Anglo American Annual Report 2012

Anglo American Annual Report 2012

Anglo American Annual Report 2012

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Sensitivity analysis in respect of currency and commodity pricesSet out below is the impact on underlying earnings of a 10% fluctuationin certain of the Group’s commodity prices and exchange rates(1)Average price10%(7)Commodity<strong>2012</strong> 2011sensitivityUS$ millionPlatinum (2) $1,555/oz $1,725/oz 150Metallurgical Coal (3) $178/t $251/t 195Thermal Coal (4) $92/t $114/t 209Copper (5) 361c/lb 400c/lb 280Nickel (5) 794c/lb 1,035c/lb 37Iron Ore (6) $122/t $158/t 191Palladium (2) $647/oz $736/oz 41ZAR/USD 8.21 7.26 434AUD/USD 0.97 0.97 190CLP/USD 486 484 69(1)‘oz’ denotes ounces, ‘t’ denotes tonnes, ‘c’ denotes cents, ‘lb’ denotes pounds.(2)Source: Johnson Matthey Plc.(3)Average realised FOB price of export metallurgical coal.(4)Average realised FOB price of export thermal coal (South Africa).(5)Being the average LME price.(6)Average price represents average iron ore (South Africa) export price achieved.(7)Excludes the effect of any hedging activities. Stated after tax at marginal rate. Sensitivities are the averageof the positive and negative and the impact of a 10% change in the average prices received and exchange ratesduring <strong>2012</strong>. Increases in commodity prices increase underlying earnings and vice versa. A strengthening ofthe South African rand, Australian dollar and Chilean peso relative to the US dollar reduces underlying earningsand vice versa.and $1,267 million in dividends tonon-controlling interests.The completion of our acquisition of anadditional 40% interest in De Beers inAugust <strong>2012</strong> resulted in a cash outflowof $4,816 million, net of cash acquired.Liquidity and fundingNet debt, including related hedges,was $8,615 million, an increase of$7,241 million from $1,374 million at31 December 2011. The increase innet debt reflects weaker operatingcash flows owing to lower commodityprices in <strong>2012</strong> and the acquisition of40% of De Beers, partially offset bythe disposal of 25.4% in AA Sur.Net debt at 31 December <strong>2012</strong>comprised $17,759 million of debt,partially offset by $9,312 million ofcash and cash equivalents, and thecurrent position of derivative liabilitiesrelated to net debt of $168 million. Netdebt to total capital (1) at 31 December<strong>2012</strong> was 16.4%, compared with 3.1%at 31 December 2011.At 31 December <strong>2012</strong>, the Group hadundrawn committed bank facilities of$9.3 billion.(1)Net debt to total capital is calculated as net debtdivided by total capital. Total capital is net assetsexcluding net debt.The Group’s forecasts and projections,taking account of reasonably possiblechanges in trading performance,indicate the Group’s ability to operatewithin the level of its current facilitiesfor the foreseeable future.Corporate activities andunallocated costsCorporate costs which are consideredto be value adding to the business unitsare allocated to each business unit.Costs reported externally as Groupcorporate costs only comprise costsassociated with parental or directshareholder-related activities.Dividends<strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>American</strong>’s dividend policy willprovide a base dividend that will bemaintained or increased through thecycle. Consistent with the policy, theBoard has recommended a finaldividend of 53 cents per share,giving a total rebased dividend forthe year of 85 cents per share, subjectto shareholder approval at the <strong>Annual</strong>General Meeting to be held on19 April 2013. This reflects confidencein the underlying business andcompletes the reinstatementjourney to rebase the dividend to becompetitive with diversified peers.This recommendation is consistentwith the commitment to have adisciplined balance between themaintenance of a strong investmentgrade rating, returns to shareholdersand sequencing of future investmentin line with resulting funding capacity.From time to time any cash surplusto requirements will be returnedto shareholders.Analysis of dividendsUS cents per share <strong>2012</strong> 2011Interim dividend 32 28Recommendedfi n a ld i v i d e n d 53 46Total dividends 85 74Related party transactionsRelated party transactions aredisclosed in note 37 to the financialstatements.Basis of disclosureThis operating and financial review(OFR) describes the main trends andfactors underlying the development,performance and position of<strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>American</strong> plc (the Group)during the year ended 31 December<strong>2012</strong>, as well as those likely to affectthe future development, performanceand position. It has been prepared inline with the guidance provided in thereporting statement on the operatingand finance review issued by theUK Accounting Standards Board inJanuary 2006.Forward looking statementsThis OFR contains certain forwardlooking statements with respect tothe financial condition, results,operations and businesses of theGroup. These statements andforecasts involve risk and uncertaintybecause they relate to events anddepend on circumstances that occurin the future. There are a numberof factors that could cause actualresults or developments todiffer materially from thoseexpressed or implied by theseforward looking statements.Operating and financial review<strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>American</strong> plc <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2012</strong> 47

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