major issues and challenges for improving the marketing

major issues and challenges for improving the marketing

major issues and challenges for improving the marketing


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. Macro policy: credit availability, high interest rate, <strong>and</strong> fluctuating exchangerateSince <strong>the</strong> deep crisis hit many Asian countries, credit became scarcecombining with high interest rate. Many opportunities could not be realizedbecause of lacking of working capital particularly faced by small enterprises.Developing financial institution <strong>for</strong> SMEs would alleviate <strong>the</strong> problem. Thisproblem is exaggerated by fluctuating exchange rate, making exportersdifficult to plan.c. Trade Policy: export tax, import tax <strong>for</strong> raw materialsSome Indonesian competitive products are still confronted by export tax.Crude Palm Oil (CPO), rattan, <strong>and</strong> log <strong>for</strong> example are subject to export tax,which lower profit received by farmers. Export tax must be ended. On <strong>the</strong>o<strong>the</strong>r h<strong>and</strong> import tariff <strong>for</strong> some input required by farmers <strong>and</strong> <strong>for</strong> foodprocessing are still applied.d. Red Tapes PracticesIn some countries, Illegal retribution fees are still charged by governmentofficials (Retribusi Pungutan Hasil Pertanian – in Indonesian case).e. High Transport CostsShipping cost using domestic company <strong>for</strong> export is much higher comparedwith that abroad (<strong>for</strong> example Taiwanese ship is cheaper). Domestic shippingcompanies sometimes practices hidden surchargesf. Raw Materials with Good Quality <strong>and</strong> Continue SupplyLack of knowledge <strong>and</strong> seasonally is a critical factor here. Asia Pacificagriculture, except USA is characterized by small scale. It is difficult tomaintain a homogenous quality. Partnership between exporters <strong>and</strong> farmersshould be encouraged to overcome <strong>the</strong> problem. Unlike o<strong>the</strong>r industries,agroprocessing depends on a regular supply of high quality raw materials.g. Lack of Supporting FacilityAmong <strong>the</strong> most important is cooling storage <strong>the</strong> shipping ports, <strong>and</strong> irrigationin <strong>the</strong> farm fields. The idea of developing agribusiness terminals in productioncenters could also help overcoming <strong>the</strong> export <strong>and</strong> domestic problems.Agribusiness terminal is also function as a distribution network.h. Insufficient Distribution SystemDistribution system is very crucial in connecting farm produce to customercenters. Poor distribution system is common in almost all developingcountries. The idea of building wholesale markets in large cities, <strong>and</strong> terminalsin production areas will facilitate distribution, reduce post harvest loss, <strong>and</strong>improve bargaining position of farmers. Government may provide subsidy toinitiate <strong>the</strong> idea.i. Lack of Professional ManagersTo penetrate international market exporting company would need professionalmanagers. A rigorous knowledge of international market, regulation,MAJOR ISSUES AND CHALLENGES FOR IMPROVING THE MARKETING AND DISTRIBUTION OFAGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS Kaman Nainggolan33

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