Anglo American Annual Report 2012

Anglo American Annual Report 2012

Anglo American Annual Report 2012

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FINANCIAL STATEMENTSCONTENTSResponsibility statement 136Independent auditor’s report to the members of <strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>American</strong> plc 137Principal statementsConsolidated income statement 138Consolidated statement of comprehensive income 138Consolidated balance sheet 139Consolidated cash flow statement 140Consolidated statement of changes in equity 141Notes to the financial statements1 Accounting policies 1422 Segmental information 1483 Operating (loss)/profit from subsidiaries and joint ventures 1524 Operating profit and underlying earnings by segment 1535 Special items and remeasurements 1536 Underlying EBITDA 1557 Exploration expenditure 1568 Employee numbers and costs 1569 Net finance (costs)/income 15710 Financial instrument gains and losses 15711 Income tax expense 15812 Dividends 15913 Earnings per share 15914 Intangible assets 16015 Property, plant and equipment 16216 Environmental rehabilitation trusts 16217 Investments in associates 16318 Joint ventures 16419 Financial asset investments 16420 Inventories 16421 Trade and other receivables 16522 Trade and other payables 16523 Financial assets 16524 Financial liabilities 16625 Financial risk management and derivatives 16826 Provisions for liabilities and charges 17327 Deferred tax 17328 Retirement benefits 17429 Called-up share capital and share-based payments 17730 Consolidated equity analysis 18031 Consolidated cash flow analysis 18132 Acquisitions 18233 Disposals of subsidiaries and joint ventures 18334 Assets and liabilities held for sale 18335 Contingent liabilities 18436 Commitments 18537 Related party transactions 18538 Group companies 18639 Events occurring after end of year 18740 Financial statements of the parent company 188Financial statements<strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>American</strong> plc <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2012</strong> 135

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