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r - Biblioteca Digital do IPB - Instituto Politécnico de Bragança

r - Biblioteca Digital do IPB - Instituto Politécnico de Bragança


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(a)(f)(b)(g)(c)(d)(e)(h)Fig. 3. Performance of the proposed i<strong>de</strong>ntification metho<strong>do</strong>logy for differentinitial seeds of stator parameters used by the EKF. (a) Generated electricalrotor speed by the vector control scheme, (b) estimated magnitu<strong>de</strong> of rotorflux, (c) estimated state x 3 - scaled inverse of rotor time constant, (d)estimated state x 4 - scaled magnetizing inductance, (e) estimated parameter θ 1- scaled stator transient inductance, (f) estimated parameter θ 2 - scaled statorresistance, (g) simulated/generated and estimated rotor flux q component and(h) generated stator current q component and the simulated one using theonline estimated parameters.One of the main difficulties of any full parameter and fluxestimator is the start-up procedure if no information isavailable beforehand about the electrical parameters. It iseven not possible to <strong>do</strong> it, since we search for too muchinformation as fluxes and parameters, based on just statorsignals and rotor speed and, on the other hand, the mo<strong>de</strong>lsensibility in relation to the stator parameters is low andstrongly <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt of the dynamic conditions during thestart-up and immediately after. Due to this, a robust solutionis proposed here. We only need to have rough initial values ofthe electrical parameters for scaling the state vector x in (3)and parameter vector θ in (4). Many solutions can be used forthis purpose, some of them being very simple, such as452

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