Investment in Italy

Investment in Italy

Investment in Italy

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4.9<strong>Investment</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Italy</strong>Failure to keep account<strong>in</strong>g books and records properlyFailure to keep account<strong>in</strong>g records is punished by f<strong>in</strong>es rang<strong>in</strong>g from EUR 1,032.00 to EUR7,746.00, which are doubled if the unpaid corporate taxes or VAT amount to more than EUR51,645.69 dur<strong>in</strong>g any tax year.If the company fails to keep account<strong>in</strong>g books and records for the purpose of conceal<strong>in</strong>gprofits or turnover, the legal representative is liable to crim<strong>in</strong>al prosecution.On <strong>in</strong>corporation of a company the tax authorities must be <strong>in</strong>formed about the place wherethe account<strong>in</strong>g books and records are kept and are accessible for tax <strong>in</strong>spection. Anysubsequent changes must also be notified accord<strong>in</strong>gly.Bookkeep<strong>in</strong>g abroad is allowed on condition that all mandatory account<strong>in</strong>g books andrecords can promptly be pr<strong>in</strong>ted out when necessary, i.e. dur<strong>in</strong>g tax <strong>in</strong>spections. The orig<strong>in</strong>aldocumentation must, however, be stored <strong>in</strong> <strong>Italy</strong> until such time as the law allows an opticalsystem of storage.For more <strong>in</strong>formation, please contact:Mauro ZaroPartneremail: mzaro@kpmg.it© 2012 KPMG S.p.A., KPMG Advisory S.p.A., KPMG Fides Servizi di Amm<strong>in</strong>istrazione S.p.A., KPMG Audit S.p.A., Italian limited liability share capital companies, and Studio Associato Consulenza legale e tributaria, anItalian professional partnership, are member firms of the KPMG network of <strong>in</strong>dependent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.39

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