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r - Biblioteca Digital do IPB - Instituto Politécnico de Bragança

r - Biblioteca Digital do IPB - Instituto Politécnico de Bragança


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used in the simulation experiment and the one implementedby the ABB converter are naturally different. On the otherhand, the electrical parameters are not constants anymore. Bytuning the system and noise covariance matrices diagonalvalues, the gains in the i<strong>de</strong>ntification algorithms may beadjusted either in or<strong>de</strong>r to track the respective electricalparameters following closer the instantaneous variations ofthe real parameters or, instead, to track the mean values overthe time. Therefore some non-similarities exist between thegenerated signals in Simulink and the ones generated by theABB frequency converter and, consequently, the evolutions ofthe estimated parameters in these two phases of the work area little bit different.(e)(f)(a)(g)(b)(h)(c)(d)Fig. 4. Performance of the proposed i<strong>de</strong>ntification metho<strong>do</strong>logy. (a)Measured electrical rotor speed, (b) estimated magnitu<strong>de</strong> of rotor flux, (c)estimated state x 3 - scaled inverse of rotor time constant, (d) estimated statex 4 - scaled magnetizing inductance, (e) estimated parameter θ 1 - stator scaledtransient inductance, (f) estimated parameter θ 2 - scaled stator resistance, (g)estimated and simulated rotor flux q component and (h) generated statorcurrent q component and the simulated one using the online estimatedparameters.The experimental results, presented in fig. 4, show theperformance of stator parameters estimation by using therecursive prediction error based approach and the rotor fluxcomponents and rotor parameters estimation by using theEKF.In or<strong>de</strong>r to guarantee the validity of the i<strong>de</strong>ntification454

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