Anglo American Annual Report 2012

Anglo American Annual Report 2012

Anglo American Annual Report 2012

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training. This puts emphasis on trainingpeople in skills not traditionally neededwithin the company, so that they areemployable after mine closure.Building leadership capabilityWe see strong leadership andmanagerial capabilities as central toachieving our business objectives andsustained success in the mining sector.Beyond capability, we see maintainingthe right leadership culture as critical toencouraging people to want to workwith <strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>American</strong>. For this reasonwe focus on and continuously reviewhigh quality leadership developmentand have a range of over 200external and internal developmentprogrammes currently in use acrossthe Group.Recognising and rewardingperformanceIt is important to our success that thestructure and level of our remunerationand rewards are consistent across theGroup and competitive in each ofthe markets within which we operate.We benchmark our remunerationschemes against our peers andimplement comprehensiveperformance-based reward systemswith the aim of attracting and retainingthe best people.Creating a diverse organisationBy year end, 23% of managers werewomen, representing an increasefrom 22% in 2011. 15% of our overallworkforce is female. Across ourbusinesses, targets have beenset to increase further femalerepresentation, both within themanagement population and theworkforce as a whole.In our South African operations wecontinued to promote transformationin the workforce. By year end, 62% ofour management were ‘historicallydisadvantaged South Africans’(HDSAs), representing a significantincrease on the 51% recorded atthe end of 2011. HDSA employees,including white women, represent80% of our workforce as a whole inSouth Africa.Across ourbusinesses,targetshave beenset to increasefurther femalerepresentation,both within themanagementpopulation andthe workforceas a whole.Fostering sound industrialrelationsDuring <strong>2012</strong>, two strikes exceedingone week’s duration were recorded.Platinum experienced eight weeksof illegal industrial action and unrest atfive of its mines where operations werehalted. Kumba Iron Ore experienced12 days’ unprotected occupation of thecompany’s Sishen Mine.Approximately 84% of our permanentworkforce is represented by workcouncils, trade unions or other similarbodies and covered by collectivebargaining agreements. The nature ofthese agreements varies by countryof operation. However, protecting therights of employees and ensuring fairand compliant employment practicesare principles that apply to everyonewho is employed by <strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>American</strong>,regardless of any recognised,formal representation employeesmay form part of for collectivebargaining purposes.Building and maintaining soundrelationships with our employees andtrade unions is fostered through:• A culture of inclusivity and,consistent with our company value ofcare and respect, a genuine concernfor the well-being of our employees,partners and communities.• Ongoing, open and meaningfuldialogue, ensuring that relevantchanges to the organisation or itspractices are tabled with tradeunions for discussion prior to theirimplementation and that, in turn, anyemployee concerns are broughtfor discussion with the organisationbefore they become the subjectof disputes.• Our appreciation of the fact thatmany of the issues affecting ouremployees are issues that affect therest of the mining sector and, in somecases, society as a whole. In theseinstances, as a responsible corporatecitizen, we have a broader role to playin tabling and positively influencingdiscussion and issue resolution.A significant part of our operationalworkforce consists of contractors;therefore, the effectiveness of therelationships between us and ourcontracting companies, and betweenthose companies and their employees,will remain important.Protecting labour rightsAs signatories to the United NationsGlobal Compact, we are committedto the labour rights principlesprovided in the International LabourOrganisation core conventions,including the right to freedom ofassociation and collective bargaining,the eradication of child and forcedlabour and non-discrimination. Wedo not tolerate any form of unfairdiscrimination, inhumane treatment,forced labour, child labour, harassmentor intimidation in the <strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>American</strong>workplace. Full observance of theseissues is also required of our suppliersin tenders and compliance is audited.At our operations, we have clearpolicies and processes in place inorder to ensure that we do not employany underage or forced labour. Noincidents of employing under-age orforced labour were reported in <strong>2012</strong>.Operating and financial review<strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>American</strong> plc <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2012</strong> 35

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