Anglo American Annual Report 2012

Anglo American Annual Report 2012

Anglo American Annual Report 2012

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Thermal Coal’s flexible conveyortrain is set to be a game-changerin the safe and efficient productionof coal from underground mines.FLEXIBLE CONVEYOR TRAINSETS NEW RECORDIn producing 116,708 tonnes in September <strong>2012</strong>,the 110-metres-long flexible conveyor train (FCT)based underground at Greenside achieved thehighest monthly coal output ever recordedoutside the US.Developed in conjunction with Joy MiningMachinery, the FCT is a continuous haulagesystem that eliminates bottlenecks, thusallowing continuous miners to operate atmaximum capacity.The key to the FCT’s effectiveness is its flexibleconveyor and traction system that permits it tobe operated, by remote control, as a single unit.The ability to continuously convey materialalong its entire length, while simultaneouslymoving to follow the continuous miner’s everymove, offers a distinct advantage over all othertypes of haulage.The FCT also offers safety benefits througheliminating the need for shuttle cars, therebyreducing vehicle and pedestrian interaction.25 %PRODUCTIVITY IMPROVEMENTIN CONTINUOUS MINER OUTPUTTARGETED BY 2014.HIGHEST MONTHLY PRODUCTION IN <strong>2012</strong>+116,708 tonnesTo achieve the targeted productivity increase, Greenside mustaverage 116 kt per month.117 kt100 kt116 kt102 ktSept <strong>2012</strong> Oct <strong>2012</strong> Nov <strong>2012</strong> Dec <strong>2012</strong>Operating and financial review01“The Greenside FCT project team areamong the most competent people inthe business.”Avery BaileyFCT specialist02“The FCT’ssuccessfulintroductiondemonstrates thevalue being deliveredfrom Thermal Coal’stechnology partnerships; this systemhas the potential to transform ourunderground coal mining operationsin South Africa.”Godfrey GomweCEO, Thermal CoalMain, 01 and 02Members of theGreenside teamwho assisted inthe successfulimplementationof the mine’s 110metre long flexibleconveyor train –the first of its kindin South Africa.<strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>American</strong> plc <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2012</strong> 37

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