Anglo American Annual Report 2012

Anglo American Annual Report 2012

Anglo American Annual Report 2012

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Globalexplorationactivity for<strong>2012</strong> focusedon greenfieldprojects acrossa numberof matureand frontierlocations,as well ason addingvalue, throughincreasingresources andreserves, toour operationsand advancedprojects.HIGH-TECH EXPLORATION IN FINLANDOperating and financial review01020403A Low Temperature SuperconductingQuantum Interference Device(LT-SQUID) is a very sensitivemagnetometer that is capable ofmeasuring and distinguishingbetween discrete magnetic responsesusing superconducting loops. TheLT-SQUID is considered particularlyuseful for discriminating betweenmetallic deposits such as nickelsulphides, which can be maskedby certain rock types that can alsohold an electric current – forexample, shale.The LT-SQUID was developedin collaboration between <strong>Anglo</strong><strong>American</strong> and the Institute forPhysical High Technology (IPHT)in Jena, Germany. The LT-SQUIDis the sensor, cooled using liquidhelium (-298°C), and measures theresponse to an electromagneticcurrent response after the currenthas been transmitted into the ground.The LT-SQUID has been employedby <strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>American</strong> field teams tohelp search for so-called blinddeposits that have no visibleexpression on the ground surface.It has revolutionised how we look atand model the picture beneath theground surface, particularly at depth.This has enabled <strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>American</strong>to discover significant depositssuch as Gamsberg East (zinc)in Namaqualand, South Africa.Conventional TransientElectromagnetic (TEM) methodswould not have been enable toidentify the flat-lying metallicconductor located 250 metresbeneath the ground surface, ordistinguish between two metallicsulphide types that have differentlevels of electromagneticconductance. The LT-SQUID sensoralso helped to define the geometricdimensions of the Gamsberg Eastdeposit as it enabled a greaterpenetration depth to be reached.Another example is at the Sakattipolymetallic project in Finland.Owing to the highly conductive natureof the interconnected mineralisationat the project, normal TEMgeophysical techniques were notable to provide accurate readings.The team then used the LT-SQUIDsystem, and that informationultimately supported the discoveryof the main mineralised body.Images01 Project geoscientist Circé Malo-Lalandewith the LT-Squid.02 Exploration manager Mattias Johansson(foreground) and exploration geologistCraig Hartshorne examine drill cores.03 Drilling in progress at the Sakatti drill site.04 Drill operators Jarmo Kairaaja (left), andTiejo Apukairaasa on Sakatti rig No. 8.<strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>American</strong> plc <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2012</strong> 41

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