution ERD, thinlayer analysis by ERD, interaction of ions with matter.Medical applications: Radiobiology using focussed ion-beams, radiation effectsin biological systemss, ion-implantation.Accommodation:A few guest rooms, near-by hotels.Transportation:Autobahn A9 (München-Nürnberg) to Garching-Nord.U-Bahn U6 to Garching-Forschungscampusor S-Bahn S8 to Ismaning, and bus No. 230.53

GARCHING FRM-II (Germany)FRM-IILichtenbergstraße 1 D-85748 GarchingPhone: +49 89 289 149 65http://www.frm2.tu-muenchen.de/Director:Winfried PetryPhone: +49 89 289 14965Fax: +49 89 289 14995E-Mail: winfried.petry@frm2.tum.deContact Person for Foreign Users:Winfried PetryPhone: +49 89 289 14965Fax: +49 89 289 14995E-Mail: winfried.petry@frm2.tum.deFacility:20 MW research reactor witha maximal thermal neutron fluxdensity of 8 × 10 14 cm −2 s −1 , 10horizontal, 2 inclined and 1 verticalbeam tubes. Moderatorsfor cold, thermal, hot neutrons,sourse of fast neutrons, positronsource source, hot neutron source,ultra cold neutron source underconstruction.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Proposals are submitted following a call for proposals, 2 Programme AdvisoryCommittee meetings per year.Programme Advisory Committee:One PAC for all instruments operated by TUM, one PAC for all instrumentsoperated by JCNS, PACs are divided in subgroups with paticular expertise.Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:MEPHYSTO - Measuring facility for nuclear and particle physics with slow neutrons,NECTAR - radiography and tomography with fast neutrons, ANTARES -radiography and tomography with cold neutrons, MEDAPP - Hadron (fast neutrons)cancer therapy, MEPISTO - brilliant source of thermal positrons, PGAA -prompt gamma activation analysis.54

Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Production of long-lived superheavy nuclei.Structure of exotic neutron-rich nuclei.Gamma-ray spectroscopy of nuclei at high temperature.Order-to-chaos transition in nuclei.Fission fragment spectroscopy.Main Fields of Other Research:Neutron scattering for material science, biology, physics, chemistry.Positron source for materials science and other research.Precision tests of the standard model of particle physics.Measurement of the weak coupling constants of the neutron.Test of T-symmetry.Search for the electric dipole moment of the neutron.High accuracy measurement of the neutron lifetime.Production of medical isotopes.Tumor therapy.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueAccommodation:Near-by hotels.Transportation:Autobahn A9 (München-Nürnberg) to Garching-Nord.U-Bahn U6 to Garching-Forschungscampusor S-Bahn S8 to Ismaning, and bus No. 230.Future Developments (under construction):Munich Accelerator for Fission Fragments (MAFF).Mini-D 2 Source for Ultra-Cold Neutrons.Prompt Gamma-ray Activation (PGA) Analysis and Gama-spectroscopy set-up.55

GLASGOW SCAPA (United Kingdom)Department of PhysicsUniversity of StrathclydeJohn Anderson Building107 RottenrowGlasgow G4 0NGhttp://www.scapa.ac.ukDirector:D. A. JaroszynskiPhone: +44 141 548 3057Fax: +44 141 552 2891E-Mail: d.a.jaroszynski@strath.ac.ukContact Person for Foreign Users:As above.Facility:SUPA: Scottish UniversitiesPhysics AllianceSCAPA: Scottish Centre for theApplication of Plasma-basedAcceleratorsSource of ultra-short duration (fsto sub-fs) particle and radiationbeams.Electron beams up to several GeVand ion beams up to 100 MeV/u.Brilliant polarised femtosecondduration gamma-rays beam withphoton energies up to 10 MeV.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Submission of a collaborative proposal to the Director for consideration by theExecutive Board.Programme Advisory Committee:6 external members (4 national, 2 international)Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:Scintillation detectors; Pixelated array detectors; PSL imaging plates and radiochromicfilm; Beam position monitors (Ce:YAG, Lanex); Dipole magnet imagingspectrometer for electron beams; Thomson parabola for ion beams.56

Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Photo-nuclear physics; Radioisotope production for PET; High resolution gammaradiographyof dense matter; Development of novel detectors; Radioactive materialdetection after gamma irradiation; Radiation damage testing in nuclear fusion andfission reactor development.Main Fields of Other Research:Laser-plasma accelerator development; Coherent radiation source development;Radiobiology; Phase-contrast X-ray imaging; Spatio-temporal probing of ultrafastprocesses with ultra-short X-ray probe pulses; Electron and X-ray diffraction.Accommodation:City centre hotel accommodation within walking distance.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueTransportation:SCAPA located in Glasgow city centre; Glasgow International Airport (12 km,bus connection); Glasgow Prestwick Airport (50 km, train and bus connections);Edinburgh International Airport (55 km, combined bus and train connection).Future Developments (under construction):SCAPA scheduled to open in 2014.57

GEEL IRMM (Belgium)Institute forReference Materials and MeasurementsJoint Research CentreRetieseweg 111B-2440 GEEL (Belgium)http://www.irmm.jrc.be/Director:Krzysztof MaruszewskiPhone: +32 14 571 201E-Mail:Krzysztof.Maruszewski@ec.europa.euFacility:Pulsed 150 MeV electron acceleratorGELINA with high-resolutionneutron time-of-flight facility, 12independent neutron flight paths,neutrons up to 10 MeV.7 MV Van de Graaff facility forcontinuous and pulsed proton-,deuteron- and helium ion beams,quasi-monoenergetic neutrons upto 24 MeV.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueContact Person for Foreign Users:Wim MondelaersPhone: +32 14 571 478E-Mail: Willy.Mondelaers@ec.europa.euProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:IRMM runs a Transnational Access programme called EUFRAT (informationavailable on the Web server). There is a permanent Call for proposals. Experimentscan also be performed in the framework of bilateral collaborations. Fordetails contact W. Mondelaers or one of the research groups of the Nuclear PhysicsUnit from IRMM.Programme Advisory Committee:3 in-house and 3 international membersMain Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:Dedicated measurement set-ups for neutron transmission, capture, fission and scatteringcross-section measurements are available. The facilities are ideal tools fora number of high-priority neutron measurements that are necessary to obtain therequired accuracy and consistency in the evaluated nuclear data libraries.58

Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Measurements of neutron-induced reaction cross-sections that cover the total, fission,capture and inelastic scattering processes. High-quality neutron data aremeasured for:- radioactive waste management and transmutation concepts- Generation IV nuclear energy systems- safety of nuclear present-day reactors- improved reactor operation and fuel management- basic research in nuclear physics- nuclear data standardsMain Fields of Other Research:Research at the IRMM covers standardisation issues in nuclear safety and security,food safety, materials science and engineering, environmental and life sciences, andemerging technologies.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueAccommodation:Near-by hotelsTransportation:See Website:http://irmm.jrc.ec.europa.eu/about IRMM/location/Pages/index.aspxFuture Developments (under construction):Refurbishment of Van de Graaff accelerator and its peripheral equipment.59

GENEVE CERN-ISOLDE (Switzerland)<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueCERN-ISOLDECH-1211 Genève 23Phone: +41 22 767 58 28Fax: +41 22 767 89 90http://isolde.cern.ch/Director:Rolf HeuerPhone: +41 22 767 23 00E-Mail: Rolf.Heuer@cern.chContact Person for Foreign Users:Magdalena Kowalska, Scientific CoordinatorPhone: +41 22 767 38 09E-Mail: Magdalena.Kowalska@cern.chYorick Blumenfeld, Physics Group LeaderPhone: +41 22 767 58 25E-Mail: Yorick.Blumenfeld@cern.chRichard Catherall, Technical Co-ordinatorPhone: +41 22 767 17 41E-Mail: Richard.Catherall@cern.chProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Facility:ISOLDE: Two isotope mass separatorson-line for radioactive ionbeam production, acceleration to60 keV and mass separation.About 650 radioactive beams of 65elements are distributed to morethan 15 experimental setups.REX-ISOLDE: Radioactive ionbeam linear accelerator, trapping,cooling, charge breeding and postaccelerating the exotic ISOLDEspecies up to 3.0 MeV/u.Letter of intent (not mandatory) submitted to ISOLDE and n TOF ExperimentsCommittee (INTC). Experiment Proposal to the INTC followed by a public oralpresentation. General information on the ISOLDE Web site (http://isolde.cern.ch/).Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:· Several stations for decay spectroscopy including a Total Absorption gamma-raySpectrometer (TAgS), a Silicon detector array (Si-Ball), etc· Laser spectroscopy beamlines: COLLAPS, CRIS.· Mass spectrometer: ISOLTRAP.· Trap for weak interaction experiments: WITCH.· Dilution refrigerator for nuclear polarization: NICOLE.· REX Post-accelerator to 3.0 MeV/u: REX-TRAP, REX-EBIS and REX-LINAC.60

· Gamma-ray detector array MINIBALL · Silicon-strip detector array T-REX usedin coincidence with MINIBALL. · Several stations for collecting radioactive species.· Several set-ups for Perturbed Angular Correlation (PAC) measurements.Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Study of nuclear properties and exotic decays far from stability, Measurement ofground state properties: masses, moments, radii..., Studies using post-acceleratedradioactive beams: Coulex, transfer reactions...Main Fields of Other Research:Nuclear Structure Physics, Nuclear astrophysics, Atomic physics, Solid state physics,Biophysics and medicine, Low energy particle physics<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueAccommodation:A hostel is available on the CERN site (238 single rooms, 75 double rooms). E-mail: cern.hostel@cern.chBooking details at https://espace.cern.ch/hostel-service/default.aspxTransportation:By Air: From Geneva Airport take the free CERN shuttle (http://gs-dep.web.cern.ch/en/content/Shuttle/New) or a taxi or bus # Y direct to CERN. Public transportinformation on http://www.tpg.ch.By train: Inter-city trains serve Geneva-Cornavin railway station and/or Genevaairport station. From Geneva-Cornavin station to CERN take tram18-CERN. From Geneva airport station follow instructions from airport.By car: CERN is on the “route de Meyrin”, near to the St. Genis French border.Future Developments (under construction):HIE-ISOLDE upgrade consists in building a superconducting LINAC to increaseradioactive beam energy to from 3 to 10 MeV/A and modify target stations toincrease intensity by a factor 10. Construction currently ongoing.61

GENEVE CERN n TOF (Switzerland)CERN385 route de MeyrinCH-1211 Genéve 23SwitzerlandFacility:n TOF: neutron-time-of-flight facility(spallation neutron source)Director:CERN Director-General,Rolf-Dieter HeuerPhone: +41 22 76 72300E-mail: rolf.heuer@cern.chContact Person for Foreign Users:Reception building: +41 22 767 7676Lat N: 46.2314284, Long E: 6.0539718<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Submission of a ”Proposal for an experiment at the ISOLDE and Neutron Time-of-Flight Experiments Committee (INTC)” (the corresponding forms can be drawnfrom the WWW; call for proposals and deadline dates are announced on theWWW; 2 PAC meetings per year).Programme Advisory Committee:25 members (13 internal members, 12 from Member States)Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:In the present Experimental Area, located at 200 m from the spallation target:- C 6 D 6 : liquid scintillator γ detector, optimized for high resolution and low neutronsensitivity measurements- TAC (Total Absorption Calorimeter): high efficiency 4π-BaF 2 detector, able toreconstruct the total energy of the γ cascade of a neutron-induced capture reaction- MicroMegas: low γ sensitivity ionization chamber optimized for charged particlesand fission fragment detectors62

Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Nuclear Astrophysics ((n,lcp) and (n,γ) reactions)Nuclear Technology (neutron-induced fission and (n,γ) reactions)Main Fields of Other Research:Medical ApplicationsBasic nuclear physicsAccommodation:The CERN Housing Service runs three hostels on the CERN site in Switzerland:Building 38, Building 39 and Building 41. It also has a certain number of rooms atits disposal in the SaintGenis hostel, located in St. Genis-Pouilly, France, which isnot managed by CERN but by a French association set up to provide subsidisedaccommodation for people with low incomes.https://espace.cern.ch/hostel-service/default.aspx<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueTransportation:By Air: From Geneva Airport take the free CERN shuttle (http://gs-dep.web.cern.ch/en/content/Shuttle/New) or a taxi or bus # Y direct to CERN. Public transportinformation on http://www.tpg.ch.By train: Inter-city trains serve Geneva-Cornavin railway station and/or Genevaairport station. From Geneva-Cornavin station to CERN take tram18-CERN. From Geneva airport station follow instructions from airport.By car: CERN is on the “route de Meyrin”, near to the St. Genis French border.Future Developments (under construction):The n TOF Collaboration is actively considering the construction of a second experimentalarea (EAR2), located 20 meters vertically with respect to the spallationtarget. This would allow a significant increase of the neutron fluence while maintainingthe prominent characteristics of the n TOF neutron beam, namely thehigh instantaneous neutron flux and low background. The area would be operatedtogether with EAR1 and will allow the measurement of very low mass samples,low cross-section and short half-lives isotopes.63

GRENOBLE ILL (France)Institut Laue-Langevin6 rue Jules HorowitzBP 156Grenoble Cedex 9F-38042Fax: +33 4 76 48 39 06http://www.ill.fr/Director:A. HarrisonPhone: +33 4 76 20 71 00E-Mail: harrison@ill.frFacility:High-Flux 58.4 MW Reactor: Themost powerful source of neutronsin the world for research,operating some 40 instruments.Maximum unperturbed thermalneutronflux in reactor: 1.5 ×10 15 n /cm 2 /s. Typical perturbedthermal-neutron flux atbeam tubes: 0.8 × 10 15 n /cm 2 /s.Hot source at 2400 K. Vertical andhorizontal cold sources at 25 K.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueContact Person for Foreign Users:G. CicognaniPhone: +33 4 76 20 70 82Fax: +33 4 76 48 39 06E-Mail: sco@ill.frProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Proposals for experiments at the ILL are submitted from the “visitor’s club” onthe ILL’s website (www.ill.fr). Two proposal rounds per year, whose dates areannounced on the ILL’s website.Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:Four main instruments: Lohengrin (PN1), GAMS (PN3), PF1 and PF2.The Lohengrin mass spectrometer PN1 for unslowed fission products produces andseparates neutron-rich nuclei far from stability. The focal point can be equippedwith ionisation chambers for particle identification, “Clover” Ge detectors for γ-rayspectroscopy, LaBr 3 detectors for fast-timing measurements and Si(Li) detectorsfor conversion-electron spectroscopy. These detectors are used mostly for studyingdecays from microsecond isomers. Beta and neutron detectors, a tape transportsystem and an electrostatic beam chopper are available for decay experiments.Studies of the fission process, also related to reactor applications, can be performedwith this instrument, too.The GAMS ultra high resolution crystal gamma-ray spectrometers have eV resolu-64

tion. Using curved crystals in DuMond geometry the GAMS5 spectrometer has aresolution power of 10 4 - 10 6 in the energy range 50 - 1500 keV. Using flat perfectcrystals the spectrometers GAMS5 and GAMS6 are adapted to measure nuclearlifetimes in the range of femto- to picoseconds. Due to their intrinsic calibrationcapability the instruments enable absolute measurements of gamma ray energiesfor calibration purposes and for the determination of fundamental constants. TheDIGRA-option of GAMS5 serves to characterize crystals for mosaicity and reflectivity.The PF1 cold-neutron beam, with a thermal-equivalent flux of 1.4 × 10 10 n/cm 2 /sdelivers the most intense cold polarised neutron beam in the world. It can beused for experiments such as the study of asymmetries in neutron decay, nuclearstructure (involving fission or neutron-capture reactions in a target surrounded bydetector arrays), and studies of the fission mechanism.The PF2 ultra-cold neutron facility provides beams of ultra-cold neutrons. Examplesof experiments include searches for the electric dipole moment of the neutron,measurements of the neutron lifetime, studies of gravitation at the micrometrelength scale, and searches for axion-like particles.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueMain Fields of Nuclear Research:Nuclear structure of neutron-rich nuclei far from stability. Nuclear structure fromneutron-capture reactions.Main Fields of Other Research:Reasearch at the ILL covers nearly all areas of physics, chemistry, biology, materialsscience and engineering.Accommodation:Joint guest house (with the ESRF) with 114 single rooms and 20 twin roomslocated at the laboratory.Transportation:Train station Grenoble (2 km from the laboratory). Grenoble, Lyon and Genevaairports all within easy reach by road (all have regular coach services).65

GRONINGEN KVI (Netherlands)Kernfysisch Versneller InstituutZernikelaan 25NL-9747 AA GroningenFax: +31 50 363 35 55http://www.kvi.nl/Director:K. JungmannPhone: +31 50 363 35 53E-Mail: jungmann@kvi.nlFacility:AGOR: superconducting K=600MeV cyclotron for light and heavyions. Variable energy up to 190MeV protons, 360 MeV alphas,heavy ions (Q/A < 0.35) up toE/A = 600(Q/A) 2 MeV/u. Axialinjection: ECR for heavy ions.Contact Person for Foreign Users:H.R. KremersPhone: +31 50 363 25 71E-Mail: kremers@kvi.nl<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Contact: P.G. DendoovenPhone: +31 50 363 36 15E-Mail: dendooven@kvi.nlCall for proposals once a year. Presentation in open meeting. Beamtime allottedon recommendation of PAC.Programme Advisory Committee:4 international membersMain Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:Magnetic spectrometer BBS: K=430 MeV; ∆p/p variable between 13 and 25%;solid angle variable from 14.4 to 6.5 msr; energy resolution ∆E/E=4·10 −4 . Variousposition-sensitive detection systems for light and heavy ions as well as a polarimeterare available.Dual-mode magnetic separator TRIµP, consisting of two sections; in the firstmode (using both sections) it operates as a fragment separator with parametersBρ max = 3.0 Tm, hor. and vert. opening ±30 mrad and momentum range ±2%;66

in the second mode it operates as a gas-filled recoil separator with parametersBρ max = 3.0 Tm, opening angles ±30 mrad and nominal dispersion D = 6.8 m.Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Fundamental symmetries and interactions.Exotic properties of nuclear and hadronic systems.Main Fields of Other Research:Atomic physics using laser-cooled atoms and highly stripped ion beams from ECRsources.Astro-particle physics.Accelerator and ion-source physics.Radiation physics, focussed on hadron therapy.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueAccommodation:1 Guest room (2 people).Other facilities in city of Groningen (4 km).Transportation:Public transportation up to 600 m from the laboratory. Bicycles made availableby the Institute.Future Developments (under construction):Zernike Free-Electron Laser (ZFEL).67

HAMBURG DESY (Germany)Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESYNotkestr. 85D-22607 HamburgPhone: +49 40 899 80Fax: +49 40 89 98 43 04http://www.desy.de/Facility:DESY II: Electron Synchrotronwith three test beam lines forelectrons/positrons with energiesfrom 1 to 6 GeV; DORIS III: Electron/positronStorage Ring).Director:Helmut DoschPhone: +49 40 89 98 30 00E-Mail: desy-director@desy.de<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueContact Person for Foreign Users:Joachim Mnich, Director of ResearchPhone: +49 40 89 98 19 21E-Mail: joachim.mnich@desy.deProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Contact the Director of ResearchProgramme Advisory Committee:Programme Committees with external and internal membersMain Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:OLYMPUS: Experiment at DORIS III with hydrogen gas target, Toroidal magnet,Time-of-Flight Detectors, GEM and Drift Chamber Tracking Detectors. Testbeams at DESY II: Magnets and Silicon Strip Tracking Telescope68

Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Elastic Electron Proton ScatteringForm Factors of ProtonDetector development (using test beams)Accelerator developmentMain Fields of Other Research:Particle and Astroparticle physics.Research with synchrotron radiation.Accelerator development.Free-electron laser.Accommodation:Hostel on site, wide choice of hotels in Hamburg.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueTransportation:Public transportation from Hamburg-Altona and Hamburg airport.69

JÜLICH (Germany)<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueInstitut für KernphysikForschungszentrum Jülich GmbHPostfach 1913D-52425 JülichFax: +49 24 61 61 39 30http://www.fz-juelich.de/ikp/Director:R. MaierPhone: +49 24 61 61 39 80E-Mail: r.maier@fz-juelich.de,U.-G. MeißnerPhone: +49 24 61 61 30 94E-Mail: u.meissner@fz-juelich.de,J. RitmanPhone: +49 24 61 61 30 91E-Mail: j.ritman@fz-juelich.de,H. Ströher (managing director)Phone: +49 24 61 61 30 93h.stroeher@fz-juelich.deContact Person for Foreign Users:F. GoldenbaumPhone: +49 24 61 61 42 50E-Mail: f.goldenbaum@fz-juelich.deProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Facility:Storage and cooler synchrotronCOSY provides unpolarizedand polarized proton (deuteron)beams up to 2.88 (2.27) GeV.Electron (at 46 MeV) andstochastic cooling (above 800MeV). Beam extraction fromns to minutes. COSY injectorcyclotron (JULIC) also used forirradiations. Detector systemsat internal and external targetstations.Proposals, Beam Requests, and Letters of Intent should be directed to the COSY-Programme Advisory Committee via one of the contact persons. Please use thecover page as provided atwww2.fz-juelich.de/ikp/cosy/en/cosy proposal templates.shtml.Programme Advisory Committee:6 national, 6 international members.70

Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:ANKE, magnetic spectrometer in COSY ring, variable momentum range via chicane,detector systems for positive and negative particles, unpolarized and polarizedtargets. PAX, investigation of spin filtering as method to produce polarizedbeams. TOF, external large acceptance, high spatial resolution time-of-flight spectrometerwith azimuthal symmetry, tracking detector systems at target, miniaturizedLH 2 target.WASA, internal 4π spectrometer for neutral and charged particles, em-calorimeter,SC-solenoid, pellet target.Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Hadron physics with hadronic probes: spectroscopy, structure and dynamics ofhadrons; strangeness and polarization; QCD and its symmetries, effective fieldtheories.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueMain Fields of Other Research:Spin-manipulation of proton/deuteron-beams in storage rings, electron cooling ofGeV hadron beamsAccommodation:Hotels in Jülich, flats for rent and a guest house for longer stays, special on-siterooms for external scientists during experiments.Transportation:Buses running on a fixed schedule during normal working hours. Car service maybe arranged according to necessity.Future Developments (under construction):Design and construction of HESR for FAIR, participation in PANDA and PAX,EDM experiments at storage rings.71

JYVÄSKYLÄ (Finland)University of JyväskyläDepartment of PhysicsAccelerator LaboratoryP.O. Box 35FIN-40014 University of JyväskyläFax: +358 14 617 411http://www.jyu.fi/accelerator/Director:R. JulinPhone: +358 50 591 95 26E-Mail: rauno.julin@jyu.fiFacility:Cyclotron (AVF, K=130MeV)with two external ECR ionsources for heavy ions and amulti-cusp ion source for lightions.Heaviest ion for energies aboveCoulomb barrier is Xe.Cyclotron (K=30MeV) for intenseproton and deuteron beams.Pelletron (1.7MV) for variouslow-energy ion beams.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueContact Person for Foreign Users:I. MoorePhone: +358 40 805 4103E-Mail: iain.d.moore@jyu.fiProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Call for proposals on March 15 and September 15 every year. Send the proposal tothe contact person I. Moore. List of authors should preferably comprise in-housephysicists.Programme Advisory Committee:4 in-house, 6 international members.Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:On-line isotope separator IGISOL with RFQ cooler and buncher.Collinear laser-spectroscopy setup.Penning traps.Gas-filled recoil separator RITU.GREAT focal plane spectrometer.Ge-detector arrays.72

Electron spectrometers.Large scattering chamber.Beam lines for radiation effect studies.Facility for radioactive isotope production.Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Structure and ground state properties of neutron deficient, neutron rich and superheavy nuclei.Nuclear reactions.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueMain Fields of Other Research:Radiation effects on materials and electronic components.Manipulation of materials with ion beams.Elemental depth profiling.Fabrication and modification of nanoscale materials.Medical applications.Accommodation:University guest apartments and hotels, especially the hotel within 200 m fromthe laboratory.Transportation:The laboratory is in the downtown area of Jyväskylä.train connections from Helsinki.Future Developments (under construction):New site and new beam lines for the IGISOL facility.Laser ion source for IGISOL.Second recoil separator MARA.Several daily flight and73

KÖLN (Germany)<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueInstitut für KernphysikUniversität zu KölnZülpicher Str. 77D-50397 KölnFax: +49 221 470 5168http://www.ikp.uni-koeln.de/Director:J. JoliePhone: +49 221 470 3456Fax: +49 221 470 5168E-Mail: jolie@ikp.uni-koeln.deContact Person for Foreign Users:A. DewaldPhone: +49 221 470 3460Fax: +49 221 470 5168E-Mail: dewald@ikp.uni-koeln.deProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:InformalProgramme Advisory Committee:There is no PACFacility:FN Tandem accelerator with terminalvoltage of up to 10MV producinglight and heavy ion (Z upto 30) beams from sputter andduoplasmatron ion sources withenergies up to 120 MeV. Thebeam can be pulsed to bunches of2.5 ns with frequencies up to 2.5MHz. Typical beam currents are10-100nA. 6MV Tandetron for acceleratormass spectrometry of allcosmogenic nuclides.Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:Ge-array HORUS with beta decay slider for activation measurements.Plunger set-up for lifetime measurements.Double Orange conversion electron spectrometer.PIXE installation with beam sweeper.Multipurpose scattering chamber.Particle-gamma coincidence set-up.Two beamlines for temporary set-ups.74

Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Low energy nuclear structure research.Complete low-spin spectroscopy.Determination of absolute electromagnetic transition rates.Sub-Coulomb barrier reactions.Main Fields of Other Research:Applied physics: Proton Induced X-ray Emission using a sweeped beam allowingposition sensitivity with mm resolution.Radiation effects in solids: material modification and ion implantation.Accelerator Mass Spectrometry with 6MV Tandetron.These measurements are not free of charge.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueAccommodation:The Institute is located in the center of Köln with numerous hotels.Transportation:Tramway 9 stop Universität and tramway 18, 19 stop Eifelwall. Köln/Bonn Airport:15 km from the laboratory.75

KRAKOW IFJ PAN (Poland)Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN,Cyclotron Centre Bronowice,ul. Radzikowskiego 152,PL 31-342 Kraków, Poland,Fax: +48 12 6628 458,http://www.ifj.edu.plDirector:Marek Jeżabek, Director GeneralPhone: +48 12 6628 200Fax: +48 12 6628 458E-Mail: dyrektor@ifj.edu.plFacility:Cyclotron Centre Bronowice,AIC-144 cyclotron, 60 MeVproton beam; Proteus C-235cyclotron, 70-230 MeV protonbeam (operational from 2013).Van de Graaf HV KN-3000,0,7-2,5 MeV proton beam.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BluePawel Olko,Head of the Cyclotron Centre BronowicePhone: +48 12 6628 100Fax: +48 12 6628 458E-Mail: Pawel.Olko@ifj.edu.plContact Person for Foreign Users:Adam MajPhone: +48 12 6628 8141Fax: +48 12 6628 458E-Mail: Adam.Maj@ifj.edu.plProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Contact Adam Maj (nuclear physics) or Pawe̷l Olko (protontherapy, radiobiology,isotope production).Programme Advisory Committee:1 in-house, 3 national, 6 international members76

Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:from 2013: BINA charged particle array, HECTOR high-energy gamma-rays array,small germanium array.Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Dynamics of few-body systems, nuclear clusters, collective modes in cold and hotnuclei, spectroscopy of isomeric states after fission or spallation, tests of noveldetectors for SPIRAL2 and FAIR.Main Fields of Other Research:protontherapy of eye-cancer, radiobiology, isotope production.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueAccommodation:Guest house with 10 guest rooms located at the Institute, in addition large numberof hotels in the city Kraków.Transportation:Kraków Balice airport, 5 km from the IFJ PAN, A4 highway 1.5 km from IFJPAN, public transportation: buses 172, 173.Future Developments (under construction):National Centre for Hadron Radiotherapy, Gantry treatment room with protonscanning beam for proton radiotherapy operational in 2014.77

LEGNARO LNL (Italy)<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueLaboratori Nazionali di LegnaroIstituto Nazionale di Fisica NucleareViale dell’Università, 2I-35020 Legnaro (Padova)Fax: +39 049 64 19 25Phone: +39 049 80 68 311http://www.lnl.infn.it/Director:G. FiorentiniPhone: +39 049 80 68 356E-Mail: giovanni.fiorentini@lnl.infn.itContact Person for Foreign Users:C.A. Ur (Tandem/PIAVE-ALPI)E-Mail: calin.ur@pd.infn.itV. Rigato (2.5 MV AN2000 and 7 MV CNVan de Graaff Accelerators)E-Mail: valentino.rigato@lnl.infn.itE. Fioretto (Transnational Access)E-Mail: enrico.fioretto@lnl.infn.itProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Facility:Tandem/PIAVE-ALPI: 15 MVTandem / superconductive ion injector(PIAVE) + superconductiveLinac booster. Ion beamsextended to all stable elements,equivalent voltage 45 MeV/q withPIAVE-ALPI and 52 MeV/q withTandem-ALPI.Van de Graaff CN, 7 MV, forions H, He and N. DC and pulsedmode.Van de Graaff AN 2000, 2 MV, DCbeams.Proposal are submitted following a call for proposals and screened on the basisof scientific merit by the LNL Program Advisory Committee (PAC) for theTandem/PIAVE-ALPI accelerator complex and the User Selection Panel (USP)for the other facilities. PAC and USP meet twice a year; public presentation ofproposals.Detailed information at http://www.lnl.infn.it/accelerators/accelerators.htmlProgramme Advisory Committee:2 national, 5 international members.Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:78

PRISMA: a large solid angle magnetic spectrometer for heavy ions. AGATADemonstrator (up to the end of 2011): an array of 5 triple clusters of segmentedGe detectors, placed at the PRISMA target location. GASP: an array of 40 γ-ray Ge detectors with anti-Compton shields and 80 BGO inner ball, 4π Si ball forlight particles. CAMEL: a Recoil Mass Spectrometer. 8πLP and GARFIELD: highgranularity 4π arrays for light particles and heavy fragments. RIPEN: an array forneutron spectroscopy. EXOTIC: a facility for the production of secondary exoticbeams following inverse kinematics reactions induced on light targets. PISOLO:an electrostatic deflector for sub-barrier fusion studies. A magneto-optical trap foratomic trapping of exotic nuclei. Set-ups for radiation damage, material science,radiobiology and microdosimetry studies.Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Structure of neutron-rich nuclei populated with binary reactions.Nuclear structure at high spins, high excitation energy and superdeformation.Heavy-ion collisions around and below the Coulomb barrier.Reaction mechanism studies with light- and heavy-ions, and neutrons.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueMain Fields of Other Research:Biophysics, medical physics, microdosimetry. Environmental physics. Solid statephysics, material physics. Accelerator physics, superconductivity, RNB developments.Gravitational waves.Accommodation:9 single rooms and 14 twin rooms. Cooking and laundry facilities.Transportation:Public bus service from and to Padova (8 km from the laboratory) every 20 minutesfrom 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.Future Developments (under construction):SPES: an ISOL facility for the production of rare and unstable neutron-rich beams.GALILEO: an array of 30 tapered and 10 triple cluster γ-ray Ge detectors.Accelerating cavities for the IFMIF project.79

LEUVEN IMBL (Belgium)Instituut voor Kern- en StralingsfysicaK.U.LeuvenCelestijnenlaan 200 DB-3001 LeuvenBelgiumPhone: +32 16 32 72 63Fax: +32 16 32 79 85http://fys.kuleuven.be/iks/nvsf/Director:André VantommePhone: +32 16 32 75 14 or+32 16 32 76 80E-Mail:Andre.Vantomme@fys.kuleuven.beFacility:Pelletron accelerator (200 kV -1.7 MV) with alphatross andSNICS ion sources.Mass separator (20 kV - 100 kV)with wide variety of elements includingradioactive isotopes.High current implanter (20 kV -200 kV) with mA range beam intensities.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueContact Person for Foreign Users:Qiang ZhaoPhone: +32 16 32 75 02 or+32 16 32 71 07Procedure to Apply for Beamtime:Contact the director or the contact person.Programme Advisory Committee:There is no PAC.Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:Rutherford backscattering and channeling spectrometry; Real time in situ RBS/Csetup with ruggedized PIPS detector; PIXE setup with HPGe detector; NRA setupwith NaI detector; Mössbauer spectroscopy.80

Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Nuclear solid state physics investigation of hard condensed matter at the nm scale,using ion beams and/or hyperfine interactions.Main Fields of Other Research:Solid state physics, material physics, thin film growth mechanisms, surface physics,defects in semiconductors, magnetism and superconductivity at the nm scale.Accommodation:There is a wide range of hotels in the city Leuven with easy bus connection to theinstitute.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueTransportation:Leuven can be reached by train from the Brussels international airport (Zaventem)in 13 minutes. Take bus 2 from the train station to the institute.Future Developments (under construction):The high current implanter will be integrated with a UHV system containing twoMBEs, RHEED, an UHV STM, Auger spectroscopy.81

LJUBLJANA JSI (Slovenia)Microanalytical centreJozef Stefan InstituteJamova 39SI-1000 LjubljanaFax: +386 1 5885 377http://www.rcp.ijs.si/mic/Director:J. LenarcicPhone: +386 1 477 35 13Fax: +386 1 477 39 06E-Mail: jadran.lenarcic@ijs.siFacility:Tandem ion accelerator, tandetronwith 2 MV terminal voltageInjector: Duoplasmatron ionsource for p+, He and 3 He ions;Sputtering ion source for heavyions from Li to UMulticusp ion source for injectionof ultra-high brightness H-beam<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueContact Person for Foreign Users:P. PeliconPhone: +386 1 5885 294Fax: +386 1 5885 377E-Mail: primoz.pelicon@ijs.siProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Online application to SPIRIT consortium at www.spirit-ion.eu for Transnationalaccess project, alternative: direct contact to the facility.Programme Advisory Committee:SPIRIT TNA proposals, internal evaluation board for other proposals.Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:Nuclear microprobe (high-energy focused ion beam) station for micro-PIXE, micro-RBS, micro-ERDA, STIM, micro-NRA, micro-PIGE, Proton Beam Writing (PBW).Cryocooled station for the elemental mapping of biological tissue slices with micro-PIXE.In-air proton beam for cultural heritage/archeometry studies with in-air PIXE, inairPIGE, in-air RBS. ERDA/RBS station for hydrogen dynamic processes (per-82

meation, absoption, isotope exchange, thin film analysis) equipped with atomichydrogen source and ion gun.Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Nuclear reaction analysis of elemental composites, electron screening in nuclearreactions at low energies.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueMain Fields of Other Research:Subnatural linewidth high-resolution X-ray spectrometry, radiative and non-radiativetransitions excited with photon and ion beams;Post-mortem analysis of plasma-facing components with ERDA, 3 He NRA and3 He micro-NRA;Thin-film analysis with RBS (depth concentration profiles) and ERDA (hydrogenconcentration and depth profiles);Elemental mapping with micro-PIXE of biological tissue with tissue preparationtechnology for the users: shock-freezing, freeze drying. Recently put in operation:manipulation and analysis of frozen-hydrated tissue slices.Accommodation:Guest appartments in the city of Ljubljana.Transportation:Ljubljana International Airport: 30 km from Jozef Stefan Institute, Train internationalconnections via Ljubljana Train Station, highway (Budapest, Munich,Venice)Future Developments (under construction):Multicusp ion source for ultra-high brightness H-injection in the tandem accelerator.MeV SIMS spectrometer for the analysis for desorbed molecular fragmentsfrom biological materials by focused MeV heavy ions (i.e. 5 MeV Cl ions).83

LONDON NPL (United Kingdom)Neutron Metrology GroupNational Physical LaboratoryHampton RoadTeddingtonMiddx.TW11 0LWhttp://www.npl.co.uk/Director:B. BowsherContact Person for Foreign Users:D. J. ThomasPhone: +44 20 89 43 68 53E-Mail: David.Thomas@npl.co.ukFacility:3.5 MV Van de Graaff accelerator,producing monoenergeticneutrons at energies between 27keV and 17 MeV.Low-scatter experimental area.Accelerator-driven thermal neutronfacility.Manganese bath for precise measurementsof neutron source emissionrate.Suites of well-characterised neutronsources and detectors.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Contact David Thomas (David.Thomas@npl.co.uk),Graeme Taylor (Graeme.Taylor@npl.co.uk) orNigel Hawkes (Nigel.Hawkes@npl.co.uk).Programme Advisory Committee:There is no PAC.Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:DePangher and NPL Standard long counters for determination of fast neutronfluence.Activation foils and low-background 4π β- and β-γ counters for thermal neutronfluence measurements.Bonner Sphere and scintillation spectrometers.84

Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Standards and metrology for neutron fluences and doses.Main Fields of Other Research:Cosmic ray dosimetry.Novel materials and techniques for neutron detection and dosimetry.Characterisation and testing of neutron instruments.Accommodation:Nearby guest houses and hotels.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueTransportation:NPL is approximately 30 minutes by taxi from Heathrow Airport, and is walkingdistance from Teddington rail station (served by trains from London Waterloo).Several bus routes pass through Teddington.Future Developments (under construction):Improved characterisation of the photon component of standard neutron fields.Extension of Bonner Sphere spectrometry to energies above 20 MeV.85

LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE (Belgium)Centre de Recherches du CyclotronChemin du Cyclotron, 2B-1348 Louvain-la-NeuveFax: +32 10 45 21 83http://www.cyc.ucl.ac.be/Director:Marc LoiseletPhone: +32 10 47 36 45E-Mail: Marc.Loiselet@uclouvain.beFacility:Cyclotron CYCLONE110 for ionsfrom H (15 µA, 10–65 MeV) to Xe(few nA, 400 MeV), including 5–25 MeV/A 12 C to 40 Ar ions.Cyclotron CYCLONE30 for Hbeams up to 30 MeV, 300 µA.Contact Person for Foreign Users:Nancy PostiauPhone: +32 10 47 38 74E-Mail: Nancy.Postiau@uclouvain.be<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueGuy BergerPhone: +32 10 47 32 25E-Mail: Guy.Berger@uclouvain.beCarine BarasPhone: +32 10 47 29 98E-Mail: Carine.Baras@uclouvain.beProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Send a written proposal to one of the contact persons.Programme Advisory Committee:There is no PAC.86

Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:Beam lines for radiation hardness studiesMonoenergetic fast neutrons facility (20-62 MeV).High flux fast neutrons facility (broad spectrum, average energy 23 MeV).Leuven Isotope Separator On-Line (LISOL) with laser ion source.Radioistopes production facility.Electron cyclotron resonance ion sources.Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Exotic light nuclei and nuclei far from stability.Fast neutron interactions of interest for biology and energy generation.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueMain Fields of Other Research:Radiation damages by light, heavy and fast neutrons.Radiation effects on electronic devices.Radiation effects on polymers.Detector calibration for space missions.Radiobiology, neutron dosimetry.Nuclear chemistry for medical applications.Accommodation:1 hotel within walking distance.2 hotels in Wavre (around 8 km from Louvain-la-Neuve).Transportation:Public transportation from the center of Brussels and from Brussels National Airportby fast connection.87

LUND MAX IV (Sweden)MAX IV LaboratoryBox 118S-221 00 LundFax: +46 46 10 47 10http://www.maxlab.lu.se/Director:S. LarsenPhone: +46 46 222 96 95E-Mail: Forestandare@maxlab.lu.seContact Person for Foreign Users:Lennart IsakssonPhone: +46 46 222 77 15E-Mail: Lennart.Isaksson@maxlab.lu.seFacility:Two linear accelerators equippedwith SLED systems deliveringelectrons up to a total energy of200 MeV combined with a 250MeV pulse stretcher ring. Extractedhigh duty factor beamwith 10-40 nA for productionof tagged photons in the energyrange 15 to 185 MeV. The photonenergy resolution can be variedfrom a few hundred keV upwards.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Contact the contact person for foreign users.Programme Advisory Committee:1 national, 3 internation members.Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:Tagging magnets with two hodoscopes.6 NaI photon spectrometers.12 Liquid scintillator neutron detectors.Telescope of Si-Si, Si-Ge or Si-CsI for charged particles.Targets for LHe and LH.Time of flight neutron detector wall.88

Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Studies of nucleons and nuclei with real photons in the energy region 15 to 185MeV including the use of coherent bremsstrahlung.Main Fields of Other Research:Research in physics, chemistry and life sciences using synchrotron radiation.Accommodation:Hotels nearby the laboratory plus a limited number of guest rooms.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueTransportation:Public transportation, train from Lund to Copenhagen airport (Kastrup) and busfrom Lund to Malmö airport (Sturup).Future Developments (under construction):Construction of a segmented neutron detector array.Construction of a Si-CsI telescope.Plans for a backscattering laser facility at MAX IV.89

MADRID CMAM (Spain)Centro de Micro Análisis de MaterialesUniversidad Autonoma de MadridCalle de Faraday 3E-28049 MadridFax: +34 91 497 3623http://www.cmam.uam.es/Facility:Tandem electrostatic accelerator,coaxial Cockcroft-Walton type,5MV maximum voltage. Two ionsources: HVEE 358 Duoplasmatronand HVEE 860Director:A.ZucchiattiPhone: +34 91 497 2791Fax: +34 91 497 3623E-Mail: director.cmam@uam.es<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueContact Person for Foreign Users:J.E. Prieto de CastroPhone: +34 91 497 3076Fax: +34 91 497 3623E-Mail: joseemilio.prieto@uam.esProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Submission of proposals through the users portalhttps://www.cmam.uam.es/btmanager/index.phpProgramme Advisory Committee:4 members (3 internal, 1 external representing users). The proposals are evaluatedby international experts before being considered by the PAC. The PAC meets 6times a year. The calendar is published on our web pagehttp://www.cmam.uam.es/en/beamtime90

Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:The CMAM facility consists of a tandem accelerator with a terminal voltage,generated by a Cockroft-Walton system, of up to 5MV. Two ion sources ( a duoplasmatronsource for gases and a sputtering source for solid targets) can givealmost any element in the periodic table.A dedicated beamline for nuclear physics is attached to the -30 ◦ exit port of thefirst high energy swiching magnet. The setup, working in clean high vacuum(10 −7 mbar) contains a set of slits for defining trajectory, shape and size of beamspot, a faraday cup for measuring its current, and a Beam Profile Monitor forcharaterizing beam shape and position. At the end of the beamline, it is possibleto attach different experimental stations.Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Nuclear Reaction Analysis; Nuclear Astrophysics;<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueMain Fields of Other Research:Materials Research; Photonics; Optics; Bio-medicine; Semiconductors; Surfacephysics; Energy production; Archaeometry;Accommodation:The ”Erasmo” guest house in the University campus is available to users. Thehouse is run by the company RESA. All related information can be obtained fromthe WEB site http://www.resa.es/esl/Residencias/Erasmo/%28reservas%29Transportation:Suburban train (Cercanias) station ”Cantoblanco-Universidad” is on campus. Severalsuburban bus stops on campus. Madrid Barajas Airport: 12 km from CMAM(train connection with Cantoblanco-Universidad exchanging at Chamartin stationor bus 827 from terminal T4 to the campus).91

MAINZ MAMI (Germany)Institut für Kernphysik derJohannes Gutenberg-UniversitätJohann-Joachim-Becher-Weg 45D-55099 MainzPhone: +49 61 31 39 25802Fax: +49 61 31 39 22964http://www.kph.uni-mainz.de/Facility:Cascade of race track microtronswith c.w. electron beam with energyup to 1600 MeV and currentup to 100µA (polarised and unpolarised).Secondary photon beam.Director:J. PochodzallaPhone: +49 61 31 39 25832E-Mail: pochodza@kph.uni-mainz.de<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueContact Person for Foreign Users:Acting Director and spokespersons of collaborationsPhone: +49 61 31 392 51 97E-Mail: pochodza@kph.uni-mainz.deProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Submission of written proposal, followed by oral presentation. Evaluation by ProgrammeAdvisory Committee.Programme Advisory Committee:1 in-house, 3 national, 6 international members.92

Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:A1 (electron scattering): Setup of three high resolution magnetic spectrometers(one with optional proton polarimeter). Short orbit spectrometer KAOS for kaondetection and detection at 0 degrees. Short orbit spectrometer for pion detectionCalorimetric detectors for nucleons, time of flight walls for neutron detection.Liquid hydrogen/deuterium/helium target, polarised 3 He-target.A2 (real photon scattering): Tagged photon beam with unpolarized and polarizedphotons. Large solid angle Crystal Ball. Liquid H 2 , D 2 , 3 He targets, polarizedfrozen spin target..A4 (parity-violating electron scattering): Setup of fast PbF 2 crystal detectors withhigh-countrate readout electronics and liquid hydrogen/deuterium target.Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Study of the structure of hadrons with electromagnetic probes at low energies andmomentum transfer. Precision studies of light nuclei and hypernculei.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueAccommodation:Hotels in Mainz.Transportation:Public transportation: Bus from railway station.93

MOL SCK-CEN (Belgium)Belgian NuclearResearch Centre: SCK-CENBoeretang 200B-2400 MolFax: +32 14 31 50 21http://www.sckcen.beDirector:E. van WallePhone: +32 14 33 25 90Fax: +32 14 31 89 36E-Mail: eric.van.walle@sckcen.beFacility:BR1 reactor: a low-powergraphite-moderated reactorproviding neutron beams withthermal energies and intensitiesof the order of 6 · 10 6neutrons/s/cm 2 .Underground laboratory at adepth of 225 meters (HADES),which can be used for low-cosmicbackgroundgamma-spectroscopymeasurements.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueContact Person for Foreign Users:L. PopescuPhone: +32 14 33 22 84Fax: +32 14 32 15 29E-Mail: lucia-ana.popescu@sckcen.beProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Contact the contact person for foreign users.Programme Advisory Committee:There is no PAC.Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:Several beam lines for neutron irradiations and neutron-induced reactions measurementsat the BR1 reactor.Gamma-spectroscopy underground laboratory.94

Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Thermal-neutron-induced fission reactions.Low-background gamma-spectroscopy measurements.Main Fields of Other Research:Nuclear reactors, materials science, chemistry, radiobiology.Accommodation:Hotel and housing facilities on site.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueTransportation:Train station Mol (5 km from SCKCEN). Train connection to Brussels airport(100 km from SCKCEN).Future Developments (under construction):ISOL@MYRRHA is a planned ISOL facility in the technical design phase, whichwill be dedicated to the production of intense and pure low-energy radioactive ionbeams for fundamental scientific research involving experiments in need of longbeam times.95

NAPOLI (Italy)Department of PhysicsUniversity of Naples Federico IIMonte S. Angelo, Via Cinthia80126 NapoliItalyDirector:L. CampajolaPhone: +39 081 676189 - 081 676214E-Mail: campajola@na.infn.itContact Person for Foreign Users:E. VardaciPhone: +39 081 676105E-Mail: vardaci@na.infn.itFacility:TTT-3 High Voltage Tandem:3 MV Tandem Accelerator to accelerateH to F.Two on-line sources: sputteringand RF.Two off-line sources: duoplasmatronand sputtering.Also available TXRF and transportableXRF systems for elementalanalysis on cultural heritage.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Send an E-Mail to the contact person with a short description of the proposal.Programme Advisory Committee:Internal PAC.Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:Five beam lines are installed. They are equipped with:• Multipurpose scattering chamber (for PIXE, RBS and Nuclear Reactions).• Wien Filter coupled to a ∆E-E ionization chamber for AMS measurements.• In air beam used for Radiobiology measurements.• Electrostatic scanner X-Y.• Device for Ion implantation.Two other beam lines are available for temporary installations. A micrometricX-Y moving target is also available.96

Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Low energy nuclear reactionsMain Fields of Other Research:Cell radiation damageIon implantationAccelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS)Ion beam analysis (PIXE, RBS)Detector characterizationAccommodation:No accommodation facilities available on campus. Low cost hotels nearby.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueTransportation:Public transportation ( bus and train connection).Future Developments (under construction):Beam line devoted to neutron production.97

ORSAY JANNuS (France)CSNSMUniversit PARIS-SUD 11Bt. 104 et 10891400 Orsayhttp://www-csnsm.in2p3.fr/ andhttp://www.jannus.in2p3.frDirector:Gabriel ChardinPhone: +33 1 69 15 52 30E-Mail: direction@csnsm.in2p3.frContact Person for Foreign Users:E-Mail: dem-faisceau@csnsm.in2p3.frFacility:ARAMIS: 2MV Tandem and Vande Graaff Accelerator with Middletonand Penning ion sources:IBA (RBS, PIXE and ERDA) formaterial characterization; irradiationof materials with in situ RBSIRMA: 190kV Ion implanter withuniversal ion source: irradiationof materials Double irradiation ofmaterials in a TEM microscopeSIDONIE: Electromagnetic isotopeseparator with universal ionsource<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:For in situ irradiation with TEM: calls for proposals on http://emir.in2p3.fr/For other experiments: send an E-mail at dem-faisceau@csnsm.in2p3.frProgramme Advisory Committee:For in situ irradiation with TEM: 8 external (3 national, 5 international)For other experiments: 4 internalMain Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:2 translations and 2 rotations goniometer for RBS/PIXE/ERDA with channeling.Transmission Electron Microscope coupled with 2 accelerators Many holders forirradiation (in or out channeling; temperature between -180 ◦ C to 950 ◦ C).Production of nonradioactive isotopic targets.98

Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Simulation of nuclear irradiation in materials.Main Fields of Other Research:• Synthesis assisted by ion beam, mechanism of germination / growth of nanoprecipitatesin semiconductors and glasses.• Dynamic studies Order / Disorder under irradiation.• Evolution of nanostructures under irradiation (Ostwald ripening of magneticnanostructures, healing nanocavities).• Changes induced by implantation and irradiation, especially for the NuclearMaterials physic-chemical approaches to the damage of lenses for storing radioactivewaste.• Simulation of spatial environment for electronic components.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueAccommodation:Hotels nearby.Transportation:Public transport. See http://www-csnsm.in2p3.fr/-Acces-au-laboratoire-?lang=en.Future Developments (under construction):ARAMIS and IRMA accelerators will be linked by an ion beam line to perform,without changing experimental conditions, simultaneous implantation and irradiationand ion beam characterization (available at the end of 2012)99

ORSAY TANDEM-ALTO (France)Institut de Physique NucléaireF-91406 Orsay Cedex FranceFax: +33 1 69 15 64 70http://ipnweb.in2p3.fr/Director:F. AzaiezPhone: +33 1 69 15 73 25Fax: +33 1 64 46 77 55E-Mail: azaiez@ipno.in2p3.frContact Person for Foreign Users:D. VerneyPhone: +33 1 69 15 48 52E-Mail: verney@ipno.in2p3.frFacility:A 15MV MP Tandem acceleratingelements from H to Au in continuousor pulsed modes. Rare beams14 C, 36 S, 48 Ca, C 60 and C n H mclusters.Positive ion source at the terminalto produce metallic clusters(ORION facility)Linear accelerator with 50MeV, 10µ A electrons for the production ofhigh intensity neutron rich nuclearbeams<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Proposal should be sent to pac-ipno@ipno.in2p3.fr. The proposals are submittedonce a year to an international PAC. General information can be found on thefacility web site http://ipnweb.in2p3.fr/tandem-alto/index E.htmlProgramme Advisory Committee:9 members : 1 in-house, 4 national, 4 international membershttp://ipnweb.in2p3.fr/tandem-alto/userguide/comitexp E.htmlMain Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:PARRNe: is an on-line separator dedicated to the study of very neutron richnuclei produced by fission (neutron induced or photofission). Fast tape transportsystems are available for studying short lived nuclei. Several target ion sourceensembles are developped at the facility: surface ionisation, laser ion source, febiadion source. BACCHUS is a 180 o magnetic spectrometer with a high rejection powerof the primary beam. This spectrometer is mainly dedicated to heavy ion studies.Split Pole is a high resolution magnetic spectrometer intensively used for nuclear100

astrophysical studies. ORGAM is a Ge array which can be used in conjuction withthe Split Pole spectrometer or some charged particle detectors for nuclear structurestudies by means of deep inelastic or fusion evaporation reactions. OSCAR (OrsaySegmented Clover Array) is a Ge array consisting of 4 Ge clovers detectors placedin close geometry in order to perform gamma spectroscopy after beta-dacay of veryexotic nuclei. A Detector Laboratory: it is one of the most advances laboratoriesin Europe for the test and repair of large volume HPGe detectors. It is also thehome base of the French-UK Ge pool. A target laboratory: for the productionof thin targets. A laser laboratory: it is installed at the ALTO facility in orderto test the new ionisation scheme for the production of very pure radioactive ionbeams.Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Nuclei far from stability and secondary radioactive ion beams; Measurements ofground state properties; Nuclear structure at high spin and excitation; Isovectorresonances, multiphonons; Nuclear data for energy and evironment.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueMain Fields of Other Research:Clusters atoms collisions (AGAT); Radiochemistry and nuclear wastes management;Ion-matter interaction; Nano science and technology studies.Accommodation:8 rooms in the Tandem/ALTO guest house; E-Mail: accueil@ipno.in2p3.fr; Nearbyhotel in Orsay.Transportation:Public transportation (RER B) from and to downtown Paris. Both Airports (Orlyand CDG-Roissy) are directly connected by the RER BFuture Developments (under construction):New target and ion sources: long lived ion source IRENA for SPIRAL2.New high efficiency gamma array coupled with silicon and in house spectrometers.ANDROMEDE: New accelerator system for the study of chemical and biologicalproperties using high energy nanoparticles.101

OSLO (Norway)Oslo Cyclotron LaboratoryDepartment of PhysicsUniversity of OsloP.O.Box 1048 BlindernN-0316 OsloPhone: +47 22 85 64 28Fax: +47 22 85 64 22http://www.mn.uio.no/fysikk/english/research/about/infrastructure/OCL/index.htmlFacility:Scanditronix MC-35 Cyclotron acceleratinglight ions (maximumenergy in parentheses)protons (35 MeV), deuterons(18 MeV)3 He (47 MeV), 4 He (35 MeV)Director:Einar SagstuenPhone: +47 22 85 64 30E-Mail: einar.sagstuen@fys.uio.no<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueHead of facility:Andreas GörgenPhone: +47 22 84 44 56E-Mail: andreas.gorgen@fys.uio.noContact Person for Foreign Users:Head of facility (see above).Procedure to Apply for Beamtime:Contact head of facility and fill out beam request form available on the web page.Programme Advisory Committee:Internal PAC comprising the faculty members from the Nuclear Physics and NuclearChemistry groups. Beam time is allocated quarterly.102

Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:Multidetector array CACTUS comprising 28 5”x5” NaI detectors,Silicon detector array SiRi of dE-E telescopes segmented into 64 strips,Array of PPAC for the detection of fission fragments.Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Nuclear structure with a focus on nuclear level density and gamma strength function,properties of nuclei at high excitation energy, nuclear reaction studies, nucleardata relevant for astrophysics and reactor applications.Main Fields of Other Research:Development of techniques to study the chemistry of super-heavy elements, productionof radio isotopes for medical applications and development of new compoundsfor positron emission tomography, radiation hardness tests of electronicscomponents for space applications.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueAccommodation:Guest houses for visiting researchers on the Blindern campus for rent on weeklybasis.Transportation:The Cyclotron Laboratory is located on the Blindern campus in Oslo and easilyreachable by public transportation. The closest airport is Oslo Gardermoen, servedby all major European airlines and linked to the city of Oslo via express train (20min). The airports in Rygge/Moss (75 km) and Torp/Sandefjord (110 km) areserved by low-cost airlines.103

PARIS AGLAE (France)C2RMFPalais du Louvre14 quai Franois Mitterrand75001 Parishttp://www.c2rmv.frDirector:Marie LAVANDIERPhone: +33140 20 56 52E-Mail: marie.lavandier@culture.gouv.frFacility:Ion-beam analyses (PIXE, PIGE,RBS) of objects from cultural heritagewith protons, deuterons oralpha particles with energy up to4 Mev (6 MeV for alphas).Philippe WALTERPhone: +33140 20 59 89E-Mail: philippe.walter@culture.gouv.fr<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueContact Person for Foreign Users:Claire PACHECOPhone: +33140 20 24 84E-Mail: claire.pacheco@culture.gouv.frProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Submission of a “Proposal for an experiment at AGLAE” (the corresponding formcan be drawn from http://www.charismaproject.eu/transnational-access/fixlab/fixlab-welcome-desk.aspx; call for proposals and deadline dates are announced onthe same page; 2 calls for proposals per year.Programme Advisory Committee:4 external members (1 national, 3 international)104

Main Fields of Other Research:Archaeology, Art History, Science and Technique HistoryAccommodation:No specific accommodation: users should book hotel rooms.Transportation:The AGLAE facility is situated in the Louvre Palace, Palais Royal-Musée duLouvre metro and bus stations.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueFuture Developments (under construction):The AGLAE team is working on upgrading the beamline and the detection systemso as to have an automated beam and a non-invasive fast chemical imaging ofartworks and cultural heritage objects.105

ŘEŽ near PRAGUE (Czech Republic)Nuclear Physics Institute ASCRCZ-25068 Řež near PragueCzech RepublicFax: +420 220941130http://www.ujf.cas.cz/Director:J. DobešPhone: +420 220941147Fax: +420 220941130E-Mail: dobes@ujf.cas.czFacility:Cyclotron U-120M: Isochronouscyclotron (K=40) for light ionsoperated in both positive (p, D,3 He 2+ , 4 He 2+ ) and negative (H − ,D − ) regimes.Tandetron 4130 MC: Tandem ionaccelerator (maximum voltage of 3MV) producing wide range of ionsup to Au ions. Mostly working inH + and He + regimes.Contact Person for Foreign Users:J. VacíkPhone: +420 266173129E-Mail: vacik@ujf.cas.cz<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Call for proposals on April 15th, August 15th and December 15th every year.Submit proposals to contact person for foreign users.Programme Advisory Committee:4 in-house, 2 national, 2 international members.Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:Cyclotron: Achromatic magneto-optical system and multi-channel SBD-telescopesystems for spectroscopy of nuclear reaction products. High-power-wide spectrumfast neutron sources (10 11 n/s/cm 2 up to 32MeV, 10 8 n/s/cm 2 at 18-34MeV respectively).Scintillator detector based fast neutron spectrometer.Tandetron: Ion beam lines equipped with ion, gama ray and X-ray detectors andelectronics, goniometer sample holders. Nuclear analytical methods RBS, ERDA,RBS-channeling, PIXE, PIGE, ion microprobe and ion implantation. Ion opticsfor ion microprobe.106

Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Nuclear Astrophysics.Fast neutron benchmark tests of activation cross sections.Measurements of excitation functions of p, D, 3 He 2+ , 4 He 2+ particle induced reactions.Nuclear Analytical methods.Application of ion beams for analysis and modification of materials.Measurement of energy losses and cross sections of ions in matter.Main Fields of Other Research:Neutronic tests of fusion related materials.Production of radionuclides for nuclear medicine, metrology, environmental studiesetc.Deposition and characterization of novel materials.New materials for optoelectronics, electronics, biomedicine, nano-structures.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueAccommodation:Institute guest rooms on the site. Hotel within walking distance from the Institute.Transportation:The Institute is located 20km from Prague.Prague every 1 hour from 5 am to 12 pm.Future Developments (under construction):New beam diagnostics on the external cyclotron beam lines.New beam lines dedicated to particular projects.Trains and buses go from and to107

SACLAY JANNuS (France)DEN/DANS/DMN/SRMP/LaboratoireJANNuSBt. 126, PC 162CEA-SaclayF-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette cedexhttp://jannus.in2p3.frDirector:L. BeckPhone: +33 1 69 08 69 83E-Mail: lucile.beck@cea.frFacility:ÉPIMÉTHÉE: 3 MV acceleratorwith ECR source: multiplycharged ions, neutron damagesimulationYVETTE: 2.5 MV Van de Graff:H, He implantation and IBAJAPET: 2 MV tandem: protonsand heavy ionsTriple beam irradiation chamber<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueContact Person for Foreign Users:Y. SerruysPhone: +33 1 69 08.86.25Fax: +33 1 69 08 38 69E-Mail: yves.serruys@cea.frProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Calls for proposals on http://emir.in2p3.fr/Programme Advisory Committee:8 external (3 national, 5 international)Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:NoneMain Fields of Nuclear Research:None108

Main Fields of Other Research:Behaviour of materials under irradiation; IBMM, IBAAccommodation:Hotels nearbyTransportation:Public transport<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: Blue109

SEVILLA CNA (Spain)Thomas Alva Edison 7E-41092 SevilleFax: +34 95 4460145http://www.cna.us.esDirector:Joaquín Gomez CamachoPhone: +34 95 4460553Fax: +34 95 4460145E-Mail: gomez@us.esContact Person for Foreign Users:Rafael García-TenorioPhone: +34 95 4460553Fax: +34 95 4460145E-Mail: gtenorio@us.esFacility:3MV TANDEM ACCELERA-TOR: Ion Beam Analysis (IBA)for material characterization,modification and irradiation ofmaterials; 1MV TANDETRONACCELERATOR: mass spectrometryof 129 I, 239 Pu, 240 Pu,41 Ca, 36 Cl, 26 Al, 10 Be and 236 U;CYCLOTRON (18/9MeV proton/deuteron):production ofPET radionuclide ( 11 C, 13 N, 15 O,18 F) and studies of effects protonirradiation<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:It requires evaluation and authorization of scientific committee;Request forms should be sent to cna@us.esRequest forms can be downloaded inhttp://intra.sav.us.es:8080/cna/index.php/en/applications-for-useMain Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:3MV Tandem; Nuclear Physics Beam Line: Preparation of instruments to internationalNuclear Physics facilities; Microbeam Chamber: To form a spot of fewmicrons on the specimen, elemental maps for distribution concentration, maximumscanning area of 2.5 x 2.5 mm2 for 3 MeV protons; Multipurpose IBA Chamber;To carry out RBS, PIXE, NRA and PIGE simultaneously; Irradiation Chamber:Irradiation of large areas (16 x 20 cm2), its movable; Channelling Chamber: Devotedto channelling analysis of crystalline samples with a telescopic system, BPMand a Faraday cup; External Beam. Used in Art and Archaeometry studies; 1MVTandetron; Radiocarbon lab: To isolate carbon in samples and to remove possiblecontamination; AMS lab: To prepare isotopes such as 129 I, 239 Pu, 240 Pu,41 Ca, 36 Cl, 26 Al, 10 Be and 236 U; Cyclotron 18/9; Beam transport line: It disposesdegraders to decrease the beam energy value at will; Research lab: To synthe-110

size radiopharmaceuticals such as 18 F F-DOPA, 18 F FLT, sodium 18 F fluoride,11 C choline, 13 N ammonia, 15 O water; Small-animal PET and micro CT; Animalcabinet: 30 cagesMain Fields of Nuclear Research:Aerospace Technology: Electronic circuit behavior under irradiation; InstrumentationDevelopment: Testing of detection systems for use in large scientific facilities,CERN, GSI, GANIL and ITER; Nuclear Physics: Lifetime precise determinationof nuclei such as 8 Li; Low energy nuclear reactions<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueMain Fields of Other Research:Cultural Heritage: Use of ion beam analysis techniques (IBA) to determinateelementary composition; Materials Science: Layers implantation of different elementsinto new materials and determination of concentration profiles; 14 C Dating:Dating of environmental, historic and artistic samples; Environment: 129 I distributionin marine environment, Plutonium determination in environmental samples;Medicine: Radiopharmaceuticals production for PET imaging (Positron EmissionTomography); Preclinical Research: Determination of tumors evolution in animalmodelsAccommodation:Two bedrooms, each with two single beds and bathroom and living room; Forinquiries, contact: Arcadio Borrallo del Castillo: arcadio@us.es; Access funds coveringpartly travel and local expenses are availablehttp://intra.sav.us.es:8080/cna/index.php/en/access-offer-at-cna-2010Transportation:Train station: 5.5 Km (10 minutes); Airport: 12 Km (16 minutes); Bus: lines C1and C2Future Developments (under construction):Human PET/CT: To human positron emission tomography and computerized tomographyIrradiator 60 Co: Realibility of electronics componets, which are used inaerospace technology Micadas: 14 C dating exclusively.111

SOFIA INRNE (Bulgaria)Institute for Nuclear Research andNuclear EnergyTzarigradsko chaussee 721784 Sofia, Bulgariahttp://www.inrne.bas.bg/Facility:Research reactorDirector:Dr. Dimitar TonevPhone: +359 2 974 37 61+359 2 979 5550E-Mail: mitko@inrne.bas.bgContact Person for Foreign Users:Dr. Dimitar TonevDr. Chavdar Stoyanov<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Submission of request to contact persons.Programme Advisory Committee:In preparation.Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:Research Reactor undergoing reconstruction for low-enriched uranium fuel, EnvironmentalObservatory- Moussala.Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) masspectrometer, Tritium and C-14 liquid scintillationspectrometer, RFA spectrometer, low-background HPGe-spectrometer,high resolution alpha-spectrometer and also related chemical equipment112

Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Nuclear Structure, Nuclear Reactions, Neutron physics, Application of Nuclearmethods.Main Fields of Other Research:Reactor physics, radioactive wastes problems, dosimetry, radiation and nuclearsafety, radiochemistry and radioecology, nuclear instrumentation and nuclear methodsfor nondestructive analysis, monitoring and management of the environment.Accommodation:Guest house of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, nearby hotels.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueTransportation:Taxi from Sofia airport.Future Developments (under construction):Reconstructed research reactor of IRT-4M type including Berilium modarator.113

SURREY (United Kingdom)University of SurreyIon Beam CentreStag HillGuildford GU2 7XHPhone: +44 1483 686090Fax: +44 1483 686091http://www.ionbeamcentre.co.ukDirector:R.P. WebbPhone: +44 1483 689830E-Mail: r.webb@surrey.ac.ukFacility:Two implanters (2 MV low current;200 kV medium current)to accelerate all stable isotopes,with beam lines into Class 100clean room with post-implant processingand device fabrication andmeasurement; 2 MV tandem withbeam lines for channelling, externalbeam, scanning microbeamsand vertical beam line for radiobiology.Contact Person for Foreign Users:R.M. Gwilliam Phone: +44 1483 689845E-Mail: r.gwilliam@surrey.ac.uk<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Commercial rates on applicationSubmission of a proposal funded by the EU under the SPIRIT contract(http://www.spirit-ion.eu/)UK National Facility recognised by EPSRCProgramme Advisory Committee:No Programme Advisory CommitteeMain Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:6-axis goniometer for routine RBS/PIXE/ERD etc with channellingexternal scanning microbeam (3mm x 0.1mm spot) for EBS/PIXE/PIGE etcscanning microbeam (3mm x 1um spot) for EBS/PIXE/STIM/IBIC etcscanning nanobeam (1mm x 100nm spot) (under construction)vertical scanning microbeam into a Class II biological clean room for radiobiologicalstudies114

Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Ion beam processing (2 keV - 2 MeV implantation)Ion beam analysis; development of IBA software, accurate RBS/EBS/ERD/PIXESelf-consistent analysis of EBS/PIXE etc data (”Total IBA”)New external beamline for MeV-SIMS/PIXE under constructionMain Fields of Other Research:Materials researchRadiation effects in solidsBiophysics and tumour therapyRadiation medicineRadiation effects in biological systems<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueAccommodation:Local hotels and hostelsTransportation:Train station Guildford (1.5 km from IBC)Gatwick airport 45 minutes train ride from Guildford (two trains per hour)Heathrow airport 40 km, train+bus link115

SZCZECIN (Poland)Department for Nuclear andMedical PhysicsInstitute of PhysicsUniversity of SzczecinUl. Wielkopolska 15Pl 70-451 SzczecinFax: +48 91 444 1226http://www.fizyka.univ.szczecin.pl/Facility:30 kV and 50 kV accelerators withECR ion source, ultra-high vacuum,currents of light ions up to10 mA and excellent energy definitionDirector:Konrad CzerskiPhone: +48 91 444 1251Fax: +48 91 444 1226E-Mail: czerski@physik.tu-berlin.de,czerski@wmf.univ.szczecin.pl<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueContact Person for Foreign Users:Natalia Targosz-SleczkaPhone: +48 91 444 1016Fax: +48 91 444 1226E-Mail:natalia.targosz@wmf.univ.szczecin.plProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Write to the director or to the contact person for foreign users.Programme Advisory Committee:There is no PACMain Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:Target surface diagnostics: Auger electron sectroscopy, pulsed Argon gun,Ultra high vacuum equipment,Target cooling system,116

High purity Ge-detectors.Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Nuclear reactions at extremely low energies,Nuclear reactions of astrophysical interest,Atomic and solid-state effects in nuclear reactions.Main Fields of Other Research:Plasma physics,Ion-solid-state interaction,Low-dosis response of single cells on nuclear radiation,Application of nuclear techniques.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueAccommodation:Hotel rooms close to the laboratory.Transportation:Public transportation.Future Developments (under construction):Increase of accelerating voltage to 100 kV,Windowless gas target.117

TRENTO ECT* (Italy)European Centre for TheoreticalStudies in Nuclear Physics andRelated Areas (ECT ∗ )Strada delle Tabarelle, 286I-38123 Villazzano (Trento)Phone: +39 0461 314 722Fax: +39 0461 920164E-Mail: driessen@ectstar.euhttp://www.ectstar.euDirector:Achim RichterPhone: +39 0461 314 760email: richter@ectstar.euFacility:ECT ∗ hosts a variety of activitiesin theoretical nuclear physicsand related areas: workshops andcollaboration meetings, doctoraltraining programs, innovative research.It offers positions forpostdoctoral fellows and visitingscientists. It has an innovativeHigh Performance Computing systemAurora. ECT ∗ is an institutionalmember of the ESF Committee<strong>NuPECC</strong>.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueContact Person for Foreign Users:The Director.Procedure to Apply for Beamtime:Applications for a stay at ECT ∗ and proposals for a workshop or a collaborationmeeting should be sent to the Director. Details are given on ECT ∗ Web page.Programme Advisory Committee:The Programme Advisory Committee is the Scientific Board of ECT ∗ : 8 internationalmembers and <strong>NuPECC</strong> Chair.118

Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:Workshops and collaboration meetingsDoctoral Training ProgrammePositions for postdocs and visiting scientistsIn-house library, access to the Physics Department library and to all scientificjournalsInnovative supercomputing system Aurora with present computing power of 15TeraFlop/s with a double high performance networkOffices in two buildings: Villa Tambosi and the Rustico; two conference rooms(capacities of 40 and 80)Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Nuclear structure and low energy nuclear physics, QCD and hadron physics, highenergy heavy ion reactions, nuclear matter under extreme conditions, nuclear astrophysics.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueMain Fields of Other Research:Related Areas: Particle physics, astrophysics, condensed matter physics and quantalphysics of small systems, quantum information.Accommodation:The ECT ∗ staff finds accomodation for visiting scientists and postdoc researchersin local hotels, appartments and university residences.Transportation:Nearest airport: Verona (90 km). Trento is on the Innsbruck-Brenner-Veronarailwayline (Munich-Trento ca. 5 hours). Trento is on the motorway connectingMunich-Innsbruck-Verona-Modena (A 22).119

UPPSALA TSL (Sweden)The Svedberg LaboratoryUppsala UniversityBox 533SE - 751 21 Uppsala, SwedenFax: +46 18 471 38 33http://www.tsl.uu.se/Director:Björn GålnanderPhone: +46 18 471 38 73E-Mail: bjorn.galnander@tsl.uu.seFacility:Cyclotron with proton beams 25-180 MeV and ion-beams up to192 Q 2 /A MeV. Proton therapyin collaboration with the AcademicHospital. Irradiation facilitywith proton beams and neutronbeams, Quasi-monoenergeticand Atmospheric-like.Contact Person for Foreign Users:Alexander ProkofievPhone: +46 18 471 38 50E-Mail: alexander.prokofiev@tsl.uu.se<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Beam time requests should be sent to beams@tsl.uu.se. See further instructionson homepage.Programme Advisory Committee:PAC in the framework of EU FP7 ERINDA project, 5 international members.Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:Quasi-monoenergetic neutron (QMN) beam facility with peak neutron energy selectablein the 20-175 MeV range.Neutron beam facility with atmospheric-like spectrum (ANITA).Proton beam facility (PAULA) with energy selectable in the 25-180 MeV range.Ion beam facility for radiobiology and other experiments.120

Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Neutron and proton induced nuclear reactions.Detector development and calibrations.Main Fields of Other Research:Proton beam therapy.Single-event effect studies and testing using neutron and proton beams.Biomedical research with ion beams.Accommodation:Local hotels, hostels and private rooms.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueTransportation:By train 20 minutes from Stockholm Arlanda airport to Uppsala.Walking distance from Uppsala city centre.Future Developments (under construction):A new user position with enhanced neutron flux at the QMN and ANITA facilities.Participation in FREIA for development of ESS RF-system.121

VILLIGEN PSI (Switzerland)Paul Scherrer InstitutCH-5232 Villigen PSIPhone: +41 56 310 21 11Fax: +41 56 310 21 99http://www.psi.ch/Director:J. MesotPhone: +41 56 310 40 29Fax: +41 56 310 27 17Facility:Isochronous cyclotron running at50.6 MHz frequency and delivering2.2 mA proton current at590 MeV.Secondary beams of π ± , µ ± , coldneutrons and ultracold neutrons.Contact Person for Foreign Users:C. PetitjeanPhone: +41 56 310 32 60E-Mail: claude.petitjean@psi.ch<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Submission of proposals.Information on procedures available from http://ltp.web.psi.chPresentation in an open users meeting.PAC meets once per year.Programme Advisory Committee:1 in-house, 4 national, 7 international members.Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:Several highest intensity and luminosity π- and µ-beams.Special high purity µ-facility for measuring ultra-rare decays.High intensity, ultracold neutron facility.Proton irradiation facility.122

Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Low energy pion and muon physics.Ultracold neutron physics.Measurements of fundamental constants and symmetry violations.Main Fields of Other Research:Muon Spin Resonance experiments at several µSR facilities, incl. low temperaturefacility and high field µSR (10T) .Radiation hardness tests of materials and electronic components and circuits withhigh intensity proton, neutron, pion and photon beams.OPTIS: cancer therapy on human eyes with 72 MeV protons.Human cancer therapy with 250 MeV protons, using a new dedicated cyclotronand a large gantry.Neutron scattering at spallation neutron source SINQ.X-ray experiments at the synchrotron light source with 2.4 GeV electron storagering (Swiss Light Source SLS).<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueAccommodation:Guest house (72 rooms) on site.Transportation:Bus connection to Brugg railway station (approx. 10 km).Future Developments (under construction):X-ray Free Electron Laser Facility SwissFEL. Commissioning 2016.123

WARSZAWA (Poland)Heavy Ion LaboratoryUniversity of Warsaw,02-093 Warszawa, Pasteura 5APhone: +48 22 554 60 00Fax: +48 22 659 27 14http://www.slcj.uw.edu.pl/Director:Krzysztof RusekPhone : +48 22 822 21 23E-Mail: rusek@slcj.uw.edu.plFacility:Cyclotron (isochronous, K max =160) with 9.6 GHz ECR source forions from He up to Ar and 14.5GHz SUPERNANOGAN ECRsource with oven and sputteringunits for ions from He up to Xe.GE PETtrace cyclotron (K =16.5) delivering proton (16.5MeV) and deuteron (8.5 MeV)beams.Contact Person for Foreign Users:Jaros̷law ChoińskiPhone: +48 22 554 62 17E-Mail: jch@slcj.uw.edu.pl<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:Fill out the beam request form available at http://www.slcj.uw.edu.pl/pacProposals are considered twice a year during PAC meetingsProgramme Advisory Committee:1 in-house, 7 national, 5 internationalMain Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:JANOSIK, a multidetector system to study Giant Dipole Resonances. Uses a varietyof beams with energies ranging from 4 to 10 MeV/amu. The system consistsof the large, high purity lead shielded NaI(Tl) crystal (25.4 cm x 29.0 cm) andof the 32-element multiplicity filter (barium fluorine and NaI(Tl) detectors). It isdesigned to detect photons in a range 4 to 40 MeV. Movable arm allows to studygamma-ray angular distributions. EAGLE, a multiconfiguration gamma-ray spectrometerwhich can accomodate up to 30 ACS HPGe detectors coupled to variousancillary devices: compact 4π Si ball, internal conversion electron spectrometer,124

scattering chamber equipped with 110 5mm x 5mm PIN diodes for Coulex studies,multiplicity BaF 2 filter, standard Köln plunger. All mentioned equipmentexcept for the plunger is owned by the EAGLE collaboration. Currently EAGLEis equipped with 20 HPGe of 70CUDAC, Coulomb Excitation chamber equippedwith an array of silicon detectors-PIN diodes (1 cm by 1 cm) ; two forward Si(Li)detectors and associated 3 ORTEC HPGe detectors.IGISOL, Scandinavian-type ion guide separator on-line. Helium transport of theshort-lived reaction products to the separator ion source.ICARE, large (ϕ = 100 cm) universal scattering chamber equipped with chargedparticles telescopes consisting of gas ionization chambers and silicon detectors,used in nuclear reaction studies.Internal and external irradiation chambers for material research with target coolingpossibilities.Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Structure of nuclei. In-beam spectroscopy. Giant resonances. Coulomb excitation.Nuclei far from stability line. Fusion barriers distribution. Direct nuclearreactions.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueMain Fields of Other Research:Atomic physics-ionization processes after HI interaction. Biological studies ofhigh LET irradiation of cells. Medical applications of nuclear physics: productionand research on PET radiopharmaceuticals, production and applications ofalpha-emitting isotopes in cancer therapy.Accommodation:10 guest rooms.Transportation:The laboratory is placed 15 min. by bus from airport Okȩcie.Future Developments (under construction):Installation of the new HF generators; production of PET radiopharmaceuticals;production of alpha-emitting isotopes for cancer therapy.125

WIEN VERA (Austria)Vienna EnvironmentalResearch AcceleratorUniversität WienIsotopenforschungWähringer Str. 17A-1090 Wienhttp://isotopenforschung.univie.ac.at/Facility:VERA: 3 MV Tandem Acceleratormainly used for Accelerator MassSpectrometry (AMS) up to Pu.Two Multi-Cathode SputteringSources for negative ions.Director:Robin GolserTel. +43 1 4277 51701Fax +43 1 4277 9517E-Mail: robin.golser@univie.ac.at<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueContact Person for Foreign Users:Peter SteierTel. +43 1 4277 51729Fax +43 1 4277 9517E-Mail:peter.steier@univie.ac.atProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:E-Mail to peter.steier@univie.ac.at or robin.golser@univie.ac.atProgramme Advisory Committee:There is no PAC126

Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:Typical AMS components for ulta-sensitive detection of long-lived radionuclides.Various small detectors for charged particles (TOF, ionization chamber, surfacebarrier) and for radiation (Si(Li), HPGe).Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Sub-Coulomb barrier nuclear reactions.Main Fields of Other Research:Accelerator Mass Spectrometry of long-lived radionuclides up to Pu.Search for Super Heavy Elements in natural materials.Study of rare atomic- and molecular negative ions.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueAccommodation:Various hotels close to central Vienna.Transportation:VERA is located close to the city center of Vienna, easily accessible by publictransportation.Future Developments (under construction):Laser photodetachment within a gas-filled RF-quadrupole cooler for isobar separationof negative ions.127

ZAGREB RBI (Croatia)Rudjer Boskovic InstituteBijenicka cesta 5410000 Zagrebhttp://www.irb.hr/Director:Tome Anticic; Head of the ExperimentalPhysics DepartmentPhone: +385 1 4561 138Fax: +385 1 4680 239E-Mail: info@irb.hrFacility:• 6.0 MV EN Tandem Van deGraaff with two ion sources(Alphatros for He and SNICS40 for other ions)• 1.0 MV Tandetron with duoplasmatronion source• 8 beam lines including heavyion microprobe and dual beamirradiation chamber<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage(facilitydescription) Colour: BlueContact Person for Foreign Users:Milko JaksicPhone: +385 1 4680 942Fax: +385 1 4680 239E-Mail: jaksic@irb.hrProcedure to Apply for Beamtime:- Ion beams for characterisation and materials modification: Users apply directlyto contact person of the Laboratory for ion beam interactions (Milko Jaksic,email: jaksic@irb.hr). Alternatively European researchers may apply for beamtimethrough the TNA scheme of the SPIRIT project (http://www.spirit-ion.eu/).- Nuclear physics: Users apply directly to contact person of the Laboratory fornuclear physics (Neven Soic, email: soic@irb.hr).Programme Advisory Committee:International PAC does not exist. Beam time is distributed at the internal meetingsof the Laboratory for ion beam interactions every Monday. Beam time has tobe reserved normally up to two months in advance depending on the acceleratorand beam line requested.Nuclear physics proposals evaluate senior researchers of Laboratory for nuclearphysics. Short written proposal are required, local users give oral presentation ofthe proposal.128

Main Instrumentation for Nuclear Physics Experiments:- Nuclear reaction chamber suitable for up to 4 detector telescopes built fromsilicon strip or position sensitive detectors, 2 LaBr 3 gamma and 6 EJ-309 neutrondetectors with 160 channels VME data acquisition based on MIDAS software, gastarget system available.- Scattering chamber with fine target irradiation angle positioning, time of flightrecoil spectrometer and up to 3 particle detectors for elastic scattering cross sectionmeasurements; Heavy ion microprobe for focussing of ions up to 15 MeV ME/q 2 ;Main Fields of Nuclear Research:Light nuclei reactions of astrophysical importance; cluster structure study of lightnuclei; Data base for IBA (ion beam analysis) - elastic scattering cross sections,particle induced gamma emission rates, stopping power of ions in matter; IBIC (ionbeam induced charge) characterisation of charge transport in particle detectors.<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueMain Fields of Other Research:Development of ion beam characterisation and materials modification techniques;Nanostructuring using ion beams and analysis of nanostructures using ion beamtechniques; High resolution x-ray spectrometry studies of inner shell ionization;Interaction of single heavy ions with surfaces and bulk; Characterisation of defectsin semiconductors and insulators including those induced by radiation; Air pollutionmonitoring using PIXE; Support in research of cultural heritage objects andconservation work.Accommodation:Guest house of the nearby Medical faculty at about 10 minutes walking distancefrom RBI. Alternatively, hotels in the city centre are accessible by public transport.Transportation:Zagreb bus and train stations are located in city centre. Public transport (severaltram and bus lines) can be used to reach RBI. Zagreb airport is connected to citycentre by shuttle bus service.129

How to Contact European Funding AgenciesList of AgenciesEUROPECommission EuropéenneSDME 1/601049 BruxellesEuropean Science Foundation1, quai Lezay-Marnesia67080 Strasbourg Cedex<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueAUSTRIAFonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF)Haus der Forschung, Sensengasse 1A-1040 WienPhone:+43 1 505 67 40,Fax:+43 1 505 67 39E-Mail: office@fwf.ac.athttp://www.fwf.ac.atÖsterreichische Akademie der WissenschaftenDr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2A-1040 WienPhone: (+43 1) 51581 0http://www.oeaw.ac.at/BELGIUMFonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - FWO-VlaanderenEgmontstraat 5B-1000 BrusselsFonds National de la Recherche Scientique - FNRSRue d’Egmont 5B-1000 BrusselsHerculesstichtingKoloninstraat 56B-1000 Brussels131

Agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie (IWT)EllipsgebouwKoning Albert II-laan 35, bus 16B-1030 BrusselsBelgian Science Policy Office - BELSPOLouizalaan 231B-1050 BrusselsBULGARIABulgarian Academy of SciencesStr 15 Novenber 11040 SofiaPhone: +35 92 979 53 33; +35 92 979 52 23National Science FundBd Knqz Dondukov 2A1000 SofiaPhone: +35 92 9217 532Fax:+35 92 9217 5321<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage Colour: BlueCROATIAMinistry of Science, Education and SportsDonje Svetice 3810000 Zagreb, CroatiaPhone: +385 1 4569 000Fax: +385 1 4594 301E-Mail: office@mzos.hrCroatian Science FoundationNazorova 251410 Opatija, CroatiaPhone: +385 51 228 690Fax: +385 51 271 085E-Mail: hrzz@hrzz.hrCZECH REPUBLICThe Academy of Sciences of the Czech RepublicNarodni 3117 20 Praha 1Czech Science Foundation - GACRHadovka Office ParkEvropska 2589/33b160 00 Praha 6132

Technology Agency of the CREvropska 2589/33b16000 Praha 6Ministry of Education, Youth and SportsKarmelitska 7118 12 Praha 1DENMARKDanish Natural Science Research CouncilArtillerivej 882300 Copenhagen SFINLANDAcademy of FinlandPOB 131FI-00531 HELSINKI<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueMinistery of Education and CultureP.O. Box 29FI-00023 GovernmentFRANCEMinistère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche1 rue Descartes75231 Paris cedex 05 - FRANCECommissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies AlternativesDirection des Sciences de la Matière (DSM)CEA SACLAYF-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette CedexInstitut National de Physique Nucléaire et Physique des Particules (IN2P3)3 rue Michel AngeF-75781 Paris, Cedex 16GERMANYBundesministerium für Bildung und ForschungDienstsitz BonnHeinemannstr. 253170 BonnBundesministerium für Bildung und ForschungDienstsitz BerlinHannoversche Straße 28-3010115 Berlin133

Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V.Hofgartenstr. 880539 MünchenHelmholtz Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren e.V.Geschftsstelle BerlinAnna-Louisa-Karsch-Strae 210178 BerlinGeschftsstelle BonnAhrstrae 4553175 BonnGREECEGeneral Secretariat for Research and Technology - GSRT14-18, Mesogeion Ave.,11510 AthensPhone: +30 210 7458000 (switchboard)http://www.gsrt.gr<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage Colour: BlueHUNGARYSecretary General,Hungarian Academy of SciencesRoosevelt tér 9.H-1051 BudapestCollege for Natural SciencesNational Fund for Scientific ResearchOTKA IrodaCzuczor u. 10. I.H-1093 BudapestNational Office for InnovationNemzeti Innovacios HivatalNeumann János u. 1/cH-1117 BudapestITALYIstituto Nazionale di Fisica NuclearePresidenzaPiazza dei Caprettari 70I-00186 RomeITCVia Santa Croce, 77I-38100 Trento134

THE NETHERLANDSStichting FOMPostbus 30213502 GA UtrechtNWOPostbus 931382509 AC Den HaagNORWAYDet Norske ForskningsrådNaturvitenskap og teknologiPostboks 2700, St. Hanshaugen0131 Oslo<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BluePOLANDMinistry of Science and Higher Education: MNiSWul. Wspolna 1/300-529 Warszawahttp://www.nauka.gov.plPolish Academy of Sciences: PANPl. Delad 100-901 Warszawahttp://www.pan.plNational Science Centre: NCNul. Krlewska 5730-081 Krakw, Polandhttp://www.ncn.gov.plNational Centre for Research and Development: NCBiRul. Nowogrodzka 47a00-695 Warszawa,Polandhttp://www.ncbir.plNational Atomic Energy Agency: PAAul. Krucza 3600-921 Warszawa, Polandhttp://www.paa.gov.pl135

PORTUGALFundação para a Ciéncia e TecnologiaAv. D. Carlos I, 126 – 1 e 21249-074 LisboaPhone: +351 213 924 385Fax: +351 213 907 481Academia das Ciências de LisboaRua da Academia das Ciências, 191249-122 LisboaPhone: +351 213 219 730Fax: +351 213 420 395SPAINVA Espacio EuropeoVicepresidencia de Relaciones InternacionalesConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas, CSICPinar 25, 28006 MadridPhone: +34 91 5681689<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage Colour: BlueMara VallejoSecretara Gral. de Programas EuropeosDireccin Gral. de Cooperacin internacional y Relaciones InstitucionalesMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovacinc/ Albacete 5 Planta Sur 28027 MadridPhone: +34 91 6037114E-Mail: maria.vallejo@micinn.esSWEDENSwedish Research CouncilBox 1035SE-10138 StockholmSWITZERLANDSchweizerischer NationalfondsWildhainweg 20Postfach 82323001 Bern136

UNITED KINGDOMEngineering and Physical Sciences Research CouncilPolaris HouseNorth Star AvenueSwindon SN2 1ETOffice of Science and Technology1 Victoria StreetLondon SW1H 0DEScience and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)Polaris HouseNorth Star AavenueSwindon SN2 1SZ<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: Blue137

How to Contact Nuclear Physics Institutes inEurope<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: Blue139

AustriaFachbereich Theoretische PhysikInstitut für PhysikKarl-Franzens-Universität Graz8010 Graz, Universitätsplatz 5Phone: +43 316 380 5225Fax: +43 316 380 9820E-Mail: theor.physik@uni-graz.atUniversität WienFakultät für Physik - KernphysikWähringer Straße 171090 WienPhone: +43 1 4277 51750Fax: +43 1 4277 51752http://kernphysik.univie.ac.at/<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage Colour: BlueInstitut für Theoretische Physikder Universität InnsbruckTechnikerstraße 25A-6020 InnsbruckPhone: +43 512 507 62 01Fax: +43 512 507 29 19E-Mail: theoretical-physics@uibk.ac.atStefan Meyer Institutfür subatomare Physikder Österreichischen Akademieder WissenschaftenBoltzmanngasse 3A-1090 WienPhone: +43 1 4277 29701Fax: +43 1 4277 9297E-Mail: smi@oeaw.ac.athttp://www.oeaw.ac.at/smiTechnische Universität WienAtominstitutStadionallee 21020 WienAustriaPhone: +43 1 588 01 141202Fax: +43 1 588 01 14199E-Mail: office@ati.ac.athttp://www.ati.ac.atUniversität WienFakultät für Physik - IsotopenforschungVERA - Vienna Environmental ResearchAcceleratorWähringer Straße 171090 WienPhone: +43 1 4277 51701Fax: +43 1 4277 9722Universität WienParticle Physics GroupDepartment of PhysicsBoltzmanngasse 5, 5. StockA-1090 Wien, sterreichPhone: +43 1 4277 51501Fax: +43 1 4277 9515E-Mail: Theor-Physik@univie.ac.athttp://www.thp.univie.ac.at140

Belgium<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueUniversity of LeuvenDepartment of Physics and AstronomyInstituut voor Kern- en StralingsfysicaCelestijnenlaan 200 DB-3001 LeuvenPhone: +32 16 32 72 63Fax: +32 16 32 79 85Universiteit GentDepartment of Physics and AstronomyProeftuinstraat 86B-9000 GentPhone: +32 9 264 65 28Fax: +32 9 264 66 97Université Catholique de LouvainCyclotron Research CenterChemin du Cyclotron, 2B-1348 Louvain-la-NeuvePhone: + 32 10 472998Fax: + 32 10 452183Université de LiègeInteractions Fondamentales en Physique eten AstrophysiqueInstitut de Physique B5Sart TilmanB-4000 Liège IPhone: +32 4 366 36 01Fax: +32 4 366 36 71Université de LiègeInstitut de Physique Nucléaire,Atomique et de SpectroscopieBt. B 15Sart TilmanB-4000 Liège IPhone: +32 4 366 36 93Fax: +32 4 366 28 84Rijksuniversitair Centrum AntwerpenDepartement Wiskunde en InformaticaCampus Middelheim, Building G,Middelheimlaan 1,B-2020 AntwerpenPhone: +32 3 265 39 03Fax: +32 3 265 37 77Université Libre de BruxellesPhysique Nucléaire Théorique etPhysique MathmatiqueCampus de la Plaine - CP 229Boulevard du TriompheB-1050 BruxellesPhone: +32 2 650 55 62Fax: +32 2 650 50 45Université Libre de BruxellesInstitut d’Astronomie et d’AstrophysiqueCampus de la Plaine - CP 226Boulevard du TriompheB-1050 BruxellesPhone: +32 2 650 28 42Fax: +32 2 650 42 26Université de Mons-HainautPhysique Nucléaire ThéoriquePlace du Parc, 20,B-7000 MonsPhone: +32 65 37 34 67Fax: +32 65 37 30 54European Commision, Joint Research CentreInstitute for Reference Materials and Measurements(IRMM)Retieseweg 111B-2440 GeelPhone: +32 14 57 12 92Fax: +32 14 58 42 73Belgian Nuclear Research Centre: SCK-CENBoeretang 200B-2400 MolFax: +32 14 31 50 21141

BulgariaInstitute for Nuclear Research and NuclearEnergyBd Tzarigradsko chaussee 721784 SofiaBulgariaPhone: +3592 974 37 61Fax: +3592 975 56 19<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage Colour: Blue142

CroatiaDivision of Experimental PhysicsRudjer Boskovic InstituteBijenicka cesta 54,HR-10000 Zagreb, CroatiaPhone: +385 1 4561 138Fax: +385 1 4680 239Physics DepartmentFaculty of ScienceUniversity of ZagrebBijenicka cesta 32, P.P. 331HR-10002 Zagreb, CroatiaPhone: +385 1 460 5555Fax: +385 1 4680 336<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: Blue143

Czech RepublicInstitute of Particle and Nuclear PhysicsCharles UniversityFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsVHolesovickach 2180 00 Praha 8Phone: +420221912437Fax: +420221912434Institute of Experimental and Applied PhysicsCzech Technical UniversityHorska 3a/22128 00 Praha 2Phone: +420224359290Fax: +420224359392<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage Colour: BlueDepartment of PhysicsCzech Technical UniversityFaculty of Nuclear Science and Physical EngineeringBrehova 7115 19 Praha 1Phone: +420222317661Fax: +420222320861The Institute of PhysicsSilesian UniversityFaculty of Philosophy and ScienceBezrucovo nam. 13746 01 OpavaPhone: +420553684286Fax: +420553716948Institute of Physics of the ASCRNa Slovance 1999/2182 21 Praha 8Phone: +420266052121Fax: +420286890527Nuclear Physics Institute of the ASCRRez 130250 68 RezPhone: +420220941 147Fax: +420220941130144

DenmarkDepartment of Physics and AstronomyAarhus UniversityNy Munkegade 120DK-8000 Aarhus CPhone: +45 87 15 00 00Fax: +45 86 12 07 40http.//www.phys.au.dkNiels Bohr InstituteUniversity of CopenhagenBlegdamsvej 17DK-2100 Copenhagen ØPhone: +45 35 32 52 09Fax: +45 35 32 50 16http://www.nbi.dk<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: Blue145

FinlandDepartment of PhysicsAbo AcademiPorthansgatan 3FI-20500 TurkuPhone: +358 2 2154246Nuclear Engineering LaboratoryDepartment of Advanced Energy SystemsHelsinki University of TechnologyPO Box 14100FI-00076 AALTOPhone: +358 9 47001Department of PhysicsUniversity of HelsinkiPO Box 64FIN- 00014 HelsinkiPhone: +358 9 191 50600<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage Colour: BlueHelsinki Institute of PhysicsPO Box 64FIN- 00014 University of HelsinkiPhone: +358 9 191 50521Department of PhysicsPO Box 35FIN-40014 UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLAPhone: +358 40805 4356Lappeenranta University of TechnologyDepartment of Energy and EnvironmentalTechnologyPO Box 20FI-53851 LappeenrantaPhone: +358 5 621 11146

FranceLaboratoire de Physique CorpusculaireClermont-FerrandCampus des Cézeaux24, avenue des LandaisBP 8002663171 Aubire CedexPhone: +33 4 73 40 72 72Fax: +33 4 73 26 45 98Laboratoire SUBATECH (Laboratoire dePhysique Subatomique et des Technologiesassociées)4 rue Alfred KastlerLa Chantrerie BP 2072244307 Nantes cedex 3Phone: +33 2 51 85 84 83Fax: +33 2 51 85 84 79<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueGANIL Grand Accélérateur National d’ionslourdsBoulevard Henri BecquerelB.P 55027F-14076 Caen CedexPhone: : +33 2 31 45 46 47Fax: +33 2 31 45 25 49Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire deCaen6 bd Maréchal Juin14050 CAEN CedexPhone: +33 2 31 45 25 00Fax: +33 2 31 45 25 49Centre d’Etudes Nucléaires deBordeaux GradignanChemin du Solarium33175 Gradignan CedexPhone: +33 5 57 12 08 04Fax: +33 5 57 12 08 01Institut Laue-Langevin6, rue Jules HorowitzBP 156F-38042 Grenoble Cedex 9Phone: + 33 4 76 20 71 11Fax: + 33 4 76 48 39 06Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et deCosmologieLPSC Grenoble53, rue des Martyrs38026 Grenoble CedexPhone: + 33 4 76 28 40 01Fax: + 33 4 76 28 40 04(CSNSM) Centre de Spectrométrie Nucléaireet de Spectrométrie de MasseBâtiment 104 et 108F-91405 Orsay campusPhone: +33 1 69 15 52 30Fax: +33 1 69 15 50 08Institut de Physique Nucléaire15 rue Georges Clémenceau91406 - ORSAY Cedex - FRANCEPhone:+33 1 69 15 67 50Fax: +33 1 69 15 73 40Service de Physique Nucléaire de SaclayDSM/IRFU/SPhNCEA SaclayF-91191 Gif-sur-YvettePhone:+33 1 69 08 73 54Fax: +33 1 69 08 75 84Service de Physique NucléaireCEA DAM DIFF-91297 ArpajonPhone: +33 1 69 26 51 80Fax: +33 1 69 26 70 63Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert CURIEN23 rue du Loess - BP2867037 Strasbourg cedex 2Phone: +33 3 8810 6655Fax: +33 3 8810 6292Institut de Physique Nucléaire de LyonDomaine scientifique de la DouaBâtiment Paul Dirac4, Rue Enrico Fermi69622 Villeurbanne CedexPhone: +33 4 72 44 84 57Fax: +33 4 72 43 15 40147

GermanyHelmholtz-Zentrum BerlinLise-Meitner CampusHahn-Meitner-Platz 1D-14109 BerlinPhone: +49 30 8062-0Fax: +49 30 8062-42181Physikzentrum derTechnischen Universität BraunschweigMendelssohnstr. 3D-38106 BraunschweigPhone: +49 531 391 51 07Fax: +49 531 391 51 29<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage Colour: BlueInstitut für Atomare Physik undFachdidaktikTechnische Universität Berlin,Sekr. PN 3-1Hardenbergstraße 36D-10623 BerlinPhone: +49 30 314 25057Fax: +49 30 314 23018Dynamitron Tandem Laboratoryc/o Universität BochumPostfach 10 21 48D-44721 BochumPhone: +49 234 700 64 55Fax: +49 234 709 42 16Ruhr-Universität BochumInstitut für Theoretische Physik IIPostfach 10 21 48D-44721 BochumPhone: +49 234 700 37 07Fax: +49 234 709 42 48Institut für Strahlen- und KernphysikInstitut für Theoretische Kernphysikder Universität BonnNußallee 14–16D-53115 BonnPhone: +49 228 73 22 01 (expt)Phone: +49 228 73 23 65 (theory)Fax: +49 228 73 37 27Physikalisches InstitutUniversität BonnNussallee 12D-53115Phone: +49 228 73 23 40Fax: +49 228 73 35 18Department of PhysicsUniversity of BremenFG ‘Kernstrahlungsmeßtechnik’Postfach 33 04 40D-28334 Bremen 33Phone: +49 421 21 81GSI Helmholtzzentrum fr SchwerionenforschungPlanckstr. 1D-64291 DarmstadtPhone: +49 61 59 710Fax: +49 61 59 71 27 85Institut für KernphysikTechnische Universität DarmstadtSchloßgartenstr. 9D-64289 DarmstadtPhone: +49 61 51 16 21 16Fax: +49 61 51 16 43 21Universität DortmundInstitut für PhysikPostfach 50 05 00D-44221 DortmundPhone: +49 231 755 1Fax: +49 231 755 35 69Technische Universität DresdenWissenschaftsbereich KernphysikMommsenstraße 13D-01069 DresdenFax: +49 351 47 02 94Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR)Bautzner Landstrasse 400Postanschrift Postfach 51011901314 Dresden148

<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BluePhysikalisches InstitutUniversität ErlangenErwin-Rommel-Str. 1D-91048 ErlangenPhone: +49 91 31 85 70 68Institut für Theoretische PhysikStaudtstr. 7D-91058 ErlangenPhone: +49 91 31 85 84 42Fax: +49 91 31 85 84 44Institut für Kernphysik derJ.W. Goethe Universität FrankfurtMax-von-Laue Str. 1D-60438 FrankfurtPhone: +49 69 798 47023Fax: +49 69 798 47024Institut für Theoretische Physik derJ.W. Goethe UniversitätRober-Mayer-Str. 8–10D-60325 FrankfurtPhone: +49 69 798 23 32Fax: +49 69 798 83 50Fakultät für PhysikUniversität FreiburgHermann-Herder-Str. 3D-79104 FreiburgPhone: +49 761 203 37 13Fax: +49 761 203 45 27II. Physikalisches InstitutJustus-Liebig-UniversitätHeinrich-Buff-Ring 16D-35393 GießenPhone: +49 641 99 33260Fax: +49 641 99 33209Institut für Theoretische PhysikJustus-Liebig-UniversitätHeinrich-Buff-Ring 16D-35392 GießenPhone: +49 641 702 28 00Fax: +49 641 743 90Institut für Atom- und Molekülphysikder Justus-Liebig-UniversitätStrahlenzentrumLeihgesterner Weg 217D-35392 GießenPhone: +49 641 702 26 55Fax: +49 641 702 26 72II. Physikalisches InstitutUniversität GöttingenBunsenstr. 7–9D-37073 GöttingenPhone: +49 551 39 76 32Fax: +49 551 39 44 93I. Institut für ExperimentalphysikUniversität HamburgLuruper Chaussee 149D-22761 HamburgPhone: +49 40 89 98 21 62Fax: +49 40 89 98 21 01II. Institut für ExperimentalphysikLuruper Chaussee 149D-22761 HamburgPhone: +49 40 89 98 22 41Fax: +49 40 89 98 21 96Max-Planck-Institut für KernphysikSaupfercheckwegD-69029 HeidelbergPhone: +49 62 21 516 1Fax: +49 62 21 516 540Physikalisches Institut derUniversität HeidelbergPhilosophenweg 12D-69120 HeidelbergPhone: +49 62 21 569 213Fax: +49 62 21 47 57 33Institut für Theoretische PhysikUniversität HeidelbergPhilosophenweg 19D-69120 HeidelbergPhone: +49 62 21 569 431Fax: +49 62 21 569 331149

Institut für KernphysikForschungszentrum JülichPostfach 19 13D-52425 JülichPhone: +49 24 61 61 44 08Fax: +49 24 61 61 39 30Institut für Theoretische TeilchenphysikUniversität KarlsruhePostfach 69 80D-76128 KarlsruhePhone: +49 721 608 33 73Fax: +49 721 37 07 26Max-Planck-Institut für ChemieSaarstr. 23D-55122 MainzPhone: +49 61 31 305 1Fax: +49 61 31 305 388Institut für KernchemieJohannes-Gutenberg-Universität-Fachbereich Chemie-Postfach 39 80D-55099 MainzPhone: +49 61 31 39 58 79Fax: +49 61 31 39 52 53<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage Colour: BlueKITKarlsruher Institut für TechnologieKaiserstr. 1276131 KarlsruheTel: +49 721 608-0Institut für Kernphysikder Universität KölnZülpicher Str. 77D-50937 KölnPhone: +49 221 470 27 96Fax: +49 221 470 51 68Institut für Theoretische Physikder Universität KölnZülpicher Str. 77D-50937 KölnPhone: +49 221 470 43 06Fax: +49 221 470 51 59Universität KonstanzFachbereich PhysikBücklestr. 13D-78467 KonstanzPhone: +49 75 31 88 38 69Institut für Physikder Johannes-Gutenberg-UniversitätStaudingerweg 7D-55128 MainzPhone: +49 61 31 392 279Fax: +49 61 31 392 991Institut für KernphysikJohannes-Gutenberg-UniversitätJ.J. Becher-Weg 45D-55099 MainzPhone: +49 61 31 39 25 196Fax: +49 61 31 39 23 825Philipps-UniversitätFB PhysikRenthof 5D-35037 MarburgPhone: +49 64 21 284 102Fax: +49 64 21 284 239Beschleunigerlaboratorium derUniversität und der TechnischenUniversität MünchenHochschulgeländeD-85748 GarchingPhone: +49 89 289 142 71Fax: +49 89 289 141 41150

Physikdepartment derTechnischen Universität MünchenJames-Franck-Str. 1D-86748 GarchingPhone: +49 89 289 124 34Fax: +49 89 289 122 97Institut für Strahlenphysikder Universität StuttgartAllmandring 3D-70569 StuttgartPhone: +49 711 685 38 71Fax: +49 711 685 38 66<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueInstitut für RadiochemieTechnische Universität MünchenD-85748 GarchingPhone: +49 89 289 122 02Fax: +49 89 289 122 04Sektion Physik der Universität MünchenAm CoulombwallD-86748 GarchingPhone: +49 89 289 140 82Fax: +49 89 289 140 72Institut für Kernphysikder Universität MünsterWilhelm-Klemm-Str. 9D-48149 MünsterPhone: +49 251 83 49 71Fax: +49 251 83 49 62Institut für Theoretische Physik IUniversität MünsterWilhelm-Klemm-Str. 9D-48149 MünsterPhone: +49 251 83 49 10Fax: +49 251 83 49 62Institut für Physik ITheoretische Physikder Universität RegensburgPostfachD-93053 RegensburgPhone: +49 941 943 20 07Universität SiegenFachbereich PhysikAdolf-Reichwein-Str.D-57076 SiegenPhone: +49 271 740 41 12Fax: +49 271 740 24 16Physikalisches Institutder Universität TübingenAuf der Morgenstelle 14D-72076 TübingenPhone: +49 70 71 29 24 23Fax: +49 70 71 29 62 96Institut für Theoretische PhysikNuclear-Theory-GroupAuf der Morgenstelle 14D-72076 TübingenPhone: +49 70 71 29 21 17Fax: +49 70 71 29 64 00DESYNotkestrasse 85D-22603 Hamburg 52Phone: +49 40 89 98 30 00Fax: +49 40 89 94 43 04Institut für Angewandte PhysikRobert Mayer Str. 2-4D-60054 Frankfurt am MainPhone: +49 69 79 82 23 85Fax: +49 69 79 82 85 10Institut für Experimentelle PhysikLinnéstr. 5D-04103 LeipzigPhone: +49 89 28 91 22 02Fax: +49 89 28 91 22 04151

Greece<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage Colour: BlueInstitute of Nuclear PhysicsNational Centre for Scientific ResearchDemokritosPOB 60228153.10 Aghia Paraskevi, Athenshttp://www.inp.demokritos.grSecretary:Phone: +30 210 650 3512Fax: +30 210 650 3529TANDEM ACCELERATORLABORATORY:Contact: S. HarissopulosPhone: +30 210 650 3493Fax: +30 210 650 3537E-Mail: tandem@inp.demokritos.grhttp://tandem.inp.demokritos.grInstitute of Nuclear TechnologyResearch Reactor LaboratoryNational Centre for Scientific ResearchDemokritosPOB 60228153.10 Aghia Paraskevi, AthensContact: I. StamatelatosE-Mail: ion@ipta.demokritos.grPhone: +30 210 65 3718Fax: +30 210 65 45496http://ipta.demokritos.gr/Facilities.htmRRLNational Kapodistrian University of AthensDepartment of PhysicsNuclear and Particle Physics SectionZografou Campus15784 Athenshttp://nuclpart.phys.uoa.gr/EN/index.en.phpSecretary:Phone: +30 210 727 6966Fax: +30 210 727 6897Department of PhysicsSchool of Applied Mathematical andPhysical SciencesNational Technical University of AthensZografou Campus15780 Zografou, AthensPhone: +30 210 772 3008Fax: +30 210 772 3025Contact: R. VlastouE-Mail: vlastou@central.ntua.grhttp://www.physics.ntua.gr/index en.htmlDepartment of PhysicsSection of Nuclear andElementary Particle PhysicsAristotle University of Thessaloniki54124 Thessalonikihttp://www.physics.auth.gr/en/sections/2/Contact (Nuclear Theory): G. LalazissisE-Mail: glalazis@auth.grPhone: +30 2310 99 8352Fax: +30 2310 99 8128Contact (Exp. Nuclear Physics):M. Zamani-ValasiadouE-Mail: zamani@physics.auth.grPhone: +30 2310 99 8176Department of ChemistryRadiochemistry LaboratoryAristotle University of Thessaloniki54124 ThessalonikiPhone/Fax: +30 2310 997753Contact: P. MisaelidesE-Mail: misailid@chem.auth.grhttp://www.chem.auth.gr/index.php?lang=enst=65152

Nuclear Physics LaboratoryDepartment of PhysicsThe University of IoanninaPOB 1186, 45110 IoanninaContact: Prof. A. PakouPhone: +30 26510 08554Fax: +30 26510 08692E-Mail: apakou@cc.uoi.grhttp://www.uoi.gr/physics/npl/University of CreteFaculty of Sciences and EngineeringDepartment of PhysicsSection of Atomic, Molecular andOptical PhysicsP.O Box 220871003 HeraklionContact: T. J. M. ZourosPhone: +30 2810 394117Fax: +30 2810 394301E-Mail: tzouros@physics.uoc.grhttp://apapes.physics.uoc.gr/<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: Blue153

HungaryDepartment of Atomic PhysicsFaculty of ScienceEötvös Loránd UniversityPázmány Péter sétány 1/AH- 1117 BudapestPhone: +36 1 209 0555, ext. 6345Fax: +36 1 372 2772Department of PhysicsFaculty of ScienceUniversity of PécsP O Box 266H-7601 PécsPhone: +36 72 501 570Fax: +36 72 501 571KFKI Research Institute for Particle andNuclear PhysicsHungarian Academy of SciencesKonkoly Thege Miklós út 29-33.H-1121 BudapestPhone: +36 1 395 9289Fax: +36 1 395 9151<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage Colour: BlueDepartment of Theoretical PhysicsEötvös Loránd UniversityP O Box 32H-1518 BudapestPhone: +36 1 372 2546Fax: +36 1 372 2509Institute of Nuclear Research of theHungarian Academy of SciencesP O Box 51H-4001 DebrecenPhone: +36 52 417266Fax: +36 52 416181Department of Experimental PhysicsFaculty of ScienceUniversity of DebrecenBem tér 18/AH-4026 DebrecenPhone: +36 52 415222Fax: +36 52 315087Department of Theoretical PhysicsFaculty of ScienceUniversity of DebrecenPoroszlay út 6/CH-4032 DebrecenPhone: +36 52 346758Fax: +36 52 346758154

ItalyIstituto Nazionale di Fisica NucleareSezione di Baric/o Dipartimento di FisicaVia Orabona 4I-70126 BariPhone: +39 080 5442332Fax: +39 080 553 49 38Istituto Nazionale di Fisica NucleareLaboratori Nazionali del SudVia S. Sofia 44I-95125 CataniaPhone: +39 095 51 61 40Fax: +39 095 714 18 15<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nuclearegruppo collegato INFN di Salernoc/o Dipartimento di Fisica UniversitàUniversità di SalernoI-84081 Baronissi (SA)Phone: +39 089 96 53 71Fax: +39 089 96 52 75Istituto Nazionale di Fisica NucleareSezione di BolognaDip. di Fisica, UniversitàVia berti Pichat 6/2I-40126 BolognaPhone: +39 051 630 52 09Fax: +39 051 630 52 92C.N.A.F.Viale Berti Pchat 6/2I-40126 BolognaPhone: +39 051 609 28 17Fax: +39 051 60 92 77 46Istituto Nazionale di Fisica NucleareSezione di Cagliaricittadella Universitaria di MonserratoStrad Prov.le per Sestru Km 1,00Casella Postale n.170I-09042 Monserrato (CA)Phone: +39 070 719 54 82Fax: +39 070 37 16 00Istituto Nazionale di Fisica NucleareSezione di Cataniac/o Dipartimento di Fisica e AstronomiaUniversitáVia S. Sofia 64I-95123 CataniaPhone: +39 095 378 54 34Fax: +39 095 378 52 25Istituto Nazionale di Fisica NucleareSezione di FerraraVia Paradiso, 12I-44100 FerraraPhone: +39 0532 78 18 69Fax: +39 0532 76 20 57Istituto Nazionale di Fisica NucleareSezione di Firenzec/o Dipartimento di Fisica UniversitàLargo Enrico Fermi, 2I-50125 FirenzePhone: +39 055 230 77 32Fax: +39 055 233 51 98Istituto Nazionale di Fisica NucleareLaboratori Nazionali di FrascatiC.P. 13Via Enrico Fermi, 40I-00044 FrascatiPhone: +39 06 94 03 25 73Fax: +39 06 94 03 25 82Istituto Nazionale di Fisica NucleareSezione di GenovaVia Dodecaneso, 33I-16486 GenovaPhone: +39 010 353 62 41Fax: +39 010 31 33 58Istituto Nazionale di Fisica NucleareLaboratori Nazionali del Gran SassoS.S. 17/bis km. 18.900I-67010 Assergi (AQ)Phone: +39 0862 43 72 31Fax: +39 0862 41 07 95155

Istituto Nazionale di Fisica NucleareSezzione di Leccec/o dipartimento di Fisica UniversitàVia Arnesano s.n.c.I-73100 LeccePhone: +39 0832 32 04 90Fax: +39 0832 32 51 28Istituto Nazionale di Fisica NucleareSezione di Padovac/o Dipartimento di Fisica UniversitàVia F. Marzolo, 8I-35131 PadovaPhone: +39 049 827 71 27Fax: +39 049 66 22 63<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage Colour: BlueIstituto Nazionale di Fisica NucleareLaboratori Nazionali di LegnaroVia Romea 4I-35020 Legnaro (PD)Phone: +39 049 806 83 56Fax: +39 049 806 85 14Istituto Nazionale di Fisica NucleareSezione di Milanoc/o Dipartimento di Fisica UniversitàVia Celoria, 16I-20133 MilanoPhone: +39 02 70 60 16 25Fax: +39 02 70 60 18 11Sezione INFN di Milano BicoccaEdificio U2,Piazza della Scienza, 3I-20126 Milano (Italia)Director:Phone: +39 02 6448 2402Sectretary:Phone: +39 02 6448 2403Fax: +39 02 6448 2463Istituto Nazionale di Fisica NucleareSezione di NapoliComplesso Universitario di Monte S. AngeloEdificio g - Via CintiaI-80126 NapoliPhone: +39 081 67 61 87Fax: +39 081 67 63 46Istituto Nazionale di Fisica NucleareGrupo collegato INFN di Parmac/o Dipartimento di Fisica UniversitàParco Area delle Scienze 7AI-43100 ParmaPhone: +39 0521 90 52 59Fax: +39 0521 23 84 08Istituto Nazionale di Fisica NucleareSezione di Paviac/o Dipartimento di Fisica UniversitàVia A. Bassi, 6I-27100 PaviaPhone: +39 0382 50 74 30Fax: +39 0382 43 32 41Istituto Nazionale di Fisica NucleareSezione di Perugiac/o Dipartimento di Fisica UniversitàVia Pascoli s.n.c.I-06100 PerugiaPhone: +39 075 584 72 96Fax: +39 075 584 72 96Istituto Nazionale di Fisica NucleareSezione di PisaVia Livornese 582AI-56010 San Piero A GradoPhone: +39 050 88 02 26Fax: +39 050 88 03 18Istituto Nazionale di Fisica NucleareSezione di Roma “la Sapienzia”c/o Dipartimento di Fisica UniversitàPiazza Aldo Moro,2I-00185 RomaPhone: +39 06 49 91 43 16Fax: +39 06 49 02 75156

<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueIstituto Nazionale di Fisica NucleareSezione di RomaPiazzale Aldo Moro, 2I-00185 RomaPhone: +39 06 499 11Fax: +39 06 495 76 97Istituto Nazionale di Fisica NucleareSezione di roma “Tor Vergata”via della ricerca Scientifica1I-00173 RomaPhone: +39 06 72 59 45 70Fax: +39 06 202 53 64Istituto Nazionale di Fisica NucleareSezione di Roma IIIVia della Vasca Navale 84I-00146 RomaPhone: +39 06 55 17 70 51Fax: +39 06 55 17 70 58Instiuto Nazionale di Fisica NucleareGrupo collegato INFN della Sanitàviale regina Elena, 299I-00161 RomaPhone: +39 06 49 90 22 34Fax: +39 06 494 09 54Istituto Nazionale di Fisica NucleareSezione di Torinoc/o Dipartimento di Fisica UniversitàVia Pietro Giuria, 1I-10125 TorinoPhone: +39 011 670 72 72Fax: +39 011 669 95 79Istituto Nazionale di Fisica NucleareSezione di Triestec/o Dipartimento di Fisica UniversitàVia A. Valerio 2I-34127 TriestePhone: +39 040 676 33 67Fax: +39 040 676 33 50Istituto Nazionale di Fisica NucleareGrupo Collegato INFN di MessinaCasella Postale 56Salita Sperone 13 Ctr. PapardoI-98010 vill. s. Agata (MESSINA)Phone: +39 090 39 19 53Fax: +39 090 60 10 07Istituto Nazionale di Fisica NucleareGruppo collegato INFN di Trentoc/o Dipartimento di Fisica UniversitàUniversità degli Studi di TrentoI-38050 Povo (Trento)Phone: +39 0461 98 11 36Fax: +39 0461 88 20 14/88 16 96Instiuto Nazionale di Fisica NucleareGrupo collegato INFN di Udinec/o Dipartimento di Fisica Universitàvia delle Scienze 208I-33100 UdinePhone: +39 0432 55 82 10Fax: +39 0432 55 32 22Istituto Nazionale di Fisica NucleareGrupo collegato INFN di Cosenza (L.N.F.)c/o Dipartimento di Fisica UniversitàUniversità della calabriaI-87036 Arcavacata di rende (CS)Phone: +39 0984 93 94 80/49 30 37Fax: +39 0984 49 31 87ECT* Villa TambosiStrade delle Tabarelle 286I-38050 Villazzano (TN)Phone: +39 0461 314 722Fax: +39 0461 314 747157

The NetherlandsNikhefP.O. Box 41882NL-1009 DB Amsterdam OR:Science Park 105NL-1098 XG AmsterdamContact person:Prof. Dr. F.L. LindePhone: +31 20 592 50 01Fax: +31 20 592 5155E-Mail: F.Linde@nikhef.nlDepartment of Physics and Astronomy,Faculty of ScienceVrije UniversiteitDe Boelelaan 1081NL-1081 HV AmsterdamFax: +31 20 598 79 92Contact person:Prof. Dr. P.J.G. MuldersPhone: +31 20 598 78 63E-Mail: mulders@few.vu.nl<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage Colour: BlueKernfysisch Versneller InstituutZernikelaan 25NL-9747 AA GroningenFax: +31 50 63 40 03Contact person:Prof. Dr. K. JungmannPhone: +31 50 363 35 53E-Mail: jungmann@kvi.nlDepartment of Subatomic PhysicsUniversity of UtrechtBuys Ballot LaboratoryPrincetonplein 5NL-3584 CC UtrechtFax +31 30 251 86 89Contact person:Prof. Dr. Thomas PeitzmannPhone: +31 30 253 25 12E-Mail: t.peitzmann@uu.nl158

NorwayDepartment of Physics and TechnologyUniversity of BergenAllegt. 55N-5007 BergenPhone: +47 55 58 28 06Fax: +47 55 58 94 40E-mail: First.LastName@ift.uib.noDepartment of PhysicsUniversity of OsloPO Box 1048 BlindernN-0316 OsloPhone: +47 22 85 64 28Fax: +47 22 85 64 22E-Mail: admin@fys.uio.no<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueDepartment of ChemistryUniversity of OsloPO Box 1033 BlindernN-0315 OsloPhone: +47 22 85 54 46Fax: +47 22 85 54 41E-Mail: ekspedisjonen@kjemi.uio.no159

PolandAGH University of Science and TechnologyFaculty of Physics and Applied ComputerScienceReymonta 19Pl-30-059 KrakówPhone: +48 12 617 29 53Fax: +48 12 634 00 10Contact person:Wojciech ̷LunyE-Mail: luzny@agh.edu.plhttp://www.ftj.agh.edu.plNicolaus Copernicus Astronomical CenterBartycka 18Pl-00-716 WarszawaPhone: +48 22 329 61 39Fax: +48 22 841 00 46Contact person:Pawe̷l HaenselE-Mail: haensel@camk.edu.plhttp://www.camk.edu.plFaculty of PhysicsWarsaw University of TechnologyPl-00-662 WarszawaKoszykowa 75Phone: +48 22 660 73 43Fax: +48 22 628 21 71Contact person:Jan PlutaE-Mail: pluta@if.pw.edu.plhttp://www.fizyka.pw.edu.plHeavy Ion LaboratoryWarsaw UniversityPasteura 5 APl-02-093 WarszawaPhone: +48 22 5546342Fax: +48 22 6592714Contact person:Krzysztof RusekE-Mail: Krzysztof.Rusek@fuw.edu.plhttp://www.slcj.uw.edu.pl<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage Colour: BlueInsitute of Experimental Physics,Faculty of PhysicsWarsaw UniversityHoża 69Pl-00-681 WarszawaPhone: +48 22 5532000Fax: +48 22 6226154Contact person:Tomasz MatulewiczE-Mail: Tomasz.Matulewicz@fuw.edu.plhttp://ifd.fuw.edu.plDepartment of Nuclear Physics and its ApplicationsInstitute of PhysicsUniversity of SilesiaUniwersytecka 4Pl-40-007 KatowicePhone: +48 32 359 18 88Fax: +48 32 258 84 31Contact person:Wiktor ZipperE-Mail: zipper@us.edu.plHenryk NiewodniczanskiInstitute of Nuclear Physics PANRadzikowskiego 152Pl-31-342 KrakówPhone: +48 12 6628200Fax: +48 12 6628458Contact person:Marek JeabekE-Mail: Marek.Jezabek@ifj.edu.plhttp://www.ifj.edu.plInstitute of PhysicsUniversity of ̷LodzPomorska 147/149Pl-90-236 ̷LódźPhone: +48 42 635 56 37Fax: +48 42 678 39 58Contact person:Józef AndrzejewskiE-Mail: jozefan@krysia.uni.lodz.pl160

<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueInstitute of PhysicsJagiellonian UniversityReymonta 4Pl-30-059 KrakówPhone: +48 12 663 91 68Fax: +48 12 633 70 86Contact person:Reinhard KulessaE-Mail: kulessa@if.uj.edu.plInstitute of PhysicsMaria Curie-Sklodowska UniversityRadziszewskiego 10Pl-20-031 LublinPhone: +48 81 537 61 68Fax: +48 81 537 61 91Contact person:Krzysztof PomorskiE-Mail: Krzysztof.Pomorski@umcs.lublin.plInstitute of Theoretical PhysicsWarsaw UniversityHoża 69Pl-00-681 WarszawaPhone: +48 22 628 33 96Fax: +48 22 621 94 75Contact person:Wojciech Satu̷laE-Mail: wojciech.satula@fuw.edu.plNational Centre for Nuclear ResearchAndrzeja So̷ltana 705-400 Otwock, wierkPhone: +48 22 7180001Fax: +48 22 7793481Contact person:Grzegorz WrochnaE-Mail: Grzegorz.Wrochna@ncbj.gov.plhttp://www.ncbj.gov.plDepartment of Nuclear and Medical PhysicsInsitute of Physics, Univeristy of SzczecinWielkopolska 1570 - 451 SzczecinPhone: +48 91 4441227Fax: +48 91 4441226Contact person:Konrad CzerskiE-Mail: czerski@wmf.univ.szczecin.plhttp://www.fiz.univ.szczecin.pl/Institute for Theoretical PhysicsUniversity of Wroclawpl. M. Borna 950-204 WroclawPhone: +48 71 375-9408fax: +48 71 3214454Contact person:Krzysztof RedlichE-Mail: redlich@ift.uni.wroc.plhttp://www.ift.uni.wroc.plInformation on all Nuclear Physics Institutesin Poland can be obtained via PolishNuclear Physics Network home pages:http://www.slcj.uw.edu.pl/pnpn161

PortugalDepartamento de FísicaUniversidade de Coimbra3004-516 CoimbraPhone: +351 239 410 600Fax: +351 239 829 158Centro de Física NuclearUniversidade de LisboaAvenida Prof. Gama Pinto, 21649-003 LisboaPhone: +351 217 904 741Fax: +351 217 954 288Instituto Tecnológico e NuclearEstrada Nacional 10P2686-953 SacavémPhone: +351 219 946 086Fax: +351 219 941 525<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage Colour: BlueCentro de Física das InteracçõesFundamentaisInstituto Superior TécnicoAv. Rovisco PaisP1049-001 LisboaPhone: +351 218 419 092Fax: +351 218 419 143Centro de Física Teõrica de PartículasInstituto Superior TécnicoAvenida Rovisco PaisP1049-001 LisboaPhone: +351 218 419 092+351 218 419 142Fax: +351 218 419 143162

Spain<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueDepartamento de FísicaUniversidad de ExtremaduraE-06071 BadajozPhone: +34 924 28 95 26Departamento d’ Estructura yConstituents de la MateriaFacultad de FísicaUniversidad de BarcelonaDiagonal 647E-08028 BarcelonaPhone: +34 93 402 11Servei de Física de les RadiacionsEdifici CUniversidad Autónoma de BarcelonaE-08193 BarcelonaPhone: +34 93 581 16 55Departamento de Física Atmica,Molecular y NuclearFacultad de CienciasUniversidad de GranadaE-18071 GranadaPhone: +34 958 24 32 17Departamento de Física TeóricaFacultad de Ciencias Modulo 15Universidad Autónoma de MadridCantoblancoE-28049 MadridPhone: +34 91 497 48 83Instituto de Estructura de la Materia,C.S.I.C.Serrano, 123E-28006 MadridPhone: +34 91 590 16 14C.I.E.M.A.T.Avenida Complutense 40E-28040 MadridPhone: +34 91 346 60 00Departamento de Física Atomíca,Nuclear y AstroFísicaFacultad de FísicasUniversidad Complutense de MadridE-28040 MadridPhone: +34 91 94 44 97Departamento de Física Atomícay NuclearFacultad de CienciasUniversidad de las Islas BalearesCtra. Valldemosa km 7.5E-Palma de MallorcaPhone: +34 971 20 71 11Departamento de Física NuclearFacultad de FísicasUniversidad de SalamancaE-SalamancaPhone: +34 923 21 82 09Departamento de Fsica FundamentalFacultad de CienciasUniversidad de SalamancaE-37007 SalamancaPhone: +34 923294434 / 923294798Departamento de Fisica de ParticulasFacultad de Fsica - Campus SurUniversidad de Santiago de CompostelaE-15782 Santiago de CompostelaPhone: +34 981 56 31 00 / 881 81 39 84Departamento de Física Atomíca,Molecular y NuclearFacultad de Física-Apartado 1065E-41080 SevillaPhone: +34 954 55 28 89163

Centro Nacional de AceleradoresParque Tecnológico Cartuja ’93Avda. Thomas A. Edison s/nE-41092 SevillaPhone: +34954460553Fax: +34954460145E-Mail: cna@us.esIFIC - Instituto de Fsica CorpuscularEdificio Institutos de InvestigacinApartado de Correos 22085E-46071 ValenciaPhone: +34 96 354 35 00 / 34 73Departamento de Física TeóricaFalcultad de Ciencias Físicas. BurjassotE-46100 ValenciaPhone: +34 96 35 44 349<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage Colour: BlueLaboratorio de Física NuclearFacultad de CienciasUniversidad de ZaragozaE-50009 ZaragozaPhone: +34 976 35 56 09Departamento de Fsica AplicadaUniversidad de HuelvaAv Fuerzas Armadas snE-21071 HuelvaPhone: +34-95 921 97 85 / 97 78Secci dEnginyera NuclearDepartament de Fsica i Enginyeria NuclearETSEIBUniversitat Politcnica de CatalunyaAv. Diagonal, 647, Pab. CE-08028 Barcelona (Spain)Phone: +34 93 401 77 93164

Sweden<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueDepartment of Fundamental PhysicsChalmers University of TechnologyS-412 96 GöteborgPhone: +46 31 772 32 60Fax: +46 31 772 32 69Department of Nuclear EngineeringChalmers University of TechnologyS-412 96 GöteborgPhone: +46 31 772 30 80Fax: +46 31 772 30 79Division of Cosmic and Subatomic PhysicsDepartment of PhysicsUniversity of LundSölvegatan 14S-223 62 LundPhone: +46 46 222 77 11Fax: +46 46 222 40 15Department of PhysicsPelletron LaboratoryUniversity of LundSölvegatan 14S-223 62 LundPhone: +46 46 222 76 44Fax: +46 46 222 47 09MAX-Lab.University of LundOle Römers väg 1S-220 07 LundPhone: +46 46 222 76 36Fax: +46 46 222 47 09Department of Mathematical PhysicsLund Institute of TechnologyBox 725S-220 07 LundPhone: +46 46 222 90 85Fax: +46 46 222 44 16Royal Institute of TechnologyDepartment of PhysicsRoslagsbacken 21SE-10691 StockholmPhone: +46 8 790 600Fax: +46 8 5537 8216Department of PhysicsStockholm UniversityRoslagsbacken 21SE-10691 StockholmPhone: +46 8 5537 800Fax: +46 8 5537 8601Department of Physics and AstronomyUppsala UniversityBox 516SE-75120 UppsalaPhone: +46 18 471 5952Fax: +46 18 471 5999NORDITARoslagstullsbacken 23SE-10691 StockholmPhone: +46 8 5537 8444Fax: +46 8 5537 8404The Svedberg LaboratoryUniversity of UppsalaBox 535S-751 21 UppsalaPhone: +46 18 471 31 12Fax: +46 18 471 38 33165

SwitzerlandInstitut für PhysikAbteilung KernphysikUniversität BaselKlingelbergstr. 82CH-4056 BaselPhone: +41 61 267 36 87Fax: +41 61 267 37 84Albert Einstein Centerfor Fundamental PhysicsSidlerstrasse 5CH-3012 BernPaul Scherrer Institut (PSI)Würenlingen and VilligenCH-5232 Villigen PSIPhone: +41 56 310 21 11Fax: +41 56 310 31 91Labor für IonenstrahlphysikETH ZürichSchafmattstrasse 20CH-8093 ZürichPhone: +44 633 65 07Fax: +44 633 10 67<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage Colour: BlueDepartment of PhysicsUniversity of FribourgCh. du Musée 3CH-1700 FribourgCERNCH-1211 Genève 23Phone: +41 22 767 61 11Fax: +41 22 767 87 60ISOLDECERNCH-1211 Genève 23Phone: +41 22 767 58 28Fax: +41 22 767 89 90University of GenevaInstitute of PhysicsDépartment Physique nucléaireq. Ernest-Ansermet 24CH-1205 Genève 4Phone: +41 22 702 61 11Fax: +41 22 781 21 92Laboratoire de physique deshautes Énergies 2EPFL SB IPEP LPHE2BSP 623 (Bâtiment sciences physiques UNIL)CH-1015 LausannePhone: +41 21 692 37 00Fax: +41 21 692 36 05Physik-InstitutUniversität ZürichWinterthurerstrasse 190CH-8057 ZürichPhone: +41 1 635 57 21Fax: +41 1 635 57 04166

United KingdomNuclear Physics GroupSchool of Physics & AstronomyUniversity of BirminghamEdgbastonBirmingham B15 2TTPhone: +44 121 414 46 81Fax: +44 121 414 47 19Contact person:M. FreerE-Mail: m.freer@bham.ac.ukSchool of Engineering & ScienceUniversity of BrightonBrighton BN2 4GJPhone: +44 12 73 64 25 36Fax: +44 12 73 64 23 01Contact person:A. BruceE-Mail: Alison.Bruce@bton.ac.ukPhysics and Astronomy DepartmentUniversity of GlasgowGlasgow G12 8QQPhone: +44 141 330 47 09Fax: +44 141 330 58 89Contact person:D. IrelandE-Mail: d.ireland@physics.gla.ac.ukPhysics DivisionDepartment of Electronic Engineering& PhysicsUniversity of the West of ScotlandPaisley PA1 2BEPhone: +44 141 848 36 00Fax: +44 141 848 36 16Contact person:J.F. SmithE-Mail: john.f.smith@uws.ac.uk<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueSTFCDaresbury LaboratoryDaresburyWarrington WA4 4ADPhone: +44 19 25 60 33 07Fax: +44 19 25 60 31 73Contact person:John SimpsonE-Mail: john.simpson@stfc.ac.ukDepartment of Physics & AstronomyEdinburgh UniversityJames Clerk Maxwell BuildingKing’s BuildingMayfield RoadEdinburgh EH9 3JZPhone: +44 131 650 52 83Fax: +44 131 650 70 03Contact person:P. J. WoodsE-Mail: philip.j.woods@ph.ed.ac.ukRutherford Appleton LaboratoryChiltonDidcotOxfordshire OX11 0QXPhone: +44 12 35 44 55 93Fax: +44 12 35 44 62 21Contact person:John SimpsonE-Mail: john.simpson@stfc.ac.ukUniversity of LiverpoolOliver Lodge LaboratoryOxford StreetLiverpool L69 7ZEPhone: +44 151 794 33 70Fax: +44 151 794 33 48Contact person:P. J. NolanE-Mail: p.j.nolan@liv.ac.uk167

Department of Physics and AstronomyThe University of ManchesterManchester M13 9PLPhone: +44 161 275 41 05Fax: +44 161 275 55 09Contact person:J. BillowesE-Mail: j.billowes@man.ac.ukDepartment of PhysicsUniversity of SurreyGuildford GU2 5XHPhone: +44 14 83 68 93 07Fax: +44 14 83 25 70 03Contact person:W. CatfordE-Mail: w.catford@surrey.ac.uk<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage Colour: BlueDepartment of PhysicsUniversity of YorkHeslingtonYork YO10 5DDPhone: +44 19 04 43 22 17Fax: +44 19 04 43 22 14Contact person:B.R.FultonE-Mail: brf2@york.ac.uk168

ContentsIntroduction 5European Science Foundation 6Terms of Reference 7Membership of <strong>NuPECC</strong> 10Access to European Facilities 13AARHUS ISA (Denmark) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14ASSERGI LNGS (Italy) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16ATHENS DEMOKRITOS (Greece) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18BONN ELSA (Germany) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20BORDEAUX-GRADIGNAN CEN (France) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: BlueBRAUNSCHWEIG PTB (Germany) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24BUCHAREST IFIN-HH (Romania) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26CAEN GANIL (France) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28CAEN SPIRAL2 (France) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30CASERTA CIRCE (Italy) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32CATANIA LNS (Italy) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34DARMSTADT FAIR (Germany) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36DARMSTADT GSI (Germany) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38DARMSTADT S-DALINAC (Germany) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40DEBRECEN ATOMKI (Hungary) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42DRESDEN HZDR (Germany) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44FIRENZE LABEC (Italy) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46FRANKFURT FRANZ (Germany) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48169

FRASCATI LNF (Italy) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50GARCHING MLL (Germany) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52GARCHING FRM-II (Germany) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54GLASGOW SCAPA (United Kingdom) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56GEEL IRMM (Belgium) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58GENEVE CERN-ISOLDE (Switzerland) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60GENEVE CERN n TOF (Switzerland) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62GRENOBLE ILL (France) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64GRONINGEN KVI (Netherlands) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66HAMBURG DESY (Germany) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68JÜLICH (Germany) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook even-numberedpage Colour: BlueJYVÄSKYLÄ (Finland) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72KÖLN (Germany) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74KRAKOW IFJ PAN (Poland) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76LEGNARO LNL (Italy) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78LEUVEN IMBL (Belgium) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80LJUBLJANA JSI (Slovenia) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82LONDON NPL (United Kingdom) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE (Belgium) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86LUND MAX IV (Sweden) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88MADRID CMAM (Spain) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90MAINZ MAMI (Germany) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92MOL SCK-CEN (Belgium) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94NAPOLI (Italy) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96ORSAY JANNuS (France) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98ORSAY TANDEM-ALTO (France) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100OSLO (Norway) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102PARIS AGLAE (France) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104ŘEŽ near PRAGUE (Czech Republic) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106SACLAY JANNuS (France) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108SEVILLA CNA (Spain) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110SOFIA INRNE (Bulgaria) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112SURREY (United Kingdom) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114170

SZCZECIN (Poland) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116TRENTO ECT* (Italy) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118UPPSALA TSL (Sweden) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120VILLIGEN PSI (Switzerland) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122WARSZAWA (Poland) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124WIEN VERA (Austria) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126ZAGREB RBI (Croatia) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128How to Contact European Funding Agencies 131How to Contact Nuclear Physics Institutes in Europe 139<strong>NuPECC</strong>Handbook odd-numbered page Colour: Blue171

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